Visit Indo Year 08



paper tentang Visit Indonesia Year 2008

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1. Comment about Branding Africa

Menurut saya, untuk membuat branding Afrika agar menjadi lebih baik di mata

dunia merupakan suatu langkah yang tidak mudah. Jika kita sedang membicarakan

benua Afrika, maka yang ada di benak kita adalah Afrika sebagai benua miskin,

berpenyakitan dan penuh dengan kekerasan. Di lihat dari artikel ini benua Afrika

adalah benua yang paling kecil nilainya jika dilihat dari segi stabilitas politik dan

potensial ekonominya. Tapi di segi cultural heritage, Afrika sejajar dengan negara di

Asia Tengah. Dari segi positifnya, benua Afrika terkenal dengan safarinya. Di

samping itu, kebudayaan, keeksotikannya menjadi faktor pendukung juga. Dari sisi

negatifnya, kemiskinan adalah faktor terbesar yang menjadikan benua ini di cap

kumuh oleh benua lain. Selain itu, kekerasan dan penyakit-penyakit seperti busung

lapar dan gizi buruk juga menjadikan persepsi tentang Afrika adalah benua yang

buruk. Kemudian langkah selanjutnya agar Afrika dapat dipandang positif di mata

dunia, yaitu dengan memulai menghentikan menghambur-hamburkan uang untuk

segala sesuatu yang tidak penting. Lalu membuat iklan tentang kebudayaan serta

safarinya yang terkenal. Dengan begitu, saya optimis bahwa Afrika akan

mempunyai nilai positif di mata dunia internasional.

2. Do you think Indonesia can success with Visit Indonesia Year


I think it will be successful. It depends on how success the promotes are.

Because Indonesia have prepared about it well, and then Indonesia can use the

tourist place that are so many nice place from Sabang until Merauke, like Kuta

Beach in Bali, Anyer Beach in Banten, Dunia Fantasi in Jakarta, Safari Zoo in

Bogor, Borobudur Temple in Magelang, etc. They have high value, with Visit

Indonesia Year 2008 can increase the visitor. Automatically, it can increase our

income and show all our culture from 33 province in Indonesia to the domestic or

foreign tourist and to the all countries in the world. But, because of the flood that

just happened a week ago, I am afraid that it will decrease the visitor. If Indonesia

just do promotion without increasing the quality of the tourism, I think Visit

Indonesia Year 2008 cannot be success.


a. Segmentation from a tour market in Asean (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia,

Singapore, and Vietnam).

i. Indonesia

As with most countries, domestic tourists are by far the largest market

segment. The biggest movement of domestic tourists is during the annual

Idul Fitri, locally known as "lebaran". During this period, which is a 2 week

holiday after the month of Ramadan fasting, many city-dwelling Muslim

Indonesians visit relatives in their home towns. Intercity traffic is at its peak

and often an additional surcharge is applied during this time.

Over the 5 years up to 2006, attention has been focused on generating

more domestic tourism. Competition amongst budget airlines has increased

the number of domestic air travellers throughout the country. Recently, the

Ministry of Labour legislated to create long weekends by combining public

holidays that fall close to weekends, except in the case of important religious

holidays. During these long weekends, most hotels in popular destinations

are fully booked.

Since 2000, there have been, on average, 5 million foreign tourists each

year, who spend an average of US$ 100 per day. With an average visit

duration of 9-12 days, Indonesia gains US$ 4,6 billion of foreign exchange

income annually. This makes tourism Indonesia's third most important non-

oil/gas source of foreign revenue, after timber and textile products.

Three quarters of Indonesia's visitors come from the Asia Pacific region,

with Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Japan and South Korea among the top

five markets. The United Kingdom, France, Germany and the Netherlands

are the largest sources of European visitors. Although Dutch visitors are at

least in part keen to explore the historical relationships, many European

visitors are seeking the tropical weather at the beaches in Bali.

ii. Thailand

Thailand's population is relatively homogeneous. More than 85% speak a

Thai language and share a common culture. This core population includes

the central Thai (33,7% of the population, including Bangkok), Northeastern

Thai or Lao (34,2%), northern Thai (18,8%), and southern Thai (13,3%).


The language of the central Thai population is the language taught in

schools and used in government. Several other small Tai groups include the

Shan, Lue, and Phutai.

Up to 14% of Thai are of significant Chinese heritage, but the Sino-Thai

community is the best integrated in Southeast Asia. Malay-speaking

Muslims of the south comprise another significant minority group (2,3%).

Other groups include the Khmer, the Mon, who are substantially assimilated

with the Thai and the Vietnamese. Smaller mountain-dwelling tribes, such as

the Hmong and Mein, as well as the Karen, number about 788,024.

Thailand is also home to a significant number of registered foreigners

from Asia, Europe, and North America, as well as an estimated several

hundred thousand illegal immigrants. Thailand's population is so large,

however, that they still form an insignificant percentage of the total


The population is mostly rural, concentrated in the rice-growing areas of

the central, northeastern, and northern regions. However, as Thailand

continues to industrialize, its urban population – 31,1% of total population,

principally in the Bangkok area - is growing. Theravada Buddhism is the

official religion of Thailand and is the religion of about 97% of its people.

The government permits religious diversity, and other major religions are

represented. Spirit worship and animism are widely practiced.

iii. Malaysia

The population of Malaysia as of 2006 is estimated to be 26,640,000. Of

these, 5,44 million Malaysians live in East Malaysia and 21,2 million live in

Peninsula Malaysia. Malaysian population continues to grow at a rate of

2,4% per annum, about 34% of the population is under the age of 15. As of

2004, Malays made up an estimated 50,4% of the population, Chinese

23,7%, indigenous peoples 11%, Indian 7,1% and others 7,8%.

Malays originated in Borneo and then migrated to South East Asian

countries where they split into several racial subgroups. Initially they were

Hindus and Buddhists and had converted to Islam as did the neighbouring

Indonesians. In Malaysia, Malays are by constitutional definition, according

to Article 160 of the Malaysian Constitution, Muslims. These people,


combined with indigenous peoples of Malayo-Polynesian origins (e.g.

Kadazandusun, Iban, Dayak, Melanau, etc., mainly concentrated in Sabah

and Sarawak) are denoted 'bumiputra'.

There are other indigenous, non-Malay peoples of Malayo-Polynesian

origins (e.g. Kadazandusun, Iban, Dayak, Melanau, etc.) They are mainly

concentrated in Sabah and Sarawak) and are also denoted as 'bumiputra'.

Non-Malay indigenous groups make up more than half of Sarawak's

population and about 66% of Sabah's. They are divided into dozens of ethnic

groups, but they share some general patterns of living and culture. Until the

20th century, most practiced traditional beliefs, but many have become

Christian or Muslim.There is concern by Orang Asli (Malay: "aboriginal

peoples") that they may not get their special privilege because the article 153

of the constitution did not include them as a bumiputra although people

consider them to.

The second largest ethnic group is Chinese who have historically played

an important role in trade and business. Indians made up of largely Hindu

Tamils, comprise the third largest ethnic group.

There is a small minority crudely grouped and known as the "Others"

category which includes Malaysians of, inter alia, European and Middle

Eastern descent. Population distribution is uneven, with some 15 million

residents concentrated in the lowlands of Peninsular Malaysia, an area

slightly smaller than the State of Michigan in the U.S.

There is no general consensus on the ethnic profiling of children of

mixed parentage. Some choose to be identified according to paternal

ethnicity while others simply think that they fall in the "Others" category.

The majority choose to identify as Malay as long as either parent is Malay,

mainly due to the legal definition of "Bumiputra". Children of Chinese-

Indian parentage are known as Chindians. Though this is not an official

category in National Census Data, it is an increasing number especially in

urban areas.

The indigenous people of Peninsular Malaysia are known as Orang Asli,

which literally means "original person", is a catch all term for a variety of

ancient peoples. They number about 60,000, 60 % jungle dwellers and 40 %

village dwellers, and were the first inhabitants of the area. The most


numerous of the Orang Asli are called Negritos and are related to native

Papuans in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, and possibly even to

aborigines in Australia. They came about 40,000 years ago, and are nomadic.

The next largest is the Senoi. They are similar to hill tribes in Vietnam, and

are shifting cultivators. The rest are proto-Malays, from Sumatra, who

arrived about 4000 years ago, and are similar in features to Malays. Some

have been known to practice cannibalism and become violent upon sight of

outsiders, although some who venture out into the towns and cities have

been known to become assimilated with the Malays through marriage.

iv. Singapore

In 2006, the number of tourists visiting Singapore reached a record

number of 9,7 million as compared to 8,9 million in 2005, beating

expectations.Visitors spent an estimated S$12,4 billion compared to 10,8

billion in Year 2005, resulting in a 14% increase last year compared to the

2005. Visitors stayed for an average of 4 days in 2006, and Indonesia was

the main source of tourists with more than 1,8 million visitors in 2006,

followed by China with 1,0 million. Malaysians also made up 996,000 of the


For hotels, the average occupancy rate between for the whole year was

86% compared to 84% in 2005, resulting in a 1,4% growth. Room rates

broke 10 year records to reach a high of S$164 last year as compared to $137

in 2005, resulting in a 19,6% growth last year as compared to 2005.

In 2006, total room revenue, visitor day and revenue per available room

was $1,5 billion, $32,9 million and $140 respectively. All three sectors had

achieved substantial growth as compared to Year 2005. In 2007, the state

hopes to get 10,2 million visitor arrivals and $13,6 billion in tourism

receipts. By 2015 the ambitious Tourism 2015 blueprint aims to increase

visitors arrivals to 17 million and raise tourism receipts to S$30 billion.


v. Vietnam

Originating in what is now southern China and northern Vietnam, the

Vietnamese people pushed southward over two millennia to occupy the

entire eastern seacoast of the Indochinese Peninsula. Ethnic Vietnamese, or

Viet (known officially as Kinh), live in the lowlands and speak the

Vietnamese language. This group dominates much of the cultural and

political landscape of Vietnam. The Vietnamese government recognizes 54

ethnic groups, of which the Viet is the largest; according to official

Vietnamese figures (1999 census), ethnic Vietnamese account for 86% of the

nation's population. The ethnic Vietnamese inhabit a little less than half of

Vietnam, while the ethnic minorities inhabit the majority of Vietnam's land

(albeit the least fertile parts of the country). The Khmer Krom are found in

the delta of the Mekong River, in the south of Vietnam, where they form in

many areas the majority of the rural population. They live in an area which

was previously part of Cambodia and which Vietnam conquered in the 17th

and 18th centuries. Official Vietnamese figures put the Khmer Krom at 1,3

million people. Vietnam's approximately 1 million ethnic Chinese,

concentrated mostly in southern Vietnam, constitute one of Vietnam's largest

minority groups. Long important in the Vietnamese economy, Vietnamese of

Chinese ancestry have been active in rice trading, milling, real estate, and

banking in the south and shopkeeping, stevedoring, and mining in the north.

Restrictions on economic activity following reunification in 1975 and the

subsequent but unrelated general deterioration in Vietnamese-Chinese

relations sent chills through the Chinese-Vietnamese community. The

relation between China and Vietnam also declined in this period, with

Vietnam siding with the Soviet Union against China in the Chinese-Soviet

split. Tensions peaked when Vietnam invaded Cambodia, an ally of China,

to depose Pol Pot, resulting in a Chinese invasion of Vietnam in 1979. In

1978-79, some 450,000 ethnic Chinese left Vietnam by boat as refugees

(many officially encouraged and assisted) or were expelled across the land

border with China. However in recent years the government has performed

an about turn and is encouraging overseas Hoa to return and invest.


The central highland peoples commonly termed Degar or Montagnards

(mountain people) comprise two main ethnolinguistic groups--Malayo-

Polynesian and Mon-Khmer. About 30 groups of various cultures and

dialects are spread over the highland territory. Other minority groups include

the Cham--remnants of the once-mighty Champa Kingdom, conquered by

the Vietnamese in the 15th century, Hmong, and Tai ("Thái"). Vietnamese is

the official language of the country. It is a language pertaining to the

Austroasiatic language family, a language family also including Khmer,

Mon, etc. Vietnamese was spoken by 65,8 million people in Vietnam at the

1999 census. Another 1,6 million Vietnamese speakers are found outside of

Vietnam. Thus Vietnamese is the most spoken language of the Austroasiatic

family, being spoken by three times more people than the second most

spoken language of the family, Khmer. Both languages, however, are

extremely different: under the influence of Chinese, Vietnamese has become

a tonal language, while Khmer has remained non-tonal. Vietnamese was

heavily influenced by Chinese and a great part of the Vietnamese vocabulary

is Chinese, while Khmer was heavily influenced by Sanskrit and Pali and a

great part of its vocabulary is now made up of Indian words, so that both

languages look very dissimilar on the surface. Since the early 20th century,

the Vietnamese have used a Romanized script introduced by the French.

b. The differential advantage from a tour market in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia,

Singapore, and Vietnam.

i. Indonesia

Tourism in Indonesia is an important component of the Indonesian

economy and an important source of foreign exchange revenues. With a vast

archipelago of more than 17,000 islands, the second longest shoreline in the

world, 300 different ethnic groups and 250 distinct languages, and tropical

climate throughout the year, nature and culture are two major components of

Indonesian tourism.


Tourism in Indonesia is currently overseen by the Ministry of Culture

and Tourism. International tourist campaigns have been focusing largely on

tropical destination with white sand beaches and blue sky imageries. Beach

resorts and hotels were developed in some Indonesia islands, with Bali

island as the primary destination. Cultural tourism is also an important part

of Indonesia tourism industry. Toraja, Prambanan and Borobudur temples,

Yogyakarta and Minangkabau are popular destinations for cultural tourism,

apart from many Hindu festivities in Bali. About 5 million foreign tourists

have visited Indonesia annually since 2000.

However, tourism development had sometimes clashed with local

people, that has created criticism over Indonesia's tourism industry. Most of

the disputes were related over land possession, local traditions (adat) and the

impact of tourism development to the local people. In another area, tourism

industry in Indonesia faces major threats. Since 2002, several warnings have

been issued by some countries over terrorist threats and ethnic/religious

conflicts in some areas, which significantly reduces the number of foreign


ii. Thailand

Tourism in Thailand is a major economic factor of Thailand. The tourism

industry received a boost when US soldiers went there in the 1960s pausing

from the Vietnam war. In 2005, 13,38 million international guests visited

Thailand, a 14,84% increase on 2004, staying 8 days on average.

According to the Tourist Authority of Thailand, 65% of tourists come

from the Asia Pacific region, Japanese and Malaysians among the leaders.

Western tourists come from Britain, Germany, Scandinavia and the USA and

increasing numbers arrive from the Middle East and Russia. Asian tourists

prefer Bangkok and the historical sights nearby, western tourists prefer

Bangkok and the southern beaches. The region having the least tourism is

the Isan in the northeast. About 55% of tourists are return visitors.

In recent years Thailand has been losing out on tourists seeking cultural

destinations, many of whom prefer Cambodia (Angkor Wat) and Laos

(Luang Prabang). To counter this Thailand is seeking more niche markets

such as golf holidays, or holidays combined with medical treatment. These


are especially aimed at Japan and South Korea and in the future China and

Taiwan. Thailand offers a great variety of attractions which can be combined

with hobbies or leisure.

This includes dive sites, sandy beaches, hundreds of islands,

archaeological sites, museums, ethnic and religious sites and World Heritage


iii. Malaysia

Located just north of the equator, Malaysia is one of the most pleasant,

hassle-free country to visit in South East Asia. Made up of 13 states, it is

blessed with superb golden beaches, beautiful islands, well-preserved

forestry and fabulous shopping allied to some magnificent hotels. The mix of

the ancient and the ultra-modern makes an ideal holiday vacation among

visitors around the world. 5 main attracting states which travelers must visit

to have complete this Malaysia travel experience are Kuala Lumpur, Penang,

Melaka, Sabah and Sarawak (Borneo).

Malaysian comprised of many ethnic groups with 3 main races, Malays,

Chinese and Indian. Although the official religion here is Islam, other

religions such as Buddhism, Christianity and Hinduism live harmonically

and peacefully together. With this blend of multi-racial, lingual and cultural,

the outcome is a fascinating cultural mix with colourful festivals, unique arts

and crafts, architecture, food and a rich array of dance forms, the outcome is

simply fascinating.

The capital city, Kuala Lumpur, is a metropolitan with a population of

4,2 million. In Kuala Lumpur, you can experience the most out of a city life.

Standing in the middle of Kuala Lumpur is the Petronas Twin Towers which

once claims the highest building on earth, this sky-crapper is best view at

anytime, it has a majestic view during the day and encharnting view during

the night. You can find many shopping centers, luxury hotels even hotels

apartments and all information are covered in this Malaysia travel guide.

While Penang, which has the highest population density, is one of the major

city, Penang also has a lot to offer for those culture passionate and nature

lovers, with Kek Lok Temple and Batu Feringgi Beach. Not to mention that

Penang is also known as the ‘food capital’ by the locals, it's not surprise to


find some food stall pack with people just beside your luxury hotels or hotels

apartment. In the context of heritage and culture, Melaka, one of the oldest

states in Malaysia also known as the 'historical city' and has a lot to offers for

history lover. Melaka is founded at 1396 by Parameswara. More information

can be found at the this Malaysia travel guide. For nature lovers, visiting

Sabah and Sarawak, which is located at Borneo Island has a lot to offer.

Located at the north of Borneo, Sabah is famous for Sipadan Island, one of

the most famous diving spot in the world and Mt. Kinabalu, the tallest

mountain in South East Asia. While in Sarawak, which is at the West side of

Borneo, has Mulu National Park which is located near Miri, where the world

largest cave chamber and longest cave lies. All these attractions make

Malaysia a natural choice for thousands of visitors from all around the

world. With all the Malaysia travel guide provided, Malaysia travel has

never been that relaxing.

iv. Singapore

Tourism in Singapore is a major industry and attracts millions of tourists

each year. A lot of its cultural attraction can be attributed to its cultural

diversity that reflects its colonial history and Chinese, Malay, Indian and

Arab ethnicities. It is also environmentally friendly, and maintains natural

and heritage conservation programs. As English is one of its numerous

official languages, it is generally easier for tourists to understand when

speaking to the local population of the country, for example, when shopping.

Transport in Singapore exhaustively covers most, if not all public venues in

Singapore, which increases convenience for tourists. This includes the well-

known Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system.

The Orchard Road district, which is dominated by multi-storey shopping

centres and hotels, can be considered the centre of tourism in Singapore.

Other popular tourist attractions include the Singapore Zoo and its Night

Safari, which allows people to explore Asian, African and American habitats

at night without any visible barriers between guests and the wild animals.

The Singapore Zoo has embraced the 'open zoo' concept whereby animals

are kept in enclosures, separated from visitors by hidden dry or wet moats,

instead of caging the animals. Jurong Bird Park is another zoological garden


centred around birds, which is dedicated towards exposing the public to as

much species and varieties of birds from around the world as possible,

including a flock of one thousand flamingos. The tourist island of Sentosa,

which attracts more than 5 million visitors a year, is located in the south of

Singapore, consists of about 20-30 landmarks, such as Fort Siloso, which

was built as a fortress to defend against the Japanese during World War II.

Guns from the World War II era can be seen at Fort Siloso, from a mini-

sized to a 16 pound (7 kg) gun. Recently, the island has built the Carlsberg

Sky Tower, which allows visitors to view the whole of Sentosa, as well as

the Sentosa Luge, a small one- or two-person sled on which one sleighs

supine and feet-first. Steering is done by shifting the weight or pulling straps

attached to the sled's runners. Singapore will have two integrated resorts

with casinos in 2010, one at Marina Bay and the other at Sentosa which the

government announced during a parliament session on April 18, 2005.

In addition, Singapore will host a round of the 2008 FIA Formula One

World Championship (Singapore Grand Prix). The race, to be held on a new

street circuit at Marina Bay, will be the first night-time event in Formula

One history. The event is expected to spice up the tourism arrivals and night-

life in Singapore.

v. Vietnam

A small country lies on the East coast of Indochina Peninsula – attracts

many tourists from all over the world because of its beautiful white sand

beachs, mystical bays, imposing highlands, well-preserved primeval forests,

numerous historical sites, deeply folk custom, inimitable cuisine, and the

most impress thing is welcoming smiles of local people. Vietnam now is also

considered as one of the most secure destinations in Asia. Taking a trip

Vietnam would be a really good choice to have a memorable holiday

c. Total comparation about the tourist visiting in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia,

Singapore, and Vietnam.

i. Indonesia

About 5,002,101 tourists visiting to Indonesia in 2006 that increase

9,05% from 2004.


ii. Thailand

About 13.38 million tourists visiting to Thailand in 2005 that increase

4.84% from 2004,

iii. Malaysia

About 10,2 million tourists visiting to Malaysia in 2007 that increase

only 7,4 million in 1999.

iv. Singapore

About 10,300,000 tourists visiting to Singapore in 2007 that increase

5.4% from 2006.

v. Vietnam

About 3,56 million tourists visiting to Vietnam in 2006 that increase

3,7% from 2005.

d. Total cost from each country to attract tourist .

i. Indonesia

About Rp 453.600.000.000 total cost from Indonesia to attract tourist

who come in Indonesia.

ii. Singapore

About S$ 14.585.000,00 total cost from Singapore to attract tourist who

come in Singapore.

iii. Malaysia

Millions of tourists are expected in year 2007 and tourism revenue,

estimated to total 35 billion Malaysian ringgit this year, is expected to

increase at an even faster pace.


iv. Thailand

The total investment cost is estimated at 155 billion baht, out of which

125 billion baht is the responsibility of NBIA while the remaining 30 billion

baht will come from public and private sector sources.

v. Vietnam

About USD 100,6 billion total cost from Vietnam to attract who come in


e. Perception about tourist place in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia,

Singapore, and Vietnam.

1. Nama : Fajar

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 0818706109

Indonesia : still have to hard work for improvement. Indonesia is actually a

good country but still do hard work for their own good.

Thailand : famous from the art, like dance, music, food.

Malaysia : one of the big country in Asia that already do a great job, and

famous from petronas twin tower.

Singapore : good country for hang out or shopping.

Vietnam : famous from war.

2. Nama : Naomi

Usia : 19 tahun

No. Telp. : 081807417964

Indonesia : have a many culture.

Thailand : good for shopping.

Malaysia : better than Indonesia.

Singapore : clean country.

Vietnam : I don’t know.


3. Nama : Sheryll

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 0817188660

Indonesia : the culture very well maintain.

Thailand : good place for shopping.

Malaysia : modern country.

Singapore : good place for shopping.

Vietnam : very traditional country.

4. Nama : Aurelia

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 08179927221

Indonesia : little bit bad country.

Thailand : spicy food.

Malaysia : nice country.

Singapore : good place for shopping.

Vietnam : good country.

5. Nama : Christina

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 081807089428

Indonesia : rich country of source.

Thailand : have unique culture.

Malaysia : like Indonesia, but more better.

Singapore : shopping country.

Vietnam : nice country.


6. Nama : Wendy

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 081806770674

Indonesia : Bali, Bunaken

Thailand : Pattaya, Phuket island.

Malaysia : Petronas.

Singapore : Orchid, Sentosa island.

Vietnam : Ho Chi Min city.

7. Nama : Muti

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 08176351587

Indonesia : rich culture.

Thailand : interesting country.

Malaysia : good country.

Singapore : shopping country.

Vietnam : I don’t know.

8. Nama : Jessica

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 08179896123

Indonesia : have many culture.

Thailand : have many pagoda.

Malaysia : melayu culture.

Singapore : shopping country.

Vietnam : not shown.


9. Nama : Febrina

Usia : 19 tahun

No. Telp. : 081314302366

Indonesia : traffic jam in Jakarta, poverty, and corruption. But rich culture.

Thailand : famous for its fine cuisine.

Malaysia : multicultural.

Singapore : shopping spot.

Vietnam : Vietnam war.

10. Nama : Dinda

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 0818652841

Indonesia : have so many tourist place.

Thailand : beautiful country.

Malaysia : similar with Indonesia, but more than melayu.

Singapore : heaven of shopping.

Vietnam : not famous.

11. Nama : Beltha

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 08998116165

Indonesia : famous for its cuisine.

Thailand : shopping centre.

Malaysia : mix culture.

Singapore : shopping place.

Vietnam : traditional country.


12. Nama : Mega

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 0818231066

Indonesia : have many culture.

Thailand : nice country for holiday.

Malaysia : petronas as identity of Malaysia.

Singapore : shopping heaven.

Vietnam : traditional country.

13. Nama : Andri

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 081932199066

Indonesia : crowded country.

Thailand : unique culture.

Malaysia : nice country.

Singapore : clean country.

Vietnam : I don’t know.

14. Nama : Sulviane

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 081932395919

Indonesia : has so many culture, but Indonesian people don’t know is use.

Thailand : beautiful country and friendly people.

Malaysia : nice country.

Singapore : good and clean country.

Vietnam : not famous.


15. Nama : Cicilya

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 08158834015

Indonesia : rich of culture.

Thailand : Buddhist temple.

Malaysia : the twins tower.

Singapore : good place for shopping.

Vietnam : I don’t know.

16. Nama : Harris

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 0817105268

Indonesia : human resources of Indonesia people is bad.

Thailand : good cuisine.

Malaysia : better than Indonesia.

Singapore : best country in Asean.

Vietnam : I don’t know.

17. Nama : Novira

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 085695577159

Indonesia : rich culture.

Thailand : has high value for tourist place.

Malaysia : stealing culture.

Singapore : shopping country.

Vietnam : not famous.


18. Nama : Ellyna

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 0818898992

Indonesia : nice place, but little responsible for the people.

Thailand : too much temple, heaven for shopping.

Malaysia : the country of student.

Singapore : high expensive for live there.

Vietnam : strange area, especially for the food.

19. Nama : Chitra

Usia : 24 tahun

No. Telp. : 081932177157

Indonesia : crowded, pollution, many of crime.

Thailand : pollution, unique culture.

Malaysia : truly Asian.

Singapore : clean, nice, people safety.

Vietnam : traditional country.

20. Nama : Emil

Usia : 23 tahun

No. Telp. : 081808455414

Indonesia : TMII, Safari, Dunia Fantasi, Tanah Lot, etc.

Thailand : Watarun, SupatraLand, Phuket island, Pattaya.

Malaysia : Tanah Genting Kra.

Singapore : Sentosa, Jurong Park.

Vietnam : not famous.


21. Nama : Catherine

Usia : 22 tahun

No. Telp. : 081806540222

Indonesia : Bali.

Thailand : Phuket.

Malaysia : Tanah Genting Kra.

Singapore : Sentosa island.

Vietnam : not modern.

22. Nama : Michelle

Usia : 21 tahun

No. Telp. : 081805855263

Indonesia : Bunaken.

Thailand : Elephant, Pattaya.

Malaysia : Sunway, Lagoon.

Singapore : Sentosa island.

Vietnam : Traditional country.

23. Nama : Helen

Usia : 20 tahun

No. Telp. : 081807190097

Indonesia : Borobudur temple.

Thailand : mistic place.

Malaysia : twin towers.

Singapore : shopping place.

Vietnam : nice country.


24. Nama : Arden

Usia : 22 tahun

No. Telp. : 08176054529

Indonesia : have borobudur that is part of 7 wonders in the world.

Thailand : biggest produce of rice and have so many elephant.

Malaysia : twin tower of petronas, it is icon of Malaysia.

Singapore : little and clean country.

Vietnam : one of country that makes problem with USA.

25. Nama : Fida

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 085691410403

Indonesia : many culture and have a rich of natural, especially in Bali.

Thailand : have a good view for holiday like ocean.

Malaysia : a copycat country and have a big build in the town and muslim


Singapore : have a modern city, many tourist visit there to shopping.

Vietnam : have a traditional culture.

26. Nama : Restu

Usia : 19 tahun

No. Telp. : 08569805550

Indonesia : there are some place that have great view.

Thailand : elephant is one of the transportation.

Malaysia : petronas is a symbol of Malaysia.

Singapore : good place for shopping.

Vietnam : not shown.


27. Nama : Risty

Usia : 18 tahun

No. Telp. : 08568811922

Indonesia : has the best potention of tourism.

Thailand : has many temple.

Malaysia : Mount Kinabalu is one of the tallest mountain in south east asia.

Singapore : Singapore botanic garden.

Vietnam : Hanoi opera house like Gedung Kesenian Jakarta.

28. Nama : Bagus

Usia : 17 tahun

No. Telp. : 08561995252

Indonesia : has a lot of benefit from tourism.

Thailand : Central world, the newest shopping centre.

Malaysia : KLCC (Kuala Lumpur City Centre).

Singapore : has good transportation.

Vietnam : not famous.

29. Nama : Lia

Usia : 19 tahun

No. Telp. : 08568924507

Indonesia : has so many tourist place in each province.

Thailand : Pattaya.

Malaysia : Petronas.

Singapore : Orchid.

Vietnam : I don’t know.


30. Nama : Bayu

Usia : 27 tahun

No. Telp. : 08158855633

Indonesia : Rich culture.

Thailand : Beautiful view of beach.

Malaysia : Nice place for holiday.

Singapore : Shopping Centre.

Vietnam : Teluk Ha Long as one of the heritage in the world.

3. What kind of strategy that you will use according from the data

in number 2?

If I am marketing director of Visit Indonesia Year 2008, I will cooperate with

Culture and Tourism Department, Communication Department, Transportation

Department and the stakeholder to make socialization effort Visit Indonesia Year

2008 to all people with marketing and PR-ing activities.

a. Objective from Visit Indonesia Year 2008 .

To change Indonesian image from negative to positive.

To increase the community safety through the tourism sector with invite all

people to join at Visit Indonesia Year 2008.

To increase compete effort the tourism of Indonesia in national or

international level.

To make Indonesia more famous than before.

To increase foreign exchange.

To show the tourist place in Indonesia.

To explain to all country in the world that Indonesia has so many culture as



b. Marketing strategy of Visit Indonesia Year 2008 .

i. Marketing strategy.

Marketing strategy of Visit Indonesia Year 2008, I want to cooperate

with tour company to make vacation packet for foreigner tourist in order to

come in Indonesia. So, they don’t must take difficult to care about

accommodation and transportation.

ii. Advertising strategy, Public Relations, and Event.

Advertising strategy of Visit Indonesia Year 2008, I want to make an

advertising about all tourism in Indonesia at all tourist place.

PR strategy of Visit Indonesia Year 2008, I want to repair Indonesian

reputation to all over the world at press conference.

Event strategy of Visit Indonesia Year 2008, I want to make event that

can invite people to come in Indonesia so that the tourist interest about it.

iii. Marketing estimation

Visit Indonesia Year 2008 targeted tourists are 7 millions.

c. Implementation time for marketing strategy of Visit Indonesia Year


Month Event

January Beyonce Concert at JITEC, Mangga Dua Jakarta

February Thomas Cup and Uber Cup 2008 at Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta

March Diving Championship 2008 at Kuta Beach, Bali

April Tiger Cup 2008 at Istora Senayan, Jakarta

May Formula One (F1) at Bukit Sentul, Bogor

June Asean Football Cup (AFC) 2008 in Palembang

JulyChemistry, Physics, Biology, and Mathematic Olimpiade in


August Miss Universe 2008 at JCC, Jakarta

September Sea Games 2008 in Bandung

October Miss World 2008 at JCC, Jakarta

November Grand Prix Marching Band International in Lombok


Desember Celine Dion Concert at JCC, Jakarta

i. Marketing implementation inside the country.

My marketing implementation is I want to make deal with Culture and

Tourism Department, Communication Department, Transportation

Department and the stakeholder to easier foreigner tourist to come in

Indonesia for vacation. Beside that, I want to repair facilities, tourist place,

transportasion ,etc so that the tourist feel comfort in Indonesia and make for

come to Indonesia again in the next time.

ii. Advertising execution, and an advertising example

My advertising execution is I want to make advertising about Visit

Indonesia Year 2008, such as logo, street banner affixed on both ends,

billboard. I want to show on the street, airport, tourist place etc.

The Indonesian

Ministry of

Culture and

Tourism, has

declared 2008 as

a Visit

Indonesia Year.

Visit Indonesia

Year 2008 has officially launched on 26 December 2007.

The figure of Visit Indonesia Year 2008 branding took the concept of

Garuda Pancasila as the Indonesian way of life, but it was performed by

perfectly modern approach. The 5 norms draw by 5 different colored lines

and symbolized the Indonesian Unity in Diversity. This logo brand

formulated into dynamic figure and colors as the implementation of

Indonesian Dynamic which is developing. The types of letters of logo brand

is driven from the Indonesian elements which perfectly by modern approach.


Example :

* banner * logo


* billboard

iii. Program implementation of Public Relations.

My program implementation of Public Relations is I want to make deal

with all flight company, all hotel and restaurants, and all tourist place so that

sponsored Visit Indonesia Year 2008. After that, I want to make press

conference and invite all journalism to join us. In press conference, I want to

explain about Visit Indonesia Year 2008. So, people around the world will

know about this event and they will be attrached to come in Indonesia.


iv. Event promotion implementation of Visit Indonesia Year 2008.

Event promotion implementation of Visit Indonesia Year 2008 is I want

to make International event that will interest tourist to come in Indonesia like

based on the time table above which show Indonesia culture.

4. How that makes you sure, the strategy you have made will be


I am sure that by doing all the strategy I have, Visit Indonesia Year 2008 will be

successful. Because, tourism potential in Indonesia more excellent than the other

country in ASEAN like Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, etc. I am sure my

marketing strategy can invite foreigner tourist and feel comfort during they stay in

Indonesia. I hope my advertising strategy can be successful, so the tourist extracted

about my promotion. I am sure about my PR strategy, because all people in the

world will have positive think about Indonesia and they don’t have negative think

about it again. Finally, by using my event strategy that I made on the time table, lots

of people will come to see the events.