Tugas Bahasa Inggris Kelompok PTO Rombel2



tugas bahasa inggris

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Name Of Team :

5202414076 Moch Ananta Yogatama Nugraha

5202414077 Syaiful Huda

5202414078 Moh. Arif Nasrulloh

5202414079 Dony Nugroho

5202414080 Deka Danyawan


(On campus breaks)

Ananta   : That was not difficult math test? I think hard.

Deka : Yes. Deuteronomy math difficult. What do you think Dony?

Dony    : Yes. Quite difficult.

Syaiful   : But friends, as long as we learn definitely easy. You agree? But,I was too

confused to do it.

Ananta   : But fortunately I was sitting in the back. So, can cheat.

Dony     : You're cheating?

Ananta      : Yes, I am.

Deka   : Me too. I've been cheating the formula in the book that I hide in the drawer.

Syaiful    : Wah wah wah. Not good!.

  (Arif come and intends to join in the conversation)

Arif : Can we join the discussion?

Dony : Yeah, can not?

Syaiful    : Yes allowed.

Arif : You are what discussion?

Dony     : It's, time math test last Ananta and Deka cheating.

Arif : Cheat? I was also cheating.

Dony    : What? So who did not cheat just me and Syaiful?

Syaiful    : My goodness. No! Friend's cheating that included corruption!

Ananta  : How come?

Arif : Weird!!

Syaiful    : Oh My God... So long as you do not know this? Donyifah, please explain!

Dony     : Huhh. So whose name was not just corrupt officials who take the rights of the

people. There are little things that we often do and maybe it’s corruption.

Syaiful    : Like cheating, skipping school, buy food at the canteen does not pay, or

dishonest acts of others.

Arif : So far I often corrupt ...!

Deka   : Me too!

Ananta  : Me too!

Arif : Ouch. We feel guilty ..!

Dony     : Yes. So let us accustom ourselves early on not to commit corruption.

Syaiful    : Yeah. So if we have been accustomed from an early age is not corruption, our

country will progress!

Arif : O.K! From now on we will be honest in all things.

All  : Agree !!!!!!!!!!!
