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English HomeWork

Good and Bad Abstract

Teamwork :

Dimas Satrio B (I1A008062)Dimas Harditya M.P (I1A008066)

M. Rizky Fahdila (I1A008076)Chalid M.A. Muthaher (I1A008084)

The Feasibilitv of GasPak Envelope Production for AnaerobicBacteria Cultivation

Nowadays, plenty of well known brands of GasPak envelopes are available in the market forMicrobiological laboratories to generate an anaerobic atmosphere in an anaerobic jar. This work aims to produce low cost GasPak envelopes and monitor their abilities of anaerobic bacteria cultivation under the atmosphere of O2 < 5%/o and l0%o of CO2, approximately. The Anaerocult A system (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was utilized as a reference chemical system. Consequently the abilities to decrease oxygen concentration and to liberate carbon dioxide in a jar of both GasPak anaerobic systems, i .e., the Merck AnaerocultA and our new product were measured by Gas Chromatography (GC). We found that the atmospheric systems generated by the Merck Anaerocult A and our new product turned out to have O2 at 5.73 vol%, and 5.30 vol% respectively, after placing the envelopes for 60 min, while 200 min later CO2 concentration became stable around 8 .92 vol% and 12.29 vol%, respectively. Finally, amounts of the cultivated anaerobic bacteria in both systems were measured by using a spectrophotometer as a tool. It reveals that there is no significant difference in the anaerobicbacteria culture with both kinds of gas generator envelopes. Of great practical importance, our GasPak envelopes are valuable with the benefit of low cost production at only 17 That Baht per pack.

Comments : This is the good abstract, because :1. In a single paragraph2. Always use trantition word between sentences that unite each sentence.3. Use familiar language4. The grammar is good5. Use present tense in background and past tense in the main body6.



Scabies is an infectious dermatology disease which related to bad hygiene level. Data at Sidalang Elementary School Tersono showed that scabies prevalent was hight, based on thatdata, the research problem was there any relationship many factors with scabies insident in Elementary School Children in Sidalang village Tersono Batang. The purpose of this research was to know the relationship many factors with scabies incident in Elementary School Children in Sidalang village Tersono Batang. This research was a correlational research with cross sectional approach. the respondent that become research subject were all of student at 4-6 grade SDN I and II. The instrument used Guestionnaire which content about knowledge, attitude and personal hygiene practise. The result showed there was a significant relationship between knowledge, attitude and personal hygiene practise with scabies incident in Elementary School Children in Sidalang village Tersono Batang.

Keyword: Knowledge, attitude, personal hygiene practise and scabies

Comments : this is the bad one, because :1. The grammar is not good (indonesian english) not english directly2. All sentences use past tense3.