Università degli Studi di Pavia Corso di laurea interfacoltà in Editoria e Comunicazione...


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Università degli Studi di Pavia

Corso di laurea interfacoltà inEditoria e Comunicazione Multimediale

Relatore: Chiar.mo Prof. Fabio Muzzio Correlatore: Chiar.mo Prof. Guido Legnante

Tesi di laurea di Alessandro Capone

Anno accademico 2010/2011



From wikileaks.org

WikiLeaks is a non-profit media organization dedicated to bringing important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for independent sources around the world to leak information to our journalists. We publish material of ethical, political and historical significance while keeping the identity of our sources anonymous, thus providing a universal way for the revealing of suppressed and censored injustices.




“You have to start with the truth.

The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere.

Because any decision-making that is based upon lies

or ignorance can't lead to a good conclusion.”

Julian Assange

Early life

Hacking and conviction

Computer programming and University studies


WikiLeaks’ greatest scoops before 2010

Julius Baer Swiss Bank

Standard Operating Procedures for Camp Delta

The collected secret “bibles” of Scientology

Climate Research Unit e-mails

Sarah Palin’s e-mail account

BNP Membership

Trafigura Minton’s report

Kaupthing Bank

Great firewall of Australia

Collateral Murder, 5th April

Afghan War Diaries, 25th July

Iraq War Diaries, 22nd October

Cablegate, since 28th November

Manning’s Arrest, 26th May

Leaks and events in 2010

Leaks on Guantanamo

Camp Delta Standard Procedures

Guantanamo Files (Cablegate)

November 2007

April 2011

Some results…

• Different approaches for the two leaks

• All newspapers criticize the United States (Obama)

• WikiLeaks discloses new details on whereabouts of al-Qaeda leaders on 9/11 (Washington Post)

The Collateral Murder

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind”


Some results…

• Media deal with the organization, WL is not simply appointed but the journalists write in-depth articles

• Wikileaks, la “Cia del Popolo” che spaventa il Pentagono (Corriere della Sera from NYT)

• What would Daniel Ellsberg do with the Pentagon Papers today? (NYT)

• Other european cases• El Paìs, the real surprise!• Why NYT, Der Spiegel and El Paìs will be the media


The Cablegate

Il Giornale vs La RepubblicaAnalysis from November 22 to December 1

• Concern (and articles) increases approaching to the publication date. Conspiracy against Italy?

Wikileaks, altro scoop. Nelle carte pure l'Italia “Strategia per colpirci” (Il Giornale) VS Wikileaks e rifiuti, Frattini vede il complotto.“Strategia per colpire l'immagine dell'Italia” (La Repubblica)

• Profile of Julian Assange

Assange, l'uomo che spaventa i potenti (Il Giornale) VS Tutti i segreti di Julian Assange, l'uomo che fa tremare il potere (La Repubblica)

• Berlusconi’s FriendshipClinton: "Berlusconi? Non c'è amico migliore". Assange messo al bando: ricercato in 188 Paesi (Il Giornale) VS Clinton: "Berlusconi, il miglior amico". Caccia internazionale ad Assange (La Repubblica)

• The “victims”

• Are the Cables important?

• Is WL journalism?

• New opportunity


You shall know the truth and the truth

shall make you

madAldous Huxley
