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Svemu je potrebno vrijeme. Dan i noć da se smijene i oko dok progleda i čistina da zasija. Bljesak i sunce, sumnja i jaka riječ. Nekada je dovoljan pogled da se sve promijeni. Nemoj biti zbunjen. Nije od tebe traženo da razumiješ. Ona je pozvana da pokuša i razriješi za tebe. U ovoj neobičnoj svakodnevnici kada glavoboljamo što obući i koje boje bi naše čarape trebale biti, umjetnik nas oslobađa i pojednostavljuje. “Sivo, bijelo, crno...Ja ću pronaći! Ja ću razumjeti! Moram pokušati!”

Nismo ovdje prisutni da je zaustavimo već da budemo strpljivi i čekamo. Odgovor će stići. Prevedeno u liniju, preko tačke da se pruži do kosmosa, da nas sve obuhvati i osvijetli.

1,2,3… buđenje!mr Milena Martinović-Walsh

Everything takes time. Time for the day to replace the night, for the eye to look around and the plain view to shine. Flash and sun, suspicion and a strong word. Sometimes a glance is enough to change everything. Do not be confused. You were not asked to understand. She is invited to try and resolve it for you. In this unusual everyday life, when we worry about what to wear and what the colour of our socks should be the artist liberates us and simplifies it. “Gray, white, black ... I will find it! I will understand! I have to try! “

We are not present here so as to stop her but to be patient and wait. The answer will arrive. Translated into a line, to reach the cosmos through a point, to encompass and enlighten us all.

1,2,3 ... awakening!

mr Milena Martinović-Walsh

Vama, koji plovite nebeskim morima

Uvijek je teško preći sa jedne priče na drugu. Posle jednog završenog ciklusa ući u jedno novo, a slično istraživanje. Možda bi bilo bolje reći nastaviti priču, ali ovaj put u drugom medijumu. Sada se predstavljam serijom crteža koja je nosila radni naziv Tajna stvaranja, koji sam odlučila da zadržim. Inicijalna kapisla bila je jedna mala serija radova pod nazivom „is light white?” gdje sam se igrala sa prelamanjem svjetlosti i prolaskom iste kroz prizmu. Nastavljam sa trouglovima. Slažem ih, igram se, ređam jedan preko drugog, vrtim ih u krug i dolazim do svijetla, ali nekog novog, drugačijeg svijetla od onog prvobitnog. Svijetla koje mi uliva mir.

Je li to iskra, luča o kojoj Njegoš govori?

Odlučujem da kopam dalje, da raščlanim tu svjetlost. Da vidim šta bi to moglo biti tamo, kakva tajna leži tu? I pravim svoj koordinatni sistem, sistem gdje standardna matematička pravila ne važe. Moja igra=moja pravila! Kod mene sve počinje u broju 3, tačnije u π (3,14). Lijevo i desno imaju drugu priču, gore je pozitivno, a ispod negativno. Ali vrtim se oko formule za izračunavanje obima kruga.

O=2r π

Krug=neprestano kretanje, točak života, zjenica oka, kap kiše u moru, zemaljska kugla,...

Da li je tajna stvaranja sakrivena u ovoj formuli? Ako prevedem matematičku formulu na duhovni jezik da li bi prevod iste glasio: tajna stvaranja= dva jednaka (otac i sin) i sveti duh?

I opet, formula sastavljena od tri činioca. Počeću da nabrajam: rođenje, život i smrt; početak, sredina i kraj; prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost; otac, sin i sveti duh; ... sve je vezano za tri, gdje god se okrenem, gdje god taknem čeka me 3, a tu je i π - broj koji sadrži sve brojeve, broj bez kojeg se krug opisati ne može. Od najjednostavnije formule za izračunavanje obima kruga do stvaranja svijeta. Od matematike za osnovce i njenog izvrtanja i obrtanja do lude igre koja je završila ovim crtežima. Nemaju velike veze sa stvarnom matematikom, religijom i filozofijom, ali to je moja matematika, moja religija i moja filozofija. Čitav film, čitava priča.

Odabrane radove lijepim na zid, da ih sagledam hronološki poređane i... Svjetlost se širi! A to je bitno!

Tako smo veliki, a opet mali i ništavni. Znamo mnogo, a ustvari ne znamo ništa. Stalno se vrtimo u krug!

I završiću ovu priču citatom koji i najbolje opisuje predstavljene crteže:

„mi smo iskra u smrtnu prašinu,mi smo luča tamom obuzeta.“

Verica Bulatović-Filipović

To You Who Sail the Heavenly Seas

It is always difficult to switch from one narration to another and enter upon a new yet similar research after one completed series. Perhaps it would be better to say - to continue the story but this time in another medium. Now I am presenting a series of drawings that featured the working title The Secret of Creation, a title I decided to keep. The trigger event for this was a small series of works entitled “is light white?” where I played with the reflection of light and the passing of light through the prism. I continue with triangles. I assemble them, I play with them, I arrange them one over another, I turn them around and I reach the light, but a new light different from that original one. A light that instils peace in me.

Is this the spark, the light Njegos is talking about?

I decide to dig further, to break up that light, to see what could be out there, what kind of secret is there? So I create my own coordinate system, a system where standard mathematical rules cannot be applied. My game = my rules! With me everything starts with the number 3, more exactly in π (3,14). The left and the right have another story, up is positive and down is negative. But I keep going around the formula for calculating the circumference of a circle. O = 2r πCircle = continuous movement, the wheel of life, the pupil of the eye, a drop of rain in the sea, the globe...

Is the secret of creation hidden in this formula?

If I translate this mathematical formula into a spiritual language, would the translation be: the secret of creation = two equals (father and son) and the Holy Spirit?

And again, a formula composed of three factors. I will begin to count up: birth, life and death; beginning, middle and end; past, present and future; father, son and the Holy Spirit; ... everything is related to the number three, wherever I turn, whatever I touch 3 is waiting for me; there is also the π -number which contains all numbers in it, the number without which the circle cannot be depicted.

From the simplest formula for calculating the circumference of the circle to the creation of the world. From the twisting and rotating of basic mathematics to the crazy game that ended up with these drawings. They have little to do with real mathematics, religion and philosophy but that is my mathematics, my religion and my philosophy. The whole movie, the whole story.

I fix the selected works on the wall so I can perceive them chronologically arranged and... The light is spreading! And that is important!

We are so big and yet so small and insignificant. We know a lot but we really do not know anything. We are constantly spinning around!

I will finish this story with a quote that describes the drawings presented here in the best manner:

“We are a spark in mortal dust,We are light in dark enshrouded.”

Verica Bulatovic-Filipovic

Verica Bulatović-Filipović je rođena 1980. godine u Podgorici. Diplomirala je na Fakultetu likovnih umjetnosti na Cetinju 2003, odsjek-slikarstvo, u klasi prof. Branislava Sekulića. Magistrirala je na istom fakultetu 2013. u klasi prof. Dragana Karadžića. Član je ULUCG-a od 2006. godine. Ima status samostalnog umjetnika.

Samostalne izložbe2007. Podgorica, FULL LINE-PUNA LINIJA, Umjetnički paviljon ULUCG 2008. Beograd, FULL LINE-PUNA LINIJA, Galerija HAOS 2013. Cetinje, ECI PECI PEC, Galerija 42 2013. Podgorica, ECI PECI PEC, Perjanički dom, CSUCG

Izlagala je na brojnim kolektivnim izložbama u zemlji i inostranstvu. Nagrade2002. Podgorica, Nagrada za uspjeh tokom studija (Univerzitet Crne Gore) 2006. Granada (Španija), Nagrada za sliku (ACVRA) Kontakte-mail: / tel: 067/220-248

Verica Bulatovic-Filipovic was born in 1980 in Podgorica. She graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cetinje, Department of Painting, in the class of Prof. Branislav Sekulic. She obtained her MA degree at the same faculty in 2013, in the class of Prof. Dragan Karadzic. She has been a member of the Association of Fine Artists of Montenegro (ULUCG) since 2006. She has the status of a freelance artist.

Solo exhibitions2007 Podgorica, FULL LINE-PUNA LINIJA, ULUCG Art Pavilion2008 Belgrade, FULL LINE-FULL LINE, HAOS Gallery2013 Cetinje, ECI PECI PEC, Gallery 422013 Podgorica, ECI PECI PEC, Perjanicki dom, Contemporary Art Centre of Montenegro

She has exhibited at numerous group exhibitions at home and abroad. Awards2002 Podgorica, Prize for success during studies (University of Montenegro)2006 Granada (Spain), Award for Painting (ACVRA) ContactE-mail: / tel: 067/220-248 / Verica Bulatović-Filipović / Galerija Klub, Kruševac bb, PodgoricaIzdavač Centar savremene umjetnosti Crne Gore / Za izdavača Nenad Šoškić / Kustoskinja Teodora Nikčević / Tekst mr Milena Martinović-Walsh, Verica Bulatović-Filipović / Prevod na engleski Darja Marija Vuletić / Tehnička realizacija izložbe Novica Vuković, Rajko Raičević,

Nebojša Raspopović / Tiraž 150 / Štampa DPC, Podgorica / oktobar 2017.