The Important Role of PLTU Tanjung Jati B


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8/6/2019 The Important Role of PLTU Tanjung Jati B 1/2

Peranan Penting PLTU

Dalam Mengurangi Pengangguran dan Pemberdayaan Komunitas

Selamat pagi hadirin semua

Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.. 

Yang terhormat, pemilik PLTU jepara

Yang terhormat, para juri lomba pidato

And tidak ketinggalan pula semua para hadirin semua yang saya cintai

Para Hadirin semua……………….. 

Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) merupakan suatu pembangkitan energi listrik 

yang tujuan melayani kebutuhan listrik seluruh masyarakat. Hal ini pasti diharapkan mampu

bekerja secara optimal agar proses distribusi listrik tidak terhambat.  

Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) memiliki dua reputasi yang saling bertolak belakang. benar bahwa PLTU mencemari atmosfer kita. Tetapi walaupun begitu, PLTU betubara

mampu memproduksi listrik dengan biaya paling murah dibandingkan sistim pembangkit listrik 

lainnya. Biaya operasi PLTU batubara kurang lebih 30 % lebih rendah dibandingkan sistim

pembangkit listrik yang lain. Memang, apapun hal pasti mempunyai sisi positif maupun negatif.

Apabila sisi positif tersebut bisa dioptimalkan, maka sisi negative tersebut akan tertutupi.

Para Hadirin semua……………….. Kota jepara yang terkenal dengan ukirannya, sekarang nama itu sedikit demi sedikit

pudar. Banyak pabrik-pabrik penghasil furniture ukiran pada bertumbangan. Hal ini tidak bisa

dipungkiri lagi banyak pengangguran bertebaran di mana-mana.

Setelah dibangunnya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) di Kab. Jepara, ini terbukti

sangat bermanfaat sekali bagi masyarakat sekitar. Yaitu pengangguran yang ada disekitarnya

mampu terkurangi. Walaupun tidak mampu mengatasi sepenuhnya masyarakat jepara

seluruhnay, tetapi ratusan penduduk yang tinggal di sekitar PLTU bisa bekerja di tempat


Kemudian, dengan keberadaanya PLTU di Kab. Jepara, mampu menyalurkan bantuan

dalam pemberdayaan komunitas. Ini bisa dibuktikan dengan pemberian dana-dana lewat

proposal ataupun pengajuan-pengajuan lain.

Para hadirin yang berbahagia..

Desamping PLTU sebagai Pembangkit Listrik dengan biaya yang lebih murah dari pada

pembangkit listrik lainya, dan mampu mendistribusikan listrik yang cukup lumayan luas, tetapi

PLTU juga mampu mengatasi pengangguran-pengangguran yang berada disekitar area

pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik tersebut.

Cukup sekian yang saya sampaikan, terima kasih banyak atas perhatiannya. Jika saya ada salah,

saya minta maaf yang sebesar-besarnya. Akhir kata..

Selamat siang dan sampai jumpa lagi..

Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb…. 

8/6/2019 The Important Role of PLTU Tanjung Jati B 2/2

The Important Role of PLTU Tanjung Jati B

In Decreasing Unemployment and Empowering Communities

Good Morning and best wishes have always been given to all of us…. 

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. 

Honorable Site General Manager Sumitomo Corporation of PLTU Tanjung Jati B Jepara, Mr. J. Tanimoto 

Respectable all of adjudicators of this speech competition 

And Unforgettable all audience whom I love 

In this bright day and a beautiful moment, let’s tanks to our God because we are still received a

health so we can attend here joining in this speech competition without any trouble and problem.

I’m a represent from Senior High School of Pendem Kembang, standing here, I would like to

deliver my speech to you all, by the title “The Important Role of Steam Power Plant Tanjung

Jati B in Decreasing Unemployment and Empowering Communities”. 

Dear Brothers, Sisters, Ladies, and Gentlemen.

Steam Power Plant is a generating electrical energy with the aim to serve the electrical needs of 

the entire community. It is sure expected to work optimally so that the process of electricity

distribution is not hampered.

Steam Power Plant has two contradictory reputations. It’s right that coal power plant pollute to

our atmosphere. However, Steam Power Plant has a good reputation because it produces

electricity with a cheaper cost than most other power generation systems. Coal power plant

operating costs is approximately 30% (thirty percents) lower compared to other power generation

systems. Indeed, everything may have any positive or negative side. If the positive side it can beoptimized, then the negative side will be covered.

Dear Brothers, Sisters, Ladies, and Gentlemen.Jepara city is famous for its carvings. Now, that name is a little faded day by day. A lot of 

factories producing furniture carvings have already collapsed. It can’t be denied again that many

unemployed scattered everywhere.

After Steam Power Plant is built in Jepara District, it’s proven that it’s very beneficial to the

surrounding community. Jepara people who live around that factory could be decreased a lot.

Although it could not overcome the whole jepara people from disaster of unemployment, a

hundreds of residents living around power plant are able to work at the venue.

Then, with its presence in the peninsula Jepara power plant, it can support in empowering the

community. This can be proven by provision of funds through the proposal-submission or other


Well, happy audience… Besides, Steam Power Plant by a cheaper cost than other power plant, and it can distribute quite

a wide power, but Steam Power Plant also can overcome some unemployment around Steam

Power Plant development built.

That’s all my speech. Thank you very much for your nice attention and especially thanks toSumitomo Corporation that have already held this program. If I have some mistake of my

speech, please forgive me. From me, the last I say

Good day and See you... Viva forever for our Country, Indonesia…. 

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb 
