Twenty years ago: The British Homœopathic Journal, January 1964


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518 Zeitschrift fiir klassische Hom6opathie und Arzneipotenzierung (Heidel- berg, 1957- ) s t a r t e d a s s u p p t . t o8 , c. o f l . Ln-H 1961- imp.

519 Zeitschrift fiir 0sterreichische Hom6opathie (Vienna, 1844-48) 521 Zeitschrift des Vereins der Hom6opatischen Arzte 0sterreichs (Vienna,

1857-63) 522 Zeitung der Hom6opathischen Heilkunst (Dresden & Leipzig, 1830-35) c. o f

523 523 Zeitung der naturgesetzlichen Heilkunst fiir Freunde und Feinde der

Hom6opathie c. as 522

Twenty years ago The British Homaeopathic.Journal, January 1964


The Editorial began by recognizing that all is not well with general practice; the family doctor with an intuitive perception of his patients is being replaced by an expert in impersonal technical knowledge. Hom0eopathy is based on the approach to the whole person, and is a vision and a philosophy and science of wholeness.

The first section of this issue is the report of a symposium on Bronchitis, with emphasis mainly on the chronic disease, and acute-on-chronic episodes. Dr Kennedy began with a definition, and a summary of the conventional treatments, and went on to discuss a total of 30 homoeopathic remedies which need to be borne in mind. Dr Pratt presented an analysis of 17 recent cases of bronchitis seen in Dr Kennedy's clinic. He began with aetiology, which was clear in 9 cases, but indefinite in 8. Regrettably he did not say enough about the progress and follow- up, but only "all these patients showed a definite improvement in the course of a few months". He then listed the symptoms and signs on which the 13 remedies used in this series were prescribed. Dr Thomson Walker considered bronchitis in relation to various cardiac states, outlined the general principles of treatment, and discussed the 8 remedies most often needed for bronchitis in association with cardiac disease. Miss Scotcher, physiotherapist, gave a description and demon- stration of the methods of physiotherapy suitable for chronic bronchitis.

Dr Brieger opened the discussion, and amongst other points mentioned that she often found it difficult to obtain clear mental symptoms in chronic bronchitics.

Volume 73, Number 1, January 1984 49

She had had some encouraging results from prescribing Bacillinum and Influ- enzinum in combination for patients with recurrent and persistent winter coughs. And she suggested that Cadmium, which causes bronchial damage in those work- ing with the metal for a long time, should be considered for treating some cases of chronic bronchitis.

A proving of Hirudo medicinalis was organized by Dr Raeside in 1961 and 1962, and is reported in this issue. A full list of all the proving symptoms is recorded in the classical method of Hahnemann. It is not surprising that bleeding from the gums is one of the symptoms, but there is no indication of any pro- longed bleeding. The potency most used in this trial was the 30c. (I wonder if estimations of the bleeding time before and after the trial might have provided evidence of the effect of Hirudo in potency).

Dr D. M. Gibson continued his series of monographs, with studies of Lachesis and Lac caninum, of the latter, he wrote "It is described as a deep and long-acting remedy; a single dose often suffices."

"Some animal viruses over 100 years" is the title of the paper read to the Faculty by Major Hancock, veterinary surgeon. His grandfather was treated by Dr Frederick Quin, and he was treated by Sir John Weir, who prescribed a potency of swine erysipelas, the disease from which he was suffering, with success. Major Hancock talked mainly about rinderpest and foot-and-mouth disease. This paper is naturally of special interest to veterinary surgeons.

"Acute diarrhoea in children", by Dr P. N. Pai of Bombay, is an admirably detailed analysis of 500 cases treated by him in hospital during 5 years, with a mortality of 6.4~ which compared favourably with the mortality rates "in general hospitals in the best centres" in India, which varied between 8 and 11%. The majority of his small patients were dehydrated, anaemic, and under- nourished. In addition to the best available nursing, homceopathic remedies were given, frequently and in high potency. Arsenicum album was given in 374 cases, Veratrum album in 111, and Calcium phosphate in 15. All the remedies were given in solution; 20 pills dissolved in 1 fluid ounce of distilled water, and 4 drops given, at half hour intervals in severe cases, and at two hour intervals in moderate cases, and at longer intervals as recovery occurred. Arsenicum album was used in the 10M and 50M potencies, Veratrum album in 50M, and Calcium phosphate in the'200c. It is a long paper, well written, with 16 tables of analysis. The necessity for adequate intravenous fluids for dehydration is made quite clear. The efficacy of the hom0eopathic remedies is equally clear.

50 The British Homceopathic Journal
