UNIT 5 International Charities READING ;. Review Tell some charities around the world. What’s...



blindness (n.)

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UNIT 5 International Charities


Review• Tell some charities around the world.•What’s the charity of ORBIS for ?

blindness (n.)

affect 45 million peoplemostly in poor countries

affect (v.) 影响 effect (n.) 整天玩电脑游戏对你的学习有影响Playing computer games _____ ______ ______ your studies.

most 和 mostlymost (adv.) ①“ 最大程度地 , 极度地” 是 much 的最高级 . the most beautiful girl

② 非常 , 极 a most interesting bookmostly (adv.) 主要地 , 大部分地

1. The work is ________ done by myself. A. most B. mostly C. the most D. hardly2. Neil worked ______ slowly of the

three. A. most B. mostly C. almost D. at most

80 per centbe cured or prevented

cure (v.) “ 治疗” , 强调结果 . treat (v.) “ 治疗” , 强调动作 . treatment (n.)

I’ll try my best to ________the patient, but I’m not sure whether I can ___________ her or not.


flying eye hospitalmedical treatment

operation (n.)


operate (v.) on sb.=perform an operation

on sb.

Listen and answer the questions

• 1. Who does the interviewer have an interview with ?

• 2. How many people does blindness affect around the world ?

Dr Ma

About 45 million people

The good news is that 80 per cent of the cases of blindness can be cured or prevented .

• 3. What’s the good news ?

• 4. What’s the bad news ?The bad news is that many people do not have the money for medical treatment.

ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital to visit poor countries.

• 5. How does ORBIS help ?

• 6. Who perform operations ?Volunteer doctors.

Many of the patients are so poor that they don’t have the money to travel to hospital, so the doctors have to go to them.

• 7. Why don’t the doctors work on the plane instead of working in a hospital ?

• 8. What can the local doctors and nurses come to the plane to learn ?

They can learn about eye operations, new skills ,knowledge. They can even watch the operations on (=over) video.

No, they need to work very quickly.

• 9. Do the doctors work very slowly ?

• 10. How many operations do you perform during Dr Ma’s last visit ?

He operates on 150 patients .

No, it isn’t. Yes , he is.

• 11. Is the work on the plane easy ? Is Dr Ma used to the work ?

• 12. Why is Dr Ma proud ?Because he can help so many people.

13. What would Dr Ma like to say to the readers ?• We should try our best to (do one’s

best to ---) help other people. All we need is enough money to carry on with our work. We hope people will support our work by sending donations to ORBIS.

carry on with sth. carry on doing sth.

proudbe proud to do sth. 因 --- 而骄傲be proud of sth. 为 --- 而感到骄傲

根据课文内容填空 ORBIS is an international _________

(organize) . It understands that the public needs _______ (educate) on eye care. ORBIS is able to provide good and free eye ________ (treat) to patients.

The doctors of ORBIS on a flying eye hospital examine the eyes of patients . They give them medicine or do _________

(operate) on them. The doctors try their





best. They have cured a lot of people with ___________ (blind) . Before blind people can see again, their lives are filled with _________ (sad). People get excited about even the smallest _________ (improve) . The doctors and nurses treat the patients with _________ (gentle). People will remember the ________ (kind) of the doctors and nurses forever.




翻译1. 我自豪我能帮助这么多人 .

2. 他们教当地的医生新技术和知识 .

3. 人们对他一定很感激 .

I’m ________ that I can help _____ ________ people.

They teach the doctors from ________ places new _______ _____ _____________.

People must ________ very ________ _______ him.


local skills


and knowledge

begrateful to


• 4. 坏消息是许多人没有治疗的钱 .The bad news is that many people do not have the ________ for _________ ____________.

moneymedical treatment

• 5. 他以自已是一名科学家而自豪 . He is proud of a scientist.

He is proud to be a scientist.

He is proud of being a scientist.

He is proud that he is a scientist.