v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


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  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant EngineersRalph Pullinger, Structural Technical Specialist, Autodesk, AEC Division (Northern Europe)


    Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this class, ou !ill "e a"le to#

    De$onstrate an understanding of creating a steel!ork fa"rication $odel

    %ntegrate AutoCAD& Plant 'D and AutoCAD& Structural Detailing

    nderstand the !orkflo!s and $anage the processes involved

    About the Speaker

    Ralph is the structural technical specialist for Autodesk, Northern Europe. His expertise

    includes AutoCAD, Autodesk Revit Structure, AutoCAD Structural Detailing and Autodesk

    Root! Structural Anal"sis. #reviousl", Ralph had spent over $% "ears in industr" &ith over

    '( "ears at ) A *airhurst + #artners, the largest ultidisciplinar" private partnership in the

    -.. Ralph is a structural engineer first, ut has sat on oth sides of the fence having anaged

    CAD s"stes in the past. Ralph is no& taking this kno&ledge and expertise gained over the

    "ears and appl"ing it to the situations toda"/s consulting engineers soeties find theselves

    in. His tie on the road includes visiting distriutors, resellers, and custoers across Northern

    Europe and training the in all of the Autodesk structural applications and general integration


    He can e contacted at ralph.pullinger1autodesk.co

    Class Summary

    ro$ pipe supports to steel fra$es * a plant needs structure+ %n this class, ou !ill learn ho! to

    harness the po!er of AutoCAD& Plant 'D and AutoCAD& Structural Detailing to produce

    fa"rication details si$pl and effectivel+ e !ill present case studies that cover alterations of

    e-isting "uildings as !ell as ne! installations to sho! the "enefits of an integrated solution+

    The acco$paning docu$entation !ill highlight the differences "et!een $etric and i$perial for

    "oth di$ensions and sections+ Those fro$ Europe have the additional option of using

    European specific sections+ At the ti$e of !riting there !ere .. registered for this /a" covering

    ever continent of the !orld+

  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    Structural Workflows


    orkfra$es 0 grid sste$s

    Ele$ents1$e$"ers 0 colu$ns, "ea$s, plates, "races etc+

    Connections * connections

    Para$etric structures 0 stairs, ladders, grates etc+

    2perations 0 holes, "olts, !elds3, cuts etc+

    Asse$"lies 0 a collection of ele$ents !ith their operations 4oined together

    Positions 0 uni5ue $arks assigned to asse$"lies

    Editions 0 fa"rication vie!s e-tracted fro$ docu$ented positions

    Stles 0 controlling $echanis$ of ho! to displa !hat and !hen

    Te$plates 0 definitions of vie!s and stles

    3 elds 4oin ele$ents together to for$ asse$"lies


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    Code Region

    99: SA

    9'' rance

    9'= %tal

    9>' Austria

    9>> ? Poland

    9>= @er$an

    9.9 Russia3

    The result of todas class should look like this#


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    ith output like this#


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    Creating the mo"el

    A"" #eferences

    %n AutoCAD& Structural Detailing overla the file P'DE-a$ple at 9,9

    Do not !orr a"out units as AutoCAD !ill take care of that8

    Clip the $odel if ou !ant to 0 it !ill speed up our displa+

    A"" Workframe$s%

    ro$ the ASD*7odel $enu select orkfra$es;

    Tick Non*unifor$ for each , and a-is+


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    or the select the ; "utton and enter the follo!ing#








  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    or the select the ; "utton and enter the follo!ing#

    Then Select Create and position the orkfra$e at the centre of the circle !ith the

    direction along the -*a-is (ortho$ode helps)

    A"" &embers

    Select Profiles; fro$ the ASD*7odel $enu

    Press the ; "utton ne-t to the Profile list and load the follo!ing sections#












  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    Ho!ever, the colu$ns should "e rotated " =9J

    Select the colu$n, right $ouse click and select 7odif

    Click the K=9 option to rotate the colu$n through =9J

    Click Appl and then Close

    Cop this colu$n to grids C:, I>, C>, IB and CB

    inish adding the colu$ns on grids D:, E:, D> and E> "ut re$e$"er that these onl go

    up to the first level and no! look at the 2"4ect %nspector8


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    To add a "ea$#

    2n the ASD*7odel $enu select Profiles;

    7ake the Iea$ profile active

    a$il $ust "e Iea$

    Rotation to 9

    To align the level to the top of the flange pick the red cross


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    Choose %nsert " /ine and pick !hole grid lines

    Choose %nsert " 6 points for those "ea$s that span $ultiple grid lines

    Cop "ea$s if desired

    No! !e should have a "asic skeleton on to !hich !e !ill place our connections and



  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    h $odel "ased designL

    To position $e$"ers under the plant at the second floor level

    Position the CS at the intersection of grid AB second level

    7ove to a plan vie! and place t!o "ea$s using the edges of the plant as a guide 0

    these !ill "e slightl higher than the rest

    7ove the CS "ack to orld


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    A"" Connections

    To add a colu$n "aseplate#

    Choose the Colu$n "ase 0 pinned option fro$ the list of availa"le "aseplates

    Select to!ards the "otto$ of the colu$n on grid I: and vie! the ta"s in order

    Click Create !hen read and look at the 2"4ect %nspector


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    To cop this connection to the other colu$ns#

    Click on the Connections panel to e-pose the secondar $enu and select Cop


    ou $ust select the !hite circular connection holder to gra" the infor$ation

    Select the colu$ns ou !ish to cop this connection to (NI the $e$"er $ust "e

    the sa$e), in this case all of the$ and !ait please8

    To add a "ea$ to colu$n flange connection#

    oo$ in on the intersection on grid I: level :

    Select the appropriate connection icon

    Select the colu$n and then the "ea$

    Revie! the dialog ta" " ta" (e-cept Ri" details)

    7ake endplate :F$$ (B1?G) thick, !ith 6B$$ (:G) edge increase, untick all

    stiffeners, ad4ust the "olt spacing to :99$$ (>G) and $ake the relevant !elds

    F$$ (:1>G)+ Press 2

  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    Cop the "ea$ connection to all relevant "ea$s and colu$ns using the Cop

    connection $ethod fro$ "efore (NI this connection onl applies to those "ea$s running

    left to right AND ou $ust re$e$"er to select the colu$ns)

    This operation results in $an $ore asse$"lies "eing for$ed (refer to the 2"4ect


    These connection fa$ilies can "e stored in data files to later use too

    To add a "ea$ to colu$n !e" connection#

    oo$ in on the intersection of I: level 6 as it is easier

    Select the "ea$ to colu$n !e" connection icon

    Select the colu$n and then the "ea$

    Revie! the ta"s 0 4ust like "efore

    7ake endplate :F$$ (B1?G) thick, !ith 6B$$ (:G) edge increase, ad4ust the it

    tpe to allo! for the space, ad4ust the "olt spacing to :99$$ (>G) and $ake the

    relevant !elds F$$ (:1>G)


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    Press 2< !hen read to create the connection

    Revert to a plan vie! and inspect the connection 0 can the site operative actuall get the

    "olts into their holes safelL

    Cop the connection to the relevant $e$"ers (NI do not cop it to the co$"ined


    Can ou think of a "etter !orkflo! to reduce the a$ount of connection duplicationL


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    /et us deal !ith the plant support "ea$s at level 6

    Choose a "ea$ to "ea$ !e" connection+ Those o"servant ones !ill have noticed that %

    a$ using Endplates throughout as the are MER tpical for the level :

    Select the t!o "ea$s to colu$n !e" connection icon

    Select the colu$n and then the "ea$s

    Revie! the ta"s 0 4ust like "efore (again)

    7ake endplate :F$$ (B1?G) thick, !ith 6B$$ (:G) edge increase, ad4ust the ittpe to allo! for the space, ad4ust the "olt spacing to :99$$ (>G) and $ake the

    relevant !elds F$$ (:1>G)


  • 8/12/2019 v2 SE4241-L RalphPullinger Handout


    Steelwork Modelling for Plant Engineers

    To finish select 2
