The Deal Times May/June 2013



A bi-monthly community magazine for the town of Deal in Kent. Distributed to 9000 homes and businesses in CT14

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Your bi-monthlycommunity


Issue 9 May-June 2013

The D



The Deal Times

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Published by: Channel Virtual AssistancePublisher: Caroline BrettContact: 07855

Design: Fuelled by Design Ltd, 01303 247677 Proof Reader: CoomberSewell Enterprises07799 514470Printer: Truprint Media Ltd, 01843 220200Distributor: Leafleteers, 01843 291877

Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that data in this publication is accurate, the Editor cannot accept any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions. The Deal Times cannot be heldresponsible for any errors or omissions orendorse companies, products or servicesappearing in this magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may bereproduced without the prior permission of the Publisher.


e Brits love to moan about theweather and haven’t we had a lotto talk about? I spoke too soon inthe March/April issue when I said

“we’ve had our annual helping of snow” andas I write this it’s still trying to drop somemore of the stuff on us! Hopefully by thetime this comes out we'll have turned the corner and start seeing the first signs of a latespring…fingers crossed!

I am delighted to welcome a couple of localcontributors to this issue. Caroline Kerr Smithwill be providing some regular gardening features and Mark Parry some local intereststories. I look forward to working with themboth over the coming months and I hope youenjoy their contributions.

In this issue, the centre four pages are thebrochure for the Deal Motor Show, whichtakes place on Walmer Green on May 25th.Last year’s show was great and this one shouldbe bigger and better.

But before the Motor show we have theWalmer Brocante to look forward to, whichalso takes place on the Green on BankHoliday Monday, May 6th, bright and earlyfrom 8.00am.

Let’s hope the weather is kind for bothevents. Enjoy your spring, if it ever arrives(there I go, talking about the weather again)!

W contentsUseful Numbers 4-5

What’s On 12-14

Recipe 22

Sudoku 24

Crossword 26

Kids Page 28

Clubs & Societies 29-30

Advertisers Index 31

Puzzle solutions 31


The Landmark Centre 6-7

White Cliffs U3A 8


Deal Motor Show 15-18

Profile 20-21

Gardening 25

Dover & District Volunteers 27

The DealTimes

Cover picture:by Caroline BrettMiddle Street, Deal

Emergency NumbersAmbulance/ Fire Brigade/ Police/ Coastguard 999National Gas Emergency 0800 111999Electricity Power Loss 0800 7838866Kent County Council 08458 247247Southern Water 0845 278 0845NHS Direct 0845 4647

Animal WelfareRSPCA 07715 307691Cats Protection 03000 12 12 12Hoppy’s Haven 07814 631 127

ChemistsBoots 374237Clockwork Pharmacy 375781Paydens (Queen Street) 374143Paydens (St Richard’s Road) 375751Paydens (Canada Road) 373066Walmer Pharmacy (Dover Road) 366862Alliance Pharmacy 374075The Strand Pharmacy 360030

Late Night Opening ChemistsPaydens (Queen Street) 374143Mon-Sat 7.00am-10.00pm. Sun 8.00am-6.00pm

Paydens (Canada Road) 373066Mon-Sat 7.00am-10.00pm. Sun 8.00am-6.00pm

Clockwork Pharmacy 375781Off-peak service Mon-Fri until 6.30pm. Sat until 6.00pm

Churches & Religious OrganisationsCommunity Church Deal 375297Deal Buddhist Group 379779 Deal Christian Fellowship 365226Deal Pentecostal Church 380131Deal Spiritualist Church 07889 981154Mongeham Christian Centre 362129Quakers (Society of Friends) 239325Salvation Army 375398St Andrew’s Church 381131St George’s Church 368355St John the Evangelist RC Church 374870St Leonard’s C of E Church 374076St Mary’s & St Saviour’s Church 366605St. Martin’s C of E Church 364457St Nicholas C of E Church 379106St Richard’s C of E Church 374076St Thomas of Canterbury RC Church 367496Trinity Church 362157Victoria Baptist Church 375281Walmer Baptist Church 364216Walmer Chapel 360368 / 364982

Community CentresBetteshanger Social Club 07772 622839Golf Road Community Centre 239199St Leonard’s Social Centre 369919The Landmark Centre 389165

Doctors’ SurgeriesBalmoral Surgery 373444The Cedars, Walmer 373341St Richard’s Road Surgery 364111Manor Road Surgery 367495

DentistsFinding an NHS Dentist 01843 855460Bute House Dental Surgery 374108Sandilands Dental 360913Stanhope Road Dental Surgery 374430Browne & Lauren 374224Pennypot Dental 800096

Deal Railway StationSoutheastern 0845 000 222

Helplines & AdviceAlcoholics Anonymous 0845 7697555Arthritis Care 364506 Autism Helpline 0808 8004104 Carers’ Support - Dover District & Thanet 364637Childline 0800 1111Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 8487978Crimestoppers 0800 555111Deal Stroke Club 361303Diabetes UK 364804East Kent Relate 01227 766094 Education Rights Service 0808 800 4102Floodline 0845 9881188Frank (Drugs Helpline) 0800 776600Friends Of Deal Hospital 374358Guide Dogs For The Blind Association 380854Macmillan Cancer Relief 239143Mental Health Helpline 0800 1070160National Autistic Society Dover & Deal 07717 818 680National Domestic Violence 0808 2000247Parent-to-Parent Service 0808 800 4106 Save the Children Deal and District Branch 01304 363942Stop Smoking 0800 8494444The Samaritans 08457 909090

HospitalsVictoria Walmer & District 865400A&E QEQM, Margate 01843 225544A&E William Harvey, Ashford 01233 633331

Post Office17-23 Queen Street 3742164Th

e Deal


suseful numbers

remember,unless stated

the code 01304goes in front of

all numbers!

useful numbersSchoolsCastle Community College 373363Deal Parochial C of E Primary School 374464Hornbeam Primary School 374033Kingsdown & Ringwould C of E Primary 373734Northbourne C of E Primary School 611376Sandown School 374951Sholden C of E School 374852St Mary’s Catholic School 375046The Downs C of E Primary School 372486Warden House Primary School 375040Walmer Science College 375212

SportsDeal Town Football Club 375623Deal & Bettshanger Lions RFC 365892Deal Victoria & Barns Close Cricket Club 368738Deal, Walmer and Kingsdown Amateur Rowing Club 373409

Other useful numbersAstor Community Theatre 370220Deal Adult Education Centre 0845 6065606Deal Christian Resource Centre 363713Deal Fire Station 389329

Deal Library 08458 247200Deal Town Council 361999Deal & Walmer Allotment Association 381322Deal Maritime Museum 375816Dover District Council 821199Fowlmead Country Park 615390Kent Police 01622 690690The Timeball Tower Museum 360897Tides Leisure & Indoor Tennis Centre 01304 373399Walmer Lifeboat Station 374475

Other Deal/Walmer WebsitesDeal Town Council - Parish Council - & Walmer Chamber of Trade Theatre www.theastor.orgDeal, Walmer & Kingsdown Carnival & Regatta www.dealcarnival.moonfruit.comThe Deal Society & Walmer websites

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he aptly named LandmarkCommunity Centre stands proudlyin the high street as a hub of thecommunity. The former site of the

United Reform Church is a blend of old andmodern design that almost never was.

In 1978 the bulldozers were poised todemolish the church before appeals to savethe building were answered by benefactorFred Cleary. The years that followed saw aworking party lead the development of thebuilding, adding two additional halls to the originalCleary Hall. The RichardsonHall was subject to two arsonattempts before its redevelopment and theHollingsworth Hall is the realisation of plans drawn upby architectural students fromthe Canterbury School of Art.

Later on a members’ bar wasopened. Situated beneaththe Richardson Hall, probablyunbeknown to most of itspatrons, the bar was formerlya crypt with a hard earth floor.

Over 35 years have passed since the bulldozers were called off. The original working party (David and Stephanie

Richardson, Cllr. John Leach, David Reid, CllrEric Ferris, Cllr Joe Lennon, Cllr Gwladys Paine,Cllr Alec Greenway Stanley and Fred Cleary)would all be proud of what their hard workand the work of the many who followed hasachieved.

The centre is managed by the Deal andWalmer Community Association charity andhas grown to host a number of events andrun scores of activities that aim to cater foreveryone in the town.

Acting Secretary of the charity, Gill Spensley ispassionate about the centre: “It’s all about bringing the community together and benefiting everyone through education andrecreation. This isn’t happening anywhere


The D





featureelse locally and it’s giving people a platformto build their confidence, meet new peopleand feel part of Deal.”

The on-site Spires Café, which doubles as atourist information point, provides a relaxingenvironment to have a cup of tea and some-thing to eat whilst watching the world go by. Italso plays host to ‘Soul on Sunday’ on the lastSunday in the month. Organiser Peter St.Ange describes it as, “An open expression session with an eclectic mix of live sponta-neous music, dance, poetry and West Indiansoul food.” Up to 200 people have attendedpast sessions.

It doesn’t stop there. Café Manager DanielWilliams has just launched the ‘Spires YouthBar’ on Friday evenings. Daniel says, “TheYouth Bar is for 11-16 year olds to comealong and enjoy console games, pool, tabletennis and organise day trips. It’s about givingyoung people a safe environment to socialisein and getting them to be part of where theylive in a positive way.”

The prominent building, which hires out all 3halls, is the venue for scores of hobby andeducational classes including Thai Chi, basiccomputer skills, photography, flower club,children’s yoga and a choir. There is evenseated Thai Chi and therapeutic music sessions for people with disabilities. Also, in-keeping with the building’s previous life,there is a church service every Sunday.

The Landmark Centre members’ bar puts allits profits back into the charity. Membershipcosts just £10 a year and entitles members tocompetitive drinks prices and a 10% discounton hall hire.

So the next time you walk past, why not popin for a coffee, sign up for a class or become amember? You’ll be supporting an importantpart of Deal’s community that nearly didn’texist! 7

The Deal and WalmerCommunity Association isreliant on the support oflocal people and businesses.If you are able to helpthrough funding, donationsof equipment for the YouthBar or if you need a spaceto hire, call 01304 389165.Hall hire starts from just£12.50 per hour.Spires Café is open 9.30am - 4pm Mon - Fri and from 8.30am on Saturday.

Spires Youth Bar every Friday 6.30pm -9.30pm. 11-16 year olds. £1 entry fee.Responsible adults present at all times.Call Daniel 07527 895040

The DealTimes


f that is the case, White CliffsCountry U3A (the University ofthe Third Age) is the associationfor you. Disregard the rather

grandiose title: with members in Deal, Doverand Sandwich and their associated villages,we embrace a wide local community.

Until 2012, most of our activities were concentrated in the Deal area but over thelast 12 months we undertook a campaign thatwe called “Triangulation” to increase ourmembership in Dover and Sandwich and startto have more activities there. And as this waswell-received, our 2013-2014 Programme willhave monthly events regularly in each of thethree towns on an alternating basis.

There are more than 800 U3As in the UnitedKingdom; this year, the annual conference ofour parent organisation “The Third AgeTrust” takes as its theme “Learn, Laugh andLive”; a sentiment that we have applied to ouractivities for many years.

We have an annual programme of low-costhigh-value courses run by leaders from ourown membership. Our courses are informal -no classroom pressures or compulsory homework - often small groups meet in theLeader’s home; larger groups use externalvenues. There is a wide range of subjects toenjoy. Or perhaps you are a potential

member who could lead a subject on yourspecial interest?

Other activities include monthly events withpresentations, talks by external speakers, andtopical debates on both serious and provocative subjects; added to this our socialactivities are open to members and theirguests. And we have access to exclusivenational U3A events in various locationsacross the country, such as films of live relaysof theatre/opera, study days, cultural and scientific workshops and concerts.

Our yearly progamme of events runs from 01April 2013-31 March 2014. Our annual membership fee is £12.00 and £1.50 is themodest charge made for each course session.

You can find out more about membership by looking at our website or ringing 01304 852724. Once you know more youwill want to join us!


The D




The Deal Times

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EAS (South East ArtistS) is a selffunding and voluntary organisation which promotes, supports and provides a network

for our vibrant artistic community in Deal andsurrounding areas. It was established in 2004by a few artists and now has a membership of over 60 people, ranging from professionalartists to those who are just interested in the arts.

For the past 7 years SEAS has organised adynamic and diverse Open Studios/ Art Trailevent featuring new work by professional andamateur artists during the Deal Festival ofMusic and Arts. This has partly been inresponse to the fact there is no central galleryspace in Deal so artists have been creativeand opened their own houses to exhibit theirwork and engage with the public. Sculpture,paintings, conceptual art, screen prints, jewellery, photography, ceramics, textiles,fused glass are all part of these eclectic, festive occasions. Deal is becoming a magnetfor visitors seeking arts and crafts, however italso highlights the fact that we need morespaces for art exhibitions and displays.

Open Studios is perhaps our most importantevent as not only does it show the high qualityof work being created in Deal but it also provides a strong network of interactionbetween artists and different people in thecommunity. Many creative opportunities havedeveloped through these networks.

This year we have three recent art graduatesexhibiting at our Astor OS/Art Trail locationwhich is an exciting new venture.

SEAS has developed an educational role making links with community groups such asHeadway, Sure Start, Golf Road CommunityCentre, Kent Adult Education and localschools and libraries. SEAS artists have ledsuccessful and enjoyable workshops anddemonstrations with these organisations.

We have also organised exhibitions, Christmasfairs, market stalls throughout East Kent andpeople have become familiar with our reputation, logo and banners as symbols ofgood design.

So look out for us this summer with ourcolourful banners of turquoise, blue, greenand purple. We might even appear in a popup gallery!

To find out more about us and the individualSEAS artists look on our and on facebook.

The D




Picture by Amanda Thompson

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The Deal Times


07738 354599 01304 368603

Minor Works to Full RewiresFriendly Service

Reasonable RatesPart ‘P’ approved

whats on12

Check out the website for more dates and events as this is updated on a regular basis.

2013Every SaturdayDeal General Market - in Union Road / Duke Street carpark, Deal, 8.30am-3pm.

Most SaturdaysBoot Fair - The Landmark Centre, High Street, Deal, 9am-3pm.

Every WednesdayFarmers’ Market - sale of local farm produce in TheUndercroft, Deal Town Hall, High Street, Deal, 8am-1pm.

Every WeekHealthWalks 2013 - Free, short, volunteer-led local walksideal for those who wish to be more active. No need tobook, just turn up. Health Walk Coordinators 0800 8494000Mondays: Fowlmead Country Park: 10.30am (for 10.45amstart) duration 90mins.Tuesdays: Sandown Castle, North Deal: 10.15am (for 10.30am) duration 60mins.

Wednesdays: Deal Library, Broad Street,Deal, 9.45am (for 10am) 60 - 90mins.Thursdays: Deal Pier, Deal 10.45am(for 11am) duration a gentle 30 mins.

MayWednesday 1st MayMusical Dinosaurs - Sholden Village Hall (term time only)9.30am and 11am.Thursday 2nd MayMusical Dinosaurs - The Astor Theatre (term time only)9.30am. Early years adventures in sounds, movement andimages. 0-5years. Kindermusik with Kim - Music & Movement classes forbabies, toddlers & young children. 10am-10.45am at The Landmark Centre. Tel: 07791 671721.Cineclub - A filmmaking programme for 8-15 year olds.Held at The Astor from 4pm-6pm. For more info 4th MayDeal Branch Kent Family History Society - Drop in session at the Landmark Centre, 10.30am-12noon. To offerassistance with your family history, no booking needed.Sunday 5th MayDeal Memorial Bandstand Trust Concert - 2.30pm.Walmer Green. Betteshanger Welfare Brass Band.Monday 6th May - Bank HolidayWalmer Broncante - Walmer Green 8am to 4pm. For infocall 01304 381506Wednesday 8th MayMusical Dinosaurs - at Sholden Village Hall (term timeonly) 9.30am and 11am.Landmark Show Choir - 5.30pm - 6.30pm Landmark CentreThursday 9th MayMusical Dinosaurs - At the Astor Theatre (term time only)9.30am. Early years adventures in sounds, movement andimages. 0-5years. Kindermusik with Kim - Music & Movement classes forbabies, toddlers & young children. 10am to 10.45am atThe Landmark Centre. T: 07791 671721Cineclub - a filmmaking programme for 8-15 year olds.Held at The Astor from 4pm to 6pm. For more info 10th MayRoyal British Legion Quiz Night - 7.30pm at RBL Club,Market Street. £2 per person, proceeds go to the PoppyAppeal.Saturday 11th MayDeal & Sandwich Branch of Guide Dogs - a collection

list your event here

for free!


Antiques, Collectables & Craft Fair

Valuations by Canterbury Auction Galleries

Monday 6 May 2013Walmer Green: 8am - 4pm

(Seafront area adjacent to The Stand)

FREE ENTRY FOR VISITORSEnquiries: 01304 381583 from £30: Booking essentialSmall donation to Walmer charities for parking and valuations

The D



whats on

Check out the website for more dates and events as this is updated on a regular basis.

by local Guide Dog owners and their dogs in Sainsbury’sfoyer, 9am-5pm. Money raised will go towards Sainsbury’sName A Puppy fund. Sunday 12th MayDeal Memorial Bandstand Trust Concert - 2.30pm.Walmer Green. Kent Police Band.Tuesday 14th MayU3A Event - 2pm at the Astor Community Theatre, Deal.AGM. Guests welcome to come along. Guest tickets £1.00.Deal branch of Kent family History Society - ContactSheila Harris 01304 729096. Wesley hall, Trinity Church,Union Rd, 7pm for a 7.30pm start. AGM + Peter Ewart ,Vice President of Kent FHS “Some Mother’s Son”Wednesday 15th MayMusical Dinosaurs - at Sholden Village Hall (term timeonly) 9.30am and 11am.Landmark Show Choir 5.30pm-6.30pm Landmark Centre.Ringwould History Society - Guided Tour of Sandwichby Irene Pellet (optional lunch). For more information call01304 371289.Thursday 16th MayMusical Dinosaurs - at the Astor Theatre (term time only)9.30am. Early years adventures in sounds, movement andimages. 0-5years. Kindermusik with Kim - Music & Movement classes forbabies, toddlers & young children. 10am-10.45am at TheLandmark Centre. T: 07791 671721Cineclub - a filmmaking programme for 8-15 year olds.Held at The Astor from 4pm-6pm. For more info 18th MayDeal Branch Kent Family History Society - drop in session at the Landmark Centre, 10.30am-12noon. To offerassistance with your family history, no booking needed.Sunday 19th MayAntiques & Collector’s Market - Astor Theatre 9am-4pm.With approximately 30 stalls, plus a licensed bar and cafe. Tobook a stall please call Quentin on: 07976935403.Deal Memorial Bandstand Trust Concert - 2.30pm.Walmer Green. Snowdown Colliery Band.Wednesday 22nd MayMusical Dinosaurs - at Sholden Village Hall (term timeonly) 9.30am and 11am.Landmark Show Choir - 5.30pm-6.30pm at the LandmarkCentre.Thursday 23rd MayMusical Dinosaurs at the Astor Theatre (term time only)9.30am. Early years adventures in sounds, movement andimages. 0-5years. Kindermusik with Kim - Music & Movement classes forbabies, toddlers & young children. 10am-10.45am at TheLandmark Centre. T: 07791 671721

Cineclub - a filmmaking programme for 8-15 year olds.Held at The Astor from 4pm-6pm. For more info 25th MayDeal Classic Car & Motor Show - Walmer Green. Deal & Sandwich Branch of Guide Dogs - A book, bric-a-brac and plant sale at the Undercroft, Deal TownHall. 9am-12noon.Sunday 26th MayAunty Nora’s Bonanza! - A Vintage & HandmadeMarket at The Astor Theatre. 9am-4pm.Deal Memorial Bandstand Trust Concert - 2.30pm.Walmer Green. Battle Town Band.Monday 27th May - Spring Bank HolidayWednesday 29th MayMusical Dinosaurs at Sholden Village Hall (term timeonly) 9.30am and 11am.Landmark Show Choir - 5.30pm-6.30pm at theLandmark Centre.Thursday 30th MayMusical Dinosaurs - at the Astor Theatre (term time only)9.30am. Early years adventures in sounds, movement andimages. 0-5years. Kindermusik with Kim - Music & Movement classes forbabies, toddlers & young children. 10am-10.45am at TheLandmark Centre. T: 07791 671721Cineclub - a filmmaking programme for 8-15 year olds.Held at The Astor from 4pm-6pm. For more info

JuneSaturday 1st JuneDeal Branch Kent Family History Society - drop in session at the Landmark Centre, 10.30am-12noon. To offerassistance with your family history, no booking needed.Sunday 2nd JuneDeal Memorial Bandstand Trust Concert - 2.30pm.Walmer Green. Cantium Brass.Wednesday 5th JuneMusical Dinosaurs - at Sholden Village Hall (term timeonly) 9.30am and 11am.Landmark Show Choir - 5.30pm-6.30pm Landmark Centre.Thursday 6th JuneMusical Dinosaurs - at the Astor Theatre (term time only)9.30am. Early years adventures in sounds, movement andimages. 0-5years. Kindermusik with Kim - Music & Movement classes forbabies, toddlers & young children. 10am-10.45am at TheLandmark Centre. T: 07791 671721 13

The DealTimes

whats onCineclub - a filmmaking programme for 8-15 year olds.Held at The Astor from 4pm-6pm. For more info 8th JuneThe Guild Players production - The Ghost Writer, a hauntingcomedy. The Kilshawe Theatre, St George’s Hall, High St, Deal.7.30pm. Tickets £8.50 (£7.50 for under 16s/ over 60s) £9.50on the door. Tickets available from May 1st. Online or call 0800 4118881.Sunday 9th June Deal Memorial Bandstand Trust Concert - 2.30pm.Walmer Green. Whitstable Brass.Tuesday 11th JuneDeal branch of Kent family History Society - ContactSheila Harris 01304 729096. Wesley hall, Trinity Church,Union Rd, 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Patricia Smith, One ofour members “Visiting the National Archives”. Wednesday 12th JuneMusical Dinosaurs - at Sholden Village Hall (term timeonly) 9.30am and 11am.Landmark Show Choir - 5.30pm-6.30pm Landmark Centre.Thursday 13th JuneMusical Dinosaurs - at the Astor Theatre (term time only)9.30am. Early years adventures in sounds, movement andimages. 0-5years. Kindermusik with Kim Music & Movement classes forbabies, toddlers & young children. 10.00am-10.45am at TheLandmark Centre. T: 07791 671721Cineclub - a filmmaking programme for 8-15 year olds.Held at The Astor from 4pm to 6pm. Email 14th JuneRoyal British Legion Quiz Night - 7.30pm at RBL Club,Market Street. £2 per person proceeds go to the Poppy Appeal.Saturday 15th JuneDeal Branch Kent Family History Society - drop in session at the Landmark Centre, 10.30am-12noon. To offerassistance with your family history, no booking needed.Sunday 16th June - Father’s DayAntiques & Collector’s Market - Astor Theatre 9am -4pm. With approximately 30 stalls, plus a licensed bar andcafe. To book a stall please call Quentin on: 07976935403.Deal Memorial Bandstand Trust Concert - 2.30pm.Walmer Green. Broadstairs & St. Peter’s Concert Brass.Wednesday 19th JuneMusical Dinosaurs - at Sholden Village Hall (term timeonly) 9.30am and 11am.Landmark Show Choir - 5.30pm-6.30pm Landmark CentreDeal Life Drawing - 7pm-9pm at the Astor Theatre. Formore information 01304 373752.Thursday 20th JuneMusical Dinosaurs - at the Astor Theatre (term time only)

9.30am. Early years adventures insounds, movement and images. 0-5years. Kindermusik with Kim - Music & Movementclasses for babies, toddlers & young children. 10am-10.45am at The Landmark Centre. T: 07791 671721.Cineclub - a filmmaking programme for 8-15 year olds.Held at The Astor from 4pm to 6pm. Email 21st June - First day of summer - Summer SolsticeSunday 23rd JuneDeal Memorial Bandstand Trust Concert - 2.30pm.Walmer Green. Cranbrook Town Band.Aunty Nora’s Bonanza! - A Vintage & HandmadeMarket at The Astor Theatre. 9am-4pm Tel. 01304 373752 Monday 24th June - Midsummer’s DayWednesday 26th June Musical Dinosaurs - at Sholden Village Hall (term timeonly) 9.30am and 11.00am.Landmark Show Choir - 5.30pm-6.30pm at theLandmark Centre.Deal Life Drawing - 7pm-9pm at the Astor Theatre. Formore information 01304 373752Thursday 27th JuneMusical Dinosaurs - at the Astor Theatre (term time only)9.30am. Early years adventures in sounds, movement andimages. 0-5years. Kindermusik with Kim - Music & Movement classes forbabies, toddlers & young children. 10am-10.45am at TheLandmark Centre. T: 07791 671721Cineclub - a filmmaking programme for 8-15 year olds.Held at The Astor from 4pm to 6pm. Email 28th JuneDeal Festival of Music and The Arts Summer Festival 2013(until July 7th) See: for details nearerthe time.Saturday 29th JuneSouth East Artists 8th Annual Open Studios weekendsLocal studios in Deal, Walmer and surrounding area opento the public. For details and programme, nearer the time. Deal Life Drawing - 10am-4pm (lunch break from 1pm-2pm) at St. Andrews Church Hall. For more information01304 373752.Sunday 30th JuneSouth East Artists 8th Annual Open Studios weekendsLocal studios in Deal, Walmer and surrounding area opento the public. For details and programme, nearer the time.Deal Memorial Bandstand Trust Concert - 2.30pm.Walmer Green. Sandwich Concert Band.

Check out the website for more dates and events as this is updated on a regular basis.

The D


meslist your

event here for free!

Deal Motor Show


This is the secondDeal Motor Show, inthe idyllic setting ofWalmer Green, Deal,where last year weattracted over 400exhibitors and an estimated 10,000 visitors.

Deal Motor Show

his year we have extended theexhibitors area and we havespace for 600 classic cars/bikes,buses and military vehicles. Public

Car Park in Victoria Park, Park Ave, Deal.

The Deal Motor Show has some outstandingentries including a 1912 Strudebaker, 1924Citroen 5, 1928 Austin Clinton Tourer and a1929 Triumph Super Sereo. Plus AstonMartins, E-Type Jaguars, Bentley’s, Rolls Royce’s,American Classics, Chevrolet’s, Cadillac’sand Pontiac’s from 40s & 50s. We have a fullline up of entertainment including Ben Mills,X Factor Finalist, a Retro Market, Food, a Real

Ale Bar and other interesting attractions.

A film star will be appearing at the show,The Back to the Future Time Machine, the De Lorean DMC. This is a great family dayout. Entry to the show is free, but a donation would be nice.

Thank you to everyone who has supportedthe event, all proceeds will go to the RNLIWalmer Lifeboat.

Chris West, Event Organiser Deal MotorShow 2013. Email: dealcarshow@gmail.comTel: 07841 598076.


Jodie South

The Electric Beatles

ProgrammeThe Deal Motor Show opens at 10.30amOfficial Opening at 11.15am

Memorial Bandstand11.30am Ben Mills, X Factor Finalist12.45pm Maddie’s Melody Makers1.30pm The Electric Beatles2.30pm Jodie South3.15pm The Electric Monks

Bandstand behind the Cafe12 noon Mel Harris 60s Show1.15pm Deal Air Cadets2.00pm Landmark Show Choir2.45pm Deal Air Cadets3.30pm Jodie South4.30pm Show Ends

Deal Motor Show

Ben MillsMel Harris

Deal Motor Show

Event sponsorAClassSouthern is a local business based inKent, aclasssouthern specialises in all aspect ofinteriors from classic to modern day vehicle.Every customer has more choice, more satisfaction and better value. AtAClassSouthern, we pride ourselves in givingvalue for money.

Meet the local Motor DealershipsAdamsom Motors Waite www.malcolmwaite.comPerrys of Dover

Thank youDeal Motor Show would like to thank the following for supporting the event:

KCC County Councillor Kit Smith Deal Town CouncilWalmer Parish CouncilAClassSouthernCasement Signs All proceeds go to the RNLI Walmer Lifeboat


Deal TownCouncil

The Deal Times

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‘ W h a t ’s y o u r v i e w t o d ay ? ’


Your full nameMatt Stanley-Webb & Tony Hogben

Your business or organisation name

Website address for your business

Questions about yourbusiness or organisation...Choose 5 words which best describesyour business…Website, Design, Marketing, Integrity, Quality

How long have you been in business?Very nearly a decade!

Any particular reason why you are basedin Deal?We love Deal. We were both so happy livinghere with our families that we didn’t want tomove away and felt that starting a businesshere was a great way to support the townand local businesses.

Do you have employees and if so how many?There are four of us, one quarter female andone quarter French.

Who are your typical customers?Anyone who needs a website or help usingthe Internet to improve their business. We havelocal, national and international clients, bigclients, small clients and even individuals.

What area does your business cover, justDeal or further afield?I guess the clue is in the name - www (worldwide web), but we have clients throughout

the UK and a handful in mainland Europe.

What would you say makes your business different from your competitors?Honesty. We’ll always recommend the bestway forward for our customers, sometimesturning people away when we feel they arebest served elsewhere. We’re not interestedin making a ‘quick buck’ if our clients are notbest served by it - we want a long and fruitfulrelationship with them.

Who or what has been the biggest influence in your business life?Probably each other. Having someone else todrive you on really helps.

One piece of business wisdom you would pass on to others in business?Get a good accountant! Other than that,communicate with your customers and go theextra mile - they’ll repay you in the long run.Nearly all of our clients come through recommendation.

What do you consider your biggestachievement?Still being business after such a naïve start.We jumped feet first into setting up the business and looking back, the early dayswere hard, as the Internet was really still in itsinfancy. It’s been a thrilling ride watching itevolve and being part of how people nowuse it on a day-to-day basis.

Questions about you...Choose five words which best describe you…Both: Honest, Friendly, Hard-Working…Tony: BaldMatt: Grey20


The D




What do you love most about Deal?Tony: I used to love the beach until somebright spark covered it over with sandy shingle and most of it washed away!Hopefully by the time this is printed they’llhave fixed it.Matt: The coastline and the relaxed atmosphere, especially in the Summer.

The person from history you’d most liketo invite to dinner?Tony: Stephen FryMatt: Is Stephen Fry “from History”? AlanTuring, so I could ask him about Bletchley Parkand the birth of computer assisted codebreaking.

If you had a “fantasy 24 hours” with no travelrestrictions how would you spend it?Tony: With no travel restrictions? I think I mightend up stuck at the airport in indecision.Matt: I’d go hunting for evidence of lifebeyond our little rock, and say “Hi” to the MarsRovers on the way.

What’s your favourite way of relaxing?Tony: Watching a good 2D movie.Matt: A movie, or the cinema, is pretty highon my list too.

Any interesting or unusual hobbies or pastimes?Tony: Running a business and raising 5 children - I wish I had time!

Matt: Kayaking and making computer gameswith my son.

If you were invisible for a day what would you like to do? Tony: I’d probably spend the day playingpractical jokes.Matt: Oh, that’s a good one. Tempting. I’dprobably catch-up on my email while no-oneknew I was around to interrupt me.

What keeps you awake at 3am in themorning?Tony: Not much, apart from the afore mentioned children.Matt: Nothing can keep me awake. I’ve sleptthrough a hurricane!

What treat or luxury would you mosthate to give up?Tony: Chocolate.Matt: Sleep.

What is your most treasured possession or memory?Tony: Is it a cliché to say the birth of my children?Matt: Getting married to the world’s mostunderstanding woman.

21The DealTimes

22recipe Makes

8 slices readyin 11/2 hours,plus chilling

Perfect for a simple lunch orfor an early summer picnic thissavoury pie has a really richand buttery crisp pastry and atasty smoked bacon and onionfilling. It tastes just as deliciouswarm or cold. Look for packsof smoked bacon pieces nearthe bacon rashers in the super-market or use flavoursomeItalian diced pancetta instead.

THE PASTRY225g plain flour1 tsp mustard powderPinch of salt115g butter, chilled and diced4-5 tbsp iced waterFOR THE FILLING175g smoked bacon pieces4 onions, peeled and thinly sliced1 tbsp sunflower oil200g mature Cheddar cheese, gratedBeaten egg, to glazeTomato salad, to serve (see Tip)

1. To make the pastry, sift the flour into alarge bowl and stir in the mustard powderand salt. Add the diced butter and rub intothe flour between your fingertips until themixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs.

2. Stir in enough of the iced water with around bladed knife to mix to a crumblydough. Knead very lightly until just smooththen flatten into a disc and wrap in cling film.Chill for 20-25 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, prepare the filling.Dry-fry the bacon pieces in a largenon-stick frying pan for 4-5 minutesuntil just golden. Remove with aslotted spoon and set aside. Addthe oil and sliced onions to the panand fry gently, stirring occasionally,for about 15 minutes until theonions are very tender and palegolden. Leave to cool. Preheat the

oven to 190°C, 375°F, Gas Mark 5. Place abaking sheet in the oven to heat up.

4. Roll out just over half the pastry on a lightlyfloured surface and use to line a 20x30cmloose-based fluted flan tin. Layer the bacon,onions and grated cheese in the pastry caseand season between the layers with freshlyground black pepper.

5. Roll out the rest of the pastry and use tocover the filling. Seal the edges of the pastrywith water then pinch them tightly togetherwith fingertips. Trim off any excess pastry.

6. Brush the pastry with the beaten egg andpierce 3-4 holes in the top of the pie to allowthe steam to escape. Bake on the hot bakingsheet for 25-30 minutes until the pastry iscrisp and golden. Serve warm or cold withtomato salad, if liked.

The D



Tip: Serve simply with a fresh tomato saladmade by thickly slicing ripe vine tomatoesand layering with finely chopped springonions and a few fresh basil leaves. Drizzlewith a little olive oil and season with freshlyground black pepper.


The Deal Times

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24The Deal Times

Do youlove selling?Could you sell this space?

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The Deal Times


Please mention The Deal Times when responding to advertsPlease mention The Deal Times when responding to adverts

uckily most of our Deal gardens arenot directly exposed to sea winds. Buthow do we choose plants for gardenswhere the shingle may not be far from

the surface, so the soil is very free draining, andareas where delicate leaves may get damaged bysalt in the air?

The good news is that many of our best lovedgarden plants can cope. Choose shrubs with anevergreen, shiny leaf cover which will protect theinside of the leaf from desiccating salt. Shrubsinclude hollies, flowering Escallonias, Cistus (rockroses) and the blue flowering Ceanothus. Plantswith tiny leaves like rosemary, lavender or cottonlavender (Santolinia) and tamarisk also managewell and thrive in open, sunny sites. If you haveshady corners of the garden, consider planting

Skimmia, fuchias and hebes.

Seek out plants with grey or felty surfaces as theymanage in dry conditions and when you are unable towater. Look for grey grasses (Festuca glauca), or SeaHolly (eryngium) and Verbena with its tall stems andviolet flowers. Some grey plants have soft, hairy surfaceswhich keep off salt and drying winds, like lamb’sears (stachys) or pasque flowers (Pulsatilla) and yellowflowering Phlomis. Other options are the numerousvarieties of sedums, with their succulent leaves orplants with maritima or littoralis in their names.

Plant before the summer, and remember to waterwhen dry to give the plants their best start for asuccessful coastal garden!

Caroline Kerr Smith


The Deal Times


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cryptic crossword

Across1. Uncertain it's a new way to view gran (8)5. Debags twisted emblems (6)9. Monk that puritans could turn to (8)10. An illusion from the rage I'm in (6)12. Presents made from sad war (6)13. Colour which comes from a red navel (8)15. Country a marine might come from (7)16. The sort of runt to change (4)20. Host spun round and fired (4)21. Material made by joining two beasts (7)25. Entreat a deformed animal (8)26. Pile ma arranged to pierce (6)28. Ladies turned and went by boat (6)29. Noble American leader of the past (8)30. Do go on, it's somehow wrong! (2-4)31. Prepared chard one secured (8)

Down1. Fight witnessed in Poland (6)2. A Slav's manipulated slave (6)3. Ruder son might play this game (8)4. A boy who's out of line? (4)6. Got up out of a siren (6)7. Urged and ran into splendour (8)8. Hangers I rearranged for clipping (8)11. Pick any and become alarmed (7)14. Judge employed, then rejected (7)17. Killer of a couple of donkeys at home (8)18. Alight on, creating hate (8)19. Malign and harmful speaker (8)22. Dame OK to come to terms with (4,2)23. Skilled artist from a tortuous stream (6)24. Hired out and sealed in a way (6)27. Dash occupied by one wreck (4)26

The D




ohn Hookham, a Veteran of theRoyal Artillery and a formeremployee of the Dover PaperMill, is committed to his family

and serving the community as a VolunteerDriver for Dover District Volunteer Centre.After a recent battle with cancer, Johnreturned to serving the community of DoverDistrict as a Volunteer Driver. Like everyonewho learns their life may change due to illhealth, John faced his illness together with hiswife Patricia and their family. The family andJohn kept a positive attitude about the future,so much so, that John’s interest in serving thecommunity was put to the test when one dayhe was too weak to drive.

“I remember the day well” said Patricia, “Johnkept repeating how disappointed he feltabout letting his passenger down and wondering how she would get to her hospitalappointment at QEQM”.

“I just want to give something back to thecommunity and driving people to hospitalappointments and to other venues is some-thing I can do, that I think is very worthwhile”,said John. “I have an active mind and thisVolunteer Driving scheme has helped me getback to living and enjoying my life”.

The Volunteer Driver scheme is a communitytransport service, run by volunteers, enablingpeople across the Dover District to attendhospital appointments, GP’s, Dental appointments and the like, as well as socialappointments such as visiting relatives andfriends, going shopping or to church.

The volunteer driver scheme is essential formany people in the community and it is available to you. John, like all of the DoverDistrict Volunteer Centre, Volunteer driversand Volunteer administrators are dedicatedand committed to providing this essentialservice with your best interests in mind. Youwill be in good hands.

To book a journey, call theVolunteer Administrators,Community Transport team onTel: 01304 380513.If you own a car and you would like to experience the reward and enjoyment thatcomes from giving something back to thecommunity and can spare a few hours a week contact: Mrs Karen Steffan, Community Transport Coordinator on Tel: 01304 380513 or Email:

Dover District Volunteering Centre26 Victoria Road, Deal, Kent, CT14 7BJTel: 01304



The DealTimes

kids page28

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clubs & societies29

Action AidT: 01304 366250Addelam History Research Group Contact: Alan Buckman T: 01304 367711 W: Training Corps, RAF CadetsT: 01304 389024 W: Cadet ForceT: 01304 366527 W: ConcernT: 01304 372608Association of Men of Kent and Kentish MenT: 01304 362406Computer ClubThe Landmark Centre T: 01304 389165 E: Crafts - Scrapbook and Card MakingCandice T: 01304 611709Deal Academy of Performing ArtsAt the Landmark, Deal. T: 07693 029441Deal Adult Education CentreHamilton Road. For more detailsE: or T: 0845 6065606 W: and Bettshanger Lions RFCCanada Road, Deal CT14 7EJ. T: 01304 365892 W: Deal Bowling & Social ClubThe Drive, Mill Road. T: 01304 820223Deal branch of Kent Family History SocietyContact Sheila Harris T: 01304 729096. W: http://kfhs-deal.bravesites.comDeal Breastfeeding Support GroupMeets every Monday at St. George’s Church, High Street.1.30pm-3.30pm. W: Bridge Club Meet Fridays at the Landmark Centre 7pm T: 01304 379954Deal Buddhist Group Contact: Danapriya T: 01304 379779.E: Deal Camcorder ClubT: 01304 824953 or 01304 619369Deal Chess ClubT: 01304 360981 Deal Christmas CarnivalT: 01304 381990 W: www.dealcarnival.moonfruit.comDeal Festival of Music and ArtsT: 01304 381134 W: Gilbert & Sullivan SocietyTuesdays 7.30pm at the Astor Theatre.

Deal Karate ClubContact: Lisa T: 07963167474 Deal Life Drawing ClubContact: Malcolm Gregory T: 01304 373752 or Julie White on T: 01304 363219.Deal Pathfinders Club(for people with mental health and learning difficulties). T: 07779 945830Deal Philatelic Society Contact: Alan Buckman T: 01304 367711Deal Scottish Country Dance ClubT: 01304 375836Deal Scrabble ClubMeets every Thursday at Deal Library 2pm. T: 01304 363525Deal Social Club for the BlindOpen to the blind and partially sighted. T: 01304 372691 Deal SocietyThe Membership Secretary T: 01304 379303 W: Speaking Up GroupFriday’s at Golf Road Centre, 10am-12noon T: 07980 114001Deal / St. Omer Twinning SocietyE: W: Stroke ClubT: 01304 375572 W: Triathlon Club W: Town Football Club W: Town Rangers Football Club W: http://dealtownrangers.comDeal, Walmer & Kingsdown Carnival & RegattaAssociation T: 01304 381990Deal Welfare ClubMill Hill, Deal. T: 01304 374335Deal Wine SocietyContact: John Howard T: 01304 239799Deal WritersE: & District Camera ClubContact Paul Spree (Chairman) T: 07860 27536 (after 6pm) or John Harrop (Secretary) T: 01304 360956.Deal & District Flower ClubContact: Margaret Chidley (Chairman) on T: 01304 239092Deal & District Lioness ClubMeet 2nd Thursday of the month at the Royal BritishLegion, Market Street. Contact: T: 01304 367887Deal & District Motorcycle ClubMeets at 8pm every Thursday at the Admiral Keppel,Manor Road, Deal. W:

list your club or

society herefor free!

The DealTimesFor more information please refer to the Clubs & Societies

page on the website

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30clubs & societies

Deal & Walmer Allotment AssociationT: 01304 381322Deal & Walmer Angling Club13 The Marina T: 01304 362012 Deal & Walmer Chamber of Trade LtdContact: Chairman Mr P Varrell T: 01304 366122 W: & Walmer Community AssociationAt the Landmark T: 01304 389165 W: & Walmer Handelian Choral SocietyT: 01304 363589 Deal & Walmer LionsFor info on fundraising or joining T: 01304 363589 or T: 07950 938857 or E: lionken.buxey@gmail.comDeal, Walmer & Kingsdown Amateur Rowing ClubT: 01304 373409 W: Sailing ClubT: 01304 361932 W: Mud RidersKids cycling club meets every Saturday 11am-12.30pmFriday Folk ClubMeets at Royal Marines Association Club, 37 The Strandevery Friday for a Singers Night.Friends of North DealT: 0771 484 4069 Contact: Alasdair Goulden (Hon Sec)E: alasdair.goulden@gmail.comFriends of the East KentT: 07970 301788. W: www.friendsoftheeastkent.weebly.comGateway Camera ClubT: 01304 207876Green Beret (RM Commando) Association T: 01304 374738Ladies Phoenix Club (social club)Third Monday of each month T: 01304 360895 Landmark Show ChoirT: 01304 239055 E: madeleine.cordes@fsmail.netLeaps & Bounds T: 01304 375297 Community project for learning disabled adults. National Autistic Society Dover & Deal BranchContact Suzanne on T: 07717 818 680E: W: East Kent Carers Support ServiceT: 01304 214532Ringwould History SocietyT: 01304 371289Rotary Club of DealT: 01304 366235 W: Cinque Ports Golf Club T: 01304 374007 W:

Royal Marines Association Club37 The Strand, Walmer, Deal, Kent, CT14 7DX. T: 01304 375207 W: (South East Artists)W: Deal (Walmer) Sea ScoutsSea Scout HQ, Marine Road. Contact Group Scout LeaderT: 07817 572050 St. Leonard’s Mothers Union BranchT: 01304 375331St Nicholas Players amateur drama clubT: 01304 852560Talk it Out! T: 07949 559529 E: Crow Karate Club Contact Sensei Dominic Shawcross on T: 07989 905 747 or E: Deal Gymnastic Club Coached gymnastics from Pre-school to National Level. T: 01304 363817 E: dealgymnastics@sky.comThe Guild Players (amateur theatre society) T: 07763 124224 E: W: Probus Club of Deal & District T: Ann House 01304 381378The Real Deal Scooter ClubW: Rosamond Club (Social Club) T: 01304 380796The Royal British LegionT: 01304 380405The Tuesday Club Mongeham Christian Centre T: 01304 381378Walking in Deal W: & Kingsdown Golf ClubT: 01304 373256 W: Scrabble ClubEvery Tuesday 2 - 4p.m. Elizabeth House, opposite St. Mary’s church in Walmer. T: 01304 364 889 Whitecliffs RamblersT: 01304 366716 W: - University of the Third AgeT: 01304 364411Veterans Association of DealContact T: 01304 363947 W: T: 01304 614315. Range of levels available. Youth DramaSt Andrews Church Hall, Saturdays 10am-12 noon.4th Deal Beechwood Scout GroupT: 01304 369013

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31advertisers index

advertisers indexA Britten Electrician 11

A Handyman for All Seasons 11

Caroline Kerr-Smith 25

Castles Security Shredding Services 23

Clear Picture 23

CoomberSewell Enterprises 24

D J Plumbing Services 23

Divorce Nicely 19

Fitting Creations IFC

Gas Boiler Services 23

Graham Yates, Osteopath 9

HDG Networks 11

Ideal 4 U Ltd IFC

Jane Lopaka Counselling Services 24

J Corby 23

MJT plumbing Services 19

MTStudios Ltd OBC

NFU Mutual Insurance 11

Nike Lawal 19

Simply Yoga 9

Slimming World 9

The Burger Bros 5

The Counselling Window 19

Walmer Brocante 12

Wells Clinic 9


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sudoku solutioncrossword solution

kids solution Well known phrase: Sick as a parrot
