trial spm 2012 ssem bio paper 1


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  • 7/31/2019 trial spm 2012 ssem bio paper 1



    SULIT 4551/1

    Instruction: This question paper consists of50 questions. Answer all questions.

    Arahan:Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan. Jawab semua soalan.

    1 Which of the following information is true about the differences between a typical plant cell and animal


    Antara maklumat berikut, yang benar bagi perbezaan di antara sel tumbuhan dengan sel haiwan?

    Plant cell

    Sel tumbuhan

    Animal cell

    Sel haiwan

    A Cellulose cell wall present

    Mempunyai dinding sel


    Chitinous cell wall present

    Mempunyai dinding sel


    B Golgi body absent

    Tidak mempunyai jasad


    Golgi body present

    Mempunyai jasad Golgi

    C Centrioles absent

    Tidak mempunyai sentriol

    Centrioles present

    Mempunyai sentriolD Has small vacuole

    Mempunyai vakuol bersaiz


    Has large vacuole

    Mempunyai vakuol bersaiz


    2 Diagram 1 shows a flowering plant.

    Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu tumbuhan berbunga.

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    SULIT 4551/1

    Diagram1/Rajah 1

    What is X?

    Apakah X?

    A Cell


    C Tissue


    B Organ


    D System


    3 Which route does the water take to pass through the plasma membrane?

    Laluan manakah yang diambil oleh air untuk melepasi membran plasma?

    A It dissolves in the glycoprotein

    Air larut dalam glikoprotein

    B It is transferred by the carrier protein

    Air diangkut oleh protein pembawa

    C It passes between the phospholipids bilayer

    Air melepasi antara dwilapisan fosfolipid

    D It gets attached to the phosphate heads of the phospholipids molecules

    Air melekat pada bahagian kepala fosfat dalam molekul fosfolipid

    4 Diagram 2 shows the changes undergone by a red blood cell when it is immersed in solutions of different


    Rajah 2 menunjukkan perubahan yang dialami oleh sel darah merah apabila direndam di dalam larutan

    yang berbeza kepekatan.

    Diagram 2/Rajah 2

    What types of solutions are P, Q and R?

    Apakah jenis larutan P, Q dan R?

    P Q R

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    Remains of the cell membrane

    Sisa-sisa membran sel

    Solution P

    Larutan P

    Solution Q

    Larutan QSolution R

    Larutan R

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    SULIT 4551/1

    A Hypertonic






    B Isotonic






    C Isotonic






    D Hypotonic






    5 Diagram 3shows the movement of mineral X into a root hair cell.

    Rajah 3 menunjukkan pergerakan mineralX ke dalam satu sel rambut sel akar.

    Diagram 3/ Rajah 3

    Which process allows X to enter the cell?

    Apakah proses yang membenarkan mineralX ke dalam satu sel rambut akar?

    A Osmosis


    C Active transport

    Pengangkutan aktif

    B Simple diffusion

    Resapan ringkas

    D Facilitated diffusion

    Resapan berbantu

    6 A housewife uses a few slices of unripe papaya to tenderize the meat using the following steps.

    Seorang suri rumah menggunakan beberapa hirisan buah betik muda untuk melembutkan daging mengikut

    langkah-langkah berikut.

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    P Add the raw papaya slices

    P Tambahkan hirisan betik muda

    Q Boil the meat

    Q Rebus daging

    R Leave the meat for one and half hour

    R Biarkan daging tersebut selama satu jam setengahS Cut the meat into small pieces

    S Potong daging kepada hirisan kecil

    Lower concentration of X

    Kepekatan X rendah

    High concentration of X

    Kepekatan X tinggi

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    SULIT 4551/1

    Which of the following sequence is correct?

    Antara berikut, urutan manakah yang betul?

    A Q R S P

    B S P R Q

    C P Q R S

    D R S Q P

    7 Carbon is the main element in a cell. Which of the following organic substances contain carbon?

    Karbon ialah unsur utama dalam sel. Antara sebatian organik berikut, yang manakah mengandungi


    I Carbohydrates


    II Protein


    III Lipid


    IV Water


    A II and III only

    II dan IIIsahaja

    C I, II and III only

    I, II dan IIIsahaja

    B II and IV only

    II dan IVsahaja

    D I, III and IV only

    I, III dan IVsahaja

    8 Which of the following carbohydrates is not a disaccharide?

    Antara karbohidrat berikut, manakah yangbukandisakarida?

    A Lactose/Laktosa

    B Maltose/Maltosa

    C Sucrose/ Sukrosa

    D Fructose/Fruktosa

    9 Diagram 4 shows how DNA replication takes place to produce new daughter DNA.

    Rajah 4 menunjukkan bagaimana replikasi DNA berlaku untuk menghasilkan DNA baru.

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    SULIT 4551/1

    Diagram 4/Rajah 4

    This process takes place during

    Proses ini berlaku semasa

    A Interphase/Interfasa

    B Prophase/Profasa

    C Metaphase/Metafasa

    D Anaphase/Anafasa

    10 Which statements about cytokinesis in animal cells are true?

    Antara pernyataan berikut, manakah yang benar mengenai sitokinesis dalam sel haiwan?

    I A cleavage furrow is formed

    Satu pencerutan sitoplasma terbentuk

    II Actin filaments contract to pull a ring of the plasma membrane inwards

    Filamen aktin mengecut dan menarik membran plasma ke dalam

    III The cell plate grows outwards until it fuses with the plasma membrane

    Plat sel dibentuk dan menghala keluar sehingga bercantum dengan membran plasma

    IV Membrane enclosed vesicles collect at the equator between the two nuclei of daughter cells

    Vesikel bermembran tersusun di khatulistiwa di antara dua nukleus sel anak

    A I and II only

    I dan IIsahaja

    B III and IV only

    III dan IVsahaja

    C I, II and III only

    I, II dan IIIsahaja

    D II, III and IV only

    II, III dan IVsahaja

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    SULIT 4551/1

    11 A pregnant woman discovered that her gums were swollen and bleeding and her red blood cell count was


    Seorang wanita mengandung mendapati gusinya berdarah dan bengkak serta bilangan sel darah

    merahnya kurang.

    Base on the information, she was most probably suffering from a deficiency of

    Berdasarkan maklumat itu, wanita itu berkemungkinan mengalami kekurangan

    A Iron and folic acid

    Zat besi dan asid folik

    B Vitamin C and Iron

    Vitamin C dan zat besi

    C Vitamin B and calcium

    Vitamin B dan kalsium

    D Vitamin E and folic acid

    Vitamin E and asid folik

    12 Diagram 5 shows a longitudinal section of a villus.Rajah 5 menunjukkan keratan memanjang vilus.

    Diagram 5/Rajah 5

    Which of the following nutrients are found in P?

    Antara nutrien berikut, yang manakah dijumpai di dalam P?

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    SULIT 4551/1

    I Glucose/ Glukosa

    II Amino Acid/Asid Amino

    III Fat/Lemak

    IV Vitamin D/ Vitamin D

    A I and II

    I dan II

    B III and IV

    III dan IV

    C I, II and IV

    I, II dan IV

    D II, III and IV

    II, III dan IV


    13 Diagram Diagram 6 shows part of the human digestive system.

    Rajah 6 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada sistem pencernaan manusia.

    Diagram 6/Rajah 6

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    SULIT 4551/1

    Which of the labeled parts, A, B, C or D produces an enzyme which works well in an acidic medium?

    Antara bahagian berlabelA, B, C atau D, yang manakah menghasilkan enzim yang bertindak dengan

    baik dalam medium berasid?

    14 A patient had his gall bladder removed. Choose the most suitable menu for this patient.

    Seorang pesakit telah dibuang pundi hempedunya. Pilih menu yang paling sesuai untuk pesakit tersebut.

    Menu 1 Menu 2 Menu 3 Menu 4



    Peanut sauce

    Kuah kacang


    Nasi lemak

    Nasi lemak



    Teh tarikTeh tarik

    Roti canai

    Roti canai

    Fish curry

    Kari ikan

    Ice creamAis krim

    Steamed fish

    Ikan kukus



    Fruit jellyAgar-agar buah

    A Menu 1

    B Menu 2

    C Menu 3

    D Menu 4

    15 The The following results were obtained in an experiment to determine the vitamin C content of a

    sample of fruit juice.

    Keputusan berikut telah diperoleh dalam satu eksperimen untuk menentukan kandungan vitamin C

    dalam satu sampel jus buah.

    The volume of 0.1 % vitamin C required to decolourise 1.0cm3 of DCPIP = 0.5 cm3

    Isipadu vitamin C0.1% yang diperlukan untuk melunturkan warna 1.0cm3 DCPIP = 0.5cm3

    The volume of fruit juice required to decolourise 1.0cm3 of DCPIP = 1.5cm3

    Isipadu jus buah yang diperlukan untuk melunturkan warna 1.0cm3 DCPIP = 1.5cm3

    What is the percentage of vitamin C in the sample of fruit juice?Berapakah peratus vitamin C dalam sampel jus buah tersebut?

    A 0.01%

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    SULIT 4551/1

    B 0.02%

    C 0.03%

    D 0.04%

    16 The following statements refer to stage X during photosynthesis.

    Pernyataan berikut merujuk kepada peringkatX semasa fotosintesis.

    What is stage X?Apakah peringkatX?

    A Decomposition of hydrocarbons

    Pereputan hidrokarbon

    B Reduction of carbon dioxide

    Penurunan karbon dioksida

    C Photolysis of water

    Fotolisis air

    D Production of glucose

    Penghasilan glukosa

    17 Diagram 7 shows the relationship between photosynthesis and cell respiration.

    Rajah 7 menunjukkan hubung kait antara fotosintesis dan respirasi sel.

    Diagram 7/Rajah 7

    What are X and Y?

    Apakah X dan Y?

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    Hydrogen ions are produced

    Ion hidrogen dihasilkan

    ATP is produced

    ATP dihasilkan

    Water molecules are broken down

    Molekul air terurai

    X Y





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    SULIT 4551/1

    X Y

    A Glucose, oxygen

    Glukosa, oksigen

    Glucose, carbon dioxide

    Glukosa, karbon dioksida

    B Glucose, carbon dioxide

    Glukosa, karbon dioksida

    Glucose, oxygen

    Glukosa, oksigen

    C Glucose, oxygen

    Glukosa, oksigen

    Water, carbon dioxide, ATP

    Air, karbon dioksida, ATPD Starch, energy

    Kanji, tenaga

    Carbon dioxide

    Karbon dioksida

    18 The graph shows the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.

    Graf menunjukkan kesan keamatan cahaya ke atas kadar fotosintesis.

    Referring to curve J and K, what can you deduce about the rate of photosynthesis?

    Merujuk kepada lengkungJ dan K, apa yang boleh dirumuskan tentang kadar fotosintesis?

    A It is not influenced by the concentration of carbon dioxide

    Ia tidak dipengaruhi oleh kepekatan karbon dioksida

    B It is limited by the concentration of carbon dioxide

    Ia dihadkan oleh kepekatan karbon dioksida

    C It is limited by the light intensity

    Ia dihadkan oleh keamatan cahaya

    D It is not influenced by temperature

    Ia tidak dipengaruhi oleh suhu

    19 Diagram 8 shows paddy plants in a paddy field.

    Rajah 8 menunjukkan tumbuhan padi dalam sawah.

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    Rate of



    Light intensity

    Keamatan cahaya



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    SULIT 4551/1

    Diagram 8/Rajah 8

    What are the products of respiration in the leaves and roots?

    Apakah hasil respirasi pada daun dan akarnya?

    Products of respiration in leavesHasil respirasi di daun Products of respiration in rootsHasil respirasi di akar

    ACarbon dioxide and water

    Karbon dioksida dan air

    Lactic acid and carbon dioxide

    Asid laktik dan karbon dioksida

    BCarbon dioxide and water

    Karbon dioksida dan air

    Ethanol and carbon dioxide

    Etanol dan karbon dioksida

    CLactic acid and carbon dioxide

    Asid laktik dan karbon dioksida

    Carbon dioxide and water

    Karbon dioksida dan air

    DEthanol and carbon dioxide

    Etanol dan karbon dioksida

    Carbon dioxide and water

    Karbon dioksida dan air

    20 Diagram Diagram 9 shows the respiratory structure of an aquatic organism.

    Rajah 9 menunjukkan struktur respirasi bagi satu organisma akuatik.

    Diagram 9/Rajah 9

    What is the function of X?Apakah fungsi X?

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    SULIT 4551/1

    A It increases the surface area to make diffusion easier

    Ia menambah luas permukaan supaya resapan berlaku dengan mudah

    B It nourishes the respiratory structure with nutrients and oxygen

    Ia menyuburkan struktur respirasi dengan nutrient dan oksigen

    C It prevents food particles from passing through the branchial clefts

    Ia mencegah zarah-zarah makanan daripada melalui celah brankia

    D It resists the movement of the respiratory structure due to a change in pressureIa menentang pergerakan struktur respirasi yang disebabkan oleh perubahan pada tekanan

    21 Which of the following organisms is a parasite?

    Antara berikut, yang manakah parasit?

    A C

    B D

    22 Which Diagram 10 shows the profile transect of a mangrove swamp

    Rajah 10 menunjukkan keratan profil paya bakau.

    Diagram 10/Rajah 10

    Which of the following statements about the plants in Zone II is correct?

    Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang tumbuhan di zon II?

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    Zone I

    Zon I

    Zone II

    Zon II

    Zone III

    Zon III

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    SULIT 4551/1

    A They have prop roots

    Tumbuhan itu mempunyai akar jangkang

    B They have knee-shaped roots

    Tumbuhan itu mempunyai akar berbentuk lutut

    C They areNypa fruitcans andpandanus sp.

    Tumbuhan itu adalah pokok nipah dan pandanus sp.D They have pneumatophores to trap mud and organic sediment

    Tumbuhan itu mempunyai pneumatofor untuk memerangkap lumpur dan mendapan organik

    23 A student wants to estimate the size of the population of rats in a paddy field. He installs traps evenly in

    the paddy field and successfully captures 40 rats. The rats are marked with a dot of cellulose paint and

    then released. Three days later, he installs the traps again. This time, a total of 20 rats are captured. 10 of

    them have cellulose markings. What is the estimated population size of rats in the paddy field?

    Seorang pelajar ingin menganggarkan saiz populasi tikus di sawah padi. Beliau memasang perangkap

    di serata sawah padi dan berjaya menangkap 40 ekor tikus. Tikus-tikus tersebut ditanda denganmenggunakan cat selulosa dan dilepaskan semula. Tiga hari kemudian beliau memasang semula

    perangkap dan berjaya menangkap 20 ekor tikus. 10 daripadanya bertanda. Apakah anggaran saiz

    populasi tikus di sawah padi tersebut?

    A 20

    B 40

    C 60

    D 80

    24 In an experiment to determine the Biochemical Oxygen Demand, a sample of lake water was found to

    have a high BOD value.

    What does the above situation tell?

    Di dalam eksperimen untuk menentukan Keperluan Oksigen Biokimia, sampel dari air tasik di dapati

    mempunyai nilai BOD yang tinggi.

    Apakah yang diterangkan oleh situasi di atas?

    I The water is polluted

    Air tersebut tercemar

    II The number of aquatic organism is low

    Bilangan organisma akuatik rendah

    III The water has a high oxygen contentAir tersebut mempunyai kandungan oksigen yang tinggi

    IV Microorganisms are abundant

    Terdapat mikroorganisma

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    SULIT 4551/1

    A I and II

    I dan II

    B I and III

    I dan III

    C I and IV

    I dan IV

    D II and IV

    II dan IV

    25 The following statements describe an undesirable effect on the environment which is caused by human


    Pernyataan berikut menghuraikan satu kesan yang tidak diingini ke atas alam sekitar yang disebabkan

    oleh aktiviti manusia.

    Iron railings and stone statues corrode faster than normal

    Selusur besi dan patung batu terhakis lebih cepat daripada biasa

    The pH value of soil is low and unsuitable for cultivation of crops

    NilaipH tanah adalah rendah dan tidak sesuai untuk penanaman tanaman

    What is the cause of this undesirable effect?

    Apakah yang menyebabkan kesan yang tidak diingini ini?

    A Acid rain/Hujan asid

    B Soil erosion/Hakisan tanah

    C Eutrophication/EutrofikasiD Global warming/Pemanasan global

    26 Diagram 11 shows organism X and organism Y.

    Rajah 11 menunjukkan organisma X dan organisma Y.

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    Organism X

    Organisma X

    Organism Y

    Organisma Y

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    SULIT 4551/1

    Diagram 11/Rajah 11

    How do both organisms adapt themselves to transport substances efficiently into and out of their bodies?

    Bagaimanakah kedua-dua organisma dapat mengadaptasi diri untuk pengangkutan bahan masuk dan

    keluar dari badan dengan berkesan?

    I Y expels waste products by simple diffusion

    Y menyingkirkan bahan buangan melalui resapan ringkas

    II Y has a specialized medium to transport substances

    Y mempunyai medium yang khusus untuk pengangkutan bahan

    III X has projections and folds in its organs

    X mempunyai unjuran dan lipatan pada organnya

    IV X has many specialized structures to expel waste productsX mempunyai struktur khusus untuk menyingkirkan bahan buangan

    A I and II

    I dan II

    B II and III

    II dan III

    C I, II and III

    I, II dan III

    D I, III and IV

    I, III dan IV

    27 Diagram 12 shows a longitudinal section of the human heart.

    Rajah 12 menunjukkan suatu keratan membujur jantung manusia.

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    SULIT 4551/1

    Diagram 12/Rajah 12

    Which of the labelled parts A, B, C and Dpumps blood to all parts of the body?Antara bahagian berlabelA, B, C dan Dyang manakah mengepam darah ke seluruh badan?

    28 The schematic diagram shows an incomplete mechanism of blood clotting.

    Rajah skema menunjukkan mekanisma pembekuan darah yang tidak lengkap.

    What are P and Q?

    Apakah P dan Q?

    P Q

    A Fibrinogen




    B ProthrombinProtrombin


    C Fibrinogen




    D Thromboplastin




    29 Diagram Diagram 13 shows part of the human lymphatic system.

    Rajah 13 menunjukkan sebahagian dariapda sistem limfa manusia.

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    SULIT 4551/1

    Diagram 13/Rajah 13

    What will happen if the lymph vessels are blocked at PQ?

    Apakah yang akan berlaku jika salur limfa tersumbat di PQ?

    A Infection will spread

    Jangkitan akan merebak

    B The area will be dehydrated

    Kawasan tersebut akan mengalami dehidrasi

    C Oedema will develop in the left leg below PQ

    Edema akan terbentuk pada kaki kiri di bawah PQ

    D Cancer will develop in this area

    Kanser akan terbentuk di kawasan tersebut

    30 Which Diagram 14 shows the concentration of the antibody against measles which is found in the blood

    of a person who has recovered from this disease?

    Rajah 14 menunjukkan kepekatan antibodi terhadap campak yang terdapat dalam darah seseorang yang

    telah pulih daripada penyakit ini.

    Diagram 14/Rajah 14

    What type of immunity does this person get?

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    Concentration of the antibody

    Kepekatan antibodi

    Time (weeks)

    Masa (minggu)Recovery


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    SULIT 4551/1

    Apakah jenis keimunan yang diperolehi individu ini?

    A Natural active immunity/Keimunan aktif semula jadi

    B Natural passive immunity/Keimunan pasif semula jadi

    C Artificial active immunity/Keimunan aktif buatan

    D Artificial passive immunity/Keimunan pasif buatan

    31 Diagram 15 shows the bones of a human.

    Rajah 15 menunjukkan tulang-tulang pada manusia.

    Diagram 15/Rajah 15

    Which of the following forms a ball and socket joint?

    Antara yang berikut, yang manakah membentuk sendi lesung dan soket?

    A P and R

    P dan R

    C P and S

    P dan S

    B Q and R

    Q dan R

    D Q and S

    Q dan S

    32 Diagram 16 shows the main human leg muscles P, Q, R and S and a posture of a gymnast.

    Rajah 16 menunjukkan otot utama kaki manusia, P, Q, Rdan S, serta postur seorang ahli gimnastik.

    Diagram 16/Rajah 16

    Which muscles of the right leg of the gymnast are relaxing?

    Otot yang manakah pada kaki kanan ahli gimnastik itu sedang mengendur?

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    Right leg

    Kaki kanan





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    SULIT 4551/1

    A S and P/ S dan P

    B S and R/ S dan R

    C S and Q/ S dan Q

    D P and Q/ P dan Q

    33 Diagram 17 shows a type of aquatic plant.

    Rajah 17 menunjukkan sejenis tumbuhan akuatik

    Diagram 17/Rajah 17

    Which of the following best describe why the plant floats on water?

    Antara yang berikut, yang manakah menerangkan dengan tepat mengapa tumbuhan tersebut terapung

    dalam air?

    A It has parenchyma tissue and air sacs

    Ia mempunyai tisu parenkima dan kantung udara

    B It has sclerenchyma tissue and air sacs

    Ia mempunyai tisu skelerenkimia dan kantung udara

    C It has aerenchyma tissue and air sacs

    Ia mempunyai tisu aerenkimia dan kantung udaraD It has collenchymas tissue and air sacs

    Ia mempunyai tisu kolenkimia dan kantung udara

    34 Diagram 18 shows a motor neuron.

    Rajah 18 menunjukkan neuron motor.

    Diagram 18/Rajah 18

    What is the function of the structure labelled X?

    Apakah fungsi struktur yang berlabelX?

    A To assist in the metabolism of the cell body

    Untuk membantu metabolisma badan sel

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    SULIT 4551/1

    B To supply nutrients to the cell body

    Untuk membekalkan nutrien ke badan sel

    C To facilitate rapid transmission of impulses

    Untuk membantu pemindahan impuls dengan lebih cepat

    D To direct impulses towards one directionUntuk mengarahkan pergerakan impuls satu hala

    35 Diagram 19 shows a section through the human brain.

    Rajah 19 menunjukkan keratan melalui otak manusia.

    Diagram 19/Rajah 19

    Which of the labeled parts, A, B, C orD controls thinking and learning?

    Antara bahagian berlabel, A, B, C atau D, yang manakah mengawal pemikiran dan pembelajaran?

    36 Diagram 20 shows a nephron of humans kidney.

    Rajah 20 menunjukkan suatu nefron pada ginjal manusia.

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    Air kencing

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    SULIT 4551/1

    Diagram 20/Rajah 20

    Which of the labelled parts A, B, C and D contains high concentration of glucose and amino acid?

    Antara bahagian berlabelA, B, C dan Dmengandungi kepekatan glukosa dan amino asid yang paling


    37 Which Diagram 21 shows the distribution of auxin in a plant shoot.

    Rajah 21 menunjukkan taburan auksin pada pucuk tumbuhan.

    Diagram 21/Rajah 21

    Which of the following statements explains the positive phototropism of the plant shoot?

    Antara pernyatan berikut, yang manakah menerangkan fototropisme positif bagi pucuk tumbuhan


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  • 7/31/2019 trial spm 2012 ssem bio paper 1


    SULIT 4551/1

    Diagram 22/Rajah 22

    At which stage A, B, C orD is the morula stage?

    Antara peingkatA, B, C atau D, yang manakah ialah peringkat morula?

    41 Diagram 23 shows the sigmoid growth curve of an organism.

    Rajah 23 menunjukkan lengkung sigmoid bagi pertumbuhan suatu organisma.

    Diagram 23/Rajah 23

    Where are the growth rates at parts K, L and M?

    Apakah kadar pertumbuhan di bahagian K, L dan M?

    42 Diagram 24 shows part of spermatogenesis.

    Rajah 24 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada proses spermatogenesis.

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    K L M

    A Zero/ Sifar Slow/Perlahan Fast/ CepatB Fast/ Cepat Slow/Perlahan Zero/ Sifar

    C Slow/Perlahan Fast/ Cepat Slow/Perlahan

    D Fast/ Cepat Zero/ Sifar Slow/Perlahan

    MK L




    Germinal epithelial cell

    Sel epitelial germa



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    SULIT 4551/1

    Diagram 24/Rajah 24

    Which of the following is true about process X, cell P and process Y?

    Antara yang berikut, yang manakah benar tentang proses X, selP dan proses Y?

    Process X

    Proses X

    Cell P


    Process Y

    Proses Y





    Meiosis II

    Meiosis II





    Meiosis I

    Meiosis I

    C Meiosis IMeiosis I

    Primary spermatocyteSpermatosit primer

    Meiosis IIMeiosis II

    DMeiosis II

    Meiosis II

    Secondary spermatocyte

    Spermatosit sekunder

    Meiosis II

    Meiosis II

    43 Diagram 25 shows the stages in the development of a follicle in an ovary.

    Rajah 25 menunjukkan peringkat perkembangan folikel di dalam ovari.

    Diagram 25/Rajah 25

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    SULIT 4551/1

    What is the hormone secreted by W?

    Apakah hormon yang dirembeskan oleh W?

    A Oestrogen


    B Progesterone


    C Luteinising hormone

    Hormon peluteinan

    D Follicle stimulating hormone

    Hormon perangsang folikel

    4551/1 2012Hak cipta Sekolah Seni Malaysia 26 [Lihat halaman sebelah


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    SULIT 4551/1

    44 Diagram 26 shows the longitudinal section of a shoot tip.

    Rajah 26 menunjukkan keratan memanjang hujung pucuk

    Diagram 26/Rajah 26

    Which zone undergoes elongation?

    Zon manakah yang menjalani pemanjangan?

    A Zone IZon I

    B Zone II

    Zon II

    C Zone III

    Zon III

    D Zone IV

    Zon IV

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    SULIT 4551/1

    45 Which term refers to the physical characters of an organism?

    Istilah manakah merujuk kepada ciri fizikal suatu organisma?

    A Genotype/ Genotip

    B Fenotype/Fenotip

    C Heterozygous/Heterozigot

    D Homozygous/Homozigot

    46 Diagram 27 shows a cross section of a carpel of a plant.

    Rajah 27 menunjukkan keratan rentas karpel bagi suatu tumbuhan.

    Diagram 27/Rajah 27

    Which of the structures labelled A, B, C orD, is a female gamete?Antara struktur berlabelA, B, C atau D, yang manakah merupakan gamet betina?

    47 Blood group in humans is determined by three alleles, IA, IB and IO.

    What is the possible genotype for a person having a blood group B?

    Kumpulan darah manusia ditentukan tiga alel, IA, IBdan IO.

    Apakah genotip yang mungkin bagi seorang yang mempunyai kumpulan darah B?



    A I and II only

    I dan IIsahaja

    B II and III only

    II dan IIIsahaja

    C I and IVonly

    I dan IVsahaja

    D III and IV only

    III dan IVsahaja

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    SULIT 4551/1

    48 Diagram 28 shows genes carried on a pair of homologous chromosomes.

    Rajah 28 menunjukkan gen pada sepasang kromosom homolog.

    Diagram 28/Rajah 28

    What does Q and q represent?

    Apakah yang diwakili oleh Q dan q?

    A Homozygous alleles

    Alel homozigot

    B Heterozygous alleles

    Alel heterozigot

    C Linked genesGen terangkai

    D Recessive alleles

    Alel resesif

    4551/1 2012Hak cipta Sekolah Seni Malaysia 29 [Lihat halaman sebelah


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    SULIT 4551/1

    49 Which Diagram 29 shows the genotypes of a couple on colour-blindness.

    Rajah 29 menunjukkan genotip bagi pasangan buta warna.


    Ibu bapa:

    Ali Azura



    XbY XBXb

    Diagram 29/Rajah 29

    Ali who has the colour-blidness gene married Azura who is a carrier of colour-blindness. What is the

    chance that this couple will get a daughter who is colour-blind?

    Ali yang mempunyai gen buta warna berkahwin dengan Azura yang merupakan pembawa bagi buta

    warna. Apakah kebarangkalian bagi pasangan ini mendapat anak perempuan yang buta warna?

    A 0.25

    B 0.50

    C 0.75D 1.00

    51 A person with Downs Syndrome is born with 47 chromosomes in each of his/her cells, instead of 46


    Seorang individu yang menghidap Sindrom Down dilahirkan dengan 47 kromosom dalam setiap selnya,

    bukan 46 kromosom.

    Which of the following can cause this?

    Antara berikut, yang manakah boleh menyebabkan keadaan ini?

    A Chromosomal mutation happened during the production of the egg cell or sperm

    Mutasi kromosom berlaku semasa penghasilan sel telur atau sperma

    B More than one sperm fused with one egg during fertilisation

    Lebih daripada satu sperma telah mensenyawakan satu telur semasa persenyawaan

    C Radiation caused a change in the structure of the sperm

    Radiasi telah menyebabkan perubahan struktur sperma

    D The mother was exposed to harmful chemicals during pregnancy

    Ibu telah terdedah kepada bahan kimia berbahaya semasa mengandung