Vesak 2016 Tieng Anh Phapnhantemple_edit


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  • 8/18/2019 Vesak 2016 Tieng Anh Phapnhantemple_edit



     Namo the Original Master Sakyamuni Buddhaya

    The 2640th Happy Vesak Season - 2016

    To dear Monastics, lay Buddhists, and everyone,

    We respectfully hear the Elder have taught, " Pay homage to the World-Honored One, wh

    is the Gentle Father of the three Realms, with his loving-kindness, compassion, and wisdom

     shines all over the directions. We who express our deeply wholehearted hearts take towar

    refuge in the Teacher of gods and human beings." Indeed, the Sakyamuni Buddha, the Founder o

    Buddhism, the path of enlightenment, loving-kindness, compassion, and peace to the many righ

    in the present life, has appeared in the world for more than the past twenty centuries.

    Wherever Buddhism has been spread, there Monastics, lay Buddhists, and the local peopl

    live more peacefully, gently, and better if they together learn, understand, practice, and apply th

    Buddhadharma into their daily lives to contribute to bringing fruits and flowers of peaceful joy

    and happiness to living things and living beings all over the planet.

    On occasion of the Vesak Season in this year, the Phap Nhan Temple will hold th

    Summer Retreat  for you near and far under instruction, preaching, and teaching of th

    Buddhadharma of the Most Venerable Thich Tri Hoang, the Head of Phap Nguyen Temple

    coming from Houston, along with the presence and attendance of Vietnamese, Thai, Sri Lank

    Monks, Nuns at the Temples in the vicinity of Austin, Texas.

    Schedule for this Retreat will take place on Saturday afternoon, May 28, 2016. 

    05.00 pm: Welcome you to Phap Nhan Temple

    06.00 pm Have diner in mindfulness

    07.00 pm: Walking meditation

    07.30 pm: Dharma talk

    08.30 pm: Chanting

    Vietnamese American Buddhist Association of Austin, TX

    Phap Nhan Temple - A nonprofit Organization136 The Ranch Road, Del Valle, TX 78617

    Tel: 512-366-2686

    Website: phapnhantemple.comEmail:

  • 8/18/2019 Vesak 2016 Tieng Anh Phapnhantemple_edit


    09.00 pm: Relaxing meditation

    09.30 pm: Sitting meditation

    10.00 pm: lights out.

    On Sunday, May 29, 2016

    05.00 am: Wake and get up

    05.30 am: Do morning exercise

    06.00 am Meditation practice

    06.30 am: Chanting

    07.30 am: Have breakfast in mindfulness

    08.00 am: Do personal activities

    09.00 am: Learn Buddhist Terms

    10.00 am: Dharma talk of the Vesak meanings - Most Venerable Thich Tri Hoang

    11.00 am: Perform the Ceremony of bathing the newborn baby Buddha

    12.00 am: Make offerings to the Sangha and have lunch in mindfulness

    01.00 pm: Take a rest

    02.00 pm: Perform the Ceremony of Taking Refuge and explain the meanings of

    how to become lay Buddhists1 

    03.00 pm: The end

    May the Triple Gem bless you all with peace and happiness.

    May you all be well, healthy, and happy.

    The Abbot of Phap Nhan Temple

     Dharm Teacher Thich Trung Sy 

    1  Please write your full name, DOB, and an ID picture, and then send them soon to the Phap Nhan Temple so that Dharm

    Master will fill them in the Certificate of Ordination for you.