Target Audience



Target Audience

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Dilini GorsiaTarget Audience

Our target audience consists of 16-60 year olds, both male and female. We have such as wide target audience because most documentaries appeal to the mass general public. We decided to start our target population at the age of 16 because we feel that some of the content of the clip and the survivor stories may be somewhat distressing to younger viewers. As well as this, the emotive language and unfortunate story may be hard to hear for our younger viewers. The target audience goes up to the age of 60 years old because it is commonly assumed that the elder populations tend to watch documentaries more and tend to be more interested in the topics that they focus on. As well as this, many people between the age of around 30-60 may have experienced a survival story that is similar or even totally different to the one we discovered and therefore may find it easier to relate or identify with our main character.We didnt specify a gender as our target audience as we feel that both males and females would be interested in watching our survivor stories and also because there may be people from either gender that are able to identify with Tulsi and also may be able to relate to her story by having encountered a similar experience or one of which they too have survived. On the other hand, as our documentary includes a section where we focus on the burns that Tulsi received after the incident and how she adapted to her scars; the female population may be of more interest due to the fact that it is largely considered to be females that worry more about their appearance and the cosmetic side to their overall look. Therefore it can be seen that females may have a deeper interest to her overcoming her appearance and regaining her confidence. The channel we plan to broadcast our documentary on is Channel 4, and their target audience tends to be based at around 18-30 year olds so it is clear that our target audience for the documentary includes that age range as well.In terms of socio-economic groups, we generally expect those in categories from B to E to be interested in our documentary. This is because we feel that our documentary has a very wide target audience and is generally suited to the wider population. However, this does not mean we exclude anyone from category A to watch the documentary it just means that we feel the main groups that will have an interest in our production would be those in the groups ranging from B to E.