Vol 5 2016


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  • 8/18/2019 Vol 5 2016


    In class we have been learning about persuasive speakingand writing. For our assembly, we decided to do a play

    where lots of persuasive language is used. The play wascalled, „Don‟t Let the Pigeons Drive the Bus!‟ The pigeonsare bus enthusiasts and one day an opportunity ariseswhere they could have the chance to drive a real bus.

    Here are some of the arguments that the pigeons putforward for why they should be able to drive a bus:

    We‟re brilliant at flying. We can travel a long way and we always find ourway home. We know you have to steer the steering wheel,change the gears and push the pedals. We have excellent eyesight. I can lay an egg! I‟ll dress up nicely and look pretty.

    Here are some of the counter arguments from thepassengers:

    You don‟t know how to drive a bus.

    You‟ll crash the bus before you have a chance to getanywhere.

    You don‟t have hands to hold the steering wheel or thegears. Your legs are too tiny to press the pedals. How will youstop in an emergency? You won‟t be able to stay on the road. You‟re so short you won‟t be able to see over thedashboard. The sign says. „No animals allowed on the bus‟ Pigeons are a type of animal. You‟re not allowed on thebus, so you can‟t drive the bus.

    Who do you think had themost convincing argument?The pigeons or thepassengers?

    Hello From Room 12

    Ya ka mia P r i ma r y Sc hoo l

    Ne ws le t t e r

    Volume 51 April 2016

    Principal: Gary StenhouseDeputy Principals: Yvonne Height, Helen Walmsley and Tristan MackenziePh: 9841 7533 Fax: 9842 1350Email: Yakamia.PS@education.wa.edu.au

  • 8/18/2019 Vol 5 2016


    In writing this newsletter, it is hard to believe that Term 1 ends next week. I would like to thank the

    courteous, polite and friendly Yakamia students and supportive parents for making my first term at thisschool so enjoyable.

    I wish everyone a great two week break and look forward to Term 2 commencing with students on:Wednesday 27 April.

    Farewell Mrs Height Next week will be Mrs Height‟s last week at Yakamia Primary School as she goes onLong Service Leave from April 8 and will retire after using her leave. Mrs Height is an experienced primary school educator having worked as a classroomteacher, a literacy specialist, District Curriculum Coordinator and Deputy Principal.She has provided Instructional leadership and led Curriculum reform at Yakamia since

    2008. Mrs Height has developed productive team environments and worked closely withstaff to plan learning programs to meet the needs of students and staff. She will be sadly missed but fondly remembered at our school. We wish her muchhappiness with her new “career”

    Other Staff News for Term 2 Mrs Walmsley will take the first 4 weeks Long Service Leave (LSL), and, combined with Mrs Height‟sleave, Mr Stamp will relieve in this role full time. Mr Tim Harwood will relieve in Room 21. Ms Bunney will be on LSL each Friday until the end of the year. Mrs Sarah Johnson will relieve. Mrs Beard will be on LSL for Week 1 of Term 2, Mrs Kelly Bellfield will relieve. Mrs Renee Wood will be on LSL all of Term 2. Mrs Gemma Sandy will relieve in Room 12.

    Mr Gary Stenhouse completes his term at Yakamia PS on Friday, May 27. Mr Mackenzie will take onthis role for the remainder of Term 2.

    Anzac Service Our school Anzac service will be held prior to the school holidays on Friday, 8 April at 9am. ANZAC Dayfalls at the end of the school holidays this year on Monday 25 April. Although our school service isconsiderably earlier, we decided to ensure our students had the opportunity to remember the significanceof the day and participate in school service prior to the school holiday break. All parents and members ofthe extended community are welcome to attend.

    Wreath Items:Students are asked to bring a flower or small bunch of flowers to place at the base of the flagpole at theconclusion of the service to form a wreath.

    From the Principal’s Desk

    Page 2 Yakamia Primary School

  • 8/18/2019 Vol 5 2016


    . Tiqbiz is here and it‟s free!! I hope you have loaded Tiqbiz to your smartphone, iPad or PC. Once you have you will be receiving school news promptlyand conveniently.

    The following links may also assist with the process : tiqbiz user instructions for Android Devices


    tiqbiz user instructions for Apple Devices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9oPETOpP7M

    How to Change your box selections in tiqbiz for Apple devices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCTVsuzYR9A

    NAPLAN TESTING The National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy will be conducted Australia wide from 10 - 12 May for students enrolled in Years 3 and 5. Parents should make every effort to ensure their child participates by attendance at school during these times. Parent Information Brochures have been sent home outlining the tests to be undertaken. Can I help my child prepare for the tests? The provision of comprehensive teaching and learning programs is the best preparation that schools can provide for theirstudents. Schools will ensure students are familiar with the format, language, response types and time constraints of the tests. Sample questions can be accessed at nap.edu.au/naplan/the -tests.html on the national NAPLAN website. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure your child that NAPLAN tests are just one part oftheir school program, and to urge them to simply do the best they can on the day.

    Parents also have the right to withdraw their child from the tests. If you wish to withdraw your child from the tests, you mustsign a parent or carer consent form by 8 April. Please contact Mr Mackenzie for more information.

    GOOD IDEAS FOR A HEALTHY BREAKFAST Rosemary Stanton OAM Nutritionist Good nutrition is essential for good health and a good breakfast is vitally important for good nutrition. Breakfast gets themetabolism going and helps prevent a slump in concentration during the late morning hours. Studies also show that thosewho eat a healthy breakfast eat less junk food later in the day and have a lower intake of saturated fat and a higher intakeof essential nutrients and dietary fibre for the whole day. For a healthy breakfast, good choices include: apples, pears, bananas, mandarins, grapes, or any fresh fruit in season,

    cheese cubes or cheese sticks, fresh bread rolls (especially if served with a banana), toast with yeast extract, milk (low -fatpreferably), fruit based smoothie (blend low fat milk, fresh fruit, yoghurt and a little honey), quality, whole wheat breakfastbiscuits, natural muesli with milk, toast with an egg, toast with cheese. Poor choices include: Breakfast bars (too much sugar), sugary cereals, crisps or chips, soft drinks, juice drinks.

    VACATION The Term 1 vacation break commences on Friday, April 8. Students resume at school on Wednesday April 27. Please note that Tuesday April 26 is a previously advertised School Development Day where teaching staff will beengaging in the new areas of the West Australian Curriculum.

    From the Principal’s Desk

    Page 3 Yakamia Primary School


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    Only 5 more days to win back your Voluntary Contributions! Pay your child‟s school contribution before the end of Term 1 and you will go into the raffle to win back the money! Three prizes are up for grabs. One entry is given to every child who has paid. (i.e. a family with 3 children attending YPS,will have 3 chances to win). Thank you to the P&C for generously sponsoring this idea. It is disappointing to find at to date we have only received an average of 21% of voluntary contributions. This is less thanhalf the 2015 collection rate. I am sure that the Yakamia School community values public education. We look forward to your support in paying these voluntary contributions soon –

    Kindergarten $50 Pre -Primary $60 Years 1 -6 $60

    These funds are used to provide additional resources for all students. . If you have any queries on contributions and charges, please contact the office. Payment can be made by cash, cheque orbank deposit (BSB016510 Acc: 340823089). We do not have EFTPOS facilities.

    Parking Thank you to all parents who follow the rules when parking or dropping children at school. We appreciate the improvedsafety for our students. Maintaining a low speed and careful driving around our school helps all our students.

    Last year Yakamia PS had a contribution rate was 55%. Are you aware that $60 per year is only $15 per term or$1.50 per week! Less than half a cup of coffee!!!

    From the Principal’s Desk

    Page 4 Yakamia Primary School

    From the Tech StudioIf you have ever wondered about what happens in the TECH STUDIO, go to https://goo.gl/6Qh2SC

    OR check your Seesaw Journal

  • 8/18/2019 Vol 5 2016


    P&C News

    Page 5 Yakamia Primary School

    Have you downloaded TIQBIZ yet?

    Find all about ourcanteen in one spot:

    Our menuUniform price listCanteen informationNews and special offers

    Just one click and you canget straight to online order


    P&C FundraiserBunnings Sausage Sizzle


    Sunday 10 April

    Contact Belinda 0417 917 457

    for more information

    P&C Fundraiser

    “Free Dress Day”

    Thursday 7 AprilGold coin donation

  • 8/18/2019 Vol 5 2016


    School News

    Page 6 Yakamia Primary School

    Honour Certificate Recipients —24 March 201612 Brock & Charlotte 26 Sienna & Adam

    13 Jordan & Sebastian 32 Lashantae & Violet

    14 James & Tanesha 33 Chase & Jeremy

    15 Scott & Emily 34 Lincoln & Riley

    21 Indi & Ben 35 Venice Mae & Isabelle

    22 Taj & Jada 43 Finn & Natalie

    23 Kasey & Bonny 44 Ryder & Jerry

    24 Ryan & Daisy 45 Russell

    25 Emily & Shaye

    Community News

  • 8/18/2019 Vol 5 2016


    Community News

    Page 7 Yakamia Primary School

    Please note notices appearing below are not necessarily endorsed by theschool. We provide this space for community groups to advertise to theschool community. It is up to parents to scrutinise the activity andorganisers for their child.

    Town Hall Community Art Project

  • 8/18/2019 Vol 5 2016


    Community News

    Page 8 Yakamia Primary School

    Please note notices appearing below are not necessarily endorsed by theschool. We provide this space for community groups to advertise to theschool community. It is up to parents to scrutinise the activity andorganisers for their child.
