Teaching Plan - 教育ネットワーク SUNSHINE ENGLISH COURSE 3, Reading 1 "Love Is...


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Teaching Plan

Date March 1st

Place Matsue First Junior High School

Class 3-9 (20 male students, 17 female students)

Instructor JTE: TAJIRI Goro

Textbook SUNSHINE ENGLISH COURSE 3, Reading 1 "Love Is Action"

Allotment 1st period WPM & reading in pairs / groups

2nd period Translating the lyrics of " "We Are The World

3rd period Introduction of the singers who appear in "We Are The

World" and their songs

4th period Video watching

5th period Supplementary reading 1:

"Ronald McDonald's House Charities"

6th period Supplementary reading 2:

"Charity Projects" ( )This period

Aims of this program1) To know what kinds of charity projects or volunteer work people and companies do

/ did.

2) To let the students think about what they can do for people starving or in trouble.

Aims of this lesson1) Inform the students on how much contribution Japanese people have done for the

people in India where there was a devastating earthquake.

2) To let the students think about what they can do for people in India or people in


Teaching aids Handouts: "Charity projects", vocabulary list, blank sheet, coffee mug

Teaching procedure

Activities JTE and students Notes

1. Greetings The JTE and the students greet each The JTE encourages the

( )2 mins other. The JTE talks about hay fever students to say why some of

and influenza. the students are absent.

- 2 -

2. Show and Tell A student makes a speech by showing The students work in pairs

( )10 mins his treasure. After the speech, the organized by means of

listeners write comments. sociometry.

3. 60-second quiz The students try to say as many words The students work in pairs

( )5 mins and phrases on the list as they can in 60 and ask how many words

seconds by translating them from and phrases they said and

Japanese into English or vice versa. how many words and phrases

The list consists of the new words and they hope they will be able

phrases that appear in . to say in the next lesson.Charity Projects

4. Small talk The students talk in pairs about what Each pair member has one

( )10 mins they would do in a given situation. The minute for making a speech

listeners take notes while they are and another one minute for

listening. Later they are required to reproducing the sentences

reproduce the sentences their partners that their partners said.

said looking at the notes.

5. Supplementary The students read "Charity projects" The students can use dictio-

reading & and answer the questions written on the naries if necessary.

check of sheet.

understanding Later they check their understanding by

( )10 mins talking in pairs or groups.

Comment The students tell their impressions of The students are required to

making the story to each other in Engllish. use these expressions:( )

( ) 「5 mins They are also required to think about I was surprised / shocked /

what they can do to help people in impressed / moved / glad /

India, Nepal, or Africa. happy / sad when I knew...」

6. Consolidation The JTE tells the students what kinds The JTE shows a coffee

( )8 mins of contributions are being made. mug made by an elementary

school in America for fund


Evaluation1) Did the students help each other?

2) Were they able to express what they have in mind in English?

3) Did they think hard about what they can do?

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< >USA for Africa

< について>USA for Africa


クソン、クインシー・ジョーンズなどに呼びかけ、 を結成。USA for Africa


Banana Boat Harry Belafonte Open Arms Journey Power Of Love Huey Lewis( ) ( ) (、 、

& The News Girls Wanna Have fun Cyndi Lauper Foot Loose Kenny Logins、 、 、( ) ( )

True Colors Cyndi Lauper Heal the World Michael Jackson Black and White( )、 ( )、

( ) ( ) ( )Michael Jackson All Night Long Lionel Richie When You Dream Diana Ross、 、

< について>Global Education










・奉仕活動をしてお金を集める ~ の仕方を教える( )Fund Raising Coffee Mug


1時間目: 教科書を読む、 と内容理解WPM

2時間目: 歌詞読解We Are The World

3時間目: どんな歌手が参加したか知る( 、CD Band Aid / USA for Africa)

Supplementary reading 1 Musicians' charity programs( )、感想

4時間目: ビデオ視聴

5時間目: ( )Supplementary reading 2 Ronald McDonald's Houses in the world & remarks

6時間目: ( )Supplementary reading 3 The devastating earthquake in India & remarks

1 挨拶( )2 min

Who's absent today? What's the matter? Does he have hay fever? Does he have a flu? How

long did it take you to get to school this morning?

2 スピーチ( )8 mins

Today's speech is a little different from the others. Takahisa is going to show you how to

use a certain gadget. Now please welcome him.

- 4 -

3 秒クイズ ( )60 5 mins

・ や感想発表で使える語句Supplementary Reading

Now take out the handout "Charity Projects: Vocabulary". How many words and phrases do

you hope you can say this time?

4 円をどう使う? ( )120 5 mins

You are thirsty now and want to drink juice. You go to a vending machine. There you see

someone standing with a charity box for donation. Which would you put your 120 yen in, a

vending machine or a charity box?

・ 自分は寄付する」→「 Are you sure? Can you do without juice?

・ 自分はジュースを買う」→「 How would you feel then? There's someone watching you.

5 ( )Supplementary Reading: Charity Projects: Musicians' action / Earthquake in India 5 mins


6 内容確認 ( )5 mins

・それぞれがプリントから知ったことを英語で報告する (ペア活動)。

Now you are going to read stories. Leaders read Part 2, and patners read Part 1. Take notes

while you are reading the stories. Don't forget to say, "I have finished," when you finish reading

the stories."

OK. Now fold the handout along the dotted line. You will be reporters. Try to tell your

buddy what you have known from the story, of course in English. First, leaders will explain.

And then, partners.

7 ( )Brain Storming Session in Japanese: What can we do? 5 mins

8 ( )What can we do? 10 mins

9 ( )Presentation 5 mins

Supplementary Reading 1

Have you ever done any volunteer work? There are a lot of people

suffering from hunger and illness in the world. As you have learned, some病 気

popular musicians in the U.S.A. got together and made a music record and

video for fund raising. Do you remember Bob Geldof? He appeared in the資 金 集 め

video that you saw the other day. He started a charity project in the U.K..

Some famous musicians in the U.K. made up a temporary chorus group

- 5 -

called and they sang "Do They Know It's Christmas".Band Aid

George Michael, who was the vocalist of WHAM!, donated the royalties of

"Last Christmas" to the charity project. He was also one of the members of

Band Aid. That way, some celebrities in the U.K. and the U.S.A. did

volunteer work and sent the money they got from the records to the starving

people in Africa.

Do you remember there was a big earthquake in India on January 26th?

Thousands of volunteers from all over the world have gone to India to help

after the earthquake last month. Some went straight from El Salvadorエ ル サ ル バ ド ル

where there was an earthquake a few weeks before. One doctor from詳 そ こ で

America flew to India four hours after seeing the news on TV. The rescue

teams have modern cameras and microphones to help them find people who

are trapped but for every four people they rescue, they find 400 people dead.

So now the volunteers need to help the survivors. They need clean water,

medical supplies, food, blankets and shelter. The most important thing is医 薬 品 毛 布 避 難 所

to stop the spread of disease as this would kill more people. The病 気

volunteers are working until they are too tired to work any more and they

are working quickly too. One team found a survivor just three hours after

they arrived. Do you think you can help people in India and other parts of

the world? Japan has given $976,000 (¥ 114,192,000 ) to India. That is ¥

0.87 from each person in Japan. What do you think about that?

Supplementary reading 2

Big companies in the world do various good things, too. Have you ever

heard of "McDonald's House?"

A lot of children are sick in bed in hospitals. If they are very young,

their parents have to stay with them. Staying in a hospital for a long time

is really hard. So McDonald's built a lot of apartment houses near the

hospitals. The parents of the sick children can stay at the apartment

houses to relax, and they don't have to pay for it.

Every New Year's Day, Japanese children get a lot of money as

Otoshi-dama. There are a great number of people in trouble in the world.

Do you sometimes think about those people? Why don't you save some of

the money and give it to them?

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先日はわざわざメールをいただき、ありがとうございました。全校 名の小規58






組む」という流れの授業を受けてきたので、 年生の生徒の英語の力は相当低い2, 3



います。 年生は 人ですので、なにやら選択授業を担当しているようです。1 13

1 年生の教科書は関空で撮ったビデオを背景に 初対面の挨拶の練習をしました、 。


いい教科書でしたね。来年から英語が週 時間になりますので、総合的学習の時間3

を英語でできないものかと考えています。 年度版教科書が手元にありますの2002


では、先日お願いしましたように、 月 日に撮った 年生の授業のビデオをお3 1 3




T-P dialog は全て英語で行っています。

また、 月 日の学活の時間に、一人ひとりインタビューしたものを後半に入れ3 2




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1 平成10年度からの英語科研究テーマ

1) Student Talk の充実






〔例〕What's new? 時事問題や身近な出来事を英語で表し、感想を言う。


2) 生徒の「聞きたい 「読みたい 「話したい 「書きたい」という気持ち」、 」、 」、





3) 語順指導とフォニックスの指導を継続的に行い、その効果を探る。

4) ペア学習、グループ学習をとおして良好な人間関係を築かせる。

2 本授業を受けた平成10年度入学生徒の背景情報

1) 授業数

1年 週(土曜日のある週)- 時間、 週(土曜日のない週)- 時間A 4 B 3

2年 週(土曜日のある週)- 時間、 週(土曜日のない週)- 時間A 4 B 3

3年 毎週 時間4

2) シラバス

1年 クラスを講師の先生と 人で担当。全てのクラスで田尻の立てた年間9 2


2年 クラス(クラス替えあり)を講師の先生(前年度とは異なる)と 人9 2



3年 クラス(クラス替えはなく、2年時と同じ学級)を 人で担当。それ9 3


- 8 -

3 本時の授業について

1) ねらい

・ 年間で行ったボランティア活動に関する学習のまとめとして、 年 月3 2001 1


2) 教材

・ (開隆堂 、付録Sunshine English Course Book 3 Reading " ") Love is Action

・Ronald McDonald's House

・Supplementary reading

4 本授業の概要



T: Good morning, everyone. Who's absent today?

Ss: Ms. Sakaki, Mr. Hikino, and Mr. Mishima are .( )

T: Saori, when did you come?

S1 : I came before the first period.(沙織)

T: Before the first period. Thank you. OK. So, Junya is absent. What's the matter with

Junya, do you know? Why is Junya absent? Yes. Itsushi?

S2 : He has influenza.(逸志)

T: He has influ, he has the influenza. Yes. He has the flu. And he has, he also has hay fever.

Do you know the word "hay ferver?"

Ss: No.

T: No? OK. Now repeat after me. "Hay fever."

Ss: "Hay fever."

T: "Hay fever."

Ss: "Hay fever."

T: There are a lot of cedar trees outside. And powder comes out. And you start sneezing, you

have a stuffy nose, and ah, tears run out of your eyes, and you can't open your eyes. OK?

And ichy. Your eyes are itchy. How do you say "hay fever" in Japanese? If you know the

answer, stand up. Oh, it's too easy. So the answer is ...

Ss: "Kafunsho."

Show and Tell

- 9 -

T: Very good. One point in section seven. OK. Today Takahisa is going to make a special,

wonderful speech. The topic is a little bit different from others. He's talking about a very

special kitchen gadget. Kitchen gadget. A small machine. OK. Takahisa. Your turn.

Please welcomd him.

~ ~After the speech

T: Very good speech. Well-done. Well-done. OK. You put your desks together if you want.

S3 : Excuse me, Mr. Tajiri.(和貴)

T: Yes?

S3: My partner didn't come here. He has a cold. So he is absent today. May I join group,

Matsan's group?

T: Uh-huh. Sure.

S4 : Excuse me, Mr. Tajiri.(俊輔)

T: Yes? Ah, Ms. Kishi, would you take him in the camera?

S4: My partner is absent today. So, may I join Kazufumi's group?

T: You have already joined the group. You said, "May I join Kazufumi's group?" And you

have already joined the group. What a bad boy! Are you a good boy?

S4: Yes.

T: Yes? Ah, Kishi-sensei, would you take her in the camera, please?

S5 : These are extra handouts.(江美)

T: Sheets. Thank you.

S5: You're welcome.

S6 : Excuse me. These are extra sheets.(枝里子)

T: These are extra sheets. Thank you very much.

S6: You're welcome.

Comment writing

T: to the speaker You write about your impression. What did you feel when you were( )

making a speech? Your impression. Write your impression.

T: Good. Try to write some more sentences.

T: to a boy Oh, yeah. It's very hard. It's very difficult for you to write very clearly( )

because you have a broken finger. Too bad.

T: to a girl "R" should come here.( )

- 10 -

T: to a boy "Be able to ..." Mmm. Beautiful sentences.( )

T: to a girl Oh, "c." "C-R-A." OK? Wait, wait, wait. .... Saori, one person? Saori and( )

Sachiyo. OK? So, it's not "is," but ..." Right, right. And this one, "isn't it?" sounds a

little bit strange. Not "isn't." Saori and Sachiyo are . Yep. The answer is:なになに

"aren't," "aren't," Saori and Sachiyo.

S7 : "They."(祥子)

T: "They." That's right. Very good.

S7: Thank you.

T: You're welcome.

T: to a girl Yeah, that's all right. If you're talking about the past. You know "a."( )

T: to a girl Gesture. "G." Ask me. How do you spell ....( )

S8 : How do you spell "gesture?"(香菜子)

T: G-E-S. No "a." Yes. Yeah, that's right.

S8: Thank you.

T: You're welcome. You don't have to write "a." "But" ... erase it. Erase it. Good.

T: to a girl You got "a." "A" present "from." "Get from." "Was given( ) なになに 何々

by." "Get" in this case "from." Do you understand?

S9 : Yes. Thank you.(なつみ)

T: You're welcome. Good sentence. You're writing a lot of good sentences. You've only got

five minutes. 15, 14, 13, .... 3, 2, 1. OK. Plese show me your comments. So, keep your

comments with you now. OK? I will check your comments later. OK? OK. So please

stop writing your comments and let's move on the next part. 60-second quiz. Take out the

handout of "Charity projects: Vocabulary."

60-second quiz

T: Which do you want to try? Would you like to try Japanese? English version or Japanese

version. You can look, ah, you look at the Englsih words and you can put them into

Japanese. Or you could try to read Japanese words and put them into English. Which do

you like better? Patter 1: You read, ah, you look at the English words and phrases and put

them into Japanese. This is Pattern 1. Pattern 2: You look at Japanese. You could look at

the Japanese side and try to put them into English. Which do you like, Pattern 1 or Pattern

2? Use your fingers. OK. Pattern 1 or 2. Use your fingers. .... OK. Youせえの!

can try either. Whatever, whichever you like. OK. Now, let's begin. Are you ready?

Yes? Yes?

- 11 -

S4 : Excuse me, Mr. Tajiri. I don't have a partner to play this game with.(俊輔)

T: I'm sorry, I can't hear you.

S4: I don't have a partner to play this game with.

T: Ah, OK. I'll be with you. I'll be with you. Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.


T: Ready, get set, go!


Ss: Let me skip it. / Let's skip it.

T: You got together at school. On the school trip, on the first day of the school trip, you got

together at school.

S4: 何々に集合する。

T: Very good.


T: Stop. Stop. Now, partners' turn. Are you ready? Are you ready, partners? Are you

ready, partners? I can't hear your voices. Are you ready, partners?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Get set. Go!

T: OK. Stop. Stop. How many words and phrases did you say? Ask this question to your,

to your partners, or to your friends.

Ss: How many words and phrases did I say?

You said twenty ....

T: OK. Then ask this question. How many words and phrases do you hope you will be able to

say next time?

Ss: How many words and phrases do you hope you will be able to say next time?

Ss: I hope I will be able to say .....

T: How many words and phrases do you hope you will be able to say next time? Ask this

question to each other.....

T: So, Saori, how many words and phrases were, ah, were you able to say? How many words

and phrases were you able to say?

S1 : I said 30.(沙織)

T: Huh, 30!

S1: Thirteen.

- 12 -

T: Thirteen? Ah, Yo, how many words and phrases did you say today?

S10 : I said 11.(洋)

T: Eleven. O.K. And, ah, Kazufumi, how many words and phrases were you able to say


S11 : I ...(一文)

T: Were you able to say today?

S11: I ...

T: Were you ...

S11: I ...

T: I was ...

S11: Ah, I was able to say 3.

T: Three? You were absent. Oh, I'm sorry. So, how many words and phrases do you hope

you will be able to say next time? Ah, Kanae, how many words and phrases do you hope

you will be able to say next time?

S12 : I hope I will be able to say twenty-four.(加奈江)

T: Good. Yes. O.K. Now, let's move on to the next part.

Small Talk

T: Cute pictures, eh?

Ss: No.

T: No? O.K. This is a vending machine of juice. You have some money. Some coins.

Like this. You have some coins. You are very thirsty. You want to buy some, ah, you

want to buy a juice. And you go to the vending machine to put the coins in. But you see a

cute girl, pretty girl here. O.K. She's holding a charity box. She's saying, "Please donate

your money for, ah, people in trouble." So, in this case, in such a case, which would you put

your coins in? Into the vending machine or into the charity box? This is today's topic.

O.K.? Leaders, oh, partners, what would you do? Partners, repeat after me. "What would

you do?"

Partners: What would you do?

T: O.K. And the leaders, please answer this question. And the partners, take notes. Take

notes. You'll compete how many sentences you can say in one minute. One minute. Try

to say as many sentences as you can. Today's topic is very tough. Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: Are you ready, guys?

Ss: Yes.

T: Get set. Go!


- 13 -

S13 : I want to buy drink juice.(峻久)


S14 : If I bought a can of juice, I would look back ....(有莉)

S15 : I will run away from there and another place I will buy the juice. Mmmm.(祥代) 終


T: Stop. Please stop. Please stop. So, the leaders ask this question. "How many sentences

did I say?"

Leaders: How many sentence did I say?

Partners: You said ....

T: How many sentences did you say?

S15: Ah, Maybe I said 5 sentences.

T: Five sentences. Oh, that's, I think that's enough.

T: You said 8 sentences? Did you say 8 sentences?

S16 : Yes.(松っあん)

T: Oh, great! Now, partners, your turn. You are going to reproduce, revive, ,復活させる

revive the sentences that your partners, oh, that your learders said, looking at the notes. You took

notes, didn't you? Partners, you took notes, didn't you? Yes, we ... Once more. You took

notes, didn't you?

Ss: Yes, we did.

T: Yes, we did. OK. Then you look at the notes and revive, , revive, oh, reproduce復活する

the sentences. You have one minute. If you can revive 5 sentences, 5 points in 10. Are you§


Ss: Yes.

T: Get set, go!


T: OK. Stop. Now change roles. Partners, you're going to answer this question. Partners,

you're going to answer this question. "What would you do?" Leaders, ask this question back to

the partners, your partners. "What would YOU do?" "What would YOU do?" Put emphasis on

this word. "What would YOU do?" OK? Start.

Ss: What would YOU do?


T: OK. Stop. Partners, try to revive the sentences. Sorry, leaders, try to revive the sentences.

OK? Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: Go!


S17 : Because there are many suffering people all over the world....(明)


T: Stop. Oh, give it a try. Give it a try. OK. So, Sachiyo, Sachiyo.

- 14 -

S15 : What would you do if you were in this case? If you were, if you, see the vending(祥代)

machine and the girl at the same time, what would you do? Which would you put your coins in?

S15: Uh, I can't choice,

T: I can't choose.

S15: Choose a vending machine or a charity box. So I will run away from there.

T: You will run away from this place?

S15: And I will buy the juice another place vending machine.

T: In a different place.

S15: In a different place.

T: In a different place. Anyway you would buy juice.

S15: Yes.

T: Thank you. Ah, Shunsuke, you were saying funny things. What would you do?

S4 : OK. I would, I would ...(俊輔)

T: Ah, yeah. Look at me. What would you do?

S4: OK. I would ...

T: Ah, don't polish your mustache. OK?

S4: I would, I want to buy juice. But I'm kind.

T: You are kind?

S4: Yes. I make con...

T: Ah, yes. Con ..., contri

S4: Contri ...

T: Bu ...

S4: Bu ...

T: Ti ...

S4: Ti ...

T: Contribu ... tion.

S4: Tion.

T: Yeah. You'd make a contribution. How ...

S4: 10 yen.

T: Only 10 yen?

S4: Yes.

T: You'd put 10 ten in and you'd buy a juice.

S4: No.

T: You wouldn't buy a juice. What would you do?

S4: I lend 10 yen with my friend.

T: From my friend. Ah, "Give me 10 yen," to your friend? Then the 10 yen is your friend's

money. It's not your donation. OK. Takechan, would you be a reporter?

S18 : Eh, Hashimoto would ...(たけちゃん)

T: Mr. Hashimoto.

S18: Mr. Hashimoto put his 120 yen in the charity box.

T: In the charity box. Yes.

- 15 -

S18: But he wants to drink juice, so ...

T: "Raise?" "He wants to," what, what did you, "he wants to?"

S18: He wants to drink juice.

T: Oh, "drink juice." Yes.

S18: So, he go, he goes to home.

T: Hmmm. Good.

S18: And, ah, and go to the vending machine after that.

T: OK. So Kentaro ... Yes? Yeah, OK.

S18: And he put his 120 yen in the vending machine after that.

T: Hmmm. Is that right, Kentaro?

S19 : Yes.(健太郎)

T: OK. Good. Good. Good reporter. Very good. OK, so, how many people, how many of

you would make a contribution? How many of you would put your coins into the charity box?

"I would." Raise your hand. Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure, Hiromi?

S20 : Yes.(裕美)

T: Don't pretend to be cute. OK. How many of you would buy a juice? OK. You're honest.

OK. Here you are.

Ss: Thank you.

T: Kanae, what did you say? Kanae, what did you say?

S12 : I want to, want to leave from there.(加奈江)

T: What, what does that do with vending machine and charity box? You would buy a juice.

You would buy a juice because you want to ....

S12: But, oo, I feel very sorry.

T: Mmm, yeah. You would, you would feel very sorry, but you would buy the juice.

Supplementary reading

T: Oh, oh, the right side. You're going to read the right page today. I'm sorry. Right side.

Right side. "Charity Project." And try to answer the questions. Try to answer the questions.

OK? Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: Right side. Right page. OK. Go ahead. You grab a pencil and try to answer these

questions. After you read the right page, you can read the left page.

S21 : Excuse me. These are extra sheets.(雅子)

T: Thank you.


T: That's right. Where? Where was it? Where? It was in ...? Where? .... In ...

S22 : In ...(千尋)

T: In India. That's right. Very good.

- 16 -

T: Good. Excuse me. May I see your answer?

S23 : Yes.(由基)

T: Very good. That's right.

T: Excuse me. May I see your answer? Oh, you're on the way.

T: Very good. Oh, small letter. Small, small because you didn't ... so I don't think it's capital.

T: Right. That's right. Yes. Very true. .... Very good.

T: ... How many? How many? OK? Every four people they rescue, they find 400 people

dead. OK? While they find 400 people dead, they only find four people who are living. Four

living people versus 400 dead. Do you understand? So, what's the question to this? Ten

percent? One hundred percent? Or one percent?

S20 : One percent.(裕美)

T: Yes. That's right.

T: Perfect.

S14 : Thank you.(有莉)

T: You're welcome.

T: Perfect.

T: No, no. I don't think so. Zero point eight seven yen. I think ... Uh-huh. ... Right.

That's right. And this one. Yes. ... Yeah!

T: You've already finished this side.

S15: Yes.

T: Yes, I ... You've already finished, you've already finished this side.

S15: Yes, I have.

T: "Yes, I have." That's right. I said, "you've," "you've." You've got, you have good ears.

S15: Thank you.

T: You're welcome. Very good. Wonderful. Perfect.

T: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Oh, I don't think so. Are you sure? I don't think so. Good. Good.

You wrote in . Very good.kanji


T: I see. Who's the boy in this group? Who are the boys in this group? They are ... Answer

my question in English. Who are the boys in this group?

S6: They are Mr. Fujie and Mr. Inata.

T: Do you know why, ah, Mr. Inata absent, is absent today?

S6&21: No.

T: I didn't?

S6&21: Ah. No.

S21: He has a sick.

T: Ah, he's sick. Does he have a cold or headache or fever, stomachache, headache, cold,


S21: Fever, I think.

T: He has a fever. Thank you.

- 17 -

Check of Understanding

T: OK. So now, ah, I would like you to talk about your impressions after you read the story.

What did you feel? Ah, especially about the amount of money that, ah, one person from Japan

has donated for suffering people in India after the big earthquake. How much is the money?

How much is the amount of money that, the, ah, one person from Japan has donated so far? How

much is it? ...せえの

Ss: It is ...

T: It is ...

Ss: Zero ...

T: Zero ...

Ss: Point ...

T: Point ...

Ss: Eighty- ...

T: Eight ...

Ss: Seven.

T: Seven. What do you think about the figure? What do you think about the number? The

amount ... Well, 0.87 yen! What do you feel about, how do you feel about that? Please talk in

your group. Of course in English! Stop using Japanese. No Japanese.

T: No Japanese! No. I don't think so. Are these ....


T: What did you think? What did you think?

S24: I want to give Indian people more, more, more ...

T: More what?

S24: Money.

T: How much have you donated for this incident?

S24: I want to give ...

T: How much HAVE YOU donated?

S24: I have ...

T: Yes. Have you donated?

S24: I have never ...

T: "I haven't" How about you?

S20: I think I don't take money to India because I don't know how to charity.

T: Hmmm. "Donate." "Donate." But, ah, you can go to NHK. You know, you can go to ...

You can come to me! .... I know. Hey, anyone, please tell me your impression. Anyone,

please. Tell me your impression. Yes, Mei.

S25: I think we can make contribution

T: Uh-hum. Uh-hum. Uh-hum. OK. Good. One point in 10. Anyone else? What did§

you feel? How did, ah, what did you think? How did you feel? Your comment, please.

- 18 -

Anyone is OK. Yes, Kaori.

S26: I was shocked because 0.87 yen don't full one yen.

T: Hmmm. OK. Yeah. It's less than, under one yen. Yes, Saori.

S1: I felt it's very little because we didn't send one yen.

T: Hmmm. Yes, less than one yen. More than, less than. ...( )ジェスチャーをしながら

Right? Anyone else? Yes, Yuri.

S14: I was surprised to hear that because Japan is much righer than India. So I think we should

make contributions more.

T: Hmmm. Right. Yeah. Anyone else? Anyone else? Yes, Kentaro.

S:19: I was surprised ...

T: Oh, please look at me.

S19: I was surprised to read it first because, ah, if, if we give one hundred yen to Indian people,

Indian people will feel more happy. So I was surprised.

T: Hmmm. Hmmm. OK. Yes, Kazuki. .... Please say that.

S3: Ah, if we make a contribution 10 yen from each of our person, ...

T: Each person. Yeah, from each person.

S3: Ah, then, ah, Indian people became ... Excuse me, Mr. Tajiri.

T: Yes.

S3: Ah, how do you say " ?"十倍

T: " ." Ten times.十倍

S3: Ten times. Ah, in India, people, ah, became, became safe ten times

T: Hmmm. Ten times happier.

S3: Only ten yen.

T: Oh, yes, yes. Only WITH ten yen. Yes. How many, oh, yes. Do you want me to have

it? OK. How many students are there in this school? Answer my question all together. How

many students are there in this school? せえの!

Ss: There are

T: There are

Ss: One thousand / hundred

T: One ...

Ss: Ah, One thousand.( )

T: One thousand. About one thousand. A hundred yen, one hundred yen by ten thousand yen

makes, is, how much? One zero zero zero zero zero. Is that right?

Ss: Yes.

T: Yes. How much is it? One hundred thousand yen. Yes. It's about how much in India.

What could you buy with this money? With this amount of money. You could buy a lot of

things. Right? You learned about Nepal, India, some Asian countries. They're suffering. A lot

of babies are dying. You learned about, ah, "USA for Africa." You learned how they made

money, and how they sent, ah, sent the money to people in Africa who were starving. Is that


Ss: Yes.

- 19 -

T: What would you do? What can you do? What can you do? You can, you can make some

in, ah, contribution, can't you?

Ss : Yes.

T: Yes. What kind of contribution would you make? Think about this in your group.

Brain Storming Session & Comment Making

T: So, Itsushi, what, what would you do?

S2: Ah, I would ...

T: Yes.

S2: Ah, I would, ah, tell my friend and my family, ah, this, ah, topic, topic.

T: Yeah, yeah, topic. Yes.

S2: And I think, we should learn, ah, any foreign countries.

T: Hmmm. OK. Very good. How about, what would you do?

S16: Ah, I want to ... make a contribution.

T: Hmmm. Yeah? Ask me, "How do you say ..."

S16: Ah, "myself."

T: Oh, myself, yourself.

S16: And if I have already finished school, ah, I want to go there.

T: Ah, you want to go to India to help people there.


T: OK. Time's up. Sorry. I'm sorry. So I think there are a lot of things that the student

council can do. What is "student council" in Japanese? "Student council."せえの!

Ss: " ."生徒会

T: " ." Yeah. For, and, ah, what, what's this? This is the coffee mug I use.生徒会

"Wintergreen Elementary School." Elementary schools, schools make mugs, coffee cups, and

T-shirts to raise money for their schools and sometimes for donations. Coffee cups, T-shirts,

pencils. You can make money. OK? Or the student council, or the school itself can make

money to donate to the people who are in trouble. Let's think about what, the things that we can

do. That's all the time we have for today. See you.

Ss: See you.

In the next lesson (Homeroom period)

T: So, what do you think about this story?

- 20 -

S9: I was surprised because 0.87 yen isn't full of money. And if I have one yen in Japan, I can't

buy anything. And it is very ..., excuse me, how do you say " ?"安い

T: Cheap.

S9: One yen is very cheap.

T: Ah, one yen is cheap, "1 " is " " is strange. "Very little." "Very little."円 安い

S9: Little.

T: Little. Uh-hum.

S9: Very little. So if we, we collect many, paying money, we can help Indian people. And if

we, we going to help Indian people, we can help them. So I want to collect many money and I

want to help them.

T: So you are one of the members of the student council. Rigtht?

S9: Yes.

T: What would you do as a member of the student council.

S9: I would like to collect some money in the school. So if I can do that, I, I want to send that

money for ...

T: To, to.

S9: To Indian people.

T: OK. Good. OK.

T: Ah, you are, you WERE, ah, one of the members of the student council, right?

S14: Yes.

T: And, ah, what would you do if you w..., if you are, if you were one of the members of the

student council?

S14: So, if I will, ah, if I'm a member of coun...

T: The student council.

S14: The student council, I can make contributions, but I cannot make so many, ah, so much

contributions. So I would like many people to know the fact that people need many things and

there are many troubles in, at, poor countries. So, mmm, I'd like to spread the news to other

people like, for example, making newspapers of the school, and, ah, make videos about them like


T: Good idea. And, it seems that English is part of your, part of you. Right?

S14: chuckle and nod( )

T: English is part of you. Great. That's great.

T: What do you think?

S15: I was shocked that we, ah, learned this. If , ah, I have learned, I hear if Japanese popular

singers make-ooo, make an, make a CD like "We are the World," many people will buy it. They

get many money, so much money.

T: A lot, a lot of money. Yeah, so much money. Yes.

S15: And they make a contribution. Many people will save, will be saved.

T: Mmmm. Saved. Very good. And you were one of the members of the student council.

- 21 -

What would you do if you were in the student council of high school?

S15: High school?

T: Yeah. What kind of charity projects or volunteer work would you do?

S14: I, I would like to have fund raising campaign and ...

T: Hmmm. What kind of campaign will you do?

S14: .赤い羽根募金

T: Pardon?

S14: .赤い羽根募金

T: . Fund raising. Good. Very good. Thank you.赤い羽根募金

T: So, what did you think when you read the story?

S6: I think ...

T: I thought ...

S6: I thought ... I think the donate money, raising money to it, it was a way to help them, help

them stand, stand their feet.

T: On their feet. Yeah, right, right.

S6: On their feet. And, but even, when the easiest way, even though I didn't, ah, haven't donated

money, money yet. And I'm going to, I'm going to donate my 2000 yen of my Otoshidama.

T: Mmmm. Good. Very good.

S6: After entrance exams.

T: Mmmm. New question. What do you think about the people from Miyake Island?

S6: Miyake Island? I read a , I read a, article.

T: Uh-hum. Article. Yes.

S6: I read an article about the Mi..., the, the student who, who is in the same, same grade as me

at last. He is, they are going to, they, all of ......... the high school that's in the Miyake Island. I

hope they will be able to go back to the Miyake Island.

T: Yeah, right. Very good.

S6: Thank you.

T: You're welcome.

T: So, what did you think about this story?

S7: I was very shocked and sad because all Japanese people know our country is very rich. But

I, ah, we, we don't think about poor countries and people. In fact, if I didn't study about them in

English class, I didn't think about them. So, now, we have to study and think about them and I

hope all Japansese people will have kind minds. And I would like to send some money through

some fund raising campaign.

T: Fund raising campaign. Have you ever donated any money?

S7: Yes. I, I sent to UNICEF.

T: Ah, very good. Very good.

T: How much?

- 22 -

S3: Ah, ten million.

T: Ten million? . Have you ever donated any money?うそつき

S3: Ah, no.

T: No!

S3: Ah, yes, yes. Ah, yes, yes. I was, ah, vice-president in school.

T: Of the stu, stu, student council.

S3: The student council. Ah, then, I, I, eh, I did .赤い羽根募金

T: Mmmm. And did you donate some money?

S3: Yes.

T: How much was it?

S3: One hundred yen.

T: .... OK. Good.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.沙織 逸志 和貴 俊輔 江美 枝里子 祥子

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.香菜子 なつみ 洋 一文 加奈江 峻久 有莉

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.祥代 松つぁん 明 岳志 健太郎 裕美 雅子

22. 23. 24. 25. 26.千尋 由基 綾子 めい かおり

( ) 田尻の教授法等の特徴1


①「聞きたい 「言いたい 「読みたい 「書きたい」という意欲を引き出す題」、 」、 」、






は なトピックや題材を用意したfun, interesting, impressive, shocking, moving, controversial











- 23 -


例えば、ヒントがほしいときは、 (1年)→ (2年Hint, please. Please give us a hint.

1学期)→ (2年2学期)→ (2年3Will you give us a hint? Would you give us a hint?

学期 と言わせ 同じ場面で使える新しい表現を学習したらすぐに使わせています) 、 。



活用でき、3年になると のやりとりはほとんど英語でできるようになります。T-P

また 「使い慣れ」ということに関してもう1つ言うと、それぞれの場面で教師、


した授業では、 のあとのコメント書きがその例です。何度も使ううちShow and Tell






す 「自分は分かるけど、説明はできない」という生徒は、これらのプリントを活。


例えば という間違いを修正するために リーダーが カ、 、 「I was play piano yesterday.

ルタの 番と 番」と言えば、パートナーは英語文法&表現カルタを開き 「 番1 13 1、

: 動詞と一般動詞は仲が悪い 「 番: スポーツ、 楽器」という部be 13 play play the」、





Show and Tell などのスピーチの準備では、早く原稿ができた生徒がまだできてい








( ) 研究活動について2







- 24 -




自学帳は8年前に始め、約 冊を見てきましたので、生徒がどんなことを間1300


( ) 地域における指導的役割に関して3

島根大学教育学部、築道和明研究室で行われている (SELT San'In English Language

Teaching SELT)で実践報告をしたり、 の事務局として、全国から講師を招いてワー

クショップを行い、毎回 ~ 人の参加者を集めています。30 80






( ) その他4


会を与えています。大自然と安全面を考慮し、自主的なプログラムで 度ほど教え2


また、授業の様子や生徒の作品、 とのティーム・ティーチングなどについALT

て、 年 月 日付 の 欄で取り上げてい1998 1 19 The Daily Yomiuri People in the profession

ただきました。これを読んだ たちからたくさんメールをもらいました。コピALT

