ThisSemester ThisYear 01


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  • 8/14/2019 ThisSemester ThisYear 01


    [The Topic Of Your Paper Goes Here]by

    Your_First_Name Your_Last_Name

    Submitted This_Month This_Number_Day, This_YearCORS456, Course_Tite_!s_Listed_"n_Course_Catao#

    Abstract$%ro&ide '5 to (5) *ords in +ara#ra+h orm des-ribin# the main idea or .bi# +i-ture./Your te0t shoud summari1e the main +oint2s3 o your to+i- as an .abstra-t./ Dont usemore than (5) *ords/ Dont use ess than '5 *ords/ This tite +a#e shoud it on this+a#e/ You may add an a++ro+riate #ra+hi- i you ie beo*/

    $%ut a .mind ma+. or .-o#niti&e *eb. that you -reate here *ith at least a dozenined.bubbes./ You may use any too to -reate that/ Re-ommended7, a ree oninea++i-ation that he+s you to -reate mind ma+s/

    Introduction$Start ty+in# the te0t o your +a+er here/ To sa&e +a+er, "t is re-ommended that you doNOTindent the irst ine o your te0t or ea-h +ara#ra+h/ !nd, there is no reason to

    doube8s+a-e ines/ %ease use this ormat or *ritin# a +a+er in this -ourse/ ! youha&e to do is ty+e o&er the te0t in this +ara#ra+h and deete a o the bra-ets/

    $Fee ree to in-ude ree&ant ima#es in your +a+er9 this is en-oura#ed and e&ene0+e-ted/ " you insert or +aste ima#es in :ord, you *i ha&e to modiy its .ayout./ "n:ord ;))

  • 8/14/2019 ThisSemester ThisYear 01


    te0t and then in it9 there are ad&anta#es in +ro&idin# your ins in this *ay/

    Go* to modiy the .ayout. o an ima#e in :ord ;))

  • 8/14/2019 ThisSemester ThisYear 01


    =se this ormat/

    =se buets, *hen a++ro+riate/ For e0am+e, this is a bueted item/

    Gi#hy re-ommended7 :hen you use a ar#er ima#e, +ro&ide a -entered -a+tionin a si#hty smaer ont si1e dire-ty beo* it/ Ca+tion te0t -an be a briedes-ri+ti&e +hrase9 use a +hrase that ends *ith a +eriod/

    "n :ord ;))

  • 8/14/2019 ThisSemester ThisYear 01


    an .introdu-tion. se-tion

    a narrati&e di&ided u+ into &arious se-tion headin#s o your -hoi-e

    at east ; ree&ant ima#es +er +a#e 2Re-ommended7 i you reer to a

    *ebsite, +ro&ide a s-reen -a+tureI3

    a summary

    a bibio#ra+hy se-tion -ontainin# at east 5 sour-es

    $%ease .brea. a +a#e so that ea-h se-tion o reated te0t does not trai by Hust a ine ort*o on another +a#e/ This is -onsidered #ood +roessiona +ra-ti-e/ To do this, Hustinsert a +a#e brea/

    [Para!raph -or$at]$@a-h o your +ara#ra+hs shoud ha&e < or more reated senten-es/ @a-h senten-eshoud be s+e -he-ed by usin# the F' s+e -he- ey/ @a-h senten-e shoud be#rammati-ay -orre-t and -om+ete/ =se Hust one s+a-e ater e&ery +eriod9 there is noneed to use t*o s+a-es bet*een senten-es/

    [8iblio!raph(]$Your bibio#ra+hy shoud be in its o*n se-tion/ Your bibio#ra+hy -itations shoud be in

    !%! ormat/ You -an ind inormation about ormattin# your -itations here7htt+7tra-star/4tea-hers/or#tra-starts&ie*Tra-/doKnumber;

  • 8/14/2019 ThisSemester ThisYear 01


    !n onine database o many thousands o +eer8re&ie*ed Hournas/

    $!ter you a--ess @bs-o, -i- on the in to .!-ademi- Sear-h Com+ete.9 the databaseis des-ribed abo&e in the ima#e/ Some, but not a o the entries in-ude the u te0t othe arti-es/ =se the ad&an-ed sear-h eature, as sho*n beo*/ Sear-h or +eer8re&ie*ed arti-es *ith u te0t7

    See-tin# u te0t +eer8re&ie*ed arti-es/

    CORS56', FirstName LastName, ! %a+er, ThisSemester ThisYear %a#e 5 o '

  • 8/14/2019 ThisSemester ThisYear 01


    [-ile Na$in!]$Sa&e your do-ument *ith this ie name7O&/01#Your-irstNa$e#Your2astNa$e#YourAssi!n$entNa$e#Thise$ester#ThisYear##34.doc2YourAssignmentNameis the name o this assi#nment/ For e0am+e, this -oud be

    somethin# -aed riti'ue 5: ase tud(: or Paper/ .01. is the &ersion number/ Youshoud ee+ your &ersions9 this is hi#hy re-ommendedI :hen you modiy your ie,instead o sa&in# the ie *ith the same name that o&er*rites +re&ious *or, sa&e your*or usin# .S!B@ !S. *ith the ne0t &ersion number, as a se+arate ie/ This is anee-ti&e *ay to easiy determine the atest &ersion, es+e-iay *hen you submitre&isions/ This strate#y -om+etey +re&ents a--identa o&er*ritin# o *or on a ie/%ease sa&e the ie as an Office 5336ie/ " you use Oi-e ;))', sa&e the ie in an.Oi-e ;))

  • 8/14/2019 ThisSemester ThisYear 01


    ?ooth, :/ 2(), O-tober ;3/ Moneyin# *ith an#ua#e7 "s -him+ usin# *ords ormerey a+in# handersK The Washington Post, +/ !an1i the -him+7 ! ie in s-ien-e/ The New York Times,++/ C(, C/ / 2;))5, !u#ust ;3/ :eb +a#e tite/ We$site title%Retrie&ed Se+tember ;5,;))5, rom htt+7***/ansas/-ommdansas(;5)6
