Telstar Vol 2 #6


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8/2/2019 Telstar Vol 2 #6 1/6

Mark Smith High S<ehoolfor Boys, Macon, Georgia Wednesday, May 31, 1967----- --_.. ---------_.- ... _ --

!Editors Chosen IBULLDO G BAND PERFO RM SFor Comins Year .

o The Mark Smith Marching BuH· i the old days when you c~u1d .~lt

! Most of our staff dog Band performed at the 101st i around the old bandstand listening

Iwill be leaving this annual Confederate Memorial s e r - I to the civic bands who played

school To their snocs ! at R.use Rill. on I there, or just have a family picnic',\lilt be a of enormous zs. H167. program on Sunday afternoon.

the dead soldiers of the The idea Vias a great success.

al~~a~O~ ~ d S '~~eartvtsorsof Betweenh;o~.:~te:~~~~:~i~ 1 ~ v e r i ~ c ~ h O ~ ~ a ~ ! : d e o ~ ~ s~assembly and Inter leal barbecue which the Band Props

H. Brackett gave; Inc. served. Programs were pre-

:~;O;~!~gn~SroiC~h;·a;l~!~O~~~ I ~:~~sd ::d t~~ir~:::'~ ~:~~, m~~~

then played our national served as hostesses.Then, the ..vreath was The Band played a variety of

on the grave of the Un- classic, semi-classic, and marching

m"mo, I ' ' 'OM'" Soldier. The Lanier Senior numbers. Among those numbers

school Firing Squad gave WB1'e the three which the band


A Boy Named ..-__..

Campus Quotes


Hit Songs This Week

Letters to the Editot"

Rays from th,e Lantern ~- ..-

Sports ..._~_._ ..'____ 4, 5

Spotlight colleges . 3

Spotlight students _ 6 .

Spotlight teacher 3


8/2/2019 Telstar Vol 2 #6 2/6

Page 2 TE LSTAR- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wednesday, May 31, 1967


It is easy to understand why al he may get into the habit and to the I am a high school senior about inconsistent in that one so-called

person wpuld want to cheat m I begin to rely on It to pass Instead to depart from the Bibb County white school is integrated by sex,

~~o~ a~~t;~~scO:fldd':~e ~t,~~~ ~lllst~~~~glest:n~l~eessP~:~s t~: Editor ic~~~cins~~~~l c~~:~:~nceI :i~~~~! ~~~r~~::l~eyd s~:~;et:~o~th~~ :~:

It IS a serious thing the rest of the class, and Will have making a Iost f\Hort to bring he- main segregated? Au Investlga-

At ftrst a person may forget to rely more and more on cheat- Dear Editor, fore the people of Bibb County tton of the integrated schools

about a test until It IS too late to Ing I would like to express my feel and to the attention of the Bibb showed the students to be much

study, even though he meant to. No matter what the reason, ings of appreciation towards Mal'k County Board or Education what happier in their work and play.

Then he Icels like he needs to cheating is dishonest and hurts Smith High School. [ and my fellow students, male and As to the racial question does the

cheat that once to keep his average the boy more in the long run than It has been a great privilege to female, feel to be the greatest Board think that it can shelter 'Us

up. it helps him. If the teacher thinks attend this school. Mark Smith rault with our present school sys- forever from the realities of theIf_ a person is in a chss where he is doing bet ter than he really gives a good education by help tern - segregation by sex. "sixties"? We have to make our

most of the. other people cheat, or i is, the. te<l~her won'~ be able to of its facilities, such as good text- At a time in our growth and de- 01'. '11 ~ecisio.ns as to whom we will

some 0,£ his good !~lellds cheat, help him W1U!. the thlfl~S he needs hooks, a nice library, a modern velopment that we need most to asscctate WIth; we. do anj'\~ay.

and get away with It, he wou~d. help on, and he won t learn as bulkllng, and other things. It's learn. underiltan~ and be From the work standpoint, my

feel that there was no use in I much. teachers are of the best Quality associated the memb.ers of research proved that mental de-

studying. A boy might feel that Then there is the matter of in Georgta. The grading system is the nposlte sex, we arc dented the velopmcnt progresses better in an

a test is unfair. Sometimes the, getting caught. If you get one zero fah- and honest. tuiIillment of this need. It is my integrated environment. Boys;

people that cheat can do better I it would lower ~our grade more Smith has been great in sports. opinion that the people and the particularly, .need to ?e stimulated

than the people who study hard. than it would raise it by cheating Football has meant great school I Board are simply following an toward learning at this age in lite,

It is very discouraging to them. on the other tests. Also it would spirit.. Our football team was un- antiquated policy that should have Competition and association with

They ar~ doing aU t~c .work .and I give you a bad reputation, and derrated by sportswriters, but It., long b~en supplanted b y newer girls provide this to a .great ex-

not getting any benefit n-om It. Ilhe teacher would not be able to shocked aU Macon. The best part. I '.-OC10!UgICaI.thought. I nave re- tent. Boys tend to think along

Once a person starts cheating, trust you from then on. of our football team is its dedi. searched this problem and find one line; girls USUally think along

An Eva Iuation From A 5enior ~:~~a~; :i~e~~iS\ :~~~~~i~;eE~: ;1 :~a:he bc:Cnktur~nSC~:~IS : :~: se~~~ ~ie~!~~~~~tfo~~~e 5 : : : Onfe~a~~~Since we are now at the end. Several Improvements needed though the basketball team is pre-. gated b~ sex because the thi~ng as well as iin.ding .out how the op-

of the second school year lor Murk _have to do with facilities in spite dieted to lose all of its games I or the. ti~.cs .was such as prohlbl.led posite sex ~bm~ If we a~e to be

Smith, it is appropriate that weloi and sometimes because of Mark under Coach CHIton, it will be onelll~e association of boys and girls successful.1O our later life. Thetake a look at the past. I Smith's newness. The svmnastum of the best. Next year OUl" track WlthO~t proper chaperon~ge. now. curricula ill our present schools

In two short years, Mark Smith needs an "accousttcal til~" ceiling, I team under Coa~h Meeks. will be C!ve~, ~n the .years ~OlJo_v~ng r find cou.ld be ~oaden.ed as we wou:d

has attained n reputation which I or other compensation for its one of the best III the region. Our I that approximately 9;) ,0 of the have enough demand for certain

may be summed up in two words--I RCOUStiC.l defficien. des . Speakers, I baseball, wrestling, golf, and tennis I sch .. OIS have changed from. scgr.c· classes that. 1I0W only a few b.OYS

remarkable achievement. Perhaps I singers. and other special programs teams will also be of the best galio." by sex to integration m or a few girls want. The "drop-

this remarkable achievement Is I would be of greater value if the quality. keepmg. wth the more modern out': rate c~uJd be cut much faster

most evident in the sports pages I listening audience could under- Our school's faculty has really sOC10log.lcal thought that. one of hy integration of the sexes than

of the Macon papers, but Mark, stand whatever the speaker is meant a lot to all the students. the main de\:el~pmental tasks of tr~ any olhc~ method. Boys and

Smith's achievements .extond be-·. s aying. Also, pep rallies would he It means something when a teacher I the teen.agel. IS to make the guls are gomg. to go to sch?oI

yond athlet ic act ivi ties It is seen Imore effective if they were held gous out of his way to help a per- c.hang~-over from II b(ly-b~y l'e~a- and try harder If they are trying

in the numerous awards earned by lout of doors. Why should people son wilh seeing or hearing pro- t1Omhll: to a girl-boy r~lallollshlp. to Impress the opposite sex.

Mark Smith students for their cheer if no one can hear themt hlems. It means something when T~~re. lS .much more. interest at There would be no problem of

various outstanding talents . It is In the gym, one crash of the eym- .) coach goes out of his way to be this tU?e !n th~ OPPOSlt.e se~ t~an building new facilities as thc pres

seen in the classrooms and in the bois is louder than the shouts of good to every athlete, good or bad. there rs In childhood. It 1S rm- ent ones could be adapted with

library, where sh.(rllcnts are in- six hundred healthy boys. It means something when every portent, therefore, th~t home, little 01' no physical change.

stilled with a desire for learning. Another problem with noise is teacher or conch docs his best to scho~l and the commumt.y. should Why, if all arguments point up

We wish to commend Mr. Ed- heard in the library and in the heir teach or coach the students. provide m~ny opportunttfss for the fact that tnteeratlon of schools

ward G. Cagle for doing an excel- language lab, which' are equipped It means something when a school boys and girls to work .and play by sex means th: development of

lent job in overseeing Mark Smith with the squeakiest chairs manu. cares so much for every student. together. Boys and glrl~ must a better-rounded individual social-in such an efficient and friendly factured. In these two places where I '.have had the privilege to know lear~ to feel at home With one ly, physical and intcl.lectuallY,

manner. His efficiency would not irritating and distracting noises are most of the teachers at Mark anot cr. I~ teen-agers are accept- won't the Board of Education act

he possibta without the Invaluable most unwarranted, silent s.eating I Smith. They arc .S?tnc of the nicest '.d as de~Ir. abl: by men:bers of to correct this ...most Importantaid of Mrs. Harrison and the others should prevail. and hest qualified people you the opposite sex they h:n~ a bet- thing that is wrong with Bibb

who assist him. His friendly and There has been an unfortunate could pOS!liJJI~' find. The ~tudents t?r chance to. be happy m .later County Schools? We all know

indlvldual attcntion to each person amount of misuse of the science are truly dedicated, and wtll some- ~.fc. ,They. Will ma~e bette~ a~. that the Board is composed of

makes him the students' choice, and language laboratories. To a day be the real leaders of the i Jus~ncIlt5 III :narnage" an I~ learned men, mostly professional

and for these of us who were certain extent, this is due to Ieee .. next generation. I am proud that I {ll~_r relatIO}IShIPS. b('~\ e:: t ~~ men, who must be aware of these

form~rlY Lan~er. students, recalls ranee as to proper use of I~~ I I have attended Mark ~Illilh. '~~ar;oO~e~dUc:~:~~t an~ th~ en~ f~cts. Does an out-dated preju-

to mind the srmnar personality of rntory facilities. Lack of discipline David Rowland II eral public is unaware of ~hi3 dice that. wom.en . are ,:-ot ;.qua~

the late Mr. Tom .Porter. is the chief reason Cor the misuse fact; ore they uninterested in our to men stili 'CXlst.1II .thcIr minds?

~th:,"'s responsible f?r Mark and subsequent damage to the Cla .s Olcf '67- social de vclopment or 00 they Or. does. the racial Issue controlSmttb. s remarkable achievements laboratories With proper discipline S 'J f d i their actions? I can thmk or no

~re teo numerous to name. They and ins.tru~tion on the part of . ! ~:~'~/~I~:~e~:~~~~So/:he es:~;s~ ~ other rea~ollS that would prevent

mclude teachers, parents. students, teachers, and reeocnsmnttv on the 't - 'Sl lr s 7'0 Yiou i oppnrtunity to make a normal their taklll~ steps to allow the

and many, many more. part of students, damage to lab- .I., JrI. . 1 I . ' i O ~ i J _ l adju.~tment? schools to integrate by sex. If


t : : ~~~ :~:t~:~rw~~I~::i:;~~~~d to nor- In a very few days, Marl{ Smith's ,r noticed recently .where the ~~~ ;:~il:s ~~~Ol:~~v~~e;h:o~~~

high school in Georgia, we see a Th. d t . tai first Senior Class will have gra- schools of South Carolina are re- find uiet segregation by sex is the

need for Improvements Cooduea- . ere IS \ n~e 0 m~Jn .In duated. Thl.<: auspicious occas~on i tnrntng to a segregated, by sex, main cause of unhappiness within

tion is an improvement discussed primary emp asrs on. aca errucs will mark the end of their high I policy due to the racial question. the schools.

at Jength elsewhere on this page. and .seconda~ .e~phasls ~n extra- school careers, and the beginning I Is that perhaps the underlying rea-

In the next few year Mark Smith c~rrlcular activities, especially var- of a new life. son why we continue to he segrcge-

will probably g~w un'~l·j! ~~t~:r~~ttS;!lea~:~t:~ :hdO~~:n~~:t Ma~y will ~o to caltegesthrcugh- cd by sex? 1 £ so, why is the Board

necessary to budd a JUDIor high t b t t d hi h 1 out the nation. Some Will begin

school: As things stand now, eighth s:~:S~ts.u RU~i: :c~;e th~ghG:~r o~a work in various jobs. A few will r::;;;==------------------------.~i~p:~n~~:~e~x::a~c~~:~cu;~p:~: Board. of E~u:atiOn, which \~II : ; ! :~~~Jl~~n~!~~::s~'::ua:~:~: [Ie/star.tivities other than athletics. Some come Into efr.cct nc.xt year, should the public will be watching. Just

claim that special clubs within the ~~~p a~O~~lis~ t~l e;d, but td: as !l-tiddle Georgians have wat~~ed

~~~~;!t whoO~;. ~~: ;~es~~;d:Ol~~; ti~no;~ 'h!:hlo~a~~ ;~e~ l P: ;~i ! :~~~oo~~u~~:n:ff~;lS thOef ~~w te::;:'

of excluding eighth and ninth held dunng ~o~tball season should the honors earned by its students,

graders from many activities serves be ~eld sufflCle.ntly later, so that and the acttvittes of its student

to alienate them, which is surely t~ose e~ected fWlllek~ow ~?at the~ body, they will also be watching

worse than the other division. ;ere c ~sen or ~eJr 0 : Ices an the first graduates from Mark

During the past year, Mark ~.nors d ec~ltse 9 their lea~er- Smith, to ~ee what they will olc-Smith's Senior Class has been ~ lP an c aroct~r, and not Just _cOlllplish.

d~nied "senior privileges" tradl- 01'. one ~utshmdmg J~lay on the I In twenty years, Mark SWitil

tionall? granted every graduating football field, graduates m3Y be found working

class. This is a matter which should Mark Smith needs a "parents as lawyers, doctors, mjni~ters,

be acted upon immediately by our club",. o~ PTA, or ,some similar teachers, writers, engineers, scien·

Student Council, and by next year's organlzabon ,to promote parental tj$t~, salesmen, civic leaders, tete·

Senior Class officers. interest in s~hool activities. It vislol\ repairmen, astronauts, etc,

The clubs programs need to be should be noted that two parent's Their accornpliHhments will be a

reexamined. The present plan for organiz.:;tion, the Band Boosters tribute to Mark Smith's Class of

clubs having specific Friday actio and the Bulldog Club, already exist, '67.

vity periods works rine in theory, but their, i11:ter~t,. activity, and The future is bright for Ml!.rk

but in fact is unworkablc, It is membership IS limIted to certain Smith's first graduates if their past

not unusual for a sludent to have areas. An- organization to include accomplishments are any indJra-

several club meetings on the same teachers and parents of all Mark tion of success. At any rate, we

Friday and none at all on other Smit~ ~tudents. could spar.k com- wish you all the success and n I l /Fridays. After preparing good pro- muruty lllterest In Mark Srmth, and the good future you so richly de-

grams, some clubs bad very poor meaningful commWlication bet- serve.

attendance due to its members' ween{s and teachers. What will be stlid 'Of MUk

l~:~n~~ti:~~e~·i!~;e~~i:~~;~~ I S~~;~::~I~;G:~r~~:~3 t~:!t~~~ ~:it~:rfi~~~!~a~~~tc~~e~Ot~~eg cail~ I~g~§~~~~~~~~~~~I:~~~v: ~~d;~~b~:~ jOin could I :~~;'ls,ut it still needs improve· ;~~:ain: Class of '£7, It'S up to L

How To Cheat Yourself! W ha t K ind Of Segrega tion?

(Continued to page 3)


(Establ ished 1965)



Macon, Georgi ..

Rates : $1.50 a Y•• f;25 cents a copy

Published six times a year

Editor·in·Chie!Managing Editor . _

Associate EditorNews Editor __

Feature Edflor __ _ : : _ : : : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : = = = = =ports Editor __

Exchange Edit'Or = = = := _ _= _= = = = =usiness Manager _

Editor Assistants ~~

Jack Evans, Clifford Goad, Jack Kotler, Pete

Struby, Floyd Williamson, Steve Worsham

8/2/2019 Telstar Vol 2 #6 3/6

Wednesday, May 31, 1967 TELSTAR Page 3

Y a l e - A l e a d e r l n I t s F ie l d LSD-Danger L ; ' G ; ; ; ' : s s e u r D a n s L ein any worthwhile LSD is another dangerous drug-

athletic, humanitar- not only to the individuals, who P . to· t b ll iterary, musical, or scientific- uses it but to soeiety-beeaus« the rOJeceur rlan a e

regarded. habitual user develops behavior

preferred academic back- 'which is openly destructive.

Includes the strongest pes- It is particularly dangerous be-

in ~ :~~~ :~a t~~s~~~;cr~!oi: ::~~aio~i~~~~~. : : :~~e~and history. demands of growing up, learning I

is judged by to know themselves, and becoming Iteachers recommen- for their own acts. To

Board with ,

tw o




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8/2/2019 Telstar Vol 2 #6 4/6

As the 1986·67 athletic season' sixty yards atcot also spear-headed .state matches. Julius Mullis brought

draws to a close, it might be in the 'Dogs mighty attack. home the only Bulldog points in

order for all of us loyal Bulldog Another example of the n u n - the stale meet in the 191 pound

supporters to glance back over dog's outstanding football season class.

some of the outstanding highlights was the selection of Head Coach Last year's dilemma over who

which marked Smith's first season Minton Williams as l·AAA "Coach was the best, the Reds or the

in Region l-AAA competition. of the Year" over Tift County's Blacks, was solved this year, as

The first great event to come to Tommy Guillebeau and Valdosta's Bob M~David paced the Blacks

the Bulldogs was their unbelievable Wright Bazemore. Certainly the I with two touchdowns, to lead them

7·6 victory over the previously un- entire coaching staff deserves ter- to a 12·0 win in the second annualdefeated Albany Indians. Not given nne credit for the 'Dogs' amazing spring game.

a chance against their league- veer. , In base hall, Coach Bobby Brawn

leading rivals by local so-called In the basketball category the! has once again led his team to

"experts", "Mark Smith's Amazing 'Dogs weren't as spccacular as they I victory in the Lem Clark tourna-

Bulldogs" showed that determine- had been in football, but nonethe- ment, for their second time in only

tion and the will to win were all less Coach Brown's boys turned I two years of competition in the

the Dogs needed to bring home in a surprisingly good performance I contest. The 'Dogs knocked off

the bacon, Mike "Doozy" Harrle- when everything is accounted. their first tournament victory

:~~:nd Si~tit·fi:~d, ~'aar:d s~~~%:!~ I~ ; ! h~~ ! : o~~ l ~~ : :::et~~o~i:;~: : g~~~~~::\~ ~~le~o~~i~:e~e'it

Browning's e 1 eve n individual I Warner Robins Demons, and the I the Bulldogs took the Dudley

tackles, will long be remembered naming of sophomore .Scott Judd Hughes wolverines ill their stride

as earmarks of that fateful night. as an "honorable mention" to the by a score of three to one. In the

Next in line came the biggest State All-Star basketball squad. final contest, the boys from Smith

athletic event on Mark Smith's In wrestling, the Bulldogs once I surpassed the Lanier Poets, 1·0,

calendar, the B-ulldog PMt C10~S I agam shocked sports fans with I to take home the trophy

town rivalry fray No one can pea their excellent eight tow season FmaIly, but certainly not the

slbly forget the tremendous per Coaches Brooks and Roval arranged I least, came track The track team,

B - Te a r n C loses-O ut Stron g V eor formance of the Mark Smith grid for the maximum of ten matches: under the experienced leadershipdel'S as they got then scoring Ifor the Smith grapplers, With the I of Coach Bill Meeks, lost only two

Northside Trips Pups third mmng; but the Baby BuB. machine III high gear, and once I Dogs only tosses coming to the Imeets this year 10 regular compe-

Meetmg the NO! thslde Eagle dogs stopped this stalemate In the agaui Iollcd Macon's 'experts by mlght~ Willingham Rams who uucn They were In a dual meet

''B'' team squad for the second I fOUI'th gOround when Donald Wllhs runnmg their out ..classed Lamer placed second m the state touma I 'WIth wnnnabam (71·65), and to

time this year, Coach Snipe's boys came In on a fielder s ehotce The I rivals out of the ball park, 35-141 merit One hundred and forty Hve I LaGrange III a three way meet

were forced ~o succumb to their 'Dogs scored twice more III the Thomas Edwards s tremendous pounder Johnny Lowe and one I (79 77) They placed second in the

determined opponents b) the nar flft..~ mn.n., when. "hPIJID Simpson I three touchdown performance wa~ hundred and ... s e~enty. pounder I sub region

row margin of 1·0. struck paydirt on an error and Jeff i go?d enough tor two-hu.nurea ana I ~'oodr()w Sorrow. went ,mdGfcat.eLll Thus:lt the E'!lC of a year whe~

The baby Eagles collected hits Granade came in f Id ' thirty-four yards, a Region l-AAA, III season competition. Mark Sm.lth I they were supposed to do abso-

in the first, second, third, and choice. 1 on a re er 5 record for individual rus~i~ m I I hosted the :- e g ion wrestling i Iutely nothing, ':he Bullodga have

fourth innings but were unable to :r.1ike Clark was d. f me ball game. Bob MC!DavldII two matches here III our gym, and sent I gamed a reputation as strong com-

make them pay off. Johnny Lowe the Bullodgs dUring~:nfi::t~hr: touchdowns and one-hundred and i five of the Smith students to the Ipetition in anyone's book.

and. Donald Willis made con- innings, with Lin Wood handling

necnons for Mark Smith in the the last four frames and taking

second, but didn't reach paydirt. the win. Both Wood and

The only score in nhe ball game walked two and fanned two,

~~~~e : f ~~rt~i:it:e i;~t~~~~:: ~ : ~ ~ up only four hits between

on an error .and was brought in by I WiII.in9ham Slips Past "8u

Tommy Bushy. Both squads. went Meeting their cross-town .

dry in the sixth and. seventh the Willingham Rams, once

frames. the Bullpups were narrowly

Mike Clark took the loss for out in their closing game

the baby Bulldogs. He had no season by a score of two to .

walks and seven strikeouts to his The game opened

credit, while giving up six hits teams going shy in the

and one run. The Bullpups made but the Rams collected

thr-ee errors to the Eagles two. to the 'Dogs none. The

Sonny Wilson was the winning frame saw Willingham break the

hurler, gOing the entire game with ice with one tally to take the lead.

one walk, and giving up only two Both squads underwent a hitless

hits, both in the second inning, stretch in the third. The

and fanning nine batters. collected their finai run

Bilby Bulldogs Crush Willingham fourth, when Bennett got

"B" an error, stole second,

Mel' getting off to a strong third on a fielder's choice, and

start in their initial games, the scored on a sacrifice. The Rams

Mark Smith "B" team baseball collected hits in both the fifthsquad kept going strong by and sixth frames, but were unable

downing a strong wttllngham rival, to make them good, while the

3·0. young 'Dogs picked up hits in

Both teams put men on base in the fifth ami seventh frames.

the first frame, but were forced Mike Clark took the loss for the

to leave them stranded there, as 'Dogs, going the full distance, and

neither squad collected mare than walking only two and fanning ten.

one hit. The second stanza also Donald Willis and Johnny Lowe

saw both squads collects one hit led Smith at the plate with one

apiece, but once again neither was hit each. The game capped aable to make them payoff. One highly successful season for B-

more lime this happened in the, ' team athletics here at Maek Smith.

TELSTAR Wednesday, May 31, 1967

Reminiscing On AAA Competition


~h:gSM~~~~~7:t~~~~~:h~~se_1 a ~~teb~~~~C~~~e J~:~C:r~.:da~~f th;~~u~~l~~:i~:~;thgoo:t ~r~u~:

ball squad was forced to succumb Frankie Brown also sparked the i as a single hit. The Grangers also

a tough cross-tow~ 'Villingham i team with one: hit. Billy Kilgore I reached paydirt in the fourth frame

~~~:ne~~i:~ f;:e P~~~tsR:~'S i I : h: I too~~~~Q~5SSS~~·5~h~aB~;~~;: ! ~ ~ :ig~:'~~~l:erst~~~€ a;~y:e.single

l·AAA city baseball championship. Mark Smith rolled past an out- i The boys from Smkh got their

Andy Durden led off for the classed La Grange opponent, 4-1, i last. tally in the sixth inning off

with a single. Butch Barnes on Luther Williams Field, to add i singles by Dan Peterson (right-

Wests.te _ Town & Country _ NapIer Ram:sP~Sehe~o~~~c~;da~~~n~ ~~:~:: win to their Region l-AAA i~~~i~~~~.andMike Harrelson reenter-

~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ; i ~ ~ ~ . ~ ; g ,nock. Donnie Fussell The Bulldogs broke the ice inl Billy Kilgore took home the "yinr big stick for the Rams the first stanza when Tom Richard- i for the Bulldogs after fanning

MO 5 he belted a three run homer I son opened up and reached first! twelve batters and allowing only

FFETT TATIONARY BOOKS, INC. [or Willingham in his first time at on an error, stole second base, I three hits against him. Johnny

Westgate --:_ Town & ·Country Shopping Center bat. The Rams managed one other a.nd then r:<lched ~aydlr~ on a I Parsons was credited wH~ the in the first off singl"s by single by pitcher Billy KIlgore. The contest gave Smith a 5-3

S CH qO L S UP PLIES & P A P E RBA CK BOOKS Randy Smith and Ric-had Kry- The second frame went dry, but IRegion l·AAA record and a 12 4~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = : : : : salka, and an error 1;>ythe suu- I the 'Dogs made the scoreboard I overall count.r dogs.! once again in the third inning.j 'Dogs Down Columbus

W'I T . A The boys from Willingham put I The run began as shortstop Ricky I The Bulldog baseball squad won

I son ypewriter & dding Machine Co. I another tally Oil the board when I Lowe got a one-bagger. Tam Ric· a satisfying victory over the

S.I •• _ Rentala _ Service New .nd US> OdEqulpmtnf Barnes and Fussell got on with I ! hardson str~('k again and advanced I , league-leading Columbus B 1 u e

Typ_r,ten: Stan<lards _ Portables _ Electrie.s singles, were advanced wiqh an him to third base on a safety. i Devils by a 2-1 margin in regionVlCtor Adding Machines. Calculat<lrs _Cash Register". Duplleaton :rr~~u:vith Barnes coming in on

l~w~a~.ossed the plate on a paS'j play a~c~~;~~e:'~~i~~e ~)eld.

Team Ends Successful SeasonFirst In Young Men', Faohlont

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Wedne,day, May 31, 1967 TEL S TAR

.~~~----~~~~~~;~=---------------~(Continued from page 4) ev~~:~g'Kilgore was the big m a n l ~ ~ U ~ ; ~ ~ t ;; ~ f ~ ~ ~ g T h t ; n r e t ~ e~~~~I

Oolumbus opened the scoring with the bat for the 'Dogs with two dogs came to life and got in their

in the second frame when Dennis connections for two trips to the licks. Left-fielder Billy Kilgore

Neal got on base with a double plate. Casey Jones and Donnie connected for a one-bag knock,

and was given a ticket home on a Wayne Churchwell both boosted with first-baseman Donnie Wayne

single by Pat Reid. the squad with a hit each. Churchwell turning in a duplicate

The Bulldogs were forced to The victory gave the 'Dogs a feat directly behind him. Frankie

wait until the fifth stense to post 64 record in' Region l·AAA com" "Shot" Brown advanced them

their markers, but they made them petition and a 13·6 overall record further around on a sacrifice bit.

stand up when it counted. Billy for the season. Pitcher Casey Jones brought Kil-

Kilgore reached first on a single, Jordan Trips Smith gore across the plate with a

followed closely behind by Casey The Jordan Red Jackets sneaked strategic squeeze bunt.

Jones with another single. The up and squeezed pass Coach The Red Jackets clinched their

two runners were then advanced Browns Bulldogs by two points in winning markers in the top half ofby a sacrifice hit. 'They scored on a contest which went through the extra eighth inning. Their runs

a single by pitcher Donnie Wayne elgM innings before the 'Dogs came off of three hits, two errors,

Churchwell, and on a S(IUee2C bunt gave up the loss. and one wl.ld pitch.

by "{illiam "Su itcase" Simpson. Jordan got in the initial blow Jordon Wan took the win under

Donnie Wayne Churchwell took in the fir~t frame when consecu his belt for the Jackets, while

the honors as the winning hurler ttve singles by Herren, Taylor, and Casey Jones was credited with his

for Mark Smith, with Johnny Kirk- Green put them on the hoard. first loss on the mound for the

land of Columbus taking his first Herren reached paydirt on Green's Bulldogs. Donnie Wayne Church-

loss in six contests. Churchwell connection. well, Casey Jones, and Billy Ktl-

walked only two and gave up only The game then underwent II long gore all headed the 'Dogs attack

five safeties in the course of the dry spell with neither team really with one hit each.


IN REG ION TRACKThe Mark Smi~h Bulldog track I behind the Lanier Poet squad,

squad concluded its 1966·667 track even though it was &Uifering the

season with a second place in the loss of Edwards. This relay team

~:-r~!~~~; P~~~~e~t~e:~~l : c O : : i ~ ~~: :~~te~i~ S;:ck~;~av~d D : ~two boys to the state meet, which Harrelson. Matthew Floyd placed

is scheduled for Saturday, May 20. : in the high hurdles. Jag Gholson

These boys are Mike "Doozy" 8ar-: placed in the mile run, and Wayne

reison In the one-hundred yard Bowden placed in the two mile

dash and two-hundred and twenty event.

yard sprint, and Terry Herrington Th R . 1 AA t k t

in I~het;:O!u~~r~giOn meet, which held eh:egJ~~ ;he S : ~ h~:~k: ~was held at nearby Willingham the. fOllovvllng Saturday, May 13.

on Monday, May 8 , the. Bulldogs ~~s ::;, e:s t~ : : /::~r~~te~.~~took second place, only f~v~ points either broken or narrowly missed,

Bulldog welts for pitch in Lenler game. a.way .from pac~etter WIlllngha.m, as the best athletes in the state of


. - - - - - - - - - - . fIHY'!lve to SIxty. Mark. Smith G.eorgia competed for top honors.surpasse.d the ~oets of Lallier and Columbus High Bchnol missed the

r- ; : = = = = = = = : : : : : : : : = = = = = : ; 1

1;~e s;~~r:~~: ;:~n~~~:f :m;e~~~ open four-forty record. by one-

CLAXTON · H ILL tton, to capture t~i.~placing. Mike i~~~~~f ~h~~~~;e~ w:;;~e '!~rDR l.TG 3 rv;~:~:;;:d ~~ h~nd~~~h y : ~~:~: ~rlii~~jU~Ping :ark

l"~h ~ t4~

~~d:~~te:o~n M~~eav~~e~on~:a~:; Mik~ Harrelson p~:e~e:n YbO~ha~~

and grabbing second in the two. hl.mdred and the tw~.twent!, and

~wenty. Stev~ Worsham pl~ced ~~~:e:e~e~ntHe~~ng~:;Sw~~ ::

~o~~e i!Qnt~eJu;:;;h ~~p~at~~~: shctput with. a near fifty·foot

David Mullins tool, tirst place chunk, and will. also be a Bulldog' : = = = : . : = = = = ~ honors in the pole vault, with contender for state honors ..r Terry Herrington turning in a duo For most of the runners, track

plicate performance in chunking came to an end with the region

the shotput. Thomas Harvey also meet, It was a highly successfulpicked up points for the "Dogs by year for the Bulldogs, who showed

placing in the hundred yard dash. much improvement over last year,

The four-forty yard relay team and should be even stronger in the

won first place, keeping their un- years to come. The culmination

defeated status but hard-running of all the spring sports -Is the

standout Thomas Edwards sustain- spring banquet. This year it will

ed a pulled hamstring muscle be held in the Mark Smith Cafe-

which put him out of action for teria on May 23, at seven-thirty.

the remainder of the afternoon. Here an award will be given to

The winning team was composed _ outstanding athletes in all the

, - - ; ~ = = = = = = = = ~ I ~~~~;~ra~d ~~i~€M~~:;!~;o!.hO~~~ ~ : : : I / P ~ ~ t : '~ ~ ::;n:m~~ ~

mile :relay team took second place it's first year in Region I·MA.


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737 Walnut street742~2055 Macon Mike Harrelson _ Top Athlete lit Mark Smith

8/2/2019 Telstar Vol 2 #6 6/6

____ _:!:~ S T A. R ~. ~ W . d " " S < l , : , , ~ _ M . !~~6?:

IDuring the recent trip to the

Georgia Scholastic Press Assocle-

non Convention, Lasseter plarsd

with many honors. Tll.e news-

received a certificate o rand Karen ouets rB·

WSE-TV award 101"

Beta hes recently elected the

orncera foe the '67·'611 s chool term.

The ,officers jnr~ude: Debr.a C?d~: SPOTLiGHT STUDENTpresident: Melinda Bedingfield, _ ; _ ; ; , ; = . . . . : . ; = =viee-presfdent : Gayle Glance, Secre- L' t dl t D Ltary;DiaHcStcv;~rl,Trea~urer;2.nct eulan ..ans eJeannette

Proiecteur Orientablean.

Haymond has, kept an all A and

through high sehoul, and ccssrul.

accepted at Mercer urn- Each of the classes has elected Wayne Bowden, a 10th grader, I Jeff Richard Granade, broad-

, where ~e .to StlJd.: thlO~' officers for the UP". is. ? f the SPotli.'ght StUdclltslsmiling. 10th grader', has b.ccnlal'.-.. hop es commg \'.,'111fer Issue of the Telster-, Wayne chosen as one Df the Spotlight

practi~e law in eiece theirs in Th2 lives at Route 4 Cochran Short Students for the last t.wo issues

Macon or inanother l ll rg~_ Georgia ~f~~: rs to: ~:~n Bl!rg, ] ~ : : s ~ ~ e r ~ ~ :o ~ : ~ r : : ' i t hhis father and four I ~~~~:a~el~t~~~te~o~~~de!j~~ 3 i ~ ~hobbies such Janet vlce-t'restdcnt: is a vcry studious person,: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joey Oren-

hu~ti~f~ ~:,_~kie se( 'reta~~;: Jea~~::~:l~~ ~~~~\as S~cv~:! \, :~ lI :h i~ey!~:~; ::~ : i, Jearme, and

he is an aeti'i~! member Donna Eschmann, lias made A's and B's, and was in-I Jeff is the kind of student who

0111egl! Fralemity and DvnLH directors. vited to the second annual Scho-] always has a smile for everyone,

The new ()ffjcf'r~ for the jnmnr lasttc at Mark Smith. i whue he maintains a very high

1145 B d H M b class include: P,,:' ''., ', .r,.,k',, 'Besides on his grades, I ,.academlc. record For this year,

V I' & ~ an onors en) ers ~~~~~~ : se{ ; : ~~ : ; ~~ ; ; ~~~~ ; ' ~ r ,h:~V~~~1~a :ne~:e:nns t~~et r~~ete:~:f~llh~~5 A ~~e~~ ; ~second annual many of the world's fore- Douglas; and directura, Be~IQ' two is also a member: part in hand, Council, and

the authorities as the best in Foshee, Kathy Keys. and Vivian of dub. He enjoys all played on the 'B' team in base-

and he is alwavs In de- Sapp sorts of hobbies, such as hunting, ball.

as soloist and a "dillician. Sophomore officers are: Prcai- swimming, and he working J < d £ such hobbies (ISbase-

to be dent Lee; Vice-President, for church very wevnc is ball sports, including

this and it Alice Seeretary.Trca- a member of Union Chapel Evange swimming basketball, In his

to the success of surer, Linda and direc- listie Church. spare time Jeff enjoys reading,

tor, Janie Judd He is a member of Wheeler Heights

month, the "Bull- Newly elected officers for tho Baptist Church

been preparing a freshman class are: President Pat- r---------befr~l:d;ihi(;~:~:na~ll~' ~arriS; D~rj'~_;

urr SOl\TGSAsh, and

Wayne Bawden

Raymond- Kelley

A Boy Named Raymond


5 M R.

the rich ELLare gods. 6. Goad Morning Judge -


.4 . After vou've found a [uh, 7 I'll Be in Trouble - EO-

for work if you want to Jx WARD D~RBY

_ FRED AllEN 8. Don't Look Bad: - SENIORS

9_ Funny How Ttme Slips Away


10 . rl I H O ld A Hammer - M R.


J E > f f Granad,( j ;

WillinghamSporti!,g Gooda

Toy •• I l0b!> l" • B lcYc l . .

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Next to Bibb Theatre

P ho ne : 7 43 ·5 88 4

Wayne Kitchen

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J IM MY W HITA · ~ = = = = = = = = : .

15_ He His Own - RAY·


H:i. The Boy from Ipanema -


17. Trouble Child REMO RIC-



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1 9_ You Been Cheattn' - CON- : = = = = = = = = = ~AD MASSEY

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31. Out of Sight _ THOMAS



O wn . ..

2 - 1 . Scotch

BRiDGES Soda - JEFF : = = = = = = = = = ~MAC O N D O DG E

Homo .1 the CHARGER

658 Arch Straet

22. I Made A Mistake _ CARL.


2:1. A Taste of Honey - LUNCH-



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Gulf." - Amps

SHU:i In.rirvmenta

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LIS SO MS : G uitar, E !u trt lil ....,

liend IllIfrumclII'G

M ac on .. G a,

25. II OIl Earth - MARK


2 6. L au gh It O ff ~ - C O A C HHARR I SON27. Soul Food - MRS. O G B URN L.. ,