The Grady Project Iss. 1


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8/7/2019 The Grady Project Iss. 1 1/18

8/7/2019 The Grady Project Iss. 1 2/18

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8/7/2019 The Grady Project Iss. 1 3/18

Do what thou Yilt sh.ll be the whole of the h..

souret ime near W ,i rrt er- 501 Bt.1ce. 1985 e. v . , I read Grady I 8

poetry for the first tLae as a very young Minerval. (As I

reca.ll, it \1&8 par-t, of hili IIAngel and the' ,Abyss" cycle .. )I asked 'Where J could find more, a.nd ve.e told they were up

in the Archives, if they were anYVhere- havd ng discovered

a similarly 1cte:resled Brother, we spent many hOUTS up at

Archiv ea West (TliANKS,BILLI) emerging \lith documents fortranscription to a 'Jorkable format ...

Thi. flrot publ f cat Ion 10 Leeued for tbe Gradymas Celeb-

ration, IIhvU, held .t Tbelema. Lodge; 11 Thelemite. each

rood one of the poems hereln, eboeen by them ahortly bef-

Ore the reading. W e i l l have the 8econd issue out byW1nter

Solstjee 1987 e .v , despite cries or "1I1erd necromancy and

Bca:ry vIs tons r II Thanks 'to Lodge. Mistre8B, a.nd everybody

..ho's helped and put up with us,


Love 1s the lav, love under v111.

~,-;",.Soror Caitlin, II

s- ..(.£OV/~/'%:l/~ Z" 1 2Frater Leovlrid1., I

Or1- 'J}..,.,hCi n...:~...:_0...1EV LW ~-"'r V &e;I~

JAF Bo . 7666

New York, NY 10116

Box 2303

Berkeley, CA 94702

this is a limited edition of 93 copies

of which this is copy#

8/7/2019 The Grady Project Iss. 1 4/18

Have you ever stood at aunaet,

Near the Portal. at the BaylIhile the fog-horns BOW1dheir evening

Nemone to the dllO'1

Have you ever seen the Pageant

That a battle fleet CILD shalf

Standing out into the ocean

lIith her 9igna1 nags ablov -

At each muscled float1r.g tortres.

Sliding thru the channeLed strait

Rides beneath the sc1mitared guardian,

The Colossus ot the Gate?

AmaZODS, in cold gray armor

Cavalcading to the lIest;

At their hed. the .vft destroyer.

Plunge rollicking to the quest

AmaLons. 'iiith colora streamiog

F r o " , each latticed battle crest

While her catapUlting falcon.

Syirl above the roving nest;

Amazons. with cradtled lances

Held athwart each ..lghty chest;

Once again they are crusading

Keel on keel they pour cascading,

Down the sea lanes they·;re parading

Cav"lcading to the West.

Grady L. McMurtry


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Bi tterneSB

In Met. the German dead lie.tacked

Beneath the quiet enos

A.10llj! the railroad traok. - .. wrllckedAnd grotesque iron ro~

Betveen the trees - and Vhere the packed

Wire bramble. tvt.t and grov.

Their voce en cheeks are dark with

Hoa.rfrost ha.e iced their hai.r

Their broken bodies, shrunk "ith pain

CIa" upvarda in despair -

The fortress City of Lorraine

I. guarded by their stair.

The ghouls neve bad their buef nee e v&:I

Amongthese frozen dead

Some .tripped ot boots - Bome vith their grey

Ring finger. clipped In.tead

And same have even been the play

Of doge - who must be fed.

These are the vaunted IIWatfen Korpa"The cold embalmsso vell -__

God - dam n th~lT eoul B rcr-evereor e

And may they rot in HelllHe \{GJ1t~d Peec e , they vanted War

So them vher e they fell ~

1/10/45Grady L. McMurtry

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Notes On A City (damn near any city)

Along the street the eddy whirla

lIith frowsy dames and sloppy girls

And Bomber men and blazon boys

\/ho stomp Or trot; anditannoys (Period)

Tn. crusty shops th.t cringe at eLght,

.Anddroop beside each other. quf et,

As tho their misery alone

'Wouldbe too much ; the-y vould atone.

My reason tells me that It must

Be true; th.e thoughtless crowds, the dust

The grimy valks. the 11tteTed streets.

The fa.cades pass for scravney teats.

And yet 1 know it can not be

There 1s no grass. there is no tree

But only sound that rolla and. beats

And aanc't.Loned murder in the streets.

While in hiB neat each Dlerchant \laite

As patiently nia net be baitl

A nd views hi. neighbor vith contempt

Tho .f.indlng he 1. not exempt

From batredB that 8well from the needB

Of human "ant. vi th1n tbe seed.

Of lassez [aire there are the SemIS

That hold dec ay. and then t~.e worms

Of avarice and greed and hate

Sprout forth~ they bore, thpy ea.t, t.hey sate

Their hunger on the scabs of men;

I .it and vat.ce . I sit and gr1n,


Gro.(ly L, McMurtry

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DeUBDc Maohine:\

So has it coee to thiB

The HoW"of Per 11

WheaArmageddon roil. the storm of ver-

Andtil ted Mars bestrid.s a orumbling vorld

Of ..rm~r plated dragon. be'l chdng flame

Of slant vd.nged harpies .harding through a haze

Of 1ncandescent fury

And of monstrous eggs

Ovum of B . 'vorld gone mad v1th rear-

And rationed thought

Such is the fate of gadget minded man

Whoplaced hi. falth in mechanistic thought

.Andsought no higher geed than pleasure-pain

That nov be finds hi. logic'. fatal flaw

In skew-wise r-eason

And his need for love

Is .mothered in the calls of The MachineUpon"hoBe altar lies hi. l1Ued 80ul

Till Moloch's triggered fingers arc the arms

Th..t reed the nOJlle.

3/11/52Gr·acl;fL. McMurtry

8/7/2019 The Grady Project Iss. 1 8/18

'1 .

. . The Elfi D",15.

The daughters of Odin are Fey, my lad,

The daughter s 0 t: Odin are Fey.

The buxom daughters of ,Frey I've had

Whee the icy a:t"'ctte moon was '~8d

And the enov \ISS cold and deep, my Lad,

In a land beyond the day.

Aye, in a land beyond the day, my Lad,

In a land beyond the day.

\/here the ValkYr eyes arc grey and Bad

As they pace the vindy terrace, cladIn a lace of steel and gold, my LadI

And they bunger for thei r prey.

Aye, and they bunger for their prey. my Lad,

And they bunger for their prey.

Valhalla·. grim diaplay has had

NoViking strong to feed the mad

Hyrrockin queen orSnOll, my Lad.

For many a ';leary day.

517 /42Grady L. McMurtry

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Of Emerald Earth


As space-borne fleets of Vik.:1ngmariners

Swing round Q vcr-Ld impregnable

To Jettison each a cargo

Bomb shattering, irr,.sistible

And space-marines with visored helms

Drop through the black

Of night, "ith strife that cv ..... helms

Upon the atolll shattered vrack

Of worlds at war

So seetee B,harded Adonis

Mills round an elder J lit s er- Sun

While astroids :fromher scatte:red hulk

Rust OD the flame-scored pl6.ina of Mars

Nowmust ve ' I l l 8 . r k . that cosmic var

When Gad-men Btormed the Titan bast

With atom fire-._

Lest darkness fall

And Night engulf the Citadel

Of Dnerald Ear-tb

5/25/49Gr!Lay L. McMurtry

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He - .."bel - you

There ill the darkness

What have you seen'! What vierd

InfernaJ. gorgon nyehtolopie bold.

Your trance-like ga.ze in a..,estruck yonder set'l

What l1eb - Or Visions larvae lethaJ. have you found

That snar-es yOUl' thoughts In mesh-11ke pleXus hound1

Oh foal - thou

There upon the precipice you standSlobbering and gibbering at the moon - know this truth

There is a untver-se - and there is e . Dot WliverseA seen - and an una een

A Thing - and 8 00 Thing

A Being - and that whicb is beyond BeingA cbecs - and a Cosmos

A That-Which-Is - and a Tbat-Which-Is-NotYOLl are

I am nat.

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It Le cold vithin the nether;Yet I floy thru the darkness streaming

Dovn to where, in stupor drell.1nlng,

Lies a cbild-bed VOlIiansore ... 1ng

A. her labor burst. her thighs.

There is blood and pain ano---tbere it 11•• IWith a .frightened paas Icn churnlng

In my Boulless body burning

Vortex at u nh Gly y ea rn in g

Gate I on the eJgtrt Les a eyes.

Then, Just ere the infant' B natal cries

Alng out into the still, black corning

Wib it's fright and lethal var-nIng,

Time and space or matter scorning

Sheath r in this nev disguhe!

Thus it is that none of Fairey ever dies.

Tho the sacrament be spoken

\:ith the eucharist for token

It 18 80 they mo,ybe broken

By the art the elfin pli ee,


GradyL. McMurtry

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Th. Intrude,.

Come; MW1... let UB goWehave Intruded - You and. I

Whover e never meant to be

Upon tilts toil WornpllUlet.

Alon.e' we sts..od - and are

Though :mUltltud •• may mill about our feet

And know uo not - what had you thOllsht?

Th..e they would vel.comeU. with open arms1Be nat the Fool

From. that which 10 Outside we came to beA nd tbb iB our rev d ._

That we ....e shunned hhe mottled 'plagueWe and Our compiU!¥.

For is it not &. I did toretelH

Theee creature, are s a Bcum ' o J , p o n the Urth

That 11ve and bzes, the and popul" te Md die _

A nd are. as blind ..a kobald. in the Sun _

That transcendental light of ether born.

We speak - and. are not heard

We - AZ'id no illaD Bees

We Bing - ana tind our aong not !<no.."

w . mold - and they knownot the form

Wear e OUtsiders

So ,let it 'be and grieVe not a,t their Leae

Come'- f'or there' is !)thcr 11·te we need attend

Through gal..,.ie. remote the Hf. tIde roars

Andllodd. unkncvn spawned their helli.'b broods

Who knovs - perhaps OD one of theBe we'll find

A sentient crystal - or some haro'a T Q : : L n g

Or eyeless :m.onster at ,tbf!' sub-t er-r-ane'Whose wierd a.nd alien ccneefeuenes.e has fOUIldPer-c,ept:ion as a13eDBe-- ... _

There we may rest

And hold eccmundon wIth. tile S1lent Ones

To know again the Beauty tb~t v.." tId

Before the Cat&clY8m ""~the Cold

Had ehar-ded Kol..bon athwart 'tbe gull'

So let us goA nd leave them in the retor or their s11meUntil eternaJ. IiemeneaB rots their aeul.e

And they have 1'olUlOthe surcease 01' the d.elld

When... they Willi< beyond the walla of sleep _

Is but B preluQe of the greater sto~

That cr-ouches just be:rond the barri"r reef

Rumbling in it. nimboBtnt1c murk _

Come i Man:,,-let us go - '\Ie hs;,r'e Intruded. ...---- ....

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The Cynic

The passlocs of my yo\.tth have burned me dry

And unrequited at-end in my eyes

The)' "ere lIlYbopes - and oov tbe)' ill disguise

" I Y futile gesturings, They paas me by,

.I ,",ould adm1t eo mystery so bigb

A. to be sacred from myquesting pries _

Nor woLald I Beek defeat in compromiseBut stood sthvart the sky-vieds _ such vas I,

The bright-eyed dr-eeea of youth are dead and gone" IY destiny 1s done, my die 18 cast,

Per'hepa there viII be surcease vith the dawn

Perhaps - but I have thought that 1n the past.

Tile "heeling universe grinds on and on

Ie8ensi ble - insatiate - BOdveat..

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HoI let there be rejoicing for I, Pan,A m come to bid you welcome to my shriDe.

Bid trumpets flourish. Let my Joy be thine

For by the beard of Zeus and Neptune' a trine

r've vai ted long enough. Let him vho can

Gainsay me. Comel the festal table creaks

lIith Blabs at Slaughtered. ox s.n~ tender lamb

'While from my pord"e herd ... e have ."eet .bo.m

To woo the ta.te of gluttOD),. And. ram

Horn mugs eveeh vi th mead.. Ohc , who speaks?

lIell, by my rough and hairy BOul, of course I

For each 1'8:1 r maiden her-e1B a dainty paste

And aged vine to suit the fickle taste.

Fall to 1m' lads, or would you have me vaste

This festIve bour in talking? Here's the source

Of all good things of life - 80 take your fill.

I'll have no pampered darlings at my feast,

You'll drink your liquor like a man, at Least ,

And eat your share of rvasted beef - that beast

Of succulent refreshment. Nowmy .,111

In playing host to such a famished lot

A.Eyoul ve turned out to be this russet day

Is vcr-k. Aye., ' 'oILJrk, tt l 'lads, th.e \lark o f pla ,y I

And Buch sweet 'vork indeed I vot you III ::;ay

When you have found my pleasure. Like as Dot

You'll scamper off 11ke rabbits to the field.

When I have made my meaning to eppear ,

But first 8. vcr-d, NOli ga.ther "round me near,

Movel the Lade sit there, the fairest damsels bere.

Ohol I jest. But Pan must _joke - it shields

A tender heart. r love you all 1n acot.h

For are you Dot my colldren 7Iwould make

No differenoe between you tor 'tvould take

The joy of living trom your eyes, and shake

Your faith in me, your parent. Nov the trutb

In this, my idle jesting, is tbat you

Have come to man'hood- and must therefore know

Wbat ordeals 11e ahead. Tbis being so

r've called you hither that I 'least might sbov

lou guidance in thh maUer. lIords are :fe",

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And ill ".'pre •• our subtle thoughts - 80 I

Must perforce apeak to you as mind to mind.

Yet hold,1 I knov your thought. I'O! not ... blindAs Borne 'Would have you think me. Nor as kind

A. others .a,y. Why should I be? \i~ 11e

About your .ttrIbutian5? Yet this thought

Of yours lnust its enever-. In the years

cone by It ve watched you ,grow, I' ve w e . tched your fears ~

Your 11ttle god. BIlddevils - and )'our tear.

Of ohildish hurt- yet 5101<1), I have vrcught

That whioh 1. best in you to finer gold.Nowheed. This m,yster-y of mine 1s Truth I

Nomore , There i8 'the serpent ... IIUldthe tooth -

And thvugh roy shaggy thigh. ma,y seem uncouth

To those wbo Dot I neve beeo told

They serve their purpose 'Well - end, 8,y1E:. they dar

liut that 1s idle chatter. ~a" you aek ,

"If this i. Truth then w~ this idle mask!"

"rr ve have passed the ordeals, vhY the t.eakv"And I I<ill give you ensver . This Is you.

Y'Ollrlife, your love. your 'Vill~ your fate, not mine ,

Though you be par-t of' me you are alone

And indiv1dual. Your flesh and bone

Are fashioned from the earth. These facts are knO'WT)

So let it be. Curse not those gads of thine

Cast in your imagery, not 'Veil the shrine

Of your tncar-oe'ee bodies. They are pure.Keep them so. Exercise is good. Endure

The discipline of hardship. Thus Insur-e

Complete control of act Ion. By this sign

Youtll kno'W'you~re fit for living - not before.As for your hlrthdate. At tne Equinox

Of Gods the liard that mystically wu.ccke

My donJon jseep 1s given. By -tbe hooks

Of ChiTont8 horny hooves you vill adore

Our Lad,y. Queen of Space. Or you v111 faUIn this your chosen mission I Th,i6:iS so

Because the Aeon nov at hand must ahov

The universe you live in. And the slow

Evolving of your concepts vinds its tail

In ever upvur-d spirals ... BO your eouk,

Nowclothed as you are - nov ir. deen repose,

Has 810,,"1y COmeto under-at.and the Rose,

The Cross, t-he Lux, the Tree that grcvs

Around the world. TOetask was hard. The toll

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Was terrible, but Ju.t. For only thus

Could I be certaIn you vere forged to last

Through toll & D e l inquisition.' flaming mast.

The darl< age of the 51a1n Godhas been paued----

Aye, it has .loyly pas.ed. ~ut now the pu..

Of ulseT •• loy to heal, it linger •• till.

Many'. the night I've walked the Wilderne ••

With .tara tor company. And 'neath the pre ••

o r the ete~Dal trees have made 8ddress

Un~Q myself and questioned ..hat.her- Win,

Or Love, or Hate, or blind IUldcallous Fate

Could eanctron your impriaooment. You found

No respite in revolting. You vere ground

On rac.k. blood .tained by the sadist Hound

Of your created Hell - and found the gate

Of Heaven locked against you. Nor could Death

Repri,eve you from your l!Iutterl,nga for I I

Yea. even I. had so decreed. Your cry

Wasmine ovn aching heart I yet the reply

Came ever back the Bam!!!! - they have the breath

o r Life - 80 they must die, and live and dieAnd live until they com. to knowtheir place.

These are not empty' clods they 8J'"e!L race

Ordained for destiny. TIloughIcould trace

Intelligence in IUl.Y form - yet I

Ha v e fo u n d y o u b ea t adap~ed to ~ plan .

'Tis true upon the Eartb you're !lot unique

Yet also true that you must ever- seek

The far beyond~ And 'tis this perverse a t r e a k

O f yours that so intrigues Old Father Pan I

But now a pox OD such ph.Lj.oaophy •

M y melancholia would go too deep

Should I recount your taleB of vee t and keep

Us from our pleasant task. The dreadful sleep

Of that long night wherein iniquity

Apainst the self held reign nas been replaced I

Arise my children and 8,\ulke I not' fear,The Aeon of the Crowned Child is here

liDo 'What thoulJilt Shall be the Lav ;" Hcv clear

Did Rabel"i. fore-see, but nov ..alte haste I

Too long I've kept you vaiting v1th my talk

or death and .acrifice, those words are ill,

You have no right to do aught but your Willi

Do that and nothing mor-eand you vill till

The f·erUle field. of ecat.asy , 1'11 wuk

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Fruit has been gat.her-ed in, the fields ere br-ovn,

The lovely grape 1s pressed - and I ca..nBcratch

My".:ielt10 comfort. [lOV that tbeylre gooe. Catch

As catch can - doVII the h11l - match ILIldr ....atch

When they spill. Not a vcr-r-y, care or trovn

A way along the brook va tb you, -tis naught,

I'm Btift trom BitUng Btill 80 long 10 all

And at "'If age no vonder . Aye, 'Us Fall

Ageln. The leave. are t.cucbed gold. the pall

Of snow filled cloud. is yet to CO",., though traUght

With Winter'. chill the air 1•• harp,

aut not too sharp - Just r i~ht I a1"ays soy -The Summer's time tor vork. the Fan tor play I

And with my vatEi near bUTs'tir.g with the spray

Of my beloved vme ve ' 11 harp

Of the Aeolian wind. - I'll play the pipe

A nd you can dancel Nov off with you. Begone I

Across the f1,elde and greensward of the' lawn

Before I should forget "'IfBelf and yavn

When th~re is someone looking. A ye, the ripe

This pleasant day. Tomorrov? WlloCELl ' } tell?

Not I at least. Oh, I suppose I could

But not today - tbere' s W.ineto-hlLlldI Aye, good

Red ""bolesome vfne , I vot. 'Wine o,f the \oIood"Wine of the Worldl I'll help "'If"elf. And well

I may. 'Tis mine indeed. Ab. herels to bealth----

And may it bless them intbe1 r way.

And here's to life ...---and's to Love-s-v-end !bay

The light of liberty be their., I say.

And herers to Pan----tor this, indeed, 1s vealthl

12-13-43Grady L. McMurtry

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