The people 09 市井小民 All photos From :// 李常生 林小圓...


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The people 09市井小民

All photos From http://www.trekearth.com李常生 林小圓 Taipei

Planting paddy by Urs Malaysia 馬來西亞

nikon day by polpo56 義大利 Italy IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK by GFSSD-1 Israel 以色列

monkey say, monkey do by njubi Scotland 蘇格蘭

Lost in Dreamland by zaid_abraham 印度 India

Candy Man by hyasar 土耳其 Turkey

ka$ li canavarlar by umutlu101 土耳其 Turkey

India 印度

Breakfast In The Street by saxo042 Sweden 瑞典

Samosa Boy by stevesaba India 印度

Theresienwiese & Bavaria by Sne011 Germany 德國

Cérémonie by litutuc 日本 Japan

Swabians in Hungary - the open gate by Jakab Hungary 匈牙利

^ The Bride ^ by sayan911 印度 India

Potter‘s Cottage I by Sardonik 印度 India

macahel by farukakbas Turkey

guardian by tulipan7 Uzbekistan

Copyright: dustein sibug Philippine 菲律賓

Rabbana Lakal Hamd by ashehzad 巴基斯坦 Pakistan

un endroit bien sympathique by Kofman Greece 希臘

“Firstly ,You Eat With Your Eyes” by daddo 日本 Japan

People of Ethiopia by jabumbum 衣索匹亞

Street Art - I by mesutilgim 法國 France

an exhausted smile by leo61 印度 India

Buddhist Monk with an Umbrella-Man by galtis 泰國 Thailand

Pot seller Jodhpur by luke32 India 印度

kalaylamak by uzak 土耳其 Turkey

The biggest smile in Pushkar by DavorSt 印度 India

Suriname Police by Suriswiti

witch? by Polakowski Norway 挪威

Men‘s fashion in Russia by alper_ayhan 蘇聯

by kenansolmaz 土耳其 Turkey

Break Time by jorgereverter India 印度

The Station by berek Belgium 比利時

Bite me by kryho78 Morocco 摩洛哥

Rabari, Anjar, redux... by scalerman 印度 India

Jerusalem Street by GFSSD-1 以色列

Seul... by barni 瑞士 Switzerland

dark queen ... La Rabla by Pentti Spain 西班牙

Drowning in Flowers by stevesaba 印度 India

by jimmyjimmy Florida

Sadhu in Kathmandu by lucas-polynesia Nepal 尼泊爾

Welcoming Smile by daddo 日本 Japan

Festival Time by axiotea India 印度

High Tatry #15 by JVS 波蘭 Poland

Pottery = mc2 by Cretense Turkey 土耳其

spaniard by njubi 蘇格蘭 Scotland

Which Way? by burraburra Austrlia 澳洲

Drums and dreams by nivaldo 巴西 Brazil

Kekova by farukakbas 土耳其 Turkey

On the beach part VIII by bisok 澳洲 Australia

Streetlife by tpstrek Greece 希臘

Read My Message by afrinaldi Indonesia 印尼

The end
