VTCT Diploma NVQ Lefel 3 mewn Tylino Therapi Harddwch · a sba. Y cymhwyster. 5 Introduction ......


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VTCT Diploma NVQ Lefel 3 mewn Tylino Therapi Harddwch

Dyddiad dechrau’r achrediad: 1 Awst 2010

Gwerth credyd: 51

Cyfanswm Amser y Cymhwyster (TQT): 510

Oriau Dysgu dan Arweiniad (ODDA): 403

Rhif y cymhwyster: 500/8861/0

Datganiad o gyflawniad uned

Wrth lofnodi’r datganiad hwn o gyflawniad uned, rydych yn cadarnhau bod yr holl ganlyniadau dysgu, meini prawf asesu a datganiadau ystod wedi’u cyflawni o dan amodau penodol a bod y dystiolaeth a gasglwyd yn ddilys.

Rhaid cwblhau’r tabl datganiad o gyflawniad hwn cyn hawlio ardystiad.

Cod yr uned Dyddiad cyflawni Llofnod y dysgwr Blaenlyth-rennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y gwiriwr mewnol (os samplwyd)

Unedau gorfodol







Unedau dewisol


VTCT Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Beauty Therapy Massage

Operational start date: 1 August 2010

Credit value: 51

Total Qualification Time (TQT): 510

Guided learning hours (GLH): 403

Qualification number: 500/8861/0

Statement of unit achievement

By signing this statement of unit achievement you are confirming that all learning outcomes, assessment criteria and range statements (if/where applicable) have been achieved under specified conditions, and that the evidence gathered is authentic.

This statement of unit achievement table must be completed prior to claiming certification.

Unit code Date achieved Learner signature Assessor initials IQA signature (if sampled)

Mandatory units







Optional units



Mae’r VTCT Diploma NVQ Lefel 3 mewn Tylino Therapi Harddwch yn gymhwyster a fydd yn eich paratoi ar gyfer swydd sy’n seiliedig ar Safonau Galwedigaethol Cenedlaethol (NOS).

Bydd y cymhwyster hwn yn rhoi’r wybodaeth, y ddealltwriaeth a’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnoch er mwyn gweithio’n fedrus fel therapydd harddwch uwch. Drwy gydol y cymhwyster hwn byddwch yn monitro gweithdrefnau i reoli gweithrediadau gwaith yn ddiogel, cyfrannu at gynllunio a gweithredu gweithgareddau hyrwyddo, darparu triniaethau tylino’r corff, tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd, tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod a darparu triniaethau therapi cerrig.

Byddwch yn cael eich asesu ar eich cymhwysedd galwedigaethol.

Safonau Galwedigaethol Cenedlaethol (NOS)

Mae’r cymhwyster hwn wedi’i fapio i’r Safonau Galwedigaethol Cenedlaethol perthnasol, ac fe’i rheoleiddir ar y Fframwaith Cymwysterau Rheoledig.

Mae’r cymhwyster hwn wedi’i gymeradwyo a’i gefnogi gan y Cyngor Sgiliau Sector Gwallt a Harddwch (HABIA), sef y corff gosod safonau ar gyfer cymwysterau gwallt, harddwch, ewinedd a sba.

Y cymhwyster



The Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Beauty Therapy Massage is a job ready qualification based on National Occupational Standards (NOS).

This qualification will provide you with the knowledge, understanding and skills to work competently as an advanced beauty therapist specialising in massage. Throughout this qualification you will monitor procedures to safely control work operations, contribute to the planning and implementation of promotional activities, provide body massage treatments, provide Indian head massage, carry out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils and provide stone therapy treatments.

You will be assessed on your occupational competence.

National Occupational Standards (NOS)

This qualification has been mapped to the relevant NOS, and is regulated on the Regulated Qualifications Framework. This qualification is approved and supported by the Hairdressing and Beauty Industry Authority (HABIA), the standard setting body for hair, beauty, nails and spa qualifications.

The qualification



Mae hwn yn gymhwyster wedi’i gymeradwyo ar gyfer gweithio fel uwch therapydd harddwch mewn salon. Mae hefyd yn ddechrau cadarn ar gyfer dysgu neu hyfforddiant pellach.

Mae’r cymhwyster hwn yn darparu cyfleoedd dilyniant i’r cymwysterau VTCT canlynol:

• Diploma Lefel 4 mewn Diflewio Parhaol ac Adfywio Croen

• Tystysgrif Lefel 4 mewn triniaethau Laser a Golau Pwls Dwys (IPL)

• Diploma Lefel 4 mewn Therapi Harddwch Uwch

• Dyfarniad Lefel 4 mewn Gwaredu Namau ar y Croen

• Dyfarniad Lefel 4 mewn Ffisioleg ar gyfer Therapi Harddwch Uwch



This is an approved qualification for working as an advanced beauty therapist specialising in massage. It also provides a sound platform for further learning or training.

This qualification provides progression opportunities to the following VTCT qualifications:

• Level 4 Diploma in Permanent Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation

• Level 4 Certificate in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatments

• Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Beauty Therapy

• Level 4 Award in Skin Blemish Removal

• Level 4 Award in Physiology for Advanced Beauty Therapy


Strwythur y Dyfarniad

Cyfanswm y credydau sydd eu hangen - 51 (lleiafswm)Mae’n rhaid cwblhau pob uned orfodol.

Unedau gorfodol - 44 credydCod uned VTCT

Cyfeirnod uned Ofqual Teitl yr uned Gwerth

credyd ODDA

UG31G22C Y/601/5875 Monitro gweithdrefnau i reoli gweithrediadau gwaith yn ddiogel 4 30

UG31H32C R/600/1277 Cyfrannu at gynllunio a gweithredu gweithgareddau hyrwyddo 5 32

UB30B20C A/600/7462 Darparu triniaethau tylino’r corff 10 79

UB30B23C D/600/7504 Tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd 7 54

UB30B24C K/600/7523 Tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod 8 67

UB30B28C J/600/7545 Darparu triniaethau therapi cerrig 10 88

Unedau dewisol - 7 credyd (lleiafswm)Cod uned VTCT

Cyfeirnod uned Ofqual Teitl yr uned Gwerth

credyd ODDA

UB30B12C T/600/8755 Cynllunio a darparu colur aerfrwsio 8 62

UB30B26C Y/600/8764 Darparu gwasanaethau cwyro personol i fenywod 5 44

UB30B27C D/600/8765 Darparu gwasanaethau cwyro personol i ddynion 5 44

UB30B15C D/600/9012 Darparu triniaethau estyniad blew amrant unigol 5 44

UB30B21C K/600/7487 Darparu gwasanaethau lliw haul UV 2 16

UB30B25C R/600/7533 Darparu gwasanaethau lliw haul ffug 3 27

UB30B13C Y/600/9090 Darparu triniaethau trydanol i’r corff 12 106

UB30B14C J/600/7562 Darparu triniaethau trydanol i’r wyneb 12 106

UG31G11C T/600/1272 Cyfrannu at effeithiolrwydd ariannol y busnes 4 26

UB300S2C H/600/9089 Monitro cleientiaid a gweithrediad triniaethau sawna, stêm a hydrotherapi 7 59

UB300S3C D/600/9091 Darparu triniaethau lapio’r corff ac arnofiad 7 59


Total credits required - 51 (minimum)All mandatory units must be completed.

Mandatory units - 44 creditsVTCT Unit code

Ofqual unit reference Unit title Credit

value GLH

UG31G22 Y/601/5875 Monitor procedures to safely control work operations 4 30

UG31H32 R/600/1277 Contribute to the planning and implementation of promotional activities 5 32

UB30B20 A/600/7462 Provide body massage treatments 10 79

UB30B23 D/600/7504 Provide Indian head massage 7 54

UB30B24 K/600/7523 Carry out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils 8 67

UB30B28 J/600/7545 Provide stone therapy treatments 10 88

Optional units - 7 credits (minimum)VTCT Unit code

Ofqual unit reference Unit title Credit

value GLH

UB30B12 T/600/8755 Plan and provide airbrush make-up 8 62

UB30B26 Y/600/8764 Provide female intimate waxing services 5 44

UB30B27 D/600/8765 Provide male intimate waxing services 5 44

UB30B15 D/600/9012 Provide single eyelash extension treatments 5 44

UB30B21 K/600/7487 Provide UV tanning services 2 16

UB30B25 R/600/7533 Provide self-tanning services 3 27

UB30B13 Y/600/9090 Provide body electrical treatments 12 106

UB30B14 J/600/7562 Provide facial electrical treatments 12 106

UG31G11 T/600/1272 Contribute to the financial effectiveness of the business 4 26

UB300S2 H/600/9089 Monitor clients and the operation of sauna, steam and hydrotherapy treatments 7 59

UB300S3 D/600/9091 Provide body wrapping and flotation treatments 7 59

Qualification structure


Mae’r llyfr hwn yn cynnwys yr unedau gorfodol sy’n rhan o’r cymhwyster hwn. Bydd unedau dewisol yn cael eu darparu mewn llyfrynnau ychwanegol. Lle nodir hynny, bydd VTCT yn darparu deunyddiau asesu. Gall yr asesiadau fod yn fewnol neu’n allanol. Mae’r dull asesu’n cael ei nodi ym mhob uned.

Cyfarwyddyd ar asesu

Asesiad mewnol(bydd unrhyw ofynion yn cael eu nodi yn yr uned)

Mae’r asesiad yn cael ei osod, ei farcio a’i wirio’n fewnol gan y ganolfan er mwyn arddangos cyflawniad y canlyniadau dysgu’n glir. Mae’r asesu’n cael ei samplu gan wirwyr allanol VTCT.

Asesiad allanol(bydd unrhyw ofynion yn cael eu nodi yn yr uned)

Bydd papurau cwestiynau sy’n cael eu hasesu’n allanol ac sy’n cael eu cwblhau’n electronig yn cael eu gosod a’u marcio gan VTCT.

Bydd papurau cwestiynau copi caled sy’n cael eu hasesu’n allanol yn cael eu gosod gan VTCT, eu marcio gan staff y ganolfan a’u samplu gan wirwyr allanol VTCT.

Papurau anatomeg a ffisioleg allanol

Mae rhai unedau yn y cymhwyster hwn yn cynnwys Papur 2 o 2, sy’n asesu anatomeg a ffisioleg yn unig.

Yn hytrach na chwblhau papur anatomeg a ffisioleg unigol (Papur 2 o 2) ar gyfer pob uned, gallwch gwblhau un papur allanol sy’n cwmpasu’r holl bapurau anatomeg a ffisioleg ar gyfer y cymhwyster hwn.

Teitlau’r papurau allanol yn Linx2Achieve yw:

• Llwybr NVQ 3 Tylino - Anatomeg a Ffisioleg Gorfodol (Papur 1 o 2)

• Llwybr NVQ 3 Tylino - Anatomeg a Ffisioleg Gorfodol (Papur 2 o 2)

Pan fydd y papurau hyn wedi’u cyflawni, gall eich aseswr lofnodi i gadarnhau eich bod wedi cyflawni pob papur allanol ‘Papur 2 o 2’ uned.

Mae hyn yn berthnasol i unedau gorfodol y cymhwyster hwn yn unig. Mae’n rhaid cwblhau Papur 1 o 1 a Phapur 2 o 2 ar gyfer yr holl unedau dewisol (lle bo’n berthnasol).


This book contains the mandatory units that make up this qualification. Optional units will be provided in additional booklets (if applicable). Where indicated, VTCT will provide assessment materials. Assessments may be internal or external. The method of assessment is indicated in each unit.

Guidance on assessment

Internal assessment(any requirements will be shown in the unit)

Assessment is set, marked and internally quality assured by the centre to clearly demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes. Assessment is sampled by VTCT external quality assurers.

External assessment(any requirements will be shown in the unit)

Externally assessed question papers completed electronically will be set and marked by VTCT.

Externally assessed hard-copy question papers will be set by VTCT, marked by centre staff and sampled by VTCT external quality assurers.

External anatomy and physiology papers

Some units in this qualification contain a Paper 2 of 2, which assess anatomy and physiology only.

Rather than complete an individual anatomy and physiology paper (Paper 2 of 2) for every unit, you can complete one external paper that covers all anatomy and physiology papers in this qualification.

The external paper titles in Linx2Achieve are:

• NVQ 3 Massage Route Mandatory Anatomy and Physiology (Paper 1 of 2)

• NVQ 3 Massage Route Mandatory Anatomy and Physiology (Paper 2 of 2)

Once these papers have been achieved all unit external papers titled ‘Paper 2 of 2’ can be signed off by your assessor.

This only applies to mandatory units in this qualification. Paper 1 of 1 and Paper 2 of 2 must be completed for all optional units (where applicable).


Creu portffolio o dystiolaeth

Fel rhan o’r cymhwyster hwn, mae angen i chi gyflwyno portffolio o dystiolaeth. Bydd y portffolio’n cadarnhau’r wybodaeth, y ddealltwriaeth a’r sgiliau rydych wedi’u dysgu. Gall fod ar ffurf electronig neu ar bapur.

Bydd eich aseswr yn rhoi arweiniad i chi ar sut i baratoi’r portffolio o dystiolaeth a sut i ddangos cyflawniad ymarferol, a dealltwriaeth o’r wybodaeth sydd ei hangen er mwyn cwblhau’r cymhwyster hwn. Y llyfryn hwn, ynghyd â’r portffolio o dystiolaeth, fydd y brif ffynhonnell o dystiolaeth ar gyfer y cymhwyster hwn.

Mae’n bosibl i’r dystiolaeth yn y portffolio fod ar ffurf:

• Gwaith wedi’i arsylwi

• Datganiadau tystion

• Cyfryngau clyweled

• Tystiolaeth o ddysgu neu gyrhaeddiad blaenorol

• Cwestiynau ysgrifenedig

• Cwestiynau llafar

• Aseiniadau

• Astudiaethau achos

Dylai’r holl dystiolaeth gael ei dogfennu yn y portffolio a dylid croesgyfeirio at ganlyniadau’r unedau. Ni ddylid aros tan ddiwedd y cwrs cyn llunio’r portffolio o dystiolaeth.

Esboniad o’r asesu

Mae cyrsiau VTCT yn cael eu hasesu a’u gwirio gan staff y ganolfan. Bydd gwaith yn cael ei osod er mwyn gwella eich sgiliau ymarferol, eich gwybodaeth a’ch dealltwriaeth. Bydd eich aseswr yn arsylwi arnoch ar gyfer elfennau ymarferol. Mae’n rhaid casglu eich holl waith mewn portffolio o dystiolaeth a’i groesgyfeirio at y gofynion sy’n cael eu rhestru yn y llyfr cofnod asesu hwn.

Bydd gan eich canolfan wiriwr mewnol sy’n gyfrifol am sicrhau bod eich asesiad a’ch tystiolaeth yn ddilys ac yn ddibynadwy a’i fod yn bodloni gofynion VTCT a’r gofynion rheoleiddio.

Bydd gwiriwr allanol, a benodir gan VTCT, yn ymweld â’ch canolfan i samplu ac i sicrhau ansawdd asesiadau, y broses wirio fewnol a’r dystiolaeth sydd wedi cael ei chasglu. Efallai y bydd gofyn i chi ddod i’r ganolfan ar ddiwrnod gwahanol i’r arfer os bydd y gwiriwr allanol yn gofyn am hynny.

Eich eiddo chi yw’r llyfr cofnod asesu hwn ac mae’n rhaid i chi ddod ag ef gyda chi pan fyddwch yn cael eich asesu neu eich gwirio. Mae’n rhaid ei gadw’n ddiogel. Mewn rhai achosion, bydd gofyn i’ch canolfan ei gadw mewn man diogel. Byddwch chi a’ch aseswr cwrs yn cwblhau’r llyfr hwn gyda’ch gilydd er mwyn dangos bod yr holl ganlyniadau dysgu, meini prawf ac ystodau wedi cael eu cyflawni.


Creating a portfolio of evidence

As part of this qualification you are required to produce a portfolio of evidence. A portfolio will confirm the knowledge, understanding and skills that you have learnt. It may be in electronic or paper format.

Your assessor will provide guidance on how to prepare the portfolio of evidence and how to show practical achievement and understanding of the knowledge required to successfully complete this qualification. It is this booklet along with the portfolio of evidence that will serve as the prime source of evidence for this qualification.

Evidence in the portfolio may take the following forms:

• Observed work

• Witness statements

• Audio-visual media

• Evidence of prior learning or attainment

• Written questions

• Oral questions

• Assignments

• Case studies

All evidence should be documented in the portfolio and cross-referenced to unit outcomes. Constructing the portfolio of evidence should not be left to the end of the course.

Assessment explained

VTCT qualifications are assessed and verified by centre staff. Work will be set to improve your practical skills, knowledge and understanding. For practical elements, you will be observed by your assessor. All your work must be collected in a portfolio of evidence and cross-referenced to requirements listed in this record of assessment book.

Your centre will have an internal quality assurer whose role is to check that your assessment and evidence is valid and reliable and meets VTCT and regulatory requirements.

An external quality assurer, appointed by VTCT, will visit your centre to sample and quality-check assessments, the internal quality assurance process and the evidence gathered. You may be asked to attend on a different day from usual if requested by the external quality assurer.

This record of assessment book is your property and must be in your possession when you are being assessed or quality assured. It must be kept safe. In some cases your centre will be required to keep it in a secure place. You and your course assessor will together complete this book to show achievement of all learning outcomes, assessment criteria and ranges.


Mae’r adran hon yn rhoi trosolwg o’r dulliau asesu a ddefnyddir ym mhob uned yn y cymhwyster hwn. Darperir gwybodaeth fanwl am y dulliau asesu ym mhob uned.

Unedau gorfodolAllanol Mewnol

Cod uned VTCT Teitl yr uned Papur(au)

cwestiynau Arsylwad(au) Aseiniad(au)

UG31G22C Monitro gweithdrefnau i reoli gweithrediadau gwaith yn ddiogel 0

UG31H32C Cyfrannu at gynllunio a gweithredu gweithgareddau hyrwyddo 0

UB30B20C Darparu triniaethau tylino’r corff 2 UB30B23C Tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd 2

UB30B24C Tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod 2

UB30B28C Darparu triniaethau therapi cerrig 2

Unedau dewisolAllanol Mewnol

Cod uned VTCT Teitl yr uned Papur(au)

cwestiynau Arsylwad(au) Aseiniad(au)

UB30B12C Cynllunio a darparu colur aerfrwsio 1

UB30B26C Darparu gwasanaethau cwyro personol i fenywod 1

UB30B27C Darparu gwasanaethau cwyro personol i ddynion 1

UB30B15C Darparu triniaethau estyniad blew amrant unigol 1

UB30B21C Darparu gwasanaethau lliw haul UV 1 UB30B25C Darparu gwasanaethau lliw haul ffug 1 UB30B13C Darparu triniaethau trydanol i’r corff 2 UB30B14C Darparu triniaethau trydanol i’r wyneb 2

UG31G11C Cyfrannu at effeithiolrwydd ariannol y busnes 0

UB300S2C Monitro cleientiaid a gweithrediad triniaethau sawna, stêm a hydrotherapi 1

UB300S3C Darparu triniaethau lapio’r corff ac arnofiad 2

Dulliau o asesu unedau


This section provides an overview of the assessment methods that make up each unit in this qualification. Detailed information on assessment is provided in each unit.

Mandatory unitsExternal Internal

VTCT Unit code Unit title Question

paper(s) Observation(s) Assignments

UG31G22 Monitor procedures to safely control work operations 0

UG31H32 Contribute to the planning and implementation of promotional activities 0

UB30B20 Provide body massage treatments 2 UB30B23 Provide Indian head massage 2

UB30B24 Carry out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils 2

UB30B28 Provide stone therapy treatments 2

Optional unitsExternal Internal

VTCT Unit code Unit title Question

paper(s) Observation(s) Assignments

UB30B12 Plan and provide airbrush make-up 1 UB30B26 Provide female intimate waxing services 1 UB30B27 Provide male intimate waxing services 1 UB30B15 Provide single eyelash extension treatments 1 UB30B21 Provide UV tanning services 1 UB30B25 Provide self-tanning services 1 UB30B13 Provide body electrical treatments 2 UB30B14 Provide facial electrical treatments 2

UG31G11 Contribute to the financial effectiveness of the business 0

UB300S2 Monitor clients and the operation of sauna, steam and hydrotherapy treatments 1

UB300S3 Provide body wrapping and flotation treatments 2

Unit assessment methods


Geirfa’r uned

DisgrifiadCod cynnyrch VTCT

Mae gan bob uned god cynnyrch VTCT unigryw er mwyn ei hadnabod. Dylai’r cod hwn gael ei ddyfynnu ym mhob ymholiad a gohebiaeth i VTCT.

Teitl yr uned Mae’r teitl yn nodi ffocws yr uned yn glir.Safonau Galwedigaethol Cenedlaethol (NOS)

Mae’r safonau hyn yn disgrifio’r sgiliau, y wybodaeth a’r ddealltwriaeth sydd eu hangen er mwyn cyflawni tasg neu orchwyl arbennig i lefel o gymhwysedd sy’n cael ei gydnabod yn genedlaethol.

Lefel Mae lefel yn arwydd o ba mor anodd yw’r profiad dysgu, dyfnder a/neu gymhlethdod y cyflawniad a’r annibyniaeth wrth gyflawni’r canlyniadau dysgu.

Gwerth credydDyma nifer y credydau sy’n cael eu dyfarnu pan fydd pob un o ganlyniadau’r uned wedi cael ei gyflawni. Mae credyd yn werth rhifol sy’n fodd o gydnabod, mesur, pennu gwerth a chymharu cyflawniad.

Oriau dysgu dan arweiniad (ODDA)

Yr amser mae dysgwr yn ei dreulio’n cael ei addysgu neu ei gyfarwyddo – neu’n cael ei addysgu neu ei hyfforddi dan arweiniad neu oruchwyliaeth uniongyrchol – darlithydd, goruchwyliwr, tiwtor neu ddarparwr addysg neu hyfforddiant addas arall.

Cyfanswm amser y cymhwyster (TQT)

Nifer yr oriau a ddyfarnwyd i gymhwyster, gan gorff dyfarnu, ar gyfer Dysgu dan Arweiniad ac amcangyfrif o nifer yr oriau y bydd dysgwr yn debygol o’i dreulio’n rhesymol yn paratoi, astudio neu ymgymryd ag unrhyw fath arall o addysg neu hyfforddiant. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cael ei asesu, sy’n digwydd fel y cyfarwyddwyd – ond, yn wahanol i Ddysgu dan Arweiniad, nid dan oruchwyliaeth uniongyrchol – darlithydd, goruchwyliwr, tiwtor neu ddarparwr addysg neu hyfforddiant addas arall.

Arsylwadau Mae hwn yn nodi’r lleiafswm o arsylwadau sydd eu hangen er mwyn cyflawni’r uned.

Canlyniadau dysgu

Y canlyniadau dysgu yw rhan bwysicaf yr uned; maen nhw’n nodi’r hyn sy’n ddisgwyliedig o ran gwybodaeth, dealltwriaeth a gallu ymarferol o ganlyniad i’r broses ddysgu. Mae canlyniadau dysgu yn digwydd o ganlyniad i’r dysgu.

Gofynion tystiolaeth Mae’r adran yn rhoi arweiniad ar sut y dylid casglu tystiolaeth.

Amserau gwasanaeth mwyaf

Mwyafswm yr amser y gellir ei gymryd i gwblhau unrhyw wasanaeth neu elfen ymarferol arbennig.

Canlyniad arsylwad

Mae canlyniad arsylwi’n disgrifio’r tasgau ymarferol sy’n rhaid eu cwblhau er mwyn cyflawni’r uned.

Canlyniad gwybodaeth

Mae canlyniad gwybodaeth yn disgrifio gofynion damcaniaethol uned, sy’n rhaid eu profi drwy gwestiynu ar lafar, papur cwestiynau ysgrifenedig gorfodol neu bortffolio o dystiolaeth.

Meini prawf asesu

Mae meini prawf asesu’n nodi’r hyn sydd ei angen, o ran cyflawniad, er mwyn cyflawni canlyniad dysgu. Y meini prawf asesu a’r canlyniadau dysgu yw’r cydrannau sy’n llywio’r dysgu a’r asesu a ddylai ddigwydd. Mae meini prawf asesu’n diffinio’r safon disgwyliedig er mwyn bodloni’r canlyniadau dysgu.

Ystod Mae’r ystod yn nodi’r hyn sy’n rhaid ymdrin ag ef. Mae’n rhaid i ystodau gael eu harddangos yn ymarferol yr un pryd â chanlyniadau arsylwi’r uned.


Unit glossary

DescriptionVTCT product code

All units are allocated a unique VTCT product code for identification purposes. This code should be quoted in all queries and correspondence to VTCT.

Unit title The title clearly indicates the focus of the unit.National Occupational Standards (NOS)

NOS describe the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to undertake a particular task or job to a nationally recognised level of competence.

LevelLevel is an indication of the demand of the learning experience; the depth and/or complexity of achievement and independence in achieving the learning outcomes.

Credit valueThis is the number of credits awarded upon successful achievement of all unit outcomes. Credit is a numerical value that represents a means of recognising, measuring, valuing and comparing achievement.

Guided learning hours (GLH)

The activity of a learner in being taught or instructed by – or otherwise participating in education or training under the immediate guidance or supervision of – a lecturer, supervisor, tutor or other appropriate provider of education or training.

Total qualification time (TQT)

The number of hours an awarding organisation has assigned to a qualification for Guided Learning and an estimate of the number of hours a learner will reasonably be likely to spend in preparation, study, or any other form of participation in education or training. This includes assessment, which takes place as directed – but, unilke Guided Learning, not under the immediate guidance or supervision of – a lecturer, supervisor, tutor or other appropriate provider of education or training.

Observations This indicates the minimum number of competent observations, per outcome, required to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes are the most important component of the unit; they set out what is expected in terms of knowing, understanding and practical ability as a result of the learning process. Learning outcomes are the results of learning.

Evidence requirements This section provides guidelines on how evidence must be gathered.

Maximum service times

The maximum time specified by Habia in which a particular service or practical element must be completed.

Observation outcome

An observation outcome details the tasks that must be practically demonstrated to achieve the unit.

Knowledge outcome

A knowledge outcome details the theoretical requirements of a unit that must be evidenced through oral questioning, a mandatory written question paper, a portfolio of evidence or other forms of evidence.

Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria set out what is required, in terms of achievement, to meet a learning outcome. The assessment criteria and learning outcomes are the components that inform the learning and assessment that should take place. Assessment criteria define the standard expected to meet learning outcomes.

Range The range indicates what must be covered. Ranges must be practically demonstrated in parallel with the unit’s observation outcomes.


Notes Defnyddiwch y dudalen hon ar gyfer nodiadau a diagramau/

Use this area for notes and diagrams



Monitro gweithdrefnau i reoli gweithrediadau gwaith yn ddiogelUG31G22C

Mae monitro gweithredu trefnau iechyd a diogelwch yn y gweithle yn gyfrifoldeb cyfreithiol i’r holl staff uwch mewn salon, nid i’r rheolwr neu’r perchennog yn unig. Mae’r cyfrifoldebau hyn yn ymestyn y tu hwnt i staff y salon i bawb sy’n dod i mewn i’r busnes, e.e. cleientiaid, cyflenwyr, glanhawyr ar gytundeb ac ati. Oherwydd hynny, yng nghyd-destun yr uned hon, mae ‘pobl eraill’ yn cynnwys pawb sydd â rheswm i fod yn adeilad y salon ar unrhyw adeg, nid gweithwyr yn unig.

Mae’r uned hon yn ymwneud â gwneud yn siŵr bod cyfarwyddiadau statudol a rhai’r gweithle’n cael eu cynnal.



Monitor procedures to safely control work operationsUG31G22

Monitoring the operation of workplace health and safety procedures is the legal responsibility of all senior staff in a salon, not just that of the manager or proprietor. These responsibilities extend beyond salon staff to all people entering the business, e.g. clients, suppliers, contract cleaners, etc. Therefore, in the context of this unit, ‘other people’ includes not only other employees, but all those who have a reason to be on salon premises at any time.

This unit is about making sure that statutory and workplace instructions are being carried out.





Gwerth credyd


Oriau Dysgu Dan Arweiniad




Papur(au) allanol







Credit value






External Paper(s)


24 UG31G22CUG31G22C

Canlyniadau dysgu

Pan fyddwch wedi cwblhau’r uned hon byddwch yn:

1. Gallu gwirio bod cyfarwyddiadau iechyd a diogelwch yn cael eu dilyn

2. Gallu argymell newidiadau i gyfarwyddiadau iechyd a diogelwch yn y gweithle

3. Gallu sicrhau bod peryglon a risgiau yn cael eu rheoli’n ddiogel ac yn effeithiol

4. Gwybod sut i fonitro gweithdrefnau i reoli gweithrediadau gwaith yn ddiogel

Gofynion tystiolaeth

1. Dylid defnyddio amrywiaeth o ddulliau asesu i gadarnhau cymhwysedd. Dylid integreiddio asesiad o wybodaeth gydag asesiad o berfformiad lle bo hynny’n bosibl ac yn briodol.

2. Mae monitro gweithredu trefnau iechyd a diogelwch yn y gweithle yn gyfrifoldeb cyfreithiol i’r holl staff uwch mewn salon, nid i’r rheolwr neu’r perchennog yn unig. Mae’r cyfrifoldebau hyn yn ymestyn y tu hwnt i staff y salon i bawb sy’n dod i mewn i’r busnes, e.e. cleientiaid, cyflenwyr, glanhawyr ar gytundeb ac ati. Oherwydd hynny, yng nghyd-destun yr uned hon, mae ‘pobl eraill’ yn cynnwys pawb sydd â rheswm i fod yn adeilad y salon ar unrhyw adeg, nid gweithwyr eraill yn unig.

3. Ceir nifer fawr o bosibiliadau er mwyn cael tystiolaeth ar gyfer canlyniadau sy’n ymwneud â ‘phobl eraill’, e.e. cyfarwyddo cleientiaid yn gwrtais i hongian cotiau yn y man a ddarperir a chadw eu bagiau yn y dderbynfa er mwyn cydymffurfio â gweithdrefnau’r gweithle i osgoi rhwystrau a damweiniau ym mannau gweithio’r salon; cyfarwyddo aelod newydd o staff ar rai agweddau o’r gweithdrefnau iechyd a diogelwch yn y gweithle.

4. Mae’n rhaid i’r holl dystiolaeth ddeillio o berfformiad yn y gweithle neu Amgylchedd Gweithio Realistig sy’n cydymffurfio â meini prawf presennol Habia.

5. Ni chaniateir casglu unrhyw dystiolaeth o berfformiad o fewn yr uned hon drwy efelychu gan fod modd arddangos y canlyniadau gyda chyfuniad o ddulliau asesu sy’n deillio o:• arsylwi ar yr ymgeisydd yn uniongyrchol

yn y gweithle

• tystiolaeth tystion (cydweithwyr a rheolwyr llinell) o berfformiad llwyddiannus yr ymgeisydd o weithgareddau yn y gweithle

• tystiolaeth ddogfennol a thystiolaeth arall yn seiliedig ar gynnyrch

• adroddiad personol gan yr ymgeisydd a gymeradwyir gan gydweithwyr

• cwestiynau

• trafodaeth

• trafodaeth broffesiynol

6. Nid yw hon yn rhestr hollgynhwysol. Eiddo’r Cyrff Dyfarnu yw’r Gofynion Tystiolaeth Cyffredin a byddant yn datblygu eu canllawiau eu hunain ar ofynion tystiolaeth. Fodd bynnag, o ystyried natur y canlyniadau sydd eu hangen, mae’n debyg mai mathau amrywiol o dystiolaeth ddogfennol, cwestiynu a thrafodaeth fydd y prif ddulliau asesu i’r diwydiannau iechyd a harddwch.

7. Nid oes papur allanol i’r uned hon.


Monitro gweithdrefnau i reoli gweithrediadau gwaith yn ddiogel


Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit you will:

1. Be able to check that health and safety instructions are followed

2. Be able to recommend changes to health and safety workplace instructions

3. Be able to make sure that hazards and risks are controlled safely and effectively

4. Know how to monitor procedures to safely control work operations

Evidence requirements

1. A variety of assessment methods should be used to confirm competence. Assessment of knowledge should be integrated with the assessment of performance wherever possible and appropriate.

2. Monitoring the operation of workplace health and safety procedures is the legal responsibility of all senior staff in a salon, not just that of the manager or proprietor. These responsibilities extend beyond salon staff to all people entering the business e.g. clients, suppliers, contract cleaners, etc. Therefore, in the context of this unit, ‘other people’ includes not only other employees, but all those who have a reason to be on salon premises at any time.

3. Evidence for outcomes relating to ‘other people’ may be drawn from a wide base of possibilities, e.g. politely instructing clients to hang coats in the place provided and stow their bags at reception to comply with workplace procedures to avoid obstructions and accidents in salon work areas; briefing a new starter on some aspect of workplace health and safety procedures.

Monitor procedures to safely control work operations

4. All evidence must be derived from performance in the workplace or approved Realistic Working Environment conforming to current Habia criteria.

5. Simulation is not allowed for any performance evidence within this unit as the outcomes can be demonstrated by a combination of assessment methods drawn from:• direct observation of the candidate in

the workplace

• witness testimony by colleagues and line managers of the candidate’s successful performance of activities in the workplace

• documentary and other product-based evidence

• a personal report by the candidate endorsed by colleagues

• questions

• discussion

• professional discussion

6. This is not an exhaustive list and the Common Evidence Requirements are owned by the Awarding Bodies which will develop their own guidance documentation on evidence requirements. However, given the nature of the outcomes required, it is likely various types of documentary evidence, questioning and discussion will form the main assessment methods for the hair and beauty industries.

7. There is no external paper requirement for this unit.


26 UG31G22CUG31G22C

Cyflawni arsylwadau ac ystod

Cyflawni canlyniadau arsylwi

Bydd eich aseswr yn arsylwi arnoch yn gwneud tasgau ymarferol. Nodir isafswm yr arsylwadau sydd eu hangen yn adran gofynion tystiolaeth yr uned hon.

Efallai na fydd meini prawf bob amser yn digwydd yn naturiol yn ystod arsylwad ymarferol. Os felly, bydd eich aseswr yn holi cwestiynau i chi er mwyn dangos eich bod yn gymwys yn y maes hwn. Bydd eich aseswr yn cofnodi pa feini prawf sydd wedi eu cyflawni drwy ofyn cwestiynau ar lafar.

Bydd eich aseswr yn cadarnhau bod canlyniad wedi’i gyflawni pan fydd yr holl feini prawf wedi cael eu cyflawni’n gymwys yn ystod gwasanaeth un cleient.

Cyflawni’r ystod

Nid oes datganiadau ystod sy’n berthnasol i’r uned hon.

Amserau gwasanaeth mwyaf

Nid oes datganiadau ystod sy’n berthnasol i’r uned hon.


Achieving observations and range

Achieving observation outcomes

Your assessor will observe your performance of practical tasks. The minimum number of observations required is indicated in the evidence requirements section of this unit.

Criteria may not always naturally occur during a practical observation. In such instances you will be asked questions to demonstrate your competence in this area. Your assessor will document the criteria that have been achieved through oral questioning.

Your assessor will sign off an outcome when all criteria have been competently achieved in a single client service.

Achieving range

There are no range statements that apply to this unit.

Maximum service times

There are no maximum service times that apply to this unit.

28 UG31G22CUG31G22C


Canlyniad dysgu 1

Gallu gwirio bod cyfarwyddiadau iechyd a diogelwch yn cael eu dilyn

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Sicrhau eich bod yn gwybod beth yw’r rheoliadau iechyd a diogelwch a’r cyfarwyddiadau diweddaraf yn y gweithle, gan wneud yn siŵr bod yr wybodaeth yn dod o ffynonellau dibynadwy

b. Monitro’r gweithle ar gyfnodau y cytunwyd arnynt ac yn unol â chyfarwyddiadau’r gweithle

c. Cadarnhau bod gweithwyr yn gymwys o ran iechyd a diogelwch fel y’i diffinnir gan eu swyddi a bod anghenion hyfforddiant iechyd a diogelwch wedi’u nodi a’u diwallu

d. Cyfathrebu cyfarwyddiadau’r gweithle a chael adborth

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr



Learning outcome 1

Be able to check that health and safety instructions are followed

You can:

a. Keep up to date with health and safety regulations and workplace instructions, making sure that information is from reliable sources

b. Conduct monitoring of the workplace at agreed intervals and in accordance with workplace instructions

c. Confirm that workers are health and safety competent as defined in their job role and that identified health and safety training needs have been met

d. Communicate workplace instructions and receive feedback

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

30 UG31G22CUG31G22C

Canlyniad dysgu 2

Gallu argymell newidiadau i gyfarwyddiadau iechyd a diogelwch yn y gweithle

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Ymateb i unrhyw dorri ar gyfarwyddiadau iechyd a diogelwch mewn modd sy’n unol â gofynion y gweithle a’r gyfraith*

b. Argymell unrhyw newidiadau i gyfarwyddiadau iechyd a diogelwch y gweithle i bobl sydd â chyfrifoldeb

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 2

Be able to recommend changes to health and safety workplace instructions

You can:

a. Respond to any breaches of health and safety instructions in a way which meets workplace and legal requirements*

b. Make recommendations for any changes to health and safety workplace instructions to the responsible people

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

32 UG31G22CUG31G22C

Canlyniad dysgu 3

Gallu sicrhau bod peryglon a risgiau yn cael eu rheoli’n ddiogel ac yn effeithiol

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Cadw cofnodion cywir o unrhyw afreoleidd-dra yn y gweithle

b. Gwirio bod pobl eraill yn ymwybodol o’r peryglon/risgiau a’u bod yn gwybod pa gamau i’w cymryd er mwyn eu lleihau

c. Cadarnhau bod y rhagofalon priodol i reoli’r risgiau wedi cael eu cytuno â’r bobl sy’n gyfrifol am iechyd a diogelwch

d. Adolygu i sicrhau bod yr holl gamau a argymhellwyd wedi’u cymryd

e. Adrodd am unrhyw wrthdaro sy’n parhau i fodoli rhwng gofynion y gweithle a’r gyfraith*

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 3

Be able to make sure that hazards and risks are controlled safely and effectively

You can:

a. Maintain accurate records of workplace irregularities

b. Check other people are aware of the hazards/risks and know the action(s) to be taken to minimise them

c. Confirm that appropriate precautions to control risks have been agreed with the people responsible for health and safety

d. Review to make sure all recommended action has been taken

e. Report any conflicts that still exist between workplace and legal requirements*

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

34 UG31G22CUG31G22C

Cyflawni canlyniadau gwybodaeth

Bydd eich tiwtor a’ch aseswr yn rhoi arweiniad i chi ar y dystiolaeth sydd angen ei chyflwyno. Bydd eich gwybodaeth a’ch dealltwriaeth yn cael eu hasesu gan ddefnyddio’r dulliau asesu a restrir isod:

• Gwaith wedi’i arsylwi

• Datganiadau tystion

• Cyfryngau clyweled

• Tystiolaeth o ddysgu neu gyrhaeddiad blaenorol

• Cwestiynau ysgrifenedig

• Cwestiynau llafar

• Aseiniadau

• Astudiaethau achos

Lle bo hynny’n bosibl, bydd eich aseswr yn cynnwys y canlyniadau gwybodaeth mewn arsylwadau ymarferol drwy ofyn cwestiynau ar lafar.

Datblygu gwybodaeth


Achieving knowledge outcomes

You will be guided by your tutor and assessor on the evidence that needs to be produced. Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed using the assessment methods listed below:

• Observed work

• Witness statements

• Audio-visual media

• Evidence of prior learning or attainment

• Written questions

• Oral questions

• Assignments

• Case studies

Where applicable your assessor will integrate knowledge outcomes into practical observations through professional discussion and/or oral questioning.

Developing knowledge

36 UG31G22CUG31G22C


Canlyniad dysgu 4

Gwybod sut i fonitro gweithdrefnau i reoli gweithrediadau gwaith yn ddiogel

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro cyfrifoldebau cyfreithiol y cyflogwyr a’r gweithwyr am iechyd a diogelwch yn y gweithle

b. Egluro’r gwahaniaeth rhwng ‘perygl’, ‘risg’ a ‘rheoli’

c. Disgrifio’r math o wybodaeth sydd ar gael mewn adroddiadau a chofnodion sy’n berthnasol i’r gweithle

d. Egluro pwysigrwydd gwerthuso gwybodaeth mewn adroddiadau a chofnodion sy’n berthnasol i’r gweithle

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.



Learning outcome 4

Know how to monitor procedures to safely control work operations

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain employers’ and employees’ legal responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace

b. Explain the difference between ‘hazard’, ‘risk’ and ‘control’

c. Describe the types of information available from reports and records covering the workplace

d. Explain the importance of evaluating information from reports and records covering the workplace

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

38 UG31G22C

Notes Defnyddiwch y dudalen hon ar gyfer nodiadau a diagramau/

Use this area for notes and diagrams



Cyfrannu at gynllunio a gweithredu gweithgareddau hyrwyddoUG31H32C

Mae’r uned hon yn ymwneud â gweithio gydag eraill er mwyn cynllunio, gweithredu a gwerthuso gweithgareddau hyrwyddo. Mae’r gallu i gyflwyno gwybodaeth yn fedrus a rhyngweithio gyda’r cyhoedd wrth arddangos sgiliau yn elfen bwysig iawn o’r uned hon.



Contribute to the planning and implementation of promotional activitiesUG31H32

This unit is about working with others to plan, implement and evaluate promotional activities. The ability to competently present information and interact with the public whilst demonstrating skills is a particularly important aspect of this unit.





Gwerth credyd


Oriau Dysgu Dan Arweiniad




Papur(au) allanol







Credit value






External Paper(s)


44 UG31H32CUG31H32C

Canlyniadau dysgu

Pan fyddwch wedi cwblhau’r uned hon byddwch yn:

1. Gallu cyfrannu at gynllunio a pharatoi gweithgareddau hyrwyddo

2. Gallu gweithredu gweithgareddau hyrwyddo

3. Gallu cymryd rhan yn y broses o werthuso gweithgareddau hyrwyddo

4. Deall y lleoliad a gofynion cyfreithiol

5. Deall sut i gynllunio a pharatoi digwyddiadau hyrwyddo

6. Deall sut i werthu cynhyrchion a gwasanaethau

7. Deall technegau cyfathrebu

8. Deall dulliau a thechnegau gwerthuso

Gofynion tystiolaeth

1. Ni chaniateir casglu unrhyw dystiolaeth o berfformiad o fewn yr uned hon drwy efelychu.

2. Mae’n rhaid i chi ddangos yn ymarferol yn eich gwaith o ddydd i ddydd eich bod wedi cyflawni’r safon ar gyfer cyfrannu at gynllunio a gweithredu gweithgareddau hyrwyddo.

3. Bydd eich aseswr yn cynnal 1 arsylwad o’ch perfformiad wrth i chi gynllunio a gweithredu gweithgareddau hyrwyddo. Ymhellach, bydd angen i chi gasglu gwybodaeth ddogfennol bellach i ddangos eich bod wedi cyflawni holl ofynion y safon.

Cyfrannu at gynllunio a gweithredu gweithgareddau hyrwyddo

4. O’r ystod, mae’n rhaid i chi ddangos eich bod wedi:• datblygu’r ddau fath o amcan

• ymgymryd â’r holl fathau o weithgareddau hyrwyddo a restrir

5. Mae’n debygol y bydd y rhan fwyaf o’r dystiolaeth o’ch perfformiad yn cael ei chasglu o’r arsylwadau a wneir gan eich aseswr, ond efallai y bydd angen i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth arall i gefnogi eich perfformiad os nad yw eich aseswr wedi bod yn bresennol.

6. Nid oes papur allanol i’r uned hon.



Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit you will:

1. Be able to contribute to the planning and preparation of promotional activities

2. Be able to implement promotional activities

3. Be able to participate in the evaluation of promotional activities

4. Understand the venue and legal requirements

5. Understand how to plan and prepare promotional events

6. Understand how to sell products and services

7. Understand communication techniques

8. Understand evaluation methods and techniques

Evidence requirements

1. Simulation is not allowed for any performance evidence within this unit.

2. You must practically demonstrate in your everyday work that you have met the standard for contributing to the planning and implementation of promotional activities.

3. Your assessor will make 1 observation of your performance when planning and implementing promotional activities. In addition, you will need to collect further documentary evidence to show you have met all the requirements of the standard.

Contribute to the planning and implementation of promotional activities

4. From the range, you must show that you have:• developed both types of objectives

• undertaken all the types of promotional activities listed

5. Although some evidence of your performance will be gathered from the observations made by your assessor, it is likely you will need to assemble relevant documentary evidence in your portfolio to meet the requirements of the standard and qualification.

6. There is no external paper requirement for this unit.


46 UG31H32CUG31H32C

Cyflawni arsylwadau ac ystod

Cyflawni canlyniadau arsylwi

Bydd eich aseswr yn arsylwi arnoch yn gwneud tasgau ymarferol. Nodir isafswm yr arsylwadau sydd eu hangen yn adran gofynion tystiolaeth yr uned hon.

Efallai na fydd meini prawf bob amser yn digwydd yn naturiol yn ystod arsylwad ymarferol. Os felly, bydd eich aseswr yn holi cwestiynau i chi er mwyn dangos eich bod yn gymwys yn y maes hwn. Bydd eich aseswr yn cofnodi pa feini prawf sydd wedi eu cyflawni drwy ofyn cwestiynau ar lafar.

Bydd eich aseswr yn cadarnhau bod canlyniad wedi’i gyflawni pan fydd yr holl feini prawf wedi cael eu cyflawni’n gymwys yn ystod gwasanaeth un cleient.

Cyflawni’r ystod

Mae’r adran ystod yn nodi beth sy’n rhaid ymdrin ag ef. Mae’n rhaid arddangos ystodau yn ymarferol fel rhan o arsylwad. Bydd eich aseswr yn dogfennu’r cyfeirnod portffolio pan fydd ystod wedi’i chyflawni’n gymwys.

Amserau gwasanaeth mwyaf

Nid oes amserau gwasanaeth mwyaf sy’n berthnasol i’r uned hon.


Achieving observations and range

Achieving observation outcomes

Your assessor will observe your performance of practical tasks. The minimum number of observations required is indicated in the evidence requirements section of this unit.

Criteria may not always naturally occur during a practical observation. In such instances you will be asked questions to demonstrate your competence in this area. Your assessor will document the criteria that have been achieved through oral questioning.

Your assessor will sign off an outcome when all criteria have been competently achieved in a single client service.

Achieving range

The range section indicates what must be covered. Ranges must be practically demonstrated as part of an observation. Your assessor will document the portfolio reference once a range has been competently achieved.

Maximum service times

There are no maximum service times that apply to this unit.

48 UG31H32CUG31H32C


Canlyniad dysgu 1

Gallu cyfrannu at gynllunio a pharatoi gweithgareddau hyrwyddo

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Cyflwyno argymhellion i’r person(au) perthnasol am weithgareddau hyrwyddo addas ac adnabod y manteision posibl ar gyfer y busnes

b. Adnabod a chytuno amcanion penodol, mesuradwy, posibl eu cyflawni, realistig, ynghlwm wrth amser a grwpiau targed ar gyfer y gweithgaredd â’r person(au) perthnasol

c. Cytuno ar ofynion ar gyfer y gweithgaredd â phob person(au) perthnasol a hynny mewn digon o fanylder fel y gellir cynllunio’r gwaith

d. Cynhyrchu cynllun y cytunwyd arno sy’n dangos:• y math o weithgaredd hyrwyddo

• amcanion y gweithgaredd

• swyddogaethau a chyfrifoldebau eraill sy’n cyfranogi

• gofynion adnoddau

• gweithgareddau paratoi a gweithredu

• graddfeydd amser

• y gyllideb

• dulliau gwerthuso

e. Cytuno ar gynllun sy’n ystyried unrhyw ofynion cyfreithiol, yn ôl yr angen

f. Sicrhau bod adnoddau ar gael i gyflawni’r amserlen a gynlluniwyd

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr



Learning outcome 1

Be able to contribute to the planning and preparation of promotional activities

You can:

a. Make recommendations to the relevant person(s) for suitable promotional activities, identifying the potential benefits for the business

b. Identify and agree specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound objectives and target groups for the activity with the relevant person(s)

c. Agree requirements for the activity with all relevant person(s) in sufficient detail to allow the work to be planned

d. Produce an agreed plan showing the:• type of promotional activity

• objectives of the activity

• roles and responsibilities of others involved

• resource requirements

• preparation and implementation activities

• timescales

• the budget

• methods of evaluation

e. Agree a plan that takes into account any legal requirements, when necessary

f. Make sure resources are available to meet the planned timescale

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

50 UG31H32CUG31H32C

Canlyniad dysgu 2

Gallu gweithredu gweithgareddau hyrwyddo

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Gweithredu gweithgareddau hyrwyddo yn unol â’r cynllun a gytunwyd

b. Addasu gweithgareddau hyrwyddo, yn ôl yr angen, mewn ymateb i amgylchiadau sydd wedi newid a/neu broblemau

c. Defnyddio adnoddau’n effeithiol drwy gydol y gweithgareddau hyrwyddo

d. Cyfathrebu nodweddion a manteision hanfodol cynhyrchion a gwasanaethau i’r grŵp targed

e. Defnyddio dulliau cyfathrebu sy’n addas ar gyfer y math o weithgaredd hyrwyddo sy’n cael ei gynnal

f. Cyflwyno gwybodaeth fesul camau rhesymegol

g. Annog y grŵp targed i ofyn cwestiynau am y gwasanaethau a’r cynhyrchion sy’n cael eu hyrwyddo

h. Ymateb i gwestiynau ac ymholiadau mewn modd sy’n hybu ewyllys da ac sy’n gwella delwedd y salon

i. Annog y grŵp targed yn weithredol i fanteisio ar y gwasanaethau a’r cynhyrchion sy’n cael eu hyrwyddo

j. Clirio cynhyrchion a chyfarpar ar ddiwedd y gweithgareddau hyrwyddo, yn ôl yr angen, yn unol â gofynion y lleoliad

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 2

Be able to implement promotional activities

You can:

a. Implement promotional activities to meet the agreed plan

b. Adapt promotional activities, when necessary, in response to changed circumstances and/or problems

c. Use resources effectively throughout the promotional activities

d. Communicate the essential features and benefits of products and services to the target group

e. Use methods of communication that are suitable for the type of promotional activity being undertaken

f. Present information in logical steps

g. Encourage the target group to ask questions about the services and products being promoted

h. Respond to questions and queries in a way which promotes goodwill and enhances the salon’s image

i. Actively encourage the target group to take advantage of the services and products being promoted

j. Clear away products and equipment at the end of the promotional activity, when necessary, to meet the requirements of the venue

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

52 UG31H32CUG31H32C

Canlyniad dysgu 3

Gallu cymryd rhan yn y broses o werthuso gweithgareddau hyrwyddo

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Defnyddio’r dulliau y cytunwyd arnynt yn y cynllun gweithgaredd hyrwyddo i gael adborth o’r ffynonellau perthnasol

b. Casglu a chofnodi’r wybodaeth a gafwyd o’r adborth gan ddefnyddio fformat a dull cyflwyno eglur*

c. Tynnu casgliadau cywir ac eglur ar effeithiolrwydd y gweithgaredd hyrwyddo o ran cyflawni’r amcanion y cytunwyd arnynt

d. Cymryd rhan mewn trafodaethau gan roi crynodeb eglur, wedi’i strwythuro’n dda, o ganlyniadau’r gwerthusiad

e. Argymell gwelliannau ar gyfer unrhyw weithgareddau hyrwyddo sydd i’w cynnal yn y dyfodol yn seiliedig ar ganlyniadau eich gwerthusiad

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 3

Be able to participate in the evaluation of promotional activities

You can:

a. Use the methods agreed in the promotional activity plan to gain feedback from the relevant sources

b. Collate and record the information gained from the feedback using a clear and concise format and method of presentation*

c. Draw accurate and clear conclusions on the effectiveness of the promotional activity in meeting the agreed objectives

d. Participate in discussions giving a clear and well structured summary of the results of the evaluation

e. Make recommendations for improvements to any future promotional activities based upon the outcomes of the evaluation

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

54 UG31H32CUG31H32C

Arsylwadau ystod

Mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:

Ymgymryd â’r holl fathau o weithgareddau hyrwyddo a restrir Cyfeirnod portffolio



Ymgyrchoedd hysbysebu

Datblygu’r ddau fath o amcan Cyfeirnod portffolio

Gwella delwedd y salon

Cynyddu busnes y salon


Observation range

You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Undertaken all the types of promotional activities listed Portfolio reference



Advertising campaigns

Developed both types of objectives Portfolio reference

Enhance salon image

Increase salon business

56 UG31H32CUG31H32C

Cyflawni canlyniadau gwybodaeth

Bydd eich tiwtor a’ch aseswr yn rhoi arweiniad i chi ar y dystiolaeth sydd angen ei chyflwyno. Bydd eich gwybodaeth a’ch dealltwriaeth yn cael eu hasesu gan ddefnyddio’r dulliau asesu a restrir isod:

• Gwaith wedi’i arsylwi

• Datganiadau tystion

• Cyfryngau clyweled

• Tystiolaeth o ddysgu neu gyrhaeddiad blaenorol

• Cwestiynau ysgrifenedig

• Cwestiynau llafar

• Aseiniadau

• Astudiaethau achos

Lle bo hynny’n bosibl, bydd eich aseswr yn cynnwys y canlyniadau gwybodaeth mewn arsylwadau ymarferol drwy ofyn cwestiynau ar lafar.

Datblygu gwybodaeth


Achieving knowledge outcomes

You will be guided by your tutor and assessor on the evidence that needs to be produced. Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed using the assessment methods listed below:

• Observed work

• Witness statements

• Audio-visual media

• Evidence of prior learning or attainment

• Written questions

• Oral questions

• Assignments

• Case studies

Where applicable your assessor will integrate knowledge outcomes into practical observations through professional discussion and/or oral questioning.

Developing knowledge

58 UG31H32CUG31H32C


Canlyniad dysgu 4

Deall y lleoliad a gofynion cyfreithiol

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro gofynion ymarferol a chyfyngiadau unrhyw leoliad

b. Disgrifio gofynion y cytundeb, deddfau a deddfwriaeth leol allai gyfyngu ar y gweithgaredd hyrwyddo mewn unrhyw leoliad a ddefnyddir

c. Egluro pwysigrwydd ystyried gofynion iechyd a diogelwch a gofynion cyfreithiol eraill

d. Egluro’r dulliau gweithredu iechyd a diogelwch sy’n berthnasol i unrhyw leoliad a ddefnyddir

e. Egluro’r peryglon posibl y mae’n rhaid eu hystyried wrth weithio mewn unrhyw leoliad

f. Disgrifio’r camau y dylid eu cymryd i leihau peryglon wrth weithio mewn lleoliad allanol

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.



Learning outcome 4

Understand the venue and legal requirements

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the practical requirements and restrictions of any venue

b. Describe the contract requirements, local bye-laws and legislation which could restrict the promotional activity in any venue used

c. Explain the importance of considering health and safety and other legal requirements

d. Explain the health and safety procedures applicable to any venue used

e. Explain the potential hazards that must be considered when working at any venue

f. Describe the steps that should be taken to minimise risks when working at an external venue

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

60 UG31H32CUG31H32C

Canlyniad dysgu 5

Deall sut i gynllunio a pharatoi digwyddiadau hyrwyddo

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro diben a gwerth cynllunio manwl a chywir

b. Egluro’r math o ofynion adnoddau sydd eu hangen ar gyfer gweithgareddau hyrwyddo

c. Egluro sut gall natur y grŵp targed ddylanwadu ar y dewis o weithgaredd hyrwyddo

d. Egluro sut i gyfateb mathau o weithgareddau hyrwyddo gydag amcanion

e. Disgrifio sut i gyflwyno cynllun ar gyfer gweithgareddau hyrwyddo

f. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig ystyried dulliau gwerthuso yn ystod y cyfnod cynllunio

g. Egluro sut i lunio amcanion CAMPUS: Cyraeddadwy; Amserol; Mesuradwy; Penodol; Uchelgeisiol; Synhwyrol

h. Egluro pwysigrwydd gweithio yn ôl cyllideb

i. Egluro ble a sut i gael adnoddau

j. Egluro pwysigrwydd diffinio swyddogaethau a chyfrifoldebau’r rhai sy’n ymwneud â’r gweithgareddau hyrwyddo yn glir

k. Disgrifio pwysigrwydd neilltuo swyddogaethau a chyfrifoldebau i gyfateb i lefelau cymhwysedd unigolyn

l. Egluro pwysigrwydd sicrhau ymroddiad a chytundeb unigolyn i ymgymryd â swyddogaeth yn y gweithgaredd hyrwyddo

m. Egluro’r mathau o broblemau y gellir eu rhagweld sy’n digwydd a dulliau o’u datrys

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 5

Understand how to plan and prepare promotional events

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the purpose and value of detailed and accurate planning

b. Explain the type of resourcing requirements necessary for promotional activities

c. Explain how the nature of the target group can influence the choice of promotional activity

d. Explain how to match types of promotional activities to objectives

e. Describe how to present a plan for promotional activities

f. Explain why it is important to consider methods of evaluation at the planning stage

g. Explain how to write objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound (i.e. SMART objectives)

h. Explain the importance of working to a budget

i. Explain where and how to obtain resources

j. Explain the importance of clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of those involved in promotional activities

k. Describe the importance of allocating roles and responsibilities to match an individual’s competence levels

l. Explain the importance of gaining an individual’s commitment and agreement to undertake a role in the promotional activity

m. Explain the types of foreseeable problems that occur and ways of resolving them

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

62 UG31H32CUG31H32C

Canlyniad dysgu 6

Deall sut i werthu cynhyrchion a gwasanaethau

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut i adnabod arwyddion bod rhywun ag awydd prynu a sut i gwblhau’r gwerthiant

b. Adnabod y gwahaniaeth rhwng nodweddion cynnyrch neu wasanaeth a manteision cynnyrch neu wasanaeth

c. Disgrifio nodweddion a manteision y cynhyrchion a/neu’r gwasanaethau sy’n cael eu hyrwyddo

d. Disgrifio sut i deilwra’r cyflwyniad am fanteision cynhyrchion a/neu wasanaethau i gyfarfod ag anghenion a diddordebau unigol

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 6

Understand how to sell products and services

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain how to recognise buying signals and to close sales

b. Identify the difference between the features of a product or service and the benefits of a product or service

c. Describe the features and benefits of products and/or services being promoted

d. Describe how to tailor the presentation of the benefits of products and/or services to meet individual needs and interests

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

64 UG31H32CUG31H32C

Canlyniad dysgu 7

Deall technegau cyfathrebu

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut a phryd i gymryd rhan mewn trafodaethau

b. Disgrifio sut i roi cyflwyniad byr

c. Cymharu dulliau gwahanol o gyflwyno gwybodaeth

d. Egluro sut a phryd i greu agoriadau er mwyn annog eraill i ofyn cwestiynau

e. Disgrifio sut i ateb cwestiynau a thrin ymholiadau mewn modd sy’n debygol o gynnal ewyllys da

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 7

Understand communication techniques

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain how and when to participate in discussions

b. Describe how to give a short presentation

c. Compare different methods of presenting information

d. Explain how and when to make openings to encourage others to ask questions

e. Describe how to answer questions and manage queries in a way likely to maintain goodwill

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

66 UG31H32CUG31H32C

Canlyniad dysgu 8

Deall dulliau a thechnegau gwerthuso

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro diben gweithgareddau hyrwyddo

b. Egluro elfennau’r gweithgaredd hyrwyddo y dylid eu gwerthuso

c. Disgrifio’r dulliau mwyaf addas o gael adborth ar gyfer y gweithgareddau hyrwyddo yn yr ystod

d. Egluro sut i gasglu, dadansoddi a chrynhoi adborth gwerthuso mewn ffordd eglur a chryno

e. Egluro dulliau addas o fformatio a chynhyrchu adroddiad gwerthuso

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 8

Understand evaluation methods and techniques

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the purpose of evaluation activities

b. Explain the areas of the promotional activity which should be evaluated

c. Describe the most suitable methods of gaining feedback for the promotional activities in the range

d. Explain how to collate, analyse and summarise evaluation feedback in a clear and concise way

e. Explain suitable ways of formatting and producing an evaluation report

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

68 UG31H32C

Notes Defnyddiwch y dudalen hon ar gyfer nodiadau a diagramau/

Use this area for notes and diagrams



Darparu triniaethau tylino’r corffUB30B20C

Mae’r uned hon yn ymwneud â’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen er mwyn darparu triniaethau tylino i’r pen a’r corff. Mae’n cynnwys tylino’r pen a’r corff â llaw yn ogystal â thechnegau tylino’r corff yn fecanyddol. Mae’r gallu i addasu technegau tylino er mwyn ateb anghenion cleientiaid unigol yn gwbl angenrheidiol ar gyfer yr uned hon.

Er mwyn cyflawni’r uned, bydd angen i chi sicrhau iechyd, diogelwch a hylendid effeithiol bob amser wrth wneud eich gwaith. Hefyd bydd angen i chi gynnal eich ymddangosiad personol a chyfathrebu’n dda gyda’r cleient.



Provide body massage treatmentsUB30B20

This unit is about the skills involved in providing head and body massage treatments. It covers manual massage of the head and body as well as mechanical body massage techniques. The ability to adapt massage techniques to suit individual client needs is a crucial requirement of this unit.

To carry out this unit you will need to maintain effective health, safety and hygiene throughout your work. You will also need to maintain your personal appearance and good communication with the client.





Gwerth credyd


Oriau Dysgu Dan Arweiniad




Papur(au) allanol







Credit value






External Paper(s)


74 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniadau dysgu

Pan fyddwch wedi cwblhau’r uned hon byddwch yn:

1. Gallu gweithio mewn modd effeithiol a diogel wrth ddarparu triniaethau tylino’r corff

2. Gallu ymgynghori, cynllunio a pharatoi ar gyfer darparu triniaethau tylino’r corff

3. Cynnal triniaethau tylino â llaw

4. Cynnal triniaethau tylino mecanyddol

5. Deall y gofynion sefydliadol a chyfreithiol sy’n amddiffyn triniaethau tylino i’r corff

6. Deall sut i weithio’n ddiogel ac yn effeithiol wrth ddarparu triniaethau tylino i’r corff

7. Deall sut i ymgynghori â chleientiaid

8. Deall sut i baratoi a darparu triniaethau tylino i’r corff

9. Deall yr anatomeg a ffisioleg sydd ynghlwm â thriniaethau tylino’r corff

10. Deall gwrthrybuddion a gwrthweithrediadau sy’n effeithio neu’n cyfyngu ar driniaethau tylino’r corff

11. Deall sut i gynnal triniaethau tylino’r corff

12. Deall sut i ddarparu cyngor ôl-ofal

Gofynion tystiolaeth

1. Ni chaniateir efelychiad ar gyfer unrhyw dystiolaeth o berfformiad yn yr uned hon.

2. Rhaid i chi ddangos yn ymarferol yn eich gwaith bob dydd eich bod wedi cwrdd â’r safon ar gyfer darparu triniaethau tylino’r corff.

Darparu triniaethau tylino’r corff

3. Bydd eich aseswr yn arsylwi ar eich perfformiad ar o leiaf 4 achlysur gwahanol, a hynny ar 4 cleient gwahanol, a rhaid cynnwys 2 driniaeth tylino corff llawn, sy’n cynnwys yr wyneb. Mae’n rhaid i un o’r triniaethau tylino corff llawn gynnwys y defnydd o dylino mecanyddol a thriniaeth is-goch.

4. O’r ystod, mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:

• defnyddio pob math o gyfarpar ar fannau sy’n addas ar gyfer y triniaethau hynny

• defnyddio pob un o’r cyfryngau tylino• defnyddio pob un o’r technegau

ymgynghori• delio gyda holl nodweddion corfforol y

cleient• delio gydag o leiaf 1 o’r camau

angenrheidiol*• cwrdd â holl amcanion y driniaeth• defnyddio pob un o’r technegau tylino• ymdrin â’r holl fannau sydd i’w trin• darparu pob math o gyngor

* Fodd bynnag, rhaid i chi brofi i’ch aseswr fod gennych yr wybodaeth, y ddealltwriaeth a’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen er mwyn perfformio’n gymwys mewn perthynas â holl eitemau’r ystod hon.

5. Mae’n debygol y bydd y rhan fwyaf o’r dystiolaeth o’ch perfformiad yn cael ei chasglu o’r arsylwadau a wneir gan eich aseswr, ond efallai y bydd angen i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth arall i gefnogi eich perfformiad os nad yw eich aseswr wedi bod yn bresennol.

6. Yn yr uned hon bydd gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth yn cael eu hasesu drwy bapur allanol. Mae’r meini prawf sy’n rhan o’r papur hwn wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn drwy gydol yr uned hon. Mae’n rhaid llwyddo mewn dau bapur allanol.



Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit you will:

1. Be able to maintain safe and effective methods of working when providing body massage treatments

2. Be able to consult, plan and prepare to provide body massage treatments

3. Be able to perform manual massage treatments

4. Be able to perform mechanical massage treatments

5. Understand organisational and legal requirements for protecting body massage treatments

6. Understand how to work safely and effectively when providing body massage treatments

7. Understand how to consult with clients

8. Understand how to prepare to provide body massage treatments

9. Understand anatomy and physiology related to body massage treatments

10. Understand contra-indications and contra-actions that affect or restrict body massage treatments

11. Understand how to carry out body massage treatments

12. Understand how to provide aftercare advice

Evidence requirements

1. Simulation is not allowed for any performance evidence within this unit.

2. You must practically demonstrate in your everyday work that you have met the standard for providing body massage treatments.

Provide body massage treatments

3. Your assessor will observe your performance on at least 4 separate occasions, each on 4 different clients, which must include 2 full body massage treatments, incorporating the face. One of the full body massages must incorporate the use of mechanical massage and infra-red treatment.

4. From the range statement, you must practically demonstrate that you:• used all types of equipment on suitable

treatment areas • used all of the massage mediums• used all consultation techniques• dealt with all the client’s physical

characteristics• dealt with at least 1 of the necessary

actions*• met all treatment objectives• used all massage techniques• covered all treatment areas • given all types of advice

* However, you must prove to your assessor that you have the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to perform competently in respect of all the items in these ranges.

5. It is likely most evidence of your performance will be gathered from the observations made by your assessor, but you may be required to produce other evidence to support your performance if your assessor has not been present.

6. Knowledge and understanding in this unit will be assessed by an external paper. The criteria that make up this paper are highlighted in white throughout this unit. There are two external papers that must be achieved.


76 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Cyflawni arsylwadau ac ystod

Cyflawni canlyniadau arsylwi

Bydd eich aseswr yn arsylwi arnoch yn gwneud tasgau ymarferol. Nodir isafswm yr arsylwadau sydd eu hangen yn adran gofynion tystiolaeth yr uned hon.

Efallai na fydd meini prawf bob amser yn digwydd yn naturiol yn ystod arsylwad ymarferol. Os felly, bydd eich aseswr yn holi cwestiynau i chi er mwyn dangos eich bod yn gymwys yn y maes hwn. Bydd eich aseswr yn cofnodi pa feini prawf sydd wedi eu cyflawni drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Bydd eich aseswr yn cadarnhau bod canlyniad wedi’i gyflawni pan fydd yr holl feini prawf wedi cael eu cyflawni’n gymwys yn ystod gwasanaeth un cleient.

Cyflawni’r ystod

Mae’r adran ystod yn nodi beth sy’n rhaid ymdrin ag ef. Mae’n rhaid arddangos ystodau’n ymarferol fel rhan o arsylwad. Bydd eich aseswr yn dogfennu’r cyfeirnod portffolio pan fydd ystod wedi’i chyflawni’n gymwys.

Amserau gwasanaeth mwyaf

Mae’r amserau gwasanaeth mwyaf canlynol yn berthnasol i’r uned hon:

Tylino’r cefn 30 munud

Tylino’r corff llawn (heblaw am y pen a’r wyneb) 60 munud

Tylino’r corff llawn (yn cynnwys y pen a’r wyneb) 75 munud


Achieving observations and range

Achieving observation outcomes

Your assessor will observe your performance of practical tasks. The minimum number of observations required is indicated in the evidence requirements section of this unit.

Criteria may not always naturally occur during a practical observation. In such instances you will be asked questions to demonstrate your competence in this area. Your assessor will document the criteria that have been achieved through oral questioning.

Your assessor will sign off an outcome when all criteria have been competently achieved in a single client service.

Achieving range

The range section indicates what must be covered. Ranges must be practically demonstrated as part of an observation. Your assessor will document the portfolio reference once a range has been competently achieved.

Maximum service times

The following maximum service times apply to this unit:

Back massage 30 minutes

Full body massage (excluding head and face) 60 minutes

Full body massage (including head and face) 75 minutes

78 UB30B20CUB30B20C


Canlyniad dysgu 1

Gallu gweithio mewn modd effeithiol a diogel wrth ddarparu triniaethau tylino’r corff

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Paratoi a chynnal yr ardal waith mewn modd sy’n ateb gofynion cyfreithiol, hylendid a gwasanaeth

b. Gweithredu arferion hylendid, gwarchod ac ymddangosiad sy’n ateb gofynion derbyniol y diwydiant a’r sefydliad

c. Glanhau’r holl offer a chyfarpar gan ddefnyddio’r dulliau cywir

d. Gosod cyfarpar a deunyddiau mewn modd sy’n rhwydd a diogel i’w defnyddio

e. Gosod eich hun a’r cleient mewn modd sy’n lleihau blinder a’r perygl o anaf

f. Gweithredu arferion hylendid a diogelwch y diwydiant trwy gydol y gwasanaeth er mwyn lleihau’r perygl o draws-heintiad

g. Ymdrin â’r cleient mewn ffordd gadarnhaol, gwrtais a chysurlon trwy gydol y driniaeth

h. Sicrhau gwedduster a phreifatrwydd y cleient bob amser

i. Cwblhau’r driniaeth o fewn amser sy’n ymarferol yn fasnachol

j. Sicrhau bod cofnodion yn gyfredol, yn gywir, yn hawdd eu darllen ac wedi’u harwyddo gan y cleient a’r ymarferydd

k. Gadael yr ardal driniaeth mewn cyflwr addas ar gyfer y triniaethau nesaf

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3 4

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr



Learning outcome 1

Be able to maintain safe and effective methods of working when providing body massage treatments

You can:

a. Set up and maintain the treatment area to meet legal, hygiene and service requirements

b. Maintain personal hygiene, protection and appearance that meets accepted industry and organisational requirements

c. Clean all tools and equipments using the correct methods

d. Position equipment and massage mediums for safety and ease of use

e. Position the client and yourself to minimise fatigue and risk of injury and for the treatment

f. Use industry hygiene and safety practices throughout the treatment to minimise the risk of cross-infection

g. Adopt a positive, polite and reasusuring manner towards the client throughout the treatment

h. Maintain the client’s modesty, privacy and comfort throughout the treatment

i. Complete the treatment within a commercially viable time

j. Keep the records up to date, accurate, easy to read and signed by the client and practitioner

k. Leave the treatment area and equipment in a suitable condition for future treatments

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2 3 4

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

80 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniad dysgu 2

Gallu ymgynghori, cynllunio a pharatoi ar gyfer darparu triniaethau tylino’r corff

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Defnyddio technegau ymgynghori er mwyn pennu anghenion triniaeth y cleient

b. Cael caniatâd gwybodus, ysgrifenedig, wedi’i arwyddo gan y cleient cyn cynnal triniaeth, neu gan riant neu warcheidwad ar gyfer plentyn dan 16 oed*

c. Holi’r cleient er mwyn canfod eu hanes meddygol, nodweddion corfforol a’u patrwm ffordd o fyw

d. Holi’r cleient er mwyn canfod unrhyw wrthrybuddion i driniaethau tylino’r corff, cofnodi’r ymatebion, a chymryd y camau angenrheidiol

e. Rhoi cyngor i’r cleient heb gyfeirio at gyflwr meddygol penodol a heb achosi braw a phryder diangen*

f. Egluro a chytuno ar y gost a ragwelir, hyd tebygol y driniaeth, pa mor aml fydd ei hangen a’r mathau o driniaethau fydd eu hangen

g. Cytuno’n ysgrifenedig ar anghenion, disgwyliadau ac amcanion triniaeth y cleient, gan wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn realistig a bod modd eu cyflawni

h. Glanhau a pharatoi croen y cleient mewn modd addas ar gyfer y math o dylino

i. Gwarchod dillad, gwallt ac ategolion y cleient cyn dechrau tylino

j. Dewis cyfarpar a chynhyrchion cysylltiedig sy’n addas ar gyfer amcanion y driniaeth

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3 4

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 2

Be able to consult, plan and prepare to provide body massage treatments

You can:

a. Use consultation techniques to determine the client’s treatment needs

b. Obtain signed, written and informed consent prior to carrying out the treatment from the client or parent/guardian if the client is a minor*

c. Question the client to identify the client’s medical history, physical characteristics and lifestyle pattern

d. Consult with the client to identify any contra-indications to body massage treatments, recording the client’s responses, taking any necessary action

e. Provide client advice without referring to a specific medical condition and without causing undue alarm and concern*

f. Explain and agree the projected cost, likely duration, frequency and types of treatment needed

g. Agree in writing the client’s needs, expectations and treatment objectives, ensuring they are realistic and achievable

h. Clean and prepare the client’s skin to suit the type of massage to be given

i. Protect the client’s clothing, hair and accessories prior to beginning massage

j. Select equipment and related products to suit the treatment objectives

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2 3 4

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

82 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniad dysgu 3

Gallu cynnal triniaethau tylino â llaw

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Gwneud yn siŵr bod corff y cleient yn cael ei gynnal yn briodol cyn ac yn ystod y driniaeth

b. Addasu eich technegau tylino, trefn a chyfryngau tylino yn ôl nodweddion corfforol y cleient a’r man(nau) sydd i’w trin

c. Amrywio dyfnder, rhythm a gwasgedd y symudiadau tylino yn unol ag amcanion y driniaeth, y man(nau) sydd i’w trin a nodweddion corfforol a dymuniad y cleient

d. Cymryd camau cywiro ar unwaith os oes gwrthweithrediadau neu os yw’r cleient yn anghysurus yn ystod y driniaeth*

e. Rhoi digon o amser i’r cleient ddod ato’i hun ar ôl y driniaeth

f. Taenu a defnyddio olew tylino mewn modd sy’n gwastraffu cyn lleied â phosibl

g. Ymgynghori â’r cleient er mwyn cadarnhau bod y canlyniad terfynol yn plesio’r cleient ac yn cwrdd ag amcanion y driniaeth y cytunwyd arni

h. Darparu cyngor ôl-ofal sy’n addas ar gyfer anghenion penodol y cleient

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3 4

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 3

Be able to perform manual massage treatments

You can:

a. Check that the client’s body is suitably supported prior to and during the treatment

b. Adapt massage techniques, sequence and massage mediums to meet the client’s physical characteristics and treatment area(s)

c. Vary the depth, rhythm and pressure of massage movements to meet treatment objective, treatment area(s) and client’s physical characteristics and preferences

d. Take prompt remedial action if contra-actions or discomfort occur during the course of treatment*

e. Give the client sufficient post-treatment recovery time

f. Apply and use massage oil medium to minimise waste

g. Consult with the client to confirm the finished result is to the client’s satisfaction and meets the agreed treatment objectives

h. Provide aftercare advice specific to the client’s individual needs

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2 3 4

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

84 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniad dysgu 4

Gallu cynnal triniaethau tylino mecanyddol

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Egluro i’r cleient y teimlad a grëir gan y cyfarpar a ddefnyddir

b. Egluro trefn y driniaeth i’r cleient mewn ffordd eglur a syml yn ystod pob cam o’r broses

c. Gwneud yn siŵr bod corff y cleient yn cael ei gynnal yn briodol cyn ac yn ystod y driniaeth

d. Defnyddio’r gosodiadau, y cymwysiadau a phennau blaen cywir y cyfarpar ar y corff drwy gydol y driniaeth, yn unol â chyfarwyddiadau’r gwneuthurwr

e. Addasu dwysedd a hyd y driniaeth yn ôl nodweddion corfforol y cleient a’r man(nau) sydd i’w trin

f. Amrywio trefn, dyfnder a gwasgedd y symudiadau tylino yn ôl amcanion y driniaeth a’r man (nau) sydd i’w trin

g. Cadw golwg ar les y cleient drwy gydol y driniaeth tylino mecanyddol

h. Cymryd camau cywirol ar unwaith os oes gwrthweithrediadau neu os yw’r cleient yn anghysurus yn ystod y driniaeth*

i. Rhoi digon o amser i’r cleient ddod ato’i hun ar ôl y driniaeth

j. Gwneud yn siŵr bod y canlyniad terfynol yn plesio’r cleient ac yn cwrdd ag amcanion y driniaeth y cytunwyd arni

k. Darparu cyngor ôl-ofal sy’n addas ar gyfer anghenion penodol y cleient

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3 4

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 4

Be able to perform mechanical massage treatments

You can:

a. Explain to the client the sensation created by the equipment used

b. Explain the treatment procedure to the client in a clear and simple way at each stage in the process

c. Check the client’s body is suitably supported prior to and during the treatment

d. Safely use the correct treatment settings, application and applicator heads on the body throughout the treatment to meet manufacturers’ instructions

e. Adjust the intensity and duration of the treatment to suit the client’s physical characteristics and treatment area(s)

f. Vary the sequence, depth and pressure of massage movements to meet treatment objectives and treatment area(s)

g. Check the client’s wellbeing throughout the mechanical massage treatment

h. Take prompt remedial action if contra-actions or discomfort occur during the course of treatment*

i. Give the client sufficient post-treatment recovery time

j. Check the finished result is to the client’s satisfaction and meets the agreed treatment objectives

k. Provide aftercare advice specific to the client’s individual needs

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2 3 4

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

86 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Arsylwadau ystod

Mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:

Defnyddio pob math o gyfarpar ar fannau addas ar gyfer y triniaethau Cyfeirnod portffolio

Tylinwr cylchdroadol



Defnyddio’r holl gyfryngau tylino Cyfeirnod portffolio




Defnyddio’r holl dechnegau ymgynghori Cyfeirnod portffolio




Cyfeirio at gofnodion y cleient

Delio gyda holl nodweddion corfforol y cleient Cyfeirnod portffolio




Ffyrfder cyhyrau



Cyflwr y croen


Observation range

You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Used all types of equipment on suitable treatment areas Portfolio reference

Gyratory massager

Audio sonic


Used all of the massage mediums Portfolio reference




Used all consultation techniques Portfolio reference




Reference to client records

Dealt with all the client’s physical characteristics Portfolio reference




Muscle tone



Skin condition

88 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:

Delio gydag o leiaf 1 o’r camau angenrheidiol Cyfeirnod portffolio

Annog y cleient i ofyn am gyngor meddygol

Egluro pam na ellir cynnal y driniaeth

Addasu’r driniaeth

Cwrdd â holl amcanion y driniaeth Cyfeirnod portffolio


Creu ymdeimlad o les

Codi’r ysbryd



Defnyddio pob un o’r technegau tylino Cyfeirnod portffolio







You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Dealt with at least 1 of the necessary actions Portfolio reference

Encouraging the client to seek medical advice

Explaining why the treatment cannot be carried out

Modification of treatment

Met all treatment objectives Portfolio reference


Sense of wellbeing




Used all massage techniques Portfolio reference






90 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:

Ymdrin â’r holl fannau sydd i’w trin Cyfeirnod portffolio

Yr wyneb

Y pen

Y frest a’r ysgwyddau

Y breichiau a’r dwylo

Yr abdomen

Y cefn

Y ffolennau

Y coesau a’r traed

Darparu pob math o gyngor Cyfeirnod portffolio

Osgoi gweithgareddau a allai achosi gwrthweithrediadau

Anghenion triniaeth yn y dyfodol

Newidiadau i batrymau ffordd o fyw

Cyngor ar fwyta’n iach ac ymarfer corff

Cynhyrchion gofal cartref addas a sut i’w defnyddio


You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Covered all treatment areas Portfolio reference



Chest and shoulders

Arms and hands




Legs and feet

Given all types of advice Portfolio reference

Avoidance of activities which may cause contra-actions

Future treatment needs

Modifications to lifestyle patterns

Healthy eating and exercise advice

Suitable home care products and their use

92 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Cyflawni canlyniadau gwybodaeth

Bydd eich tiwtor a’ch aseswr yn rhoi arweiniad i chi ar y dystiolaeth sydd angen ei chyflwyno. Bydd eich gwybodaeth a’ch dealltwriaeth yn cael eu hasesu gan ddefnyddio’r dulliau asesu a restrir isod:

• Gwaith wedi’i arsylwi

• Datganiadau tystion

• Cyfryngau clyweled

• Tystiolaeth o ddysgu neu gyrhaeddiad blaenorol

• Cwestiynau ysgrifenedig

• Cwestiynau llafar

• Aseiniadau

• Astudiaethau achos

Lle bo hynny’n bosibl, bydd eich aseswr yn cynnwys y canlyniadau gwybodaeth mewn arsylwadau ymarferol drwy ofyn cwestiynau ar lafar.

Datblygu gwybodaeth


Achieving knowledge outcomes

You will be guided by your tutor and assessor on the evidence that needs to be produced. Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed using the assessment methods listed below:

• Observed work

• Witness statements

• Audio-visual media

• Evidence of prior learning or attainment

• Written questions

• Oral questions

• Assignments

• Case studies

Where applicable your assessor will integrate knowledge outcomes into practical observations through professional discussion and/or oral questioning.

Developing knowledge

94 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Llwyddo yn y papur allanol

Bydd y papur allanol yn profi eich gwybodaeth o’r meini prawf sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn. Mae’n rhaid cael marc o 70% i lwyddo. Bydd eich tiwtor/aseswr yn cael gwybod am y meini prawf a fethwyd. Wedyn, byddwch chi’n cael eich cwestiynu ar lafar neu bydd gofyn i chi gyflwyno mathau eraill o dystiolaeth gan fod rhaid cyflawni holl feini prawf yr uned.

Bydd eich aseswr yn llenwi’r tabl isod pan fyddwch wedi cyflawni’r marc llwyddo o 70%.

Papur Dyddiad llwyddo Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

1 o 2

2 o 2

Papur allanol


Achieving the external paper

The external paper will test your knowledge of the criteria highlighted in white. A pass mark of 70% must be achieved. Criteria not achieved will be identified to your tutor/assessor. You will then be orally questioned or asked to produce other forms of evidence as all unit criteria must be achieved.

Your assessor will complete the table below when the 70% pass mark has been achieved.

Paper Date achieved Assessor initials

1 of 2

2 of 2

External paper

96 UB30B20CUB30B20C


Canlyniad dysgu 5

Deall y gofynion sefydliadol a chyfreithiol sy’n amddiffyn triniaethau tylino’r corff

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Disgrifio eich cyfrifoldebau dan ddeddfwriaeth, safonau a chanllawiau iechyd a diogelwch perthnasol

b. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau dan reoliadau trwyddedu’r awdurdod lleol o’ch rhan chi a’r adeilad

c. Egluro pwysigrwydd peidio â gwahaniaethu yn erbyn cleientiaid sydd â salwch ac anableddau, a pham

d. Nodi hyd at ba oedran y mae unigolyn yn cael ei ystyried yn blentyn dan oed a sut mae hyn yn gwahaniaethu’n genedlaethol

e. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig cael rhiant neu warcheidwad yn bresennol wrth drin plant dan 16 oed

f. Egluro pam na ddylid rhoi triniaethau i blant dan oed heb gael caniatâd gwybodus wedi’i lofnodi gan riant neu warcheidwad

g. Egluro arwyddocâd cyfreithiol cael caniatâd gwybodus, wedi’i lofnodi, ar gyfer y driniaeth

h. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau a’r rhesymau dros sicrhau eich hylendid personol, eich dulliau o ddiogelu a’ch ymddangosiad, yn unol â gofynion y diwydiant a’r sefydliad

i. Egluro gofynion y gwneuthurwyr a’r sefydliad o ran gwaredu gwastraff

j. Egluro pwysigrwydd storio cofnodion cleientiaid yn gywir o ran y Ddeddf Diogelu Data

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.



Learning outcome 5

Understand organisational and legal requirements for protecting body massage treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain own responsibilities under relevant health and safety legislation, standards and guidance

b. Explain own responsibilities under local authority licensing regulations for yourself and the premises

c. Explain the importance of not discriminating against clients with illnesses and disabilities and why

d. State the age at which an individual is classed as a minor and how this differs nationally

e. Explain why it is important, when treating minors under 16 years of age, to have a parent or guardian present

f. Explain why minors should not be given treatments without informed and signed parental or guardian present

g. Explain the legal significance of gaining signed, informed consent to treatment

h. Explain own responsibilities and reasons for maintaining personal hygiene, protection and appearance according to accepted industry and organisational requirements

i. Explain the manufacturers’ and organisational requirements for waste disposal

j. Explain the importance of the correct storage of client records in relation to the Data Protection Act

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

98 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniad dysgu 5 (parhad)

Deall y gofynion sefydliadol a chyfreithiol sy’n amddiffyn triniaethau tylino’r corff

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

k. Egluro sut i lenwi’r cofnodion cleient a phwysigrwydd cadw cofnodion o driniaethau a chael llofnodion cleientiaid, a’r rhesymau am hynny

l. Egluro gofynion y sefydliad o ran paratoi’r cleient

m. Egluro amserau gwasanaeth y sefydliad ar gyfer triniaethau tylino’r corff a phwysigrwydd cwblhau’r gwasanaeth o fewn amser sy’n ymarferol yn fasnachol

n. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau a’ch rhesymau dros gadw eich ewinedd yn fyr, yn lân, wedi eu trin yn ofalus a heb farnais ar gyfer triniaethau tylino

o. Egluro gofynion y sefydliad a’r gwneuthurwyr o ran yr ardal driniaethau, cynnal a chadw cyfarpar a threfnau glanhau cyfarpar

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 5 (continued)

Understand organisational and legal requirements for protecting body massage treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

k. Explain how to complete the client records and the reasons for keeping records of treatments and gaining client signatures

l. Explain the organisation’s requirements for client preparation

m. Explain the organisation’s service times for body massage treatments and the importance of completing the service in a commercially viable time

n. Explain own responsibilities and reasons for keeping own nails short, clean, well-manicured and free of polish for massage treatments

o. Explain the organisation’s and manufacturers’ requirements for treatment area, equipment maintenance and equipment cleaning regimes

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

100 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniad dysgu 6

Deall sut i weithio’n ddiogel ac yn effeithiol wrth ddarparu triniaethau tylino’r corff

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut i baratoi’r ardal ar gyfer triniaethau tylino’r corff

b. Egluro’r amgylchiadau amgylcheddol angenrheidiol ar gyfer cynnal triniaethau tylino’r corff (gan gynnwys goleuo, gwresogi, awyru a chyfforddusrwydd cyffredinol) a pham fod y rhain yn bwysig

c. Egluro’r rhesymau dros ddiheintio’r dwylo a sut i wneud hyn yn effeithiol

d. Egluro sut i osod eich hun a’r cleient ar gyfer triniaethau tylino’r corff gan ystyried nodweddion corfforol unigol

e. Egluro beth yw anaf straen ailadroddus (RSI), beth sy’n ei achosi a sut i osgoi datblygu anaf o’r fath wrth gynnal triniaethau tylino’r corff

f. Egluro pwysigrwydd cynnal yr ymddaliad cywir drwy gydol y driniaeth a’r effaith y gall hyn ei gael arnoch chi ac ar ganlyniad y driniaeth

g. Egluro’r rhesymau dros sicrhau gwedduster, preifatrwydd a chyfforddusrwydd y cleient yn ystod y driniaeth

h. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig cynnal safonau hylendid ac egwyddorion osgoi traws-heintiad

i. Egluro sut i leihau’r gwastraff sy’n deillio o driniaethau a sut i gael gwared ohono

j. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig cadw golwg ar les y cleient yn rheolaidd yn ystod triniaeth tylio mecanyddol

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 6

Understand how to work safely and effectively when providing body massage treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain how to set up the work area for body massage treatments

b. Explain the necessary environmental conditions for body massage treatments (including lighting, heating, ventilation, sound and general comfort) and why these are important

c. Explain the reasons for disinfecting hands and how to do this effectively

d. Explain how to position yourself and the client for body massage treatments taking into account individual physical characteristics

e. Explain what repetitive strain injury (RSI) is, how it is caused and how to avoid developing it when delivering massage treatments

f. Explain the importance of adopting the correct posture throughout the treatment and the impact this may have on you and the outcome of the treatment

g. Explain the reasons for maintaining client modesty, privacy and comfort during the treatment

h. Explain why it is important to maintain standards of hygiene and the principles of avoiding cross-infection

i. Explain how to minimise and dispose of waste treatments

j. Explain why it is important to check the client’s wellbeing at regular intervals during mechanical massage

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

102 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniad dysgu 7

Deall sut i ymgynghori â chleientiaid

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut i ddefnyddio technegau ymgynghori effeithiol wrth gyfathrebu â chleientiaid o wahanol gefndiroedd diwylliannol a chrefyddol, anableddau a rhyw ynglŷn â’r driniaeth hon

b. Egluro pwysigrwydd annog cleientiaid i ofyn cwestiynau a rhoi amser iddyn nhw wneud hynny

c. Egluro pwysigrwydd holi cleientiaid er mwyn gwybod a oes unrhyw wrthrybuddion i driniaethau tylino’r pen a’r corff

d. Egluro pwysigrwydd cofnodi atebion cleientiaid i’r cwestiynau

e. Egluro arwyddocâd cyfreithiol holi cleientiaid a chofnodi eu hatebion

f. Egluro sut i roi cyngor ac argymhellion effeithiol i gleientiaid

g. Egluro sut i asesu unrhyw gyflyrau ymddaliad ac esgyrn all fod yn bresennol a sut i addasu a newid y drefn dylino

h. Egluro sut i adnabod gwahanol fathau o groen a chyflyrau croen

i. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig annog cleientiaid sydd â gwrthrybuddion i ofyn am gyngor meddygol

j. Egluro pwysigrwydd peidio ag enwi gwrthrybuddion penodol wrth annog cleientiaid i ofyn am gyngor meddygol, a’r rhesymau am hynny

k. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig sicrhau gwedduster a phreifatrwydd y cleient

l. Egluro’r cysylltiad rhwng patrymau ffordd o fyw ac effeithiolrwydd y driniaeth

m. Egluro’r lles a all ddeillio o newidiadau i batrwm ffordd o fyw cleient

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 7

Understand how to consult with clients

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain how to use effective consultation techniques when communicating with clients from different cultural and religious backgrounds, ages, disabilities and genders for this treatment

b. Explain why it is important to encourage and allow time for clients to ask questions

c. Explain the importance of questioning clients to establish any contra-indications to head and body massage treatments

d. Explain why it is important to record client responses to questioning

e. Explain the legal significance of client questioning and the recording of client responses

f. Explain how to give effective advice and recommendations to clients

g. Explain how to assess posture and skeletal conditions that may be present and how to adapt and change the massage routines

h. Explain how to recognise different skin types and conditions

i. Explain the reasons why it is important to encourage clients with contra-indications to seek medical advice

j. Explain the importance of, and reasons for, not naming specific contra-indications when encouraging clients to seek medical advice

k. Explain why it is important to maintain the client’s modesty and privacy

l. Explain the relationship between lifestyle patterns and effectiveness of treatment

m. Explain the beneficial effects which can result from changes to the client’s lifestyle pattern

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

104 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniad dysgu 8

Deall sut i baratoi ar gyfer rhoi triniaethau tylino’r corff

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro pwysigrwydd rhoi cyfarwyddiadau clir i gleientiaid ynghylch tynnu dillad ac ategolion perthnasol, a pharatoi ar gyfer y driniaeth yn gyffredinol

b. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig tawelu meddwl cleientiaid yn ystod y broses o baratoi ar gyfer y driniaeth

c. Egluro sut i ddewis y cyfrwng tylino priodol ar gyfer y math o groen a chyflwr y croen

d. Egluro sut i lanhau gwahanol rannau o’r corff yn barod ar gyfer eu trin

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 8

Understand how to prepare to provide body massage treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the importance of giving clients clear instructions on the removal of relevant clothing, accessories and general preparation for the treatment

b. Explain why it is important to reassure clients during the preparation for the treatment

c. Explain how to select the appropriate massage medium suitable for skin type and condition

d. Explain how to cleanse different areas of the body in preparation for treatment

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

106 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniad dysgu 9

Deall yr anatomeg a’r ffisioleg sy’n berthnasol i driniaethau tylino’r corff

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y celloedd a’r meinweoedd

b. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y cyhyrau, gan gynnwys y mathau o gyhyrau

c. Egluro safleoedd a gweithrediadau’r prif grwpiau o gyhyrau yn y mannau sydd i’w trin ar y corff

d. Egluro safle a swyddogaeth prif esgyrn a chymalau’r sgerbwd

e. Egluro sut i adnabod namau a chyflyrau ymddaliad

f. Egluro rhyngweithiad y lymff a’r gwaed o fewn y system gylchrediad gwaed

g. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y system lymffatig

h. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y brif system nerfol a’r system awtonomig

i. Egluro egwyddorion sylfaenol y systemau endocrinaidd, resbiradol, dreuliol ac ysgarthol

j. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y croen

k. Cymharu nodweddion croen a’r mathau o groen sydd gan grwpiau o gleientiaid o wahanol darddiad ethnig

l. Egluro strwythur a lleoliad y meinwe bloneg

m. Crynhoi effeithiau tylino ar systemau unigol y corff

n. Egluro strwythur, swyddogaeth a lleoliad y gwaed ac egwyddorion cylchrediad y gwaed, pwysedd gwaed a churiad y galon

o. Crynhoi effeithiau corfforol a seicolegol tylino’r corff

p. Egluro sut i adnabod erythema a hyperaemia a’i achosion

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 9

Understand anatomy and physiology related to body massage treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the structure and function of cells and tissues

b. Explain the structure and function of muscles, including the types of muscle

c. Explain the positions and actions of the main muscle groups within the treatment areas of the body

d. Explain the position and function of the primary bones and joints of the skeleton

e. Explain how to recognise postural faults and conditions

f. Explain the interaction of lymph and blood within the circulatory system

g. Explain the structure and function of the lymphatic system

h. Explain the basic principles of the central nervous system and autonomic system

i. Explain the basic principles of the endocrine, respiratory, digestive and excretory systems

j. Explain the structure and function of skin

k. Compare the skin characteristics and skin types of different ethnic client groups

l. Explain the structure and location of the adipose tissue

m. Summarise the effects of massage on the individual systems of the body

n. Explain the structure, function and location of blood and the principles of circulation, blood pressure and pulse

o. Summarise the physical and psychological effects of body massage

p. Explain how to recognise erythema and hyperaemia and its causes

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

108 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniad dysgu 10

Deall gwrthrybuddion a gwrthweithrediadau sy’n effeithio neu’n cyfyngu ar driniaethau tylino’r corff

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro’r gwrthrybuddion sy’n atal triniaeth a pham

b. Egluro’r gwrthrybuddion a allai gyfyngu ar y driniaeth neu lle dylid cymryd gofal mewn mannau arbennig ar y corff, a pham

c. Egluro’r gwrthweithrediadau posibl a all ddigwydd yn ystod ac ar ôl triniaeth, pam eu bod yn digwydd a sut i ddelio â nhw

d. Egluro beth yw gwrthweithred

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 10

Understand contra-indications and contra-actions that affect or restrict body massage treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the contra-indications that prevent treatment and why

b. Explain the contra-indications which may restrict treatment or where caution should be taken, in specific areas and why

c. Explain the possible contra-actions which may occur during and post-treatment, why and how to deal with them

d. Explain what constitutes a contra-action

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

110 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniad dysgu 11

Deall sut i gynnal triniaethau tylino’r corff

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut i baratoi a defnyddio’r cyfarpar tylino

b. Egluro manteision defnyddio’r cyfarpar tylino

c. Egluro’r gwahanol fathau o gyfryngau tylino a sut i’w defnyddio

d. Egluro’r mathau o driniaethau cyn-wres y gellir eu defnyddio cyn tylino

e. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig sicrhau’r ymddaliad cywir wrth dylino a gwneud eich ymarferion ymestyn er mwyn atal anaf straen ailadroddus (RSI)

f. Egluro’r defnydd cywir o dechnegau tylino er mwyn cyflawni gwahanol fathau o amcanion triniaeth

g. Egluro sut i addasu trefn, dyfnder a gwasgedd y tylino yn ôl nodweddion corfforol y cleient, y rhan o’r corff sydd i’w drin a dymuniad y cleient, ar gyfer tylino â llaw

h. Egluro sut i addasu trefn, dyfnder a gwasgedd y tylino yn ôl nodweddion corfforol y cleient, y rhan o’r corff sydd i’w drin a dymuniad y cleient, ar gyfer tylino mecanyddol

i. Egluro sut i addasu triniaethau tylino ar gyfer cleientiaid gwrywaidd a benywaidd

j. Egluro pa rannau o’r corff a nodweddion corfforol sydd angen gofal arbennig wrth gynnal triniaethau mecanyddol

k. Egluro manteision tylino mecanyddol a thylino â llaw

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 11

Understand how to carry out body massage treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the preparation and application of the massage equipment

b. Explain the benefits of using the massage equipment

c. Explain the different types and uses of massage mediums

d. Explain the types and benefits of pre-heat treatments which can be used prior to massage

e. Explain why it is important to maintain correct posture during massage and complete your own stretching exercises to prevent repetitive strain injury

f. Explain the correct use and application of massage techniques to meet a variety of treatment objectives

g. Explain how to adapt the massage sequence, depth and pressure to suit different client physical characteristics, areas of the body and client preferences for manual massage

h. Explain how to adapt the massage sequence, depth and pressure to suit different client physical characteristics and areas of the body for mechanical massage

i. Explain how to adapt massage treatments for male and female clients

j. Explain the areas of the body and body characteristics needing particular care when undertaking mechanical treatments

k. Explain the advantages of mechanical and manual massage

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

112 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniad dysgu 11 (parhad)

Deall sut i gynnal triniaethau tylino’r corff

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

l. Gwerthuso manteision cyfuno tylino mecanyddol a thylino â llaw

m. Egluro sut i ddewis a defnyddio cyfarpar, cyfryngau a thechnegau tylino er mwyn sicrhau’r lles mwyaf i’r cleient

n. Egluro sut a pham y byddai cynhaliad ac amddiffyniad yn cael eu defnyddio yn ystod y driniaeth

o. Egluro pwysigrwydd gwerthuso effeithiolrwydd triniaethau tylino’r corff

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 11 (continued)

Understand how to carry out body massage treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

l. Evaluate the advantages of combining mechanical and manual massage

m. Explain how to select and utilise massage equipment, media and techniques to achieve maximum benefits to the client

n. Explain how and why support and cushioning would be used during the treatment

o. Explain the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of body massage treatments

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

114 UB30B20CUB30B20C

Canlyniad dysgu 12

Deall sut i ddarparu cyngor ôl-ofal

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro’r ffactorau a’r newidiadau ffordd o fyw all fod yn angenrheidiol er mwyn gwella effeithiolrwydd y driniaeth

b. Egluro unrhyw gyfyngiadau ôl-driniaeth ac anghenion triniaeth yn y dyfodol

c. Egluro pa gynhyrchion i’w defnyddio gartref fydd o fudd i’r cleient a pha rai y dylid eu hosgoi, a pham

d. Egluro sut y gall arferion bwyta ac ymarfer corff effeithio ar effeithiolrwydd triniaeth

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 12

Understand how to provide aftercare advice

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the lifestyle factors and changes that may be required to improve the effectiveness of the treatment

b. Explain post-treatment restrictions and future treatment needs

c. Explain products for home use that will benefit and protect the client and those to avoid and why

d. Explain how eating and exercise habits can affect the effectiveness of treatment

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

116 UB30B20C

Notes Defnyddiwch y dudalen hon ar gyfer nodiadau a diagramau/

Use this area for notes and diagrams



Tylino’r pen yn y dull IndiaiddUB30B23C

Mae’r uned hon yn ymwneud â’r sgiliau sydd ynghlwm â darparu triniaeth tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd. Mae’r gallu i addasu technegau tylino i weddu anghenion cleientiaid unigol a’r amgylchedd lle cynhelir y driniaeth yn hanfodol. Mae hefyd angen gallu tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd gydag a heb olewau.

Er mwyn cyflawni’r uned, bydd angen i chi sicrhau iechyd, diogelwch a hylendid effeithiol bob amser wrth wneud eich gwaith. Hefyd bydd angen i chi gynnal eich ymddangosiad a’ch hylendid personol a chyfathrebu’n dda gyda’r cleient.



Provide Indian head massageUB30B23

This unit is about the skills involved in providing Indian head massage treatment. The ability to adapt massage techniques to suit individual client needs and the environment in which the massage takes place are crucial requirements. The ability to perform Indian head massages with and without the use of oils is also required.

To carry out this unit you will need to maintain effective health, safety and hygiene throughout your work. You will also need to maintain your personal appearance, hygiene and good communication with the client.





Gwerth credyd


Oriau Dysgu Dan Arweiniad




Papur(au) allanol







Credit value






External Paper(s)


122 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Canlyniadau dysgu

Pan fyddwch wedi cwblhau’r uned hon byddwch yn:

1. Gallu gweithio mewn modd effeithiol a diogel wrth roi triniaeth tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

2. Gallu ymgynghori, cynllunio a pharatoi ar gyfer triniaethau trydanol gyda chleientiaid

3. Gallu tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

4. Deall y gofynion sefydliadol a chyfreithiol darparu triniaeth tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

5. Deall sut i weithio’n ddiogel ac yn effeithiol wrth ddarparu triniaeth tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

6. Deall sut i ymgynghori â chleientiaid

7. Deall sut i baratoi ar gyfer triniaethau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

8. Deall yr anatomeg a ffisioleg sydd ynghlwm â thriniaethau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

9. Deall y gwrthrybuddion a’r gwrthweithrediadau sy’n effeithio neu’n cyfyngu ar driniaethau tylino’r pen

10. Deall y gwahanol gyfryngau ar gyfer tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

11. Deall egwyddorion tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

12. Deall sut i roi cyngor ôl-ofal

Gofynion tystiolaeth

1. Ni chaniateir efelychiad ar gyfer unrhyw dystiolaeth o berfformiad yn yr uned hon.

2. Rhaid i chi ddangos yn ymarferol yn eich gwaith bob dydd eich bod wedi cwrdd â’r safon ar gyfer darparu triniaeth tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd.

Tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

3. Bydd eich aseswr yn arsylwi ar eich perfformiad ar o leiaf 3 gwahanol achlysur, a hynny’n ymwneud â gwahanol gleientiaid. Rhaid i 1 o’r triniaethau tylino ddefnyddio olew tylino a rhaid i 1 o’r triniaethau beidio â defnyddio olew.

4. O’r ystod, mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:• defnyddio pob un o’r technegau

ymgynghori • delio gyda phob un o nodweddion

corfforol y cleient• cyflawni o leiaf 1 o’r camau

angenrheidiol*• cyflawni pob un o amcanion y driniaeth• defnyddio pob un o’r technegau tylino• trin yr holl fannau sydd i’w trin• rhoi pob math o gyngor

* Fodd bynnag, rhaid i chi brofi i’ch aseswr fod gennych yr wybodaeth, y ddealltwriaeth a’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen er mwyn perfformio’n gymwys mewn perthynas â holl eitemau’r ystod hon.

5. Mae’n debygol y bydd y rhan fwyaf o’r dystiolaeth o’ch perfformiad yn cael ei chasglu o’r arsylwadau a wneir gan eich aseswr, ond efallai y bydd angen i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth arall i gefnogi eich perfformiad os nad yw eich aseswr wedi bod yn bresennol.

6. Yn yr uned hon bydd gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth yn cael eu hasesu drwy bapur allanol. Mae’r meini prawf sy’n rhan o’r papur hwn wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn drwy gydol yr uned hon. Mae’n rhaid llwyddo mewn dau bapur allanol.



Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit you will:

1. Be able to maintain safe and effective methods of working when providing Indian head massage

2. Be able to consult, plan and prepare for treatments with clients

3. Be able to perform Indian head massage

4. Understand organisational and legal requirements for providing Indian head massage

5. Understand how to work safely and effectively when providing Indian head massage

6. Understand how to consult with clients

7. Understand how to prepare for providing Indian head massages

8. Understand anatomy and physiology related to Indian head massages

9. Understand contra-indications and contra-actions that affect or restrict body massage treatments

10. Understand different Indian head massage mediums

11. Understand the principles of Indian head massage

12. Understand how to provide aftercare advice

Evidence requirements

1. Simulation is not allowed for any performance evidence within this unit.

2. You must practically demonstrate in your everyday work that you have met the standard for providing Indian Head massage treatment.

Provide Indian head massage

3. Your assessor will observe your performance on at least 3 separate occasions, each on 3 different clients, 1 massage must include the use of massage oil and 1 massage which must exclude the use of oil.

4. From the range, you must practically demonstrate that you have:• used all consultation techniques• dealt with all the client’s physical

characteristics• dealt with at least 1 of the necessary

actions*• met all treatment objectives • used all massage techniques• covered all treatment areas • given all types of advice

* However, you must prove to your assessor that you have the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to perform competently in respect of all the items in these ranges.

5. It is likely most evidence of your performance will be gathered from the observations made by your assessor, but you may be required to produce other evidence to support your performance if your assessor has not been present.

6. Knowledge and understanding in this unit will be assessed by an external paper. The criteria that make up this paper are highlighted in white throughout this unit. There are two external papers that must be achieved.


124 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Cyflawni arsylwadau ac ystod

Cyflawni canlyniadau arsylwi

Bydd eich aseswr yn arsylwi arnoch yn gwneud tasgau ymarferol. Nodir isafswm yr arsylwadau sydd eu hangen yn adran gofynion tystiolaeth yr uned hon.

Efallai na fydd meini prawf bob amser yn digwydd yn naturiol yn ystod arsylwad ymarferol. Os felly, bydd eich aseswr yn holi cwestiynau i chi er mwyn dangos eich bod yn gymwys yn y maes hwn. Bydd eich aseswr yn cofnodi pa feini prawf sydd wedi eu cyflawni drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Bydd eich aseswr yn cadarnhau bod canlyniad wedi’i gyflawni pan fydd yr holl feini prawf wedi cael eu cyflawni’n gymwys yn ystod gwasanaeth un cleient.

Cyflawni’r ystod

Mae’r adran ystod yn nodi beth sy’n rhaid ymdrin ag ef. Mae’n rhaid arddangos ystodau’n ymarferol fel rhan o arsylwad. Bydd eich aseswr yn dogfennu’r cyfeirnod portffolio pan fydd ystod wedi’i chyflawni’n gymwys.

Amserau gwasanaeth mwyaf

Mae’r amserau gwasanaeth mwyaf canlynol yn berthnasol i’r uned hon:

Tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd 45 munud


Achieving observations and range

Achieving observation outcomes

Your assessor will observe your performance of practical tasks. The minimum number of observations required is indicated in the evidence requirements section of this unit.

Criteria may not always naturally occur during a practical observation. In such instances you will be asked questions to demonstrate your competence in this area. Your assessor will document the criteria that have been achieved through oral questioning.

Your assessor will sign off an outcome when all criteria have been competently achieved in a single client service.

Achieving range

The range section indicates what must be covered. Ranges must be practically demonstrated as part of an observation. Your assessor will document the portfolio reference once a range has been competently achieved.

Maximum service times

The following maximum service times apply to this unit:

Indian head massage 45 minutes

126 UB30B23CUB30B23C


Canlyniad dysgu 1

Gallu gweithio mewn modd effeithiol a diogel wrth ddarparu triniaeth tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Paratoi a chynnal yr ardal waith mewn modd sy’n cwrdd ag anghenion cyfreithiol a hylendid a’r driniaeth

b. Cynnal safonau hylendid, diogelu ac ymddangosiad sy’n cwrdd â gofynion sy’n dderbyniol gan y diwydiant a’r sefydliad

c. Glanhau’r offer a’r cyfarpar gan ddefnyddio’r dulliau cywir

d. Gosod y cyfarpar a’r cyfrwng tylino mewn man sy’n ddiogel ac yn hawdd i’w ddefnyddio

e. Gosod y cleient a chi eich hun mewn modd sy’n lleihau blinder a’r perygl o anaf ac sy’n addas ar gyfer y driniaeth

f. Defnyddio arferion hylendid a diogelu derbyniol gan y diwydiant drwy gydol y driniaeth er mwyn osgoi traws-heintiad

g. Ymdrin â’r cleient mewn ffordd bositif, gwrtais a chysurus bob amser

h. Sicrhau gwedduster, preifatrwydd a chyfforddusrwydd y cleient bob amser

i. Cwblhau’r driniaeth o fewn amser sy’n ymarferol yn fasnachol

j. Sicrhau bod cofnodion yn gyfredol, yn gywir, yn gyflawn, yn hawdd i’w darllen ac wedi’u harwyddo gan y cleient a’r ymarferydd

k. Gadael yr ardal driniaeth mewn cyflwr addas ar gyfer y triniaethau nesaf

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr



Learning outcome 1

Be able to maintain safe and effective methods of working when providing Indian head massage

You can:

a. Set up and maintain the treatment area to meet legal, hygiene and service requirements

b. Maintain personal hygiene, protection and appearance that meets accepted industry and organisational requirements

c. Clean all tools and equipment using the correct methods

d. Position equipment and massage medium for safety and ease of use

e. Position the client and yourself to minimise fatigue and risk of injury and in a way suitable for the treatment

f. Use accepted industry hygiene and safety practices throughout the treatment to minimise cross-infection

g. Adopt a positive, polite and reassuring manner towards the client at all times

h. Maintain the client’s modesty, privacy and comfort at all times

i. Complete the treatment within a commercially viable time

j. Keep records up-to-date, accurate, complete, legible and signed by the client and practitioner

k. Leave the treatment area in a condition suitable for future treatments

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2 3

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

128 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Canlyniad dysgu 2

Gallu ymgynghori, cynllunio a pharatoi ar gyfer triniaethau gyda chleientiaid

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Defnyddio technegau ymgynghori er mwyn pennu anghenion triniaeth y cleient

b. Cael caniatâd gwybodus, ysgrifenedig, wedi’i arwyddo gan y cleient cyn cynnal triniaeth, neu gan riant neu warcheidwad ar gyfer plentyn dan 16 oed*

c. Egluro goblygiadau’r driniaeth yn eglur mewn modd y gall y cleient ei ddeall

d. Holi’r cleient er mwyn canfod eu hanes meddygol, nodweddion corfforol a’u patrwm ffordd o fyw

e. Ymgynghori’n effeithiol gyda’r cleient er mwyn nodi unrhyw wrthrybuddion i driniaethau tylino, gan gofnodi atebion y cleient a chymryd unrhyw gamau angenrheidiol

f. Rhoi cyngor i’r cleient heb gyfeirio at gyflwr meddygol penodol a heb achosi braw a phryder diangen*

g. Egluro a chytuno ar y gost a ragwelir, hyd tebygol y driniaeth a pha mor aml fydd ei hangen

h. Cytuno’n ysgrifenedig ar anghenion, disgwyliadau ac amcanion triniaeth y cleient, gan wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn realistig a bod modd eu cyflawni

i. Addasu trefn paratoi’r cleient i weddu’r amgylchedd lle cynhelir y tylino

j. Diogelu dillad, gwallt ac ategolion y cleient cyn dechrau’r driniaeth

k. Dewis adnoddau a chyfrwng tylino addas ar gyfer amcanion y driniaeth

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 2

Be able to consult, plan and prepare for treatments with clients

You can:

a. Use consultation techniques to determine the client’s treatment needs

b. Obtain signed, written and informed consent prior to carrying out the treatment from the client or parent/guardian if the client is a minor*

c. Explain to the client what the treatment entails in a way they can understand

d. Identify the client’s medical history, physical characteristics and lifestyle pattern by asking questions

e. Consult effectively with the client to identify any contra-indications to massage treatments, recording the client’s responses and take any necessary action

f. Provide client advice without reference to a specific medical condition and without causing undue alarm or concern*

g. Explain and agree the projected cost, duration and frequency of treatment needed

h. Agree in writing the client’s needs expectations and treatment objectives ensuring they are realistic and achievable

i. Adapt client preparation procedures to suit the environment in which the massage is to be undertaken

j. Protect clothing, hair and accessories prior to beginning massage

k. Select suitable resources and massage medium to meet the treatment objectives

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2 3

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

130 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Canlyniad dysgu 3

Gallu tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Darparu cynhaliad ac amddiffyniad priodol i rannau o’r corff yn ystod y driniaeth, os oes angen

b. Addasu’r technegau tylino, y drefn a’r defnydd o’r cyfrwng tylino yn unol â nodweddion corfforol y cleient a’r man(nau) sydd i’w trin

c. Amrywio dyfnder, rhythm a gwasgedd y symudiadau tylino yn unol ag amcanion y driniaeth, y man(nau) sydd i’w trin a nodweddion corfforol a dymuniadau’r cleient

d. Cydlynu eich technegau anadlu gydag anadliad y cleient

e. Taenu’r cyfrwng tylino mewn modd sy’n creu cyn lleied o wastraff â phosibl

f. Cymryd camau cywiro ar unwaith os oes gwrthweithrediadau neu os yw’r cleient yn anghysurus yn ystod y driniaeth*

g. Rhoi digon o amser i’r cleient ddod atyn nhw’u hunain ar ôl y driniaeth

h. Sicrhau bod y canlyniad terfynol yn plesio’r cleient ac yn cwrdd ag amcanion y driniaeth y cytunwyd arnyn nhw

i. Darparu cyngor ôl-ofal sy’n addas ar gyfer anghenion penodol y cleient

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 3

Be able to perform Indian head massage

You can:

a. Provide suitable support and cushioning, as necessary, to specific areas of the body during the treatment

b. Adapt massage techniques, sequence and use of massage medium to meet the client’s physical characteristics and treatment area(s)

c. Vary the depth, rhythm and pressure of massage movements to meet treatment objectives, treatment area(s) and client’s physical characteristics and preferences

d. Co-ordinate breathing techniques with that of the client

e. Apply massage medium to ensure minimal waste

f. Take prompt remedial action if contra-actions or discomfort occur during the course of treatment*

g. Allow the client sufficient post-treatment recovery time

h. Check that the finished result is to the client’s satisfaction and meets the agreed treatment objectives

i. Provide aftercare advice specific to the client’s individual needs

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2 3

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

132 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Arsylwadau ystod

Mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:

Defnyddio pob un o’r technegau ymgynghori Cyfeirnod portffolio




Cyfeirio at gofnodion y cleient

Delio gyda phob un o nodweddion corfforol y cleient Cyfeirnod portffolio


Ffyrfder y cyhyrau



Cyflwr y croen

Cyflwr y gwallt

Cyflwr croen y pen

Cyflawni o leiaf 1 o’r camau angenrheidiol Cyfeirnod portffolio

Annog y cleient i ofyn am gyngor meddygol

Egluro pam na ellir cynnal y driniaeth

Addasu’r driniaeth

Cyflawni pob un o amcanion y driniaeth Cyfeirnod portffolio


Creu ymdeimlad o les

Codi’r ysbryd

Gwella cyflwr y gwallt a chroen y pen


Observation range

You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Used all consultation techniques Portfolio reference




Reference to client records

Dealt with all the client’s physical characteristics Portfolio reference


Muscle tone



Skin condition

Hair condition

Scalp condition

Dealt with at least 1 of the necessary actions Portfolio reference

Encouraging the client to seek medical advice

Explaining why the treatment cannot be carried out

Modification of treatment

Met all treatment objectives Portfolio reference


Sense of wellbeing


Improvement of hair and scalp condition

134 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:

Defnyddio pob un o’r technegau tylino Cyfeirnod portffolio





Pwyntiau marma (gwasgbwyntiau)

Trin yn holl fan(nau) sydd i’w trin Cyfeirnod portffolio

Yr wyneb

Y pen

Y frest a’r ysgwyddau

Y breichiau a’r dwylo

Y cefn

Y Chakras

Rhoi pob math o gyngor Cyfeirnod portffolio

I osgoi gweithgareddau a allai achosi gwrthweithrediadau

Anghenion triniaeth yn y dyfodol

Newidiadau i batrymau ffordd o fyw

Cynhyrchion gofal cartref addas a sut i’w defnyddio


You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Used all massage techniques Portfolio reference





Marma (pressure) points

Covered all treatment areas Portfolio reference



Chest and shoulders

Arms and hands



Given all types of advice Portfolio reference

Avoidance of activities which may cause contra-actions

Future treatment needs

Modifications to lifestyle patterns

Suitable home care products and their use

136 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Cyflawni canlyniadau gwybodaeth

Bydd eich tiwtor a’ch aseswr yn rhoi arweiniad i chi ar y dystiolaeth sydd angen ei chyflwyno. Bydd eich gwybodaeth a’ch dealltwriaeth yn cael eu hasesu gan ddefnyddio’r dulliau asesu a restrir isod:

• Gwaith wedi’i arsylwi

• Datganiadau tystion

• Cyfryngau clyweled

• Tystiolaeth o ddysgu neu gyrhaeddiad blaenorol

• Cwestiynau ysgrifenedig

• Cwestiynau llafar

• Aseiniadau

• Astudiaethau achos

Lle bo hynny’n bosibl, bydd eich aseswr yn cynnwys y canlyniadau gwybodaeth mewn arsylwadau ymarferol drwy ofyn cwestiynau ar lafar.

Datblygu gwybodaeth


Achieving knowledge outcomes

You will be guided by your tutor and assessor on the evidence that needs to be produced. Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed using the assessment methods listed below:

• Observed work

• Witness statements

• Audio-visual media

• Evidence of prior learning or attainment

• Written questions

• Oral questions

• Assignments

• Case studies

Where applicable your assessor will integrate knowledge outcomes into practical observations through professional discussion and/or oral questioning.

Developing knowledge

138 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Llwyddo yn y papur allanol

Bydd y papur allanol yn profi eich gwybodaeth o’r meini prawf sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn. Mae’n rhaid cael marc o 70% i lwyddo. Bydd eich tiwtor/aseswr yn cael gwybod am y meini prawf a fethwyd. Wedyn, byddwch chi’n cael eich cwestiynu ar lafar neu bydd gofyn i chi gyflwyno mathau eraill o dystiolaeth gan fod rhaid cyflawni holl feini prawf yr uned.

Bydd eich aseswr yn llenwi’r tabl isod pan fyddwch wedi cyflawni’r marc llwyddo o 70%.

Papur Dyddiad llwyddo Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

1 o 2

2 o 2

Papur allanol


Achieving the external paper

The external paper will test your knowledge of the criteria highlighted in white. A pass mark of 70% must be achieved. Criteria not achieved will be identified to your tutor/assessor. You will then be orally questioned or asked to produce other forms of evidence as all unit criteria must be achieved.

Your assessor will complete the table below when the 70% pass mark has been achieved.

Paper Date achieved Assessor initials

1 of 2

2 of 2

External paper

140 UB30B23CUB30B23C


Canlyniad dysgu 4

Deall gofynion sefydliadol a chyfreithiol darparu triniaeth tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau dan ddeddfwriaeth iechyd a diogelwch, safonau a chanllawiau cyfredol

b. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau dan reoliadau trwyddedu’r awdurdod lleol, o’ch rhan chi a’ch adeilad

c. Egluro pwysigrwydd peidio â gwahaniaethu yn erbyn cleientiaid sydd â salwch ac anableddau, a pham

d. Nodi hyd at ba oedran y mae unigolyn yn cael ei ystyried yn blentyn dan oed a sut mae hyn yn gwahaniaethu’n genedlaethol

e. Egluro pam na ddylid rhoi triniaethau i blant dan oed heb gael caniatâd gwybodus wedi’i lofnodi gan riant neu warcheidwad

f. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig cael rhiant neu warcheidwad yn bresennol wrth drin plant dan 16 oed

g. Egluro arwyddocâd cyfreithiol cael caniatâd gwybodus, wedi’i lofnodi, ar gyfer y driniaeth

h. Egluro gofynion y gwneuthurwyr a’r sefydliad o ran cael gwared ar wastraff

i. Egluro pwysigrwydd storio cofnodion cleientiaid yn gywir o ran y Ddeddf Diogelu Data

j. Egluro sut i lenwi’r cofnodion cleient a phwysigrwydd cadw cofnodion o driniaethau a chael llofnodion cleientiaid

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.



Learning outcome 4

Understand organisational and legal requirements for providing Indian head massage

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain your responsibilities under current health and safety legislation, standards and guidance

b. Explain your responsibilities under local authority licensing regulations for yourself and your premises

c. Explain the importance of not discriminating against clients with illnesses and disabilities and why

d. State the age at which an individual is classed as a minor and how this differs nationally

e. Explain why minors should not be given treatments without informed and signed parental or guardian consent

f. Explain why it is important, when treating minors under the age of 16, to have a parent present

g. Explain the legal significance of gaining signed, informed consent to treatment

h. Explain manufacturers’ and organisational requirements for waste disposal

i. Explain the importance of the correct storage of client records in relation to the Data Protection Act

j. Explain how to complete client records and the reasons for keeping records of treatments and gaining client signatures

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

142 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Canlyniad dysgu 4 (parhad)

Deall gofynion sefydliadol a chyfreithiol darparu triniaeth tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

k. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau a’r rhesymau dros sicrhau eich hylendid, dulliau o ddiogelu a’ch ymddangosiad personol, yn unol â gofynion y diwydiant a’r sefydliad

l. Egluro gofynion y sefydliad o ran paratoi’r cleient

m. Egluro amserau gwasanaeth y sefydliad ar gyfer triniaethau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd a phwysigrwydd cwblhau’r gwasanaeth o fewn amser sy’n ymarferol yn fasnachol

n. Egluro gofynion y sefydliad o ran gofalu am yr ardal driniaeth

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 4 (continued)

Understand organisational and legal requirements for providing Indian head massage

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

k. Explain your responsibilities and reasons for maintaining personal hygiene, protection and appearance according to accepted industry and organisation requirements

l. Explain the organisation’s requirements for client preparation

m. Explain the organisation’s service times for Indian head massage and the importance of completing the service in a commercially viable time

n. Explain the organisation’s requirements for treatment area maintenance

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

144 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Canlyniad dysgu 5

Deall sut i weithio’n ddiogel ac yn effeithiol wrth ddarparu triniaethau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut i baratoi’r ardal ar gyfer tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

b. Egluro’r amgylchiadau amgylcheddol angenrheidiol ar gyfer tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd (gan gynnwys goleuo, gwresogi, awyru a chyfforddusrwydd cyffredinol) a pham fod y rhain yn bwysig

c. Egluro’r rhesymau dros ddiheintio’r dwylo a sut i wneud hyn yn effeithiol

d. Egluro sut i osod eich hun a’r cleient ar gyfer tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd gan ystyried nodweddion corfforol unigol

e. Egluro beth yw anaf straen ailadroddus (RSI), beth sy’n ei achosi a sut i osgoi datblygu anaf o’r fath wrth gynnal triniaethau tylino

f. Egluro pwysigrwydd cynnal yr ymddaliad cywir drwy gydol y driniaeth a’r effaith y gall hyn ei gael arnoch chi ac ar ganlyniad y driniaeth

g. Egluro’r rhesymau dros sicrhau gwedduster, preifatrwydd a chyfforddusrwydd y cleient yn ystod y driniaeth

h. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig cynnal safonau hylendid ac egwyddorion osgoi traws-heintiad

i. Egluro sut i leihau’r gwastraff sy’n deillio o driniaeth a chael gwared ohono

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 5

Understand how to work safely and effectively when providing Indian head massage

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain how to set up the work area for Indian head massage

b. Explain the necessary environmental conditions for Indian head massage (including lighting, heating, ventilation, sound and general comfort) and why these are important

c. Explain the importance of, and reasons for, disinfecting hands and how to do this effectively

d. Explain how to position yourself and the client for Indian head massage taking into account individual physical characteristics

e. Explain what repetitive strain injury (RSI) is, how it is caused and how to avoid developing it when delivering massage treatments

f. Explain the importance of adopting the correct posture throughout the treatment and the impact this may have on yourself and the outcome of the treatment

g. Explain the reasons for maintaining client modesty, privacy and comfort during the treatment

h. Explain why it is important to maintain standards of hygiene and the principles of avoiding cross-infection

i. Explain how to minimise and dispose of waste treatments

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

Canlyniad dysgu 6

Deall sut i ymgynghori â chleientiaid

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut i ddefnyddio technegau ymgynghori effeithiol pan yn cyfathrebu ynglŷn â’r driniaeth hon â chleientiaid o wahanol gefndiroedd diwylliannol a chrefyddol, anableddau a rhyw

b. Egluro pwysigrwydd annog cleientiaid i ofyn cwestiynau a rhoi amser iddyn nhw wneud hynny

c. Egluro pwysigrwydd holi cleientiaid er mwyn gwybod a oes unrhyw wrthrybuddion i driniaethau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

d. Egluro pwysigrwydd cofnodi atebion cleientiaid i’r cwestiynau

e. Egluro arwyddocâd cyfreithiol holi cleientiaid a chofnodi eu hatebion

f. Egluro sut i roi cyngor ac argymhellion effeithiol i gleientiaid

g. Egluro sut i asesu’r nodweddion corfforol gyda’r llygad

h. Egluro sut i asesu unrhyw gyflyrau ymddaliad ac esgyrn all fod yn bresennol a sut i addasu a newid y drefn dylino

i. Egluro sut i adnabod gwahanol fathau o groen a chyflyrau croen

j. Egluro sut i adnabod gwahanol fathau o gyflyrau croen y pen a mathau o wallt

k. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig annog cleientiaid sydd â gwrthrybuddion i ofyn am gyngor meddygol

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.

146 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Learning outcome 6

Understand how to consult with clients

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain how to use consultation techniques when communicating with clients from different cultural and religious backgrounds, ages, disabilities and genders for this treatment

b. Explain why it is important to encourage and allow time for clients to ask questions

c. Explain the importance of questioning clients to establish any contra-indications to Indian head massage

d. Explain why it is important to record client responses to questioning

e. Explain the legal significance of client questioning and recording the client’s responses

f. Explain how to give effective advice and recommendations to clients

g. Explain how to visually assess the physical characteristics

h. Explain how to assess posture and skeletal conditions that may be present and how to adapt and change the massage routine

i. Explain how to recognise different skin types and conditions

j. Explain how to recognise different scalp conditions and hair types

k. Explain the reasons why it is important to encourage clients with contra-indications to seek medical advice

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.


Canlyniad dysgu 6 (parhad)

Deall sut i ymgynghori â chleientiaid

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

l. Disgrifio pwysigrwydd peidio ag enwi gwrthrybuddion penodol wrth gyfeirio cleientiaid at feddyg teulu, a’r rhesymau am hynny

m. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig sicrhau gwedduster, preifatrwydd a chyfforddusrwydd y cleient

n. Egluro’r cysylltiad rhwng patrymau ffordd o fyw ac effeithiolrwydd y driniaeth

o. Egluro’r lles a all ddeillio o newidiadau i batrwm ffordd o fyw’r cleient

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.

148 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Learning outcome 6 (continued)

Understand how to consult with clients

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

l. Explain the importance of, and reasons for, not naming specific contra-indications when encouraging clients to seek medical advice

m. Explain why it is important to maintain client’s modesty, privacy and comfort

n. Explain the relationship between lifestyle patterns and effectiveness of treatment

o. Explain the beneficial effects which can result to the client’s lifestyle pattern

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.


Canlyniad dysgu 7

Deall sut i baratoi ar gyfer darparu tylino pen yn y dull Indiaidd

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro pwysigrwydd rhoi cyfarwyddiadau clir i gleientiaid ynghylch tynnu dillad ac ategolion perthnasol, a pharatoi ar gyfer y driniaeth yn gyffredinol

b. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig tawelu meddwl cleientiaid yn ystod y broses o baratoi ar gyfer y driniaeth, tra hefyd yn sicrhau eu gwedduster a’u preifatrwydd

c. Egluro sut i ddewis y cyfrwng tylino priodol ar gyfer math a chyflwr y croen, croen y pen a gwallt

d. Egluro sut a pha bryd y dylid addasu’r broses o baratoi’r cleient ar gyfer gweithio mewn gwahanol amgylcheddau

e. Egluro sut i baratoi eich hun yn ymarferol ac yn feddyliol ar gyfer cynnal y driniaeth

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.

150 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Learning outcome 7

Understand how to prepare for providing Indian head massages

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the importance of giving clients clear instructions on the removal of relevant clothing, accessories and general preparation for the treatment

b. Explain why it is important to reassure clients during the preparation process whilst also maintaining the client’s modesty and privacy

c. Explain how to select the appropriate massage oil suitable for skin, scalp and hair type and condition

d. Explain how and when to adapt client preparation for working in different environments

e. Explain how to practically and mentally prepare yourself for carrying out the treatment

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.


Canlyniad dysgu 8

Deall yr anatomeg a’r ffisioleg sy’n berthnasol i dylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y cyhyrau, gan gynnwys y mathau o gyhyrau sydd yn y mannau sydd i’w trin

b. Egluro lleoliadau a gweithrediadau’r prif grwpiau o gyhyrau sydd yn y mannau sydd i’w trin

c. Egluro lleoliad a swyddogaeth prif esgyrn a chymalau’r system sgerbydol sydd yn y mannau sydd i’w trin

d. Egluro sut i adnabod namau a chyflyrau ymddaliad yn y mannau sydd i’w trin

e. Egluro strwythur, gweithrediad a lleoliad pibellau gwaed ac egwyddorion cylchrediad y gwaed, pwysedd gwaed a churiad y galon yn y mannau sydd i’w trin

f. Egluro rhyngweithiad y lymff a’r gwaed yn system cylchrediad y gwaed

g. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y system lymffatig

h. Egluro lleoliad a gweithrediad y sinysau

i. Egluro egwyddorion sylfaenol y brif system nerfol a’r system awtonomig

j. Egluro egwyddorion sylfaenol y systemau endocrinaidd ac anadlol

k. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y croen

l. Cymharu nodweddion croen a’r mathau o groen sydd gan grwpiau o gleientiaid o wahanol darddiadau ethnig

m. Egluro effeithiau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd ar systemau unigol y corff

n. Crynhoi effeithiau corfforol a seicolegol tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.

152 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Learning outcome 8

Understand anatomy and physiology related to Indian head massages

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the structure and function of muscles, including the types of muscles within the treatment areas

b. Explain the positions and actions of the main muscle groups within the treatment areas

c. Explain the position and action of the primary bones and joints of the skeletal system within the treatment areas

d. Explain how to recognise postural faults and conditions within the treatment areas

e. Explain the structure, function and location of blood vessels and the principles of circulation, blood pressure and pulse within the treatment areas

f. Explain the interaction of lymph and blood within the circulatory system

g. Explain the structure and function of the lymphatic system

h. Explain the position and function of the sinuses

i. Explain the basic principles of the central nervous system and autonomic system

j. Explain the basic principles of the endocrine and respiratory systems

k. Explain the structure and function of skin

l. Compare the skin characteristics and skin types of different ethnic client groups

m. Explain the effects of Indian head massage on the individual systems of the body

n. Summarise the physical and psychological effects of Indian head massage

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.


Canlyniad dysgu 9

Deall y gwrthrybuddion a gwrthweithrediadau sy’n effeithio neu’n cyfyngu ar driniaethau tylino’r corff

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro’r gwrthrybuddion sy’n atal triniaeth a pham

b. Egluro’r gwrthrybuddion a allai gyfyngu ar y driniaeth neu lle dylid cymryd gofal mewn mannau arbennig, a pham

c. Egluro’r gwrthweithrediadau posibl a all ddigwydd yn ystod ac ar ôl triniaeth, pam eu bod yn digwydd a sut i ddelio â nhw

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.

154 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Learning outcome 9

Understand contra-indications and contra-actions that affect or restrict body massage treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the contra-indications that prevent treatment and why

b. Explain the contra-indications which may restrict treatment or where caution should be taken, in specific areas and why

c. Explain the possible contra-actions which may occur during and post treatment and how to deal with them

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.


Canlyniad dysgu 10

Deall gwahanol gyfryngau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut i storio a chynnal cyfryngau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd mewn modd diogel a hylan, a pham fod hyn yn bwysig

b. Egluro sut i ddefnyddio cyfryngau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd yn effeithiol

c. Egluro’r mathau o olewau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd sydd ar gael a’u nodweddion llesol e.e. mwstard, cneuen goco, olewydd, sesame

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.

156 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Learning outcome 10

Understand different Indian head massage mediums

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain how to store and maintain Indian head massage mediums in a safe and hygienic manner and why this is important

b. Explain how to use Indian head massage mediums safely and effectively

c. Explain the types of Indian head massage oils available and their beneficial properties e.g. mustard, coconut, olive and sesame

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.


Canlyniad dysgu 11

Deall egwyddorion tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro prif agweddau gwreiddiau a thraddodiadau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

b. Crynhoi egwyddorion sylfaenol Ayurveda

c. Egluro egwyddorion llesiant corfforol, meddyliol ac ysbrydol

d. Egluro egwyddorion ac arfer defnyddio pwyntiau marma (mae 37 o’r gwasgbwyntiau hyn yn y man sydd i’w drin), a’u pwrpas

e. Egluro egwyddorion ac arfer y 7 prif chakra a’u pwysigrwydd o ran triniaethau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

f. Egluro pwysigrwydd cael y cleient i dynnu eu hesgidiau cyn y driniaeth

g. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig sicrhau’r ymddaliad cywir wrth dylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd a gwneud ymarferion ymestyn er mwyn atal anaf straen ailadroddus

h. Egluro defnydd cywir o dechnegau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd er mwyn cyflawni gwahanol fathau o amcanion triniaeth

i. Egluro sut i addasu trefn, dyfnder a gwasgedd tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd yn ôl nodweddion corfforol y cleient, rhannau’r corff a dymuniad y cleient

j. Egluro pam fod angen sicrhau bod y cleient yn anadlu’n effeithiol cyn dechrau’r driniaeth

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.

158 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Learning outcome 11

Understand the principles of Indian head massage

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the key aspects of the origins and traditions of Indian head massage

b. Summarise the basic principles of Ayurveda

c. Explain the principles of body, mind and spiritual wellness

d. Explain the principles and practices of marma (pressure) points application (of which 37 are in the treatment area) and their purpose

e. Explain the principles and practices of the 7 primary chakras and their importance in relation to the Indian head massage treatment

f. Explain the importance of getting the client to remove their shoes before treatment

g. Explain why it is important to maintain correct posture during Indian head massage and to complete stretching exercises to prevent repetitive strain injury

h. Explain the correct use and application of Indian head massage techniques to meet a variety of treatment objectives

i. Explain how to adapt the Indian head massage sequence, depth and pressure to suit different client physical characteristics, areas of the body and preferences

j. Explain why effective client breathing is necessary prior to starting the treatment

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.


Canlyniad dysgu 11 (parhad)

Deall egwyddorion tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

k. Egluro sut y gall eich egwyddorion anadlu chi wella effeithiolrwydd y driniaeth

l. Gwerthuso manteision tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

m. Egluro sut a pham y byddai cynhaliad ac amddiffyniad yn cael eu defnyddio yn ystod triniaeth

n. Egluro pwysigrwydd gwerthuso effeithiolrwydd triniaethau tylino’r pen yn y dull Indiaidd

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.

160 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Learning outcome 11 (continued)

Understand the principles of Indian head massage

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

k. Explain how own breathing techniques can enhance the effectiveness of the treatment process

l. Evaluate the advantages of Indian head massage

m. Explain how and why support and cushioning would be used during the treatment

n. Explain the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of Indian head massage treatments

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.


Canlyniad dysgu 12

Deall sut i ddarparu cyngor ôl-ofal

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig rhoi cyngor ôl-ofal

b. Egluro manteision cwrs o driniaeth

c. Egluro’r ffactorau a’r newidiadau ffordd o fyw all fod yn angenrheidiol er mwyn gwella effeithiolrwydd y driniaeth

d. Egluro unrhyw gyfyngiadau ôl-driniaeth ac anghenion triniaeth yn y dyfodol

e. Egluro pa gynhyrchion i’w defnyddio gartref fydd o fudd i’r cleient a pha rai y dylid eu hosgoi, a pham

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.

162 UB30B23CUB30B23C

Learning outcome 12

Understand how to provide aftercare advice

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain why it is important to give post-treatment advice

b. Explain the benefits of a course of treatment

c. Explain the lifestyle factors and changes that may be required to improve the effectiveness of the treatment

d. Explain post-treatment restrictions and future treatment needs

e. Explain products for home use that will benefit the client and those to avoid and why

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.


164 UB30B23C

Notes Defnyddiwch y dudalen hon ar gyfer nodiadau a diagramau/

Use this area for notes and diagrams



Tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barodUB30B24C

Mae’r uned hon yn ymwneud â’r sgiliau sydd ynghlwm â thylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod. Mae’r gallu i addasu’r defnydd o olewau wedi eu cymysgu’n barod a thechnegau tylino i weddu anghenion cleientiaid unigol yn hanfodol.

Er mwyn cyflawni’r uned hon, bydd angen i chi sicrhau iechyd, diogelwch a hylendid effeithiol bob amser wrth wneud eich gwaith. Hefyd bydd angen i chi gynnal eich ymddangosiad personol a chyfathrebu’n dda gyda’r cleient.



Carry out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oilsUB30B24

This unit is about the skills involved in preparing clients for and delivery of massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils. The ability to adapt the use of pre-blended oils and massage techniques to suit individual client needs are crucial requirements.

To carry out this unit you will need to maintain effective health, safety and hygiene throughout your work. You will also need to maintain your personal appearance and good communication with the client.





Gwerth credyd


Oriau Dysgu Dan Arweiniad




Papur(au) allanol







Credit value






External Paper(s)


170 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniadau dysgu

Pan fyddwch wedi cwblhau’r uned hon byddwch yn:

1. Gallu gweithio mewn modd effeithiol a diogel wrth dylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

2. Gallu ymgynghori, cynllunio a pharatoi ar gyfer triniaethau gyda chleientiaid

3. Gallu tylino’r corff gan ddefnyddio olewau wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

4. Deall gofynion sefydliadol a chyfreithiol tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

5. Deall sut i weithio’n ddiogel ac yn effeithiol wrth dylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

6. Deall sut i ymgynghori â chleientiaid

7. Gallu tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

8. Deall yr anatomeg a ffisioleg sydd ynghlwm â thriniaethau tylino

9. Deall y gwrthrybuddion a’r gwrthweithrediadau sy’n effeithio neu’n cyfyngu ar driniaethau tylino sy’n defnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

10. Deall sut i ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

11. Deall egwyddorion technegau tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

12. Deall sut i roi cyngor ôl-ofal

Gofynion tystiolaeth

1. Ni chaniateir efelychiad ar gyfer unrhyw dystiolaeth o berfformiad yn yr uned hon.

2. Rhaid i chi ddangos yn ymarferol yn eich gwaith bob dydd eich bod wedi cwrdd â’r safon ar gyfer tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod.

3. Bydd eich aseswr yn arsylwi ar eich perfformiad ar o leiaf 4 gwahanol achlysur, a hynny’n ymwneud â 4 gwahanol gleient. Mae’n rhaid cynnwys 2 driniaeth tylino corff cyfan, gan gynnwys yr wyneb.

4. O’r ystod, mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi: • defnyddio pob un o’r technegau

ymgynghori• delio gyda phob un o nodweddion

corfforol y cleient• delio gydag o leiaf 1 o’r camau

angenrheidiol*• cyflawni pob un o amcanion y driniaeth• defnyddio pob un o’r technegau tylino• trin yr holl fannau sydd i’w trin• rhoi pob math o gyngor

* Fodd bynnag, rhaid i chi brofi i’ch aseswr fod gennych yr wybodaeth, y ddealltwriaeth a’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen er mwyn perfformio’n gymwys mewn perthynas â holl eitemau’r ystod hon.

5. Mae’n debygol y bydd y rhan fwyaf o’r dystiolaeth o’ch perfformiad yn cael ei chasglu o’r arsylwadau a wneir gan eich aseswr, ond efallai y bydd angen i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth arall i gefnogi eich perfformiad os nad yw eich aseswr wedi bod yn bresennol.

6. Yn yr uned hon bydd gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth yn cael eu hasesu drwy bapur allanol. Mae’r meini prawf sy’n rhan o’r papur hwn wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn drwy gydol yr uned hon. Mae’n rhaid llwyddo mewn dau bapur allanol.


Tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod


Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit you will:

1. Be able to maintain safe and effective methods of working when carrying out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

2. Be able to consult, plan and prepare for treatments with clients

3. Be able to massage the body using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

4. Understand organisational and legal requirements for carrying out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

5. Understand how to work safely and effectively when carrying out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

6. Understand how to consult with clients

7. Be able to prepare to carry out massages using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

8. Understand anatomy and physiology related to massage treatments

9. Understand contra-indications and contra-actions that affect or restrict massages using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

10. Understand how to use pre-blended aromatherapy oils

11. Understand the principles behind massage techniques using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

12. Understand how to provide aftercare advice

Carry out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

Evidence requirements

1. Simulation is not allowed for any performance evidence within this unit.

2. You must practically demonstrate in your everyday work that you have met the standard for providing massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils.

3. Your assessor will observe your performance on at least 4 separate occasions, each on 4 different clients, which must include 2 full body massage treatments, incorporating the face.

4. From the range, you must practically demonstrate that you have: • used all consultation techniques• dealt with all the clients’ physical

characteristics• dealt with at least 1 of the necessary

actions*• met all treatment objectives • used all massage techniques• covered all treatment areas • given all types of advice

* However, you must prove to your assessor that you have the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to perform competently in respect of all the items in these ranges.

5. It is likely most evidence of your performance will be gathered from the observations made by your assessor, but you may be required to produce other evidence to support your performance if your assessor has not been present.

6. Knowledge and understanding in this unit will be assessed by an external paper. The criteria that make up this paper are highlighted in white throughout this unit. There are two external papers that must be achieved.


172 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Cyflawni arsylwadau ac ystod

Cyflawni canlyniadau arsylwi

Bydd eich aseswr yn arsylwi arnoch yn gwneud tasgau ymarferol. Nodir isafswm yr arsylwadau sydd eu hangen yn adran gofynion tystiolaeth yr uned hon.

Efallai na fydd meini prawf bob amser yn digwydd yn naturiol yn ystod arsylwad ymarferol. Os felly, bydd eich aseswr yn holi cwestiynau i chi er mwyn dangos eich bod yn gymwys yn y maes hwn. Bydd eich aseswr yn cofnodi pa feini prawf sydd wedi eu cyflawni drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Bydd eich aseswr yn cadarnhau bod canlyniad wedi’i gyflawni pan fydd yr holl feini prawf wedi cael eu cyflawni’n gymwys yn ystod gwasanaeth un cleient.

Cyflawni’r ystod

Mae’r adran ystod yn nodi beth sy’n rhaid ymdrin ag ef. Mae’n rhaid arddangos ystodau’n ymarferol fel rhan o arsylwad. Bydd eich aseswr yn dogfennu’r cyfeirnod portffolio pan fydd ystod wedi’i chyflawni’n gymwys.

Amserau gwasanaeth mwyaf

Mae’r amserau gwasanaeth mwyaf canlynol yn berthnasol i’r uned hon:

Tylino’r cefn 30 munud

Tylino’r corff cyfan (ddim yn cynnwys y pen a’r wyneb) 60 munud

Tylino’r corff cyfan (yn cynnwys y pen a’r wyneb) 75 munud


Achieving observations and range

Achieving observation outcomes

Your assessor will observe your performance of practical tasks. The minimum number of observations required is indicated in the evidence requirements section of this unit. Criteria may not always naturally occur during a practical observation. In such instances you will be asked questions to demonstrate your competence in this area. Your assessor will document the criteria that have been achieved through oral questioning.

Your assessor will sign off an outcome when all criteria have been competently achieved in a single client service.

Achieving range

The range section indicates what must be covered. Ranges must be practically demonstrated as part of an observation. Your assessor will document the portfolio reference once a range has been competently achieved.

Maximum service times

The following maximum service times apply to this unit:

Back massage 30 minutes

Full body massage (excluding head and face) 60 minutes

Full body massage (including head and face) 75 minutes

174 UB30B24CUB30B24C


Canlyniad dysgu 1

Gallu gweithio mewn modd effeithiol a diogel wrth dylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Paratoi a chynnal yr ardal waith mewn modd sy’n cwrdd ag anghenion y sefydliad a’r gwneuthurwyr

b. Cynnal safonau hylendid, diogelu ac ymddangosiad sy’n cwrdd â gofynion a dderbynnir gan y diwydiant a’r sefydliad

c. Glanhau’r holl gyfarpar gan ddefnyddio’r dulliau cywir

d. Gosod y cyfarpar a’r olewau wedi eu cymysgu’n barod mewn man sy’n ddiogel ac yn hawdd i’w ddefnyddio

e. Gosod y cleient a chi eich hun mewn modd sy’n lleihau blinder a’r perygl o anaf ac sy’n addas ar gyfer y driniaeth

f. Defnyddio arferion hylendid a diogelu derbyniol gan y diwydiant drwy gydol y driniaeth er mwyn osgoi traws-heintiad

g. Ymdrin â’r cleient mewn ffordd bositif, gwrtais a chysurlon bob amser

h. Sicrhau gwedduster, preifatrwydd a chyfforddusrwydd y cleient bob amser

i. Cwblhau’r driniaeth o fewn amser sy’n ymarferol yn fasnachol

j. Sicrhau bod cofnodion yn gyfredol, yn gywir, yn gyflawn, yn hawdd i’w darllen ac wedi’u harwyddo gan y cleient a’r ymarferwr

k. Gadael yr ardal driniaeth mewn cyflwr addas ar gyfer y triniaethau nesaf

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3 4

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr



Learning outcome 1

Be able to maintain safe and effective methods of working when carrying out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

You can:

a. Set up and maintain the treatment area to meet organisational and manufacturers’ instructions

b. Maintain personal hygiene, protection and appearance that meets accepted industry and organisational requirements

c. Clean all equipment using the correct methods

d. Position equipment and pre-blended oils for safety and ease of use

e. Position the client and yourself to minimise fatigue and risk of injury and in a way suitable for treatment

f. Use accepted industry hygiene and safety practices throughout the treatment to minimise the risk of cross-infection

g. Adopt a positive, polite and reassuring manner towards the client at all times

h. Maintain the client’s modesty, privacy and comfort at all times

i. Complete the treatment within a commercially viable time

j. Keep records up to date, accurate, easy to read and signed by the client and practitioner

k. Leave the treatment area and equipment in a suitable condition for future treatments

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2 3 4

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

176 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 2

Gallu ymgynghori, cynllunio a pharatoi ar gyfer triniaethau gyda chleientiaid

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Defnyddio technegau ymgynghori effeithiol er mwyn pennu anghenion triniaeth y cleient

b. Cael caniatâd gwybodus, ysgrifenedig, wedi’i arwyddo gan y cleient cyn cynnal triniaeth, neu gan riant neu warcheidwad ar gyfer plentyn dan 16 oed*

c. Egluro trefn y driniaeth i’r cleient mewn modd y gall y cleient ei ddeall

d. Holi’r cleient er mwyn canfod eu hanes meddygol, nodweddion corfforol a’u patrwm ffordd o fyw

e. Ymgynghori’n effeithiol gyda’r cleient er mwyn nodi unrhyw wrthrybuddion i driniaethau aromatherapi, gan gofnodi atebion y cleient a chymryd unrhyw gamau angenrheidiol

f. Annog cleientiaid i ofyn cwestiynau er mwyn egluro unrhyw bwyntiau

g. Cynnal prawf sensitifrwydd er mwyn gweld unrhyw adwaith ac addasrwydd y cleient ar gyfer y driniaeth

h. Rhoi cyngor i’r cleient heb gyfeirio at gyflwr meddygol penodol a heb achosi braw a phryder diangen*

i. Egluro a chytuno ar y gost a ragwelir, hyd tebygol y driniaeth, pa mor aml fydd ei hangen

j. Cytuno’n ysgrifenedig ar anghenion, disgwyliadau ac amcanion triniaeth y cleient, gan wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn realistig a bod modd eu cyflawni

k. Diogelu dillad, gwallt ac ategolion y cleient

l. Dewis olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod sy’n addas ar gyfer amcanion y driniaeth ac addas i’r pwrpas

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3 4

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 2

Be able to consult, plan and prepare for treatments with clients

You can:

a. Use effective consultation techniques to determine the client’s treatment needs

b. Obtain signed, written, informed consent from the client or parent/guardian if the client is a minor prior to carrying out the treatment*

c. Explain to the client the treatment procedure in a way they can understand

d. Question the client to identify the client’s medical history, physical characteristics and lifestyle pattern

e. Consult with the client to identify any contra-indications to aromatherapy treatments, recording the client’s responses, and take any necessary action

f. Encourage clients to ask questions and clarify any points

g. Carry out a sensitivity test to establish response and suitability for treatment

h. Provide client advice without reference to a specific medical condition and without causing undue alarm or concern*

i. Explain and agree the projected cost, likely duration, frequency and types of treatment needed

j. Agree in writing the client’s needs, expectations and treatment objectives, ensuring they are realistic and achievable

k. Protect client’s clothing, hair and accessories

l. Select suitable pre-blended aromatherapy oils which meet the treatment objectives and which are fit for purpose

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2 3 4

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

178 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 3

Gallu tylino’r corff gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Darparu cynhaliad ac amddiffyniad priodol i rannau o’r corff yn ystod y driniaeth os oes angen

b. Addasu’r technegau tylino, y drefn a’r defnydd o olewau wedi eu cymysgu’n barod yn unol â nodweddion corfforol y cleient a’r man(nau) sydd i’w trin

c. Amrywio dyfnder, rhythm a gwasgedd y symudiadau tylino yn unol ag amcanion y driniaeth, man(nau) sydd i’w trin a nodweddion corfforol a dymuniadau’r cleient

d. Taenu a defnyddio’r olewau wedi eu cymysgu’n barod mewn modd sy’n creu cyn lleied o wastraff â phosibl

e. Cymryd camau cywiro ar unwaith os oes gwrthweithrediadau neu os yw’r cleient yn anghyfforddus yn ystod y driniaeth*

f. Rhoi digon o amser i’r cleient ddod ato’i hun ar ôl y driniaeth

g. Sicrhau bod y canlyniad terfynol yn plesio’r cleient ac yn cwrdd ag amcanion y driniaeth y cytunwyd arnyn nhw

h. Rhoi cyngor ôl-ofal

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3 4

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 3

Be able to massage the body using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

You can:

a. Provide suitable support and cushioning to specific areas of the body during the treatment if necessary

b. Adapt massage techniques, sequence and use of pre-blended oil to meet the client’s physical characteristics and treatment area(s)

c. Vary the depth, rhythm and pressure of massage movements to meet treatment objectives, treatment area(s) and client’s physical characteristics and preferences

d. Apply and use pre-blended oil to minimise waste

e. Take prompt remedial action if contra-actions or discomfort occur during the course of treatment*

f. Give the client sufficient post-treatment recovery time

g. Check that the finished result is to the client’s satisfaction and meets the agreed treatment objectives

h. Provide aftercare advice

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2 3 4

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

180 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Arsylwadau ystod

Mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:

Defnyddio pob un o’r technegau ymgynghori Cyfeirnod portffolio




Cyfeirio at gofnodion y cleient

Delio gyda phob un o nodweddion corfforol y cleient Cyfeirnod portffolio




Ffyrfder y cyhyrau



Cyflwr y croen

Delio gydag o leiaf 1 o’r camau angenrheidiol Cyfeirnod portffolio

Annog y cleient i ofyn am gyngor meddygol

Egluro pam na ellir cynnal y driniaeth

Addasu’r driniaeth

Cyflawni pob un o amcanion y driniaeth Cyfeirnod portffolio


Ymdeimlad o les

Codi’r ysbryd




Observation range

You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Used all consultation techniques Portfolio reference




Reference to client records

Dealt with all the clients’ physical characteristics Portfolio reference




Muscle tone



Skin condition

Dealt with at least 1 of the necessary actions Portfolio reference

Encouraging the client to seek medical advice

Explaining why the treatment cannot be carried out

Modification of treatment

Met all treatment objectives Portfolio reference


Sense of well-being




182 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:

Defnyddio pob un o’r technegau tylino Cyfeirnod portffolio





Trin yr holl fan(nau) sydd i’w trin Cyfeirnod portffolio

Yr wyneb

Y pen

Y frest a’r ysgwyddau

Y breichiau a’r dwylo

Yr abdomen

Y cefn

Y ffolennau

Y coesau a’r traed

Wedi rhoi pob math o gyngor Cyfeirnod portffolio

I osgoi gweithgareddau a allai achosi gwrthweithrediadau

Anghenion triniaeth yn y dyfodol

Newidiadau i batrymau ffordd o fyw

Cyngor ar fwyta’n iach ac ymarfer corff

Cynhyrchion gofal cartref addas a sut i’w defnyddio


You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Used all massage techniques Portfolio reference




Pressure point

Covered all treatment areas Portfolio reference



Chest and shoulders

Arms and hands




Legs and feet

Given all types of advice Portfolio reference

Avoidance of activities which may cause contra-actions

Future treatment needs

Modifications to lifestyle patterns

Healthy eating and exercise advice

Suitable home care products and their use

184 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Cyflawni canlyniadau gwybodaeth

Bydd eich tiwtor a’ch aseswr yn rhoi arweiniad i chi ar y dystiolaeth sydd angen ei chyflwyno. Bydd eich gwybodaeth a’ch dealltwriaeth yn cael eu hasesu gan ddefnyddio’r dulliau asesu a restrir isod:

• Prosiectau

• Gwaith wedi’i arsylwi

• Datganiadau tystion

• Cyfryngau clyweled

• Tystiolaeth o ddysgu neu gyrhaeddiad blaenorol

• Cwestiynau ysgrifenedig

• Cwestiynau llafar

• Aseiniadau

• Astudiaethau achos

• Trafodaeth broffesiynol

Lle bo hynny’n bosibl, bydd eich aseswr yn cynnwys y canlyniadau gwybodaeth mewn arsylwadau ymarferol drwy ofyn cwestiynau ar lafar.

Datblygu gwybodaeth


Achieving knowledge outcomes

You will be guided by your tutor and assessor on the evidence that needs to be produced. Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed using the assessment methods listed below:

• Projects

• Observed work

• Witness statements

• Audio-visual media

• Evidence of prior learning or attainment

• Written questions

• Oral questions

• Assignments

• Case studies

• Professional discussion

Where applicable your assessor will integrate knowledge outcomes into practical observations through professional discussion and/or oral questioning.

Developing knowledge

186 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Llwyddo yn y papur allanol

Bydd y papur allanol yn profi eich gwybodaeth o’r meini prawf sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn. Mae’n rhaid cael marc o 70% i lwyddo. Bydd eich tiwtor/aseswr yn cael gwybod am y meini prawf a fethwyd. Wedyn, byddwch chi’n cael eich cwestiynu ar lafar neu bydd gofyn i chi gyflwyno mathau eraill o dystiolaeth gan fod rhaid cyflawni holl feini prawf yr uned.

Bydd eich aseswr yn llenwi’r tabl isod pan fyddwch wedi cyflawni’r marc llwyddo o 70%.

Papur Dyddiad llwyddo Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

1 o 2

2 o 2

Papur allanol


Achieving the external paper

The external paper will test your knowledge of the criteria highlighted in white. A pass mark of 70% must be achieved. Criteria not achieved will be identified to your tutor/assessor. You will then be orally questioned or asked to produce other forms of evidence as all unit criteria must be achieved.

Your assessor will complete the table below when the 70% pass mark has been achieved.

Paper Date achieved Assessor initials

1 of 2

2 of 2

External paper

188 UB30B24CUB30B24C


Canlyniad dysgu 4

Deall y gofynion sefydliadol a chyfreithiol ar gyfer tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau dan ddeddfwriaeth iechyd a diogelwch, safonau a chanllawiau cyfredol

b. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau dan reoliadau trwyddedu’r awdurdod lleol, o’ch rhan chi a’r adeilad

c. Egluro pwysigrwydd peidio â gwahaniaethu yn erbyn cleientiaid sydd â salwch ac anableddau, a pham

d. Egluro hyd at ba oedran y mae unigolyn yn cael ei ystyried yn blentyn dan oed a sut mae hyn yn gwahaniaethu’n genedlaethol

e. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig cael rhiant neu warcheidwad yn bresennol wrth drin plant dan 16 oed

f. Egluro pam na ddylid rhoi triniaethau i blant dan oed heb gael caniatâd gwybodus wedi’i lofnodi gan riant neu warcheidwad

g. Egluro arwyddocâd cyfreithiol cael caniatâd gwybodus, wedi’i lofnodi, ar gyfer y driniaeth

h. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau a’r rhesymau am gynnal hylendid, dulliau diogelu ac ymddangosiad personol yn unol â gofynion derbyniol y diwydiant a’r sefydliad

i. Egluro gofynion y gwneuthurwyr a’r sefydliad o ran gwaredu gwastraff

j. Egluro pwysigrwydd storio cofnodion cleientiaid yn gywir o ran y Ddeddf Diogelu Data

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.



Learning outcome 4

Understand organisational and legal requirements for carrying out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain your responsibilities under current health and safety legislation, standards and guidance

b. Explain your responsibilities under local authority licensing regulations for yourself and the premises

c. Explain the importance of not discriminating against clients with illnesses and disabilities and why

d. Explain the age at which an individual is classed as a minor and how this differs nationally

e. Explain why it is important, when treating minors under 16 years of age, to have a parent or guardian present

f. Explain why minors should not be given treatments without informed and signed parental or guardian consent

g. Explain the legal significance of gaining signed, informed consent to treatment

h. Explain your responsibilities and reasons for maintaining personal hygiene, protection and appearance according to accepted industry and organisational requirements

i. Explain the manufacturers’ and organisational requirements for waste disposal

j. Explain the importance of the correct storage of client records in relation to the Data Protection Act

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

190 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 4 (parhad)

Deall y gofynion sefydliadol a chyfreithiol ar gyfer tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

k. Egluro sut i lenwi’r cofnodion cleient a phwysigrwydd cadw cofnodion o driniaethau a chael llofnodion cleientiaid

l. Egluro gofynion y sefydliad o ran paratoi’r cleient

m. Egluro amserau gwasanaeth y sefydliad ar gyfer triniaethau tylino a phwysigrwydd cwblhau’r gwasanaeth o fewn amser sy’n ymarferol yn fasnachol

n. Egluro gofynion y sefydliad o ran gofalu am yr ardal driniaeth, cynnal a glanhau’r cyfarpar

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 4 (continued)

Understand organisational and legal requirements for carrying out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

k. Explain how to complete client records, the importance of, and reasons for, keeping records of treatments and gaining client signatures

l. Explain the organisation’s requirements for client preparation

m. Explain the organisation’s service times for massage treatments and the importance of completing the service in a commercially viable time

n. Explain the organisation’s and manufacturers’ requirements for the treatment area, maintenance and cleaning of equipment

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

192 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 5

Deall sut i weithio’n ddiogel ac yn effeithiol wrth dylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut i baratoi’r ardal ar gyfer triniaethau tylino

b. Egluro’r amgylchiadau amgylcheddol angenrheidiol ar gyfer tylino’r corff (gan gynnwys goleuo, gwresogi, awyru a chyfforddusrwydd cyffredinol) a pham eu bod yn bwysig

c. Egluro’r rhesymau dros ddiheintio’r dwylo a sut i wneud hyn yn effeithiol

d. Egluro sut i osod eich hun a’r cleient ar gyfer triniaethau tylino gan ystyried nodweddion corfforol unigol

e. Egluro beth yw anaf straen ailadroddus (RSI), beth sy’n ei achosi a sut i osgoi datblygu anaf o’r fath wrth gynnal triniaethau tylino

f. Egluro pwysigrwydd cynnal yr ymddaliad cywir drwy gydol y driniaeth a’r effaith y gall hyn ei gael arnoch chi ac ar ganlyniad y driniaeth

g. Egluro’r rhesymau dros sicrhau gwedduster, preifatrwydd a chyfforddusrwydd y cleient yn ystod y driniaeth

h. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig cynnal safonau hylendid uchel ac egwyddorion osgoi traws-heintiad

i. Egluro sut i leihau’r gwastraff sy’n deillio o driniaeth a sut i gael gwared ohono

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 5

Understand how to work safely and effectively when carrying out massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain how to set up the work area for massage treatments

b. Explain the necessary environmental conditions for body massage treatments (including lighting, heating, ventilation, sound and general comfort) and why these are important

c. Explain the importance of, and reasons for, disinfecting hands and how to do this effectively

d. Explain how to position yourself and the client for massage treatments taking into account individual physical characteristics

e. Explain what repetitive strain injury (RSI) is, its cause and how to avoid developing it when delivering massage treatments

f. Explain the importance of adopting the correct posture throughout the treatment and the impact this may have on yourself and the outcome of the treatment

g. Explain the reasons for maintaining client modesty, privacy and comfort during the treatment

h. Explain why it is important to maintain high standards of hygiene and the principles of avoiding cross-infection

i. Explain how to minimise and dispose of waste treatments

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

194 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 6

Deall sut i ymgynghori â chleientiaid

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut i ddefnyddio technegau ymgynghori effeithiol wrth gyfathrebu ynglŷn â’r driniaeth hon â chleientiaid o wahanol gefndiroedd diwylliannol a chrefyddol, anableddau a rhyw

b. Egluro pwysigrwydd annog cleientiaid i ofyn cwestiynau a rhoi amser iddyn nhw wneud hynny

c. Egluro pwysigrwydd holi cleientiaid er mwyn gwybod a oes unrhyw wrthrybuddion i driniaethau tylino’r pen a’r corff

d. Egluro pwysigrwydd cofnodi atebion cleientiaid i’r cwestiynau

e. Egluro arwyddocâd cyfreithiol holi cleientiaid a chofnodi eu hatebion

f. Egluro sut i roi cyngor ac argymhellion effeithiol i gleientiaid

g. Egluro sut i asesu’r nodweddion corfforol gyda’r llygad

h. Egluro sut i asesu unrhyw gyflyrau ymddaliad ac esgyrn all fod yn bresennol a sut i addasu a newid y drefn dylino

i. Egluro sut i adnabod gwahanol fathau o groen a chyflyrau croen

j. Egluro sut i gynnal prawf sensitifrwydd croen effeithiol ar gyfer alergedd i olewau wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

k. Egluro’r mathau o adweithiau all ddigwydd o ganlyniad i ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod a sut i’w hadnabod

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 6

Understand how to consult with clients

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain how to use effective consultation techniques when communicating with clients from different cultural and religious backgrounds, ages, disabilities and genders for this treatment

b. Explain why it is important to encourage and allow time for clients to ask questions

c. Explain the importance of questioning clients to establish any contra-indications to head and body massage treatments

d. Explain why it is important to record client responses to questioning

e. Explain the legal significance of client questioning and the recording of client responses

f. Explain how to give effective advice and recommendations to clients

g. Explain how to assess visually the client’s physical characteristics

h. Explain how to assess posture and skeletal conditions that may be present and how to adapt and change the massage routine

i. Explain how to recognise different skin types and conditions

j. Explain how to effectively carry out a skin sensitivity test for allergies to pre-blended aromatherapy oils

k. Explain the types of reactions that can occur as a result of using pre-blended aromatherapy oils and how to recognise them

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

196 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 6 (parhad)

Deall sut i ymgynghori â chleientiaid

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

l. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig annog cleientiaid sydd â gwrthrybuddion i ofyn am gyngor meddygol

m. Egluro pwysigrwydd peidio ag enwi gwrthrybuddion penodol wrth annog cleientiaid i ofyn am gyngor meddygol, a’r rhesymau am hynny

n. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig sicrhau gwedduster a phreifatrwydd y cleient

o. Egluro’r berthynas rhwng patrymau ffordd o fyw ac effeithiolrwydd y driniaeth

p. Egluro’r lles a all ddeillio o newidiadau i batrwm ffordd o fyw’r cleient

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 6 (continued)

Understand how to consult with clients

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

l. Explain the reasons why it is important to encourage clients with contra-indications to seek medical advice

m. Explain the importance of, and reasons for, not naming specific contra-indications when encouraging clients to seek medical advice

n. Explain why it is important to maintain the client’s modesty and privacy

o. Explain the relationship between lifestyle patterns and effectiveness of treatment

p. Summarise the beneficial effects which can result from changes to the client’s lifestyle pattern

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

198 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 7

Gallu paratoi a darparu triniaethau tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro pwysigrwydd rhoi cyfarwyddiadau clir i gleientiaid ynghylch tynnu dillad ac ategolion perthnasol, a pharatoi ar gyfer y driniaeth yn gyffredinol

b. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig tawelu meddwl cleientiaid yn ystod y broses o baratoi ar gyfer y driniaeth, tra hefyd yn sicrhau eu gwedduster a’u preifatrwydd

c. Egluro sut i ddewis yr olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod priodol ar gyfer math a chyflwr croen y cleient ac amcanion y driniaeth

d. Sut i lanhau gwahanol rannau o’r corff yn barod ar gyfer eu trin (e.e. yr wyneb a’r traed)

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 7

Be able to prepare to carry out massages using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the importance of giving clients clear instructions on the removal of relevant clothing, accessories and general preparation for the treatment

b. Explain why it is important to reassure clients during the preparation process whilst also maintaining the client’s modesty and privacy

c. Explain how to select the appropriate pre-blended aromatherapy oil suitable for skin type, condition and treatment objectives

d. Explain how to cleanse different areas of the body in preparation for treatment (e.g. face and feet)

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

200 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 8

Deall yr anatomeg a’r ffisioleg sy’n berthnasol i driniaethau tylino

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y celloedd a’r meinweoedd

b. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y cyhyrau, gan gynnwys y mathau o gyhyrau

c. Egluro lleoliadau a gweithrediadau’r prif grwpiau o gyhyrau yn y mannau sydd i’w trin

d. Egluro lleoliad a swyddogaeth prif esgyrn a chymalau’r system ysgerbydol

e. Egluro sut i adnabod namau a chyflyrau ymddaliad

f. Egluro strwythur, gweithrediad a lleoliad pibellau gwaed ac egwyddorion cylchrediad y gwaed, pwysedd gwaed a churiad y galon

g. Egluro rhyngweithiad y lymff a’r gwaed yn system cylchrediad y gwaed

h. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y system lymffatig

i. Egluro egwyddorion sylfaenol y brif system nerfol a’r system awtonomig

j. Egluro egwyddorion sylfaenol y systemau endocrinaidd, anadlol, arogleuol, treulio ac ysgarthol

k. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y croen

l. Cymharu nodweddion croen a’r mathau o groen sydd gan grwpiau o gleientiaid o wahanol darddiadau ethnig

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 8

Understand anatomy and physiology related to massage treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the structure and function of cells and tissues

b. Explain the structure and function of muscles, including the types of muscle

c. Explain the positions and actions of the main muscle groups within the treatment areas of the body

d. Explain the position and function of the primary bones and joints of the skeleton

e. Explain how to recognise postural faults and conditions

f. Explain the structure, function and location of blood vessels and the principles of circulation, blood pressure and pulse

g. Explain the interaction of lymph and blood within the circulatory system

h. Explain the structure and function of the lymphatic system

i. Explain the basic principles of the central and autonomic nervous system

j. Explain the basic principles of the endocrine, respiratory, olfactory, digestive and excretory system

k. Explain the structure and function of the skin

l. Explain the skin characteristics and skin types of different ethnic client groups

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

202 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 8 (parhad)

Deall yr anatomeg a’r ffisioleg sy’n berthnasol i driniaethau tylino

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

m. Egluro strwythur a lleoliad y meinwe bloneg

n. Crynhoi effeithiau tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod ar systemau unigol y corff

o. Crynhoi effeithiau corfforol a seicolegol tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

p. Egluro sut i adnabod erythema a’r hyn sy’n ei achosi

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 8 (continued)

Understand anatomy and physiology related to massage treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

m. Explain the structure and location of the adipose tissue

n. Summarise the effects of massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils on the individual systems of the body

o. Summarise the physical and psychological effects of massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

p. Explain how to recognise erythema and its causes

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

204 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 9

Deall y gwrthrybuddion a’r gwrthweithrediadau sy’n effeithio neu’n cyfyngu ar driniaethau tylino’r corff

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro’r gwrthrybuddion sy’n atal triniaeth a pham

b. Egluro’r gwrthrybuddion a allai gyfyngu ar y driniaeth neu pan ddylid gymryd gofal mewn mannau arbennig o’r corff, a pham

c. Egluro’r gwrthweithrediadau posibl a all ddigwydd yn ystod ac ar ôl triniaeth, pam eu bod yn digwydd a sut i ddelio â nhw

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 9

Understand contra-indications and contra-actions that affect or restrict massages using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the contra-indications that prevent treatment and why

b. Explain the contra-indications which may restrict treatment or where caution should be taken in specific areas and why

c. Explain possible contra-actions which may occur during and post treatment, why they occur and how to deal with them

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

206 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 10

Deall sut i ddefnyddio olewau wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut i storio a chynnal olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod mewn modd diogel a hylan, a pham fod hyn yn bwysig

b. Egluro sut i ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi yn ddiogel ac yn effeithiol, gan gynnwys effeithiau anweddolrwydd

c. Rhoi crynodeb o’r math o olewau tylino aromatherapi sydd ar gael, a’u diben

d. Egluro sut i addasu eich dewis o olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod yn unol ag anghenion corfforol cleientiaid penodol

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 10

Understand how to use pre-blended aromatherapy oils

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain how to store and maintain pre-blended aromatherapy oils in a safe and hygienic manner and why this is important

b. Explain how to use pre-blended aromatherapy oils safely and effectively, including the effects of volatility

c. Summarise the types of pre-blended aromatherapy massage oils available and their purpose

d. Explain how to adapt your choice of pre-blended aromatherapy oils to meet specific clients’ physical needs

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

208 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 11

Deall egwyddorion technegau tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig sicrhau’r ymddaliad cywir wrth dylino a gwneud ymarferion ymestyn er mwyn atal anaf straen ailadroddus

b. Egluro’r defnydd cywir o dechnegau tylino er mwyn cyflawni gwahanol fathau o amcanion triniaeth

c. Egluro sut i addasu trefn, dyfnder a gwasgedd y tylino yn ôl nodweddion corfforol y cleient, rhannau’r corff a dymuniad y cleient

d. Egluro sut i addasu triniaethau tylino ar gyfer cleientiaid gwrywaidd a benywaidd

e. Egluro pa rannau o’r corff a pha nodweddion corfforol sydd angen gofal arbennig wrth dylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

f. Egluro manteision tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

g. Egluro sut a pham y byddai cynhaliad ac amddiffyniad yn cael eu defnyddio yn ystod y driniaeth

h. Egluro cyfyngiadau defnyddio olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu’n barod a pha bryd y dylid cyfeirio cleientiaid at aromatherapydd clinigol, a pham

i. Egluro pwysigrwydd gwerthuso effeithiolrwydd tylino gan ddefnyddio olewau wedi eu cymysgu’n barod

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 11

Understand the principles behind massage techniques using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain why it is important to maintain correct posture during massage and complete your own stretching exercises to prevent repetitive strain injury

b. Explain the correct use and application of massage techniques to meet a variety of treatment objectives

c. Explain how to adapt the massage sequence, depth and pressure to suit different client physical characteristics, areas of the body and preferences

d. Explain how to adapt massage treatments for male and female clients

e. Explain the areas of the body and body characteristics needing particular care when undertaking massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

f. Explain the advantages of massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

g. Explain how and why support and cushioning would be used during the treatment

h. Explain the limitations of using pre-blended aromatherapy oils and when to refer clients to a clinical aromatherapist and why

i. Explain the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

210 UB30B24CUB30B24C

Canlyniad dysgu 12

Deall sut i ddarparu cyngor ôl-ofal

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Gwerthuso’r ffactorau ffordd o fyw a’r newidiadau a all fod eu hangen er mwyn gwella effeithiolrwydd y driniaeth

b. Egluro unrhyw gyfyngiadau ôl-driniaeth ac anghenion triniaeth yn y dyfodol

c. Egluro pa gynhyrchion i’w defnyddio gartref fydd o fudd i’r cleient a pha rai y dylid eu hosgoi, a pham

d. Egluro sut y gall arferion bwyta ac ymarfer corff effeithio ar effeithiolrwydd y driniaeth

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 12

Understand how to provide aftercare advice

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Evaluate the lifestyle factors and changes that may be required to improve the effectiveness of the treatment

b. Explain post-treatment restrictions and future treatment needs

c. Explain products for home use that will benefit and protect the client and those to avoid and why

d. Explain how eating and exercise habits can affect the effectiveness of treatment

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.

Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external written paper.

212 UB30B24C

Notes Defnyddiwch y dudalen hon ar gyfer nodiadau a diagramau/

Use this area for notes and diagrams



Darparu triniaethau therapi cerrigUB30B28C

Mae’r uned hon yn ymwneud â’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen i ddarparu triniaethau therapi cerrig poeth ac oer. Mae’n ymwneud â thylino a gosod cerrig ar y pen, yr wyneb a’r corff. Mae’r gallu i addasu triniaethau therapi cerrig i weddu i anghenion cleientiaid unigol yn ofyniad hanfodol.

I gyflawni’r uned hon, bydd angen i chi gynnal iechyd, diogelwch a hylendid effeithiol drwy gydol eich gwaith. Bydd angen i chi hefyd gynnal eich ymddangosiad personol a chyfathrebu’n dda gyda’r cleient.



Provide stone therapy treatmentsUB30B28

This unit is about the skills involved in providing hot and cold stone therapy treatments. It covers both massage and the placing of stones on the head, face and body. The ability to adapt stone therapy treatments to suit individual client needs is a crucial requirement.

To carry out this unit you will need to maintain effective health, safety and hygiene throughout your work. You will also need to maintain your personal appearance and good communication with the client.





Gwerth credyd


Oriau Dysgu Dan Arweiniad




Papur(au) allanol







Credit value






External Paper(s)


218 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniadau dysgu

Pan fyddwch wedi cwblhau’r uned hon byddwch yn:

1. Gallu cynnal dulliau diogel ac effeithiol o weithio wrth roi triniaethau tylino cerrig

2. Gallu ymgynghori, cynllunio a pharatoi ar gyfer triniaethau â chleientiaid

3. Gallu perfformio triniaethau therapi cerrig

4. Deall gofynion sefydliadol a chyfreithiol

5. Deall sut i weithio’n ddiogel ac effeithiol wrth roi triniaethau tylino cerrig

6. Deall sut i ymgynghori â chleientiaid

7. Deall sut i baratoi ar gyfer triniaethau therapi cerrig

8. Deall anatomeg a ffisioleg sy’n gysylltiedig â thriniaethau therapi cerrig

9. Deall gwrthrybuddion a gwrthweithrediadau sy’n effeithio neu’n cyfyngu ar driniaethau therapi cerrig

10. Deall sut i ddefnyddio offer therapi cerrig

11. Deall yr egwyddorion wrth wraidd technegau therapi cerrig a sut i’w defnyddio

12. Deall sut i ddarparu cyngor ôl-ofal

Gofynion tystiolaeth

1. Ni chaniateir casglu unrhyw dystiolaeth o berfformiad drwy efelychu o fewn yr uned hon.

2. Mae’n rhaid i chi ddangos yn ymarferol yn eich gwaith o ddydd i ddydd eich bod wedi cyflawni’r safon ar gyfer darparu triniaethau therapi cerrig.

Darparu triniaethau therapi cerrig

3. Bydd eich aseswr yn arsylwi eich perfformiad ar o leiaf 4 achlysur gwahanol, a phob un ar gleientiaid gwahanol, a rhaid i hynny gynnwys 2 driniaeth therapi cerrig i’r corff cyfan, gan gynnwys yr wyneb.

4. O’r ystod, mae’n rhaid i chi ddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:• defnyddio’r holl fathau o offer • defnyddio’r holl dechnegau ymgynghori • delio gyda holl nodweddion corfforol y

cleient • delio gydag o leiaf 1 o’r camau

angenrheidiol*• cyflawni holl amcanion y driniaeth • defnyddio 3 allan o’r 4 math o gerrig*• defnyddio’r holl dechnegau therapi

cerrig • ymdrin â’r holl fannau sydd angen

triniaeth • rhoi’r holl fathau o gyngor

* Fodd bynnag, mae’n rhaid i chi brofi i’ch aseswr fod gennych y wybodaeth, dealltwriaeth a’r sgiliau angenrheidiol i allu perfformio’n gymwys mewn perthynas â’r holl eitemau yn yr ystodau hyn.

5. Mae’n debygol y bydd y rhan fwyaf o’r dystiolaeth o’ch perfformiad yn cael ei chasglu o’r arsylwadau a wneir gan eich aseswr, ond efallai y bydd angen i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth arall i gefnogi eich perfformiad os nad yw eich aseswr wedi bod yn bresennol.

6. Yn yr uned hon, bydd gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth yn cael eu hasesu drwy bapur allanol. Mae’r meini prawf sy’n rhan o’r papur hwn wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn drwy gydol yr uned hon. Mae’n rhaid llwyddo mewn dau bapur allanol.



Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit you will:

1. Be able to maintain safe and effective methods of working when providing stone therapy treatments

2. Be able to consult, plan and prepare for treatments with clients

3. Be able to perform stone therapy treatments

4. Understand organisational and legal requirements

5. Understand how to work safely and effectively when providing stone therapy treatments

6. Understand how to consult with clients

7. Understand how to prepare for stone therapy treatments

8. Understand anatomy and physiology related to stone therapy treatments

9. Understand contra-indications and contra-actions that affect or restrict stone therapy treatments

10. Understand how to use stone therapy equipment

11. Understand the principles behind stone therapy techniques and how to use them

12. Understand how to provide aftercare advice

Evidence requirements

1. Simulation is not allowed for any performance evidence within this unit.

2. You must practically demonstrate in your everyday work that you have met the standard for providing stone therapy treatments.

Provide stone therapy treatments

3. Your assessor will observe your performance on at least 4 separate occasions, each on 4 different clients, which must include 2 full-body stone therapy treatments, incorporating the face.

4. From the range, you must practically demonstrate that you have:• used all types of equipment • used all consultation techniques • dealt with all the client’s physical

characteristics• dealt with at least 1 of the necessary

actions*• met all treatment objectives • used 3 out of the 4 types of stones*• used all the stone therapy techniques• covered all treatment areas • given all types of advice

* However, you must prove to your assessor that you have the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to perform competently in respect of all the items in these ranges.

5. It is likely most evidence of your performance will be gathered from the observations made by your assessor, but you may be required to produce other evidence to support your performance if your assessor has not been present.

6. Knowledge and understanding in this unit will be assessed by an external paper. The criteria that make up this paper are highlighted in white throughout this unit. There are two external papers that must be achieved.


220 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Cyflawni arsylwadau ac ystod

Cyflawni canlyniadau arsylwi

Bydd eich aseswr yn arsylwi arnoch yn gwneud tasgau ymarferol. Nodir isafswm yr arsylwadau sydd eu hangen yn adran gofynion tystiolaeth yr uned hon.

Efallai na fydd meini prawf bob amser yn digwydd yn naturiol yn ystod arsylwad ymarferol. Os felly, bydd eich aseswr yn holi cwestiynau i chi er mwyn dangos eich bod yn gymwys yn y maes hwn. Bydd eich aseswr yn cofnodi pa feini prawf sydd wedi eu cyflawni drwy ofyn cwestiynau ar lafar.

Bydd eich aseswr yn cadarnhau bod canlyniad wedi’i gyflawni pan fydd yr holl feini prawf wedi cael eu cyflawni’n gymwys yn ystod gwasanaeth un cleient.

Cyflawni’r ystod

Mae’r adran ystod yn nodi beth sy’n rhaid ymdrin ag ef. Mae’n rhaid arddangos ystodau yn ymarferol fel rhan o arsylwad. Bydd eich aseswr yn dogfennu’r cyfeirnod portffolio pan fydd ystod wedi’i chyflawni’n gymwys.

Amserau gwasanaeth mwyaf

Mae’r amserau gwasanaeth mwyaf canlynol yn berthnasol i’r uned hon:

Triniaeth therapi cerrig i’r corff cyfan (gan gynnwys yr wyneb) 75 munud


Achieving observations and range

Achieving observation outcomes

Your assessor will observe your performance of practical tasks. The minimum number of observations required is indicated in the evidence requirements section of this unit.

Criteria may not always naturally occur during a practical observation. In such instances you will be asked questions to demonstrate your competence in this area. Your assessor will document the criteria that have been achieved through oral questioning.

Your assessor will sign off an outcome when all criteria have been competently achieved in a single client service.

Achieving range

The range section indicates what must be covered. Ranges must be practically demonstrated as part of an observation. Your assessor will document the portfolio reference once a range has been competently achieved.

Maximum service times

The following maximum service times apply to this unit:

Full body stone therapy treatment (including the face) 75 minutes

222 UB30B28CUB30B28C


Canlyniad dysgu 1

Gallu cynnal dulliau diogel ac effeithiol o weithio wrth roi triniaethau tylino cerrig

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Gosod a monitro’r ardal driniaeth i gyflawni gofynion cyfreithiol, hylendid a’r gwasanaeth

b. Cynnal hylendid personol, dulliau gwarchod ac ymddangosiad sy’n cyflawni gofynion derbyniol y diwydiant a’r sefydliad

c. Tynnu a thrin cerrig mewn modd sy’n osgoi anaf i chi ac i’r cleient

d. Glanhau’r holl offer a chyfarpar gan ddefnyddio’r dulliau cywir

e. Diheintio cerrig ar ôl pob triniaeth

f. Cynhesu, oeri a storio cerrig yn unol â chyfarwyddiadau’r gwneuthurwyr ac mewn modd sy’n eu nerthu’n effeithiol

g. Gosod cyfarpar a chynhyrchion y driniaeth mewn modd sy’n rhwydd ac yn ddiogel i’w defnyddio

h. Defnyddio deunyddiau addas i warchod croen y cleient yn erbyn tymereddau eithafol pan gaiff cerrig eu newid

i. Defnyddio arferion hylendid a diogelwch derbyniol y diwydiant drwy gydol y driniaeth

j. Mabwysiadu dull cadarnhaol, cwrtais a chysurlon gyda’r cleient gydol y driniaeth

k. Cynnal gwedduster, preifatrwydd a chysur y cleient bob amser

l. Defnyddio cynhyrchion y driniaeth i leihau gwastraff

m. Cael gwared â deunyddiau gwastraff yn ddiogel ac yn gywir

n. Cynnal y driniaeth o fewn amser sy’n fasnachol ymarferol

o. Sicrhau bod cofnodion y cleient wedi’u diweddaru, eu bod yn gywir, yn rhwydd i’w darllen ac wedi’u llofnodi gan y cleient a’r ymarferydd

p. Gadael yr ardal driniaeth a’r cyfarpar mewn cyflwr priodol ar gyfer sesiynau yn y dyfodol

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3 4

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr



Learning outcome 1

Be able to maintain safe and effective methods of working when providing stone therapy treatments

You can:

a. Set up and maintain the treatment area to meet legal, hygiene and service requirements

b. Maintain personal hygiene, protection and appearance that meets accepted industry and organisational requirements

c. Remove and handle stones in a way which avoids injury to yourself and the client

d. Clean all tools and equipment using the correct methods

e. Disinfect stones after each treatment

f. Heat, cool and store stones according to manufacturers’ instructions and in a way which effectively energises them

g. Position equipment and treatment products for safety and ease of use

h. Use suitable materials to protect the client’s skin against extremes of temperature during stone replacement

i. Use accepted industry hygiene and safety practices throughout the treatment

j. Adopt a positive, polite and reassuring manner towards the client throughout the treatment

k. Maintain the client’s modesty, privacy and comfort at all times

l. Use treatment products to minimise waste

m. Dispose of waste materials safely and correctly

n. Carry out the treatment within a commercially viable time

o. Keep records up to date, accurate, easy to read and signed by the client and practitioner

p. Leave the treatment area and equipment in a suitable condition for future sessions

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2 3 4

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

224 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 2

Gallu ymgynghori, cynllunio a pharatoi ar gyfer triniaethau â chleientiaid

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Defnyddio technegau ymgynghori er mwyn pennu anghenion triniaeth y cleient

b. Cael cydsyniad gwybodus, ysgrifenedig wedi’i arwyddo gan y cleient neu riant/gwarcheidwad ar gyfer plant dan oed cyn unrhyw driniaeth*

c. Egluro wrth y cleient yr hyn mae’r driniaeth yn ei olygu mewn modd y gall ei ddeall

d. Ymgynghori gyda’r cleient er mwyn nodi hanes meddygol eich cleient, ei nodweddion corfforol a phatrwm ei ffordd o fyw, yn ôl eu hatebion

e. Ymgynghori gyda’r cleient er mwyn nodi a oes ganddynt unrhyw wrthrybuddion i driniaethau therapi cerrig, cofnodi eu hatebion a chymryd unrhyw gamau angenrheidiol

f. Annog cleientiaid i ofyn cwestiynau ac egluro unrhyw bwyntiau

g. Gosod eich hun a’r cleient i leihau’r risg o flinder ac anaf

h. Cynnal prawf clwt i bennu adwaith croen y cleient i dymheredd poeth ac oer

i. Rhoi cyngor i’r cleient heb gyfeirio at gyflwr meddygol penodol a heb achosi unrhyw fraw a phryder diangen*

j. Egluro’r gost a ragwelir, hyd tebygol y driniaeth, pa mor aml fydd ei hangen a’r mathau o driniaethau sydd eu hangen, a chytuno ar hynny

k. Cytuno’n ysgrifenedig ar anghenion a disgwyliadau’r cleient ac amcanion y driniaeth, gan sicrhau eu bod yn realistig a bodd modd eu cyflawni

l. Glanhau a pharatoi croen y cleient i weddu i’r mannau sydd i’w trin

m. Gwarchod dillad, gwallt ac ategolion y cleient

n. Dewis y mathau o gerrig sy’n addas i gyflawni amcanion y driniaeth

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3 4

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 2

Be able to consult, plan and prepare for treatments with clients

You can:

a. Use consultation techniques to determine the client’s treatment needs

b. Obtain signed, written and informed consent from the client or parent/guardian if the client is a minor prior to any service*

c. Explain to the client what the treatment entails in a way they can understand

d. Consult with the client to identify their medical history, physical characteristics and lifestyle pattern, recording their responses

e. Consult with the client to identify if they have any contra-indications to stone therapy treatments, recording their responses and taking any necessary action

f. Actively encourage clients to ask questions and clarify points

g. Position yourself and the client to minimise the risk of fatigue and injury

h. Carry out a test patch to determine the client’s skin response to hot and cold temperature

i. Provide client advice without reference to a specific medical condition and without causing undue alarm and concern*

j. Explain and agree the projected cost, likely duration, frequency and types of treatment needed

k. Agree in writing the client’s needs, expectations and treatment objectives, ensuring they are realistic and achievable

l. Clean and prepare the client’s skin to suit the areas to be treated

m. Protect the client’s clothing, hair and accessories

n. Select types of stone suitable to meet the treatment objectives

*May ei asesu drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Observation 1 2 3 4

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

226 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 3

Gallu perfformio triniaethau therapi cerrig

Rydych chi’n gallu:

a. Egluro i’r cleient y teimlad a grëir gan y cerrig

b. Egluro trefn y driniaeth i’r cleient mewn modd eglur a syml ym mhob rhan o’r broses

c. Darparu cynhaliad ac amddiffyniad priodol i rannau penodol o’r corff yn ystod y driniaeth os oes angen

d. Defnyddio deunydd addas i warchod croen y cleient yn erbyn tymereddau eithafol wrth osod cerrig ar flaen a chefn y corff

e. Gosod mathau addas o gerrig ar y pwyntiau chakra, pan fo angen hynny, i gyflawni amcanion y driniaeth y cytunwyd arnynt

f. Gosod mathau addas o gerrig dan y corff, pan fo angen hynny, gan sicrhau bod y cleient yn gysurus

g. Iro’r croen i alluogi’r cerrig i symud yn llyfn ac esmwyth dros y croen er mwyn osgoi’r risg o orboethi

h. Defnyddio technegau therapi cerrig mewn ffordd sy’n osgoi braw i’r cleient, sy’n addas i’w nodweddion corfforol, man(nau) y driniaeth ac amcanion y driniaeth

i. Addasu technegau a threfn y driniaeth i weddu i nodweddion corfforol y cleient a gofynion y man(nau) sydd i’w trin

j. Amrywio dyfnder, rhythm a gwasgedd technegau’r driniaeth i gyflawni amcanion y driniaeth, gofynion y man(nau) sydd i’w trin a nodweddion corfforol y cleient a’r hyn sydd orau ganddo

k. Cadw llygad ar les y cleient drwy gydol y driniaeth therapi cerrig

l. Trin cerrig i osgoi gormod o sŵn ac aflonyddwch i’r cleient drwy gydol y driniaeth

m. Cynorthwyo i ail-leoli’r cleient yn ofalus er mwyn amharu cyn lleied â phosibl ar y driniaeth

n. Cymryd camau cywiro priodol a buan pe bai gwrthweithrediadau neu anghysur yn digwydd yn ystod y driniaeth*

o. Rhoi digon o amser i’r cleient ddod at ei hun ar ôl y driniaeth

p. Gwirio bod canlyniad gorffenedig yn plesio’r cleient a’i fod yn unol â’r amcanion triniaeth y cytunwyd arnynt

q. Rhoi cyngor ôl-ofal i’r cleient

*Gellid ei asesu drwy holi cwestiynau ar lafar.

Arsylwad 1 2 3 4

Dyddiad cyflawni

Meini prawf wedi’u holi ar lafar

Cyfeirnod portffolio

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

Llofnod y dysgwr


Learning outcome 3

Be able to perform stone therapy treatments

You can:

a. Explain to the client the sensation created by the stones

b. Explain the treatment procedure to the client in a clear and simple way at each stage in the process

c. Provide suitable support and cushioning to specific areas of the body during the treatment if necessary

d. Use suitable material to protect the client’s skin against extremes of temperature during front and back placement

e. Place suitable types of stone on the chakra points, when required, to meet the agreed treatment objectives

f. Place suitable types of stone under the body, when required, ensuring client comfort

g. Lubricate the skin to allow the smooth, continuous movement of the stones over the skin to avoid risk of overheating

h. Use stone therapy techniques in a way which avoids alarm to the client, is suitable for their physical characteristics, the treatment area(s) and treatment objectives

i. Adapt the treatment techniques and sequence to meet the client’s physical characteristics and the requirements of the treatment area(s)

j. Vary the depth, rhythm and pressure of treatment techniques to meet treatment objectives, the requirements of the treatment area(s) and the client’s physical characteristics and preferences

k. Check the client’s wellbeing throughout the stone therapy treatment

l. Handle stones to avoid excessive noise and disturbance to the client throughout the treatment

m. Assist to reposition the client in a controlled manner to minimise disturbance of the treatment process

n. Take prompt remedial action if contra-actions or discomfort occur during the course of treatment*

o. Allow the client sufficient post-treatment recovery time

p. Check that the finished result is to the client’s satisfaction and meets the agreed treatment objectives

q. Give the client aftercare advice

*May be assessed through oral questioning.

Observation 1 2 3 4

Date achieved

Criteria questioned orally

Portfolio reference

Assessor initials

Learner signature

228 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Arsylwadau ystod

Mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:

Defnyddio’r holl fathau o offer Cyfeirnod portffolio

Gwresogydd cerrig proffesiynol



Systemau oeri

Defnyddio’r holl dechnegau ymgynghori Cyfeirnod portffolio




Cyfeirio at gofnodion y cleient

Delio gyda holl nodweddion corfforol y cleient Cyfeirnod portffolio




Ffyrfder cyhyrau



Cyflwr y croen

Delio gydag o leiaf 1 o’r camau angenrheidiol Cyfeirnod portffolio

Annog y cleient i holi am gyngor meddygol

Egluro pam na ellir cynnal y driniaeth

Addasu’r driniaeth


Observation range

You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Used all types of equipment Portfolio reference

Professional stone heater



Cooling systems

Used all consultation techniques Portfolio reference




Reference to client records

Dealt with all the client’s physical characteristics Portfolio reference




Muscle tone



Skin condition

Dealt with at least 1 of the necessary actions Portfolio reference

Encouraging the client to seek medical advice

Explaining why the treatment cannot be carried out

Modification of treatment

230 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:

Cyflawni holl amcanion y driniaeth Cyfeirnod portffolio



Codi hwyliau

Ymdeimlad o les

Llacio man arbennig

Rhyddhad rhag tensiwn cyhyrol

Defnyddio 3 allan o’r 4 math o gerrig Cyfeirnod portffolio




Cerrig lled-werthfawr

Defnyddio’r holl dechnegau therapi cerrig Cyfeirnod portffolio

Cylchdroi cerrig

Defnyddio cerrig poeth ac oer bob yn ail

Defnyddio cerrig poeth yn unig

Defnyddio cerrig oer yn unig

Cyfuniad o fathau a meintiau o gerrig

Rheoli tymheredd


You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Met all treatment objectives Portfolio reference




Sense of well-being

Local decongestion

Relief from muscular tension

Used 3 out of the 4 types of stones Portfolio reference




Semi-precious stones

Used all the stone therapy techniques Portfolio reference

Rotation of stones

Alternation of hot and cold stones

Use of hot stones only

Use of cold stones only

Combination of stone types and sizes

Temperature management

232 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Mae’n rhaid i chi arddangos yn ymarferol eich bod wedi:

Defnyddio’r holl dechnegau therapi cerrig Cyfeirnod portffolio







Pwynt ysgogi

Ymdrin â’r holl fannau sydd angen triniaeth Cyfeirnod portffolio

Yr wyneb

Y pen

Y gwddf, y frest a’r ysgwyddau

Y breichiau a’r dwylo

Yr abdomen

Y cefn

Y coesau a’r traed

Rhoi’r holl fathau o gyngor Cyfeirnod portffolio

Osgoi gweithgareddau all achosi gwrthweithrediadau

Anghenion triniaeth yn y dyfodol

Addasu patrymau ffordd o fyw

Cynhyrchion gofal cartref addas a sut i’w defnyddio


You must practically demonstrate that you have:

Used all the stone therapy treatment techniques Portfolio reference







Trigger point

Covered all treatment areas Portfolio reference



Neck, chest and shoulders

Arms and hands



Legs and feet

Given all types of advice Portfolio reference

Avoidance of activities which may cause contra-actions

Future treatment needs

Modifications to lifestyle patterns

Suitable home care products and their use

234 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Cyflawni canlyniadau gwybodaeth

Bydd eich tiwtor a’ch aseswr yn rhoi arweiniad i chi ar y dystiolaeth sydd angen ei chyflwyno. Bydd eich gwybodaeth a’ch dealltwriaeth yn cael eu hasesu gan ddefnyddio’r dulliau asesu a restrir isod:

• Gwaith wedi’i arsylwi

• Datganiadau tystion

• Cyfryngau clyweled

• Tystiolaeth o ddysgu neu gyrhaeddiad blaenorol

• Cwestiynau ysgrifenedig

• Cwestiynau llafar

• Aseiniadau

• Astudiaethau achos

Lle bo hynny’n bosibl, bydd eich aseswr yn cynnwys y canlyniadau gwybodaeth mewn arsylwadau ymarferol drwy ofyn cwestiynau ar lafar.

Datblygu gwybodaeth


Achieving knowledge outcomes

You will be guided by your tutor and assessor on the evidence that needs to be produced. Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed using the assessment methods listed below:

• Observed work

• Witness statements

• Audio-visual media

• Evidence of prior learning or attainment

• Written questions

• Oral questions

• Assignments

• Case studies

Where applicable your assessor will integrate knowledge outcomes into practical observations through professional discussion and/or oral questioning.

Developing knowledge

236 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Llwyddo yn y papur allanol

Bydd y papur allanol yn profi eich gwybodaeth o’r meini prawf sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn. Mae’n rhaid cael marc o 70% i lwyddo. Bydd eich tiwtor/aseswr yn cael gwybod am y meini prawf a fethwyd. Wedyn, byddwch chi’n cael eich cwestiynu ar lafar neu bydd gofyn i chi gyflwyno mathau eraill o dystiolaeth gan fod rhaid cyflawni holl feini prawf yr uned.

Bydd eich aseswr yn llenwi’r tabl isod pan fyddwch wedi cyflawni’r marc llwyddo o 70%.

Papur Dyddiad llwyddo Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr

1 o 2

2 o 2

Papur allanol


Achieving the external paper

The external paper will test your knowledge of the criteria highlighted in white. A pass mark of 70% must be achieved. Criteria not achieved will be identified to your tutor/assessor. You will then be orally questioned or asked to produce other forms of evidence as all unit criteria must be achieved.

Your assessor will complete the table below when the 70% pass mark has been achieved.

Paper Date achieved Assessor initials

1 of 2

2 of 2

External paper

238 UB30B28CUB30B28C


Canlyniad dysgu 4

Deall gofynion sefydliadol a chyfreithiol

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau dan ddeddfwriaeth, safonau a chanllawiau iechyd a diogelwch perthnasol

b. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau dan reoliadau trwyddedu’r awdurdod lleol ar eich cyfer chi eich hun a’ch adeilad

c. Egluro pwysigrwydd gwirio canllawiau yswiriant cyfredol ar gyfer cynnal triniaeth therapi cerrig

d. Egluro pwysigrwydd peidio â gwahaniaethu rhwng cleientiaid ag afiechydon neu anableddau, a pham

e. Egluro’r oed y dosberthir unigolyn yn blentyn dan oed a sut mae hyn yn gwahaniaethu’n genedlaethol

f. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig, wrth drin plant dan 16 oed, i gael rhiant neu warcheidwad yn bresennol

g. Egluro pam na ddylai plant dan oed dderbyn gwasanaethau heb gydsyniad gwybodus wedi’i lofnodi gan riant neu warcheidwad

h. Egluro arwyddocâd cyfreithiol cael cydsyniad gwybodus i’r driniaeth wedi’i arwyddo gan y cleient

i. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau a’ch rhesymau am gynnal eich hylendid personol, eich dulliau gwarchod a’ch ymddangosiad eich hun yn unol â gofynion derbyniol y diwydiant a’r sefydliad

j. Egluro gofynion y gwneuthurwyr a’r sefydliad ar gyfer cael gwared â gwastraff

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.



Learning outcome 4

Understand organisational and legal requirements

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain own responsibilities under relevant health and safety legislation, standards and guidance

b. Explain own responsibilities under local authority licensing regulations for yourself and your premises

c. Explain the importance of checking current insurance guidelines for the delivery of stone therapy treatment

d. Explain the importance of and reasons for not discriminating against clients with illnesses and disabilities

e. Explain the age at which an individual is classed as a minor and how this differs nationally

f. Explain why it is important, when treating minors under 16 years of age, to have a parent present

g. Explain why minors should not be given treatments without informed and signed parental or guardian consent

h. Explain the legal significance of gaining signed, informed consent to treatment

i. Explain own responsibilities and reasons for maintaining your own personal hygiene, protection and appearance according to accepted industry and organisational requirements

j. Explain the manufacturers’ and organisational requirements for waste disposal

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

240 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 4 (parhad)

Deall gofynion sefydliadol a chyfreithiol

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

k. Egluro pwysigrwydd storio cofnodion cleientiaid yn gywir mewn perthynas â’r Ddeddf Diogelu Data

l. Egluro sut i lenwi cofnodion cleientiaid a’r rhesymau am gadw cofnodion o driniaethau a chael llofnodion cleientiaid

m. Egluro gofynion y sefydliad ar gyfer paratoi’r cleient

n. Egluro amserau gwasanaeth eich sefydliad ar gyfer triniaethau therapi cerrig a phwysigrwydd cwblhau’r gwasanaeth o fewn amser sy’n fasnachol ymarferol

o. Egluro eich cyfrifoldebau a’ch rhesymau am gadw eich ewinedd yn fyr, yn lân, wedi’u trin yn dda a heb farnais ar gyfer triniaethau tylino

p. Egluro gofynion eich sefydliad a gofynion gwneuthurwyr ar gyfer yr ardal driniaeth, cynnal cyfarpar a glanhau cyfarpar

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 4 (continued)

Understand organisational and legal requirements

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

k. Explain the importance of the correct storage of client records in relation to the Data Protection Act

l. Explain how to complete client records and the reasons for keeping records of treatments and obtaining client signatures

m. Explain the organisation’s requirements for client preparation

n. Explain the organisation’s service times for stone therapy treatments and the importance of completing the service in a commercially viable time

o. Explain own responsibilities and reasons for keeping your nails short, clean, well manicured and free of polish for massage treatments

p. Explain the organisation’s and manufacturers’ requirements for treatment area, equipment maintenance and equipment cleaning regimes

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

242 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 5

Deall sut i weithio’n ddiogel ac effeithiol wrth roi triniaethau tylino cerrig

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut i baratoi’r ardal waith ar gyfer triniaethau therapi cerrig

b. Egluro’r amgylchiadau amgylcheddol angenrheidiol ar gyfer triniaethau therapi cerrig (gan gynnwys goleuo, gwresogi, awyru, sain a chyfforddusrwydd cyffredinol) a pham fod y rhain yn bwysig

c. Egluro pwysigrwydd diheintio’r dwylo a’r rhesymau am hyn, a sut i wneud hyn yn effeithiol

d. Egluro beth yw dermatitis cyffwrdd a sut i osgoi ei ddatblygu wrth gynnal triniaethau therapi cerrig

e. Egluro pwysigrwydd diheintio cerrig ar ôl pob triniaeth a sut i wneud hyn yn effeithiol

f. Egluro sut i osod eich hun a’r cleient ar gyfer triniaethau therapi cerrig gan ystyried nodweddion corfforol unigol

g. Egluro beth yw anaf straen ailadroddus (RSI), sut mae’n cael ei achosi a sut i’w osgoi wrth gynnal triniaethau therapi cerrig

h. Gwerthuso’r manteision i’r therapydd o ddefnyddio therapi cerrig fel modd o osgoi anaf straen ailadroddus (RSI)

i. Egluro pwysigrwydd defnyddio cerrig o’r maint cywir sy’n gweddu i ddwylo’r therapydd a nodweddion corfforol y cleient

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 5

Understand how to work safely and effectively when providing stone therapy treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain how to set up the work area for stone therapy treatments

b. Explain the necessary environmental conditions for stone therapy treatments (including lighting, heating, ventilation, sound and general comfort) and why these are important

c. Explain the importance and reasons for disinfecting your hands and how to do this effectively

d. Explain what contact dermatitis is and how to avoid developing it when carrying out stone therapy treatments

e. Explain the importance of disinfecting stones after each treatment and how to do this effectively

f. Explain how to position yourself and the client for stone therapy treatments taking into account individual physical characteristics

g. Explain repetitive strain injury (RSI), how it is caused and how to avoid it when carrying out stone therapy treatments

h. Evaluate the advantages to the therapist of using stone therapy as a means of avoiding RSI

i. Explain the importance of using the correct-sized stones for the therapist’s own hands and the client’s physical characteristics

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

244 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 5 (parhad)

Deall sut i weithio’n ddiogel ac effeithiol wrth roi triniaethau tylino cerrig

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

j. Egluro pwysigrwydd cynnal yr ymddaliad cywir drwy gydol y driniaeth a’r effaith y gall hyn ei gael arnoch chi eich hun a chanlyniad y driniaeth

k. Egluro’r rhesymau dros gynnal gwedduster, preifatrwydd a chysur y cleient yn ystod y driniaeth

l. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig cynnal safonau hylendid ac egwyddorion osgoi traws-heintiad

m. Egluro sut i leihau’r gwastraff sy’n deillio o driniaethau a chael gwared arno

n. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig cadw llygad ar les y cleient yn rheolaidd drwy gydol triniaethau therapi cerrig

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 5 (continued)

Understand how to work safely and effectively when providing stone therapy treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

j. Explain the importance of adopting the correct posture throughout the treatment and the impact this may have on yourself and the outcome of the service

k. Explain the reasons for maintaining client modesty, privacy and comfort during the treatment

l. Explain why it is important to maintain standards of hygiene and the principles of avoiding cross-infection

m. Explain how to minimise and dispose of waste treatments

n. Explain why it is important to check the client’s well-being at regular intervals during stone therapy treatments

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

246 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 6

Deall sut i ymgynghori â chleientiaid

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro sut i ddefnyddio technegau ymgynghori effeithiol ar gyfer y driniaeth hon wrth gyfathrebu â chleientiaid o wahanol oed, anableddau, rhyw ac o wahanol gefndiroedd diwylliannol a chrefyddol

b. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig annog cleientiaid i ofyn cwestiynau a rhoi amser iddyn nhw wneud hynny

c. Egluro pwysigrwydd holi cleientiaid er mwyn sefydlu a oes unrhyw wrthrybuddion i driniaethau tylino’r pen a therapi cerrig

d. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig cofnodi atebion y cleient i’r cwestiynau

e. Egluro arwyddocâd cyfreithiol holi’r cleient a chofnodi atebion y cleient i’r cwestiynau

f. Egluro sut i roi cyngor ac argymhellion effeithiol i gleientiaid

g. Egluro sut i asesu nodweddion corfforol y cleient yn weledol

h. Egluro sut i gynnal a dehongli profion thermol

i. Egluro sut i asesu cyflyrau ymddaliad ac esgyrn allai fod yn bresennol a sut i addasu a newid trefn y driniaeth therapi cerrig

j. Crynhoi sut i adnabod gwahanol fathau a chyflyrau croen

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 6

Understand how to consult with clients

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain how to use effective consultation techniques for this treatment when communicating with clients of different ages, disabilities, genders and from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds

b. Explain why it is important to encourage and allow time for clients to ask questions

c. Explain the importance of questioning clients to establish any contra-indications to head and stone therapy treatments

d. Explain why it is important to record client responses to questioning

e. Explain the legal significance of client questioning and the recording of client responses

f. Explain how to give effective advice and recommendations to clients

g. Explain how to visually assess the client’s physical characteristics

h. Explain how to carry out and interpret thermal tests

i. Explain how to assess posture and skeletal conditions that may be present and how to adapt and change the stone therapy treatment routine

j. Summarise how to recognise different skin types and conditions

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

248 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 6 (parhad)

Deall sut i ymgynghori â chleientiaid

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

k. Egluro’r rhesymau pam ei bod yn bwysig annog cleientiaid â gwrthrybuddion i ofyn am gyngor meddygol

l. Egluro pwysigrwydd peidio ag enwi gwrthrybuddion penodol wrth annog cleientiaid i ofyn am gyngor meddygol, a’r rhesymau am hynny

m. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig cynnal gwedduster a phreifatrwydd cleientiaid

n. Gwerthuso’r berthynas rhwng patrymau ffordd o fyw ac effeithiolrwydd y driniaeth

o. Gwerthuso’r effeithiau llesol all ddeillio o newidiadau ym mhatrwm ffordd o fyw’r cleient

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 6 (continued)

Understand how to consult with clients

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

k. Explain the reasons why it is important to encourage clients with contra-indications to seek medical advice

l. Explain the importance of and reasons for not naming specific contra-indications when encouraging clients to seek medical advice

m. Explain why it is important to maintain the client’s modesty and privacy

n. Evaluate the relationship between lifestyle patterns and effectiveness of treatment

o. Evaluate the beneficial effects which can result from changes to the client’s lifestyle pattern

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

250 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 7

Deall sut i baratoi ar gyfer triniaethau therapi cerrig

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro pwysigrwydd rhoi cyfarwyddiadau eglur i gleientiaid ynghylch tynnu dillad ac ategolion perthnasol, a pharatoi ar gyfer y driniaeth yn gyffredinol

b. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig tawelu meddwl cleientiaid yn ystod y broses o baratoi ar gyfer y driniaeth

c. Egluro sut i ddewis yr olew priodol ar gyfer triniaeth therapi cerrig

d. Egluro sut i lanhau gwahanol rannau o’r corff wrth baratoi ar gyfer y driniaeth

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 7

Understand how to prepare for stone therapy treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the importance of giving clients clear instructions on the removal of relevant clothing, accessories and general preparation for the treatment

b. Explain why it is important to reassure clients during the preparation for the treatment

c. Explain how to select the appropriate oil suitable for stone therapy treatment

d. Explain how to cleanse different areas of the body in preparation for treatment

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

252 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 8

Deall anatomeg a ffisioleg sy’n gysylltiedig â thriniaethau therapi cerrig

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth celloedd a meinweoedd

b. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth cyhyrau, gan gynnwys y mathau o gyhyrau (h.y. rheoledig ac anrheoledig)

c. Egluro safleoedd a gweithrediadau’r prif grwpiau cyhyrau yn y mannau sydd i’w trin

d. Egluro safle a swyddogaeth prif esgyrn a chymalau’r sgerbwd

e. Egluro safle a swyddogaeth y sinysau

f. Egluro sut i adnabod namau a chyflyrau o ran ymddaliad ac osgo

g. Egluro strwythur, swyddogaeth a lleoliad pibellau gwaed ac egwyddorion cylchrediad y gwaed, pwysedd gwaed a churiad

h. Egluro’r rhyngweithio rhwng lymff a gwaed yn y system cylchrediad gwaed

i. Egluro strwythur a swyddogaeth y system lymffatig

j. Egluro egwyddorion sylfaenol y brif system nerfol a’r gyfundrefn awtonomig

k. Egluro egwyddorion sylfaenol y systemau endocrinaidd, resbiradol, treulio ac ysgarthol

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 8

Understand anatomy and physiology related to stone therapy treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the structure and function of cells and tissues

b. Explain the structure and function of muscles, including the types of muscle (i.e. voluntary and involuntary)

c. Explain the positions and actions of the main muscle groups within the treatment areas

d. Explain the position and function of the primary bones and joints of the skeleton

e. Explain the position and function of the sinuses

f. Explain how to recognise postural faults and conditions

g. Explain the structure, function and location of blood vessels and the principles of circulation, blood pressure and pulse

h. Explain the interaction of lymph and blood within the circulatory system

i. Explain the structure and function of the lymphatic system

j. Explain the basic principles of the central nervous system and autonomic system

k. Explain the basic principles of the endocrine, respiratory, digestive and excretory systems

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

254 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 8 (parhad)

Deall anatomeg a ffisioleg sy’n gysylltiedig â thriniaethau therapi cerrig

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

l. Deall strwythur a swyddogaeth croen

m. Egluro nodweddion croen a’r mathau o groen sydd gan wahanol grwpiau cleient ethnig

n. Egluro strwythur a lleoliad y meinwe bloneg

o. Crynhoi effeithiau therapi cerrig poeth ac oer ar systemau unigol y corff

p. Gwerthuso effeithiau seicolegol triniaeth therapi cerrig poeth ac oer

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 8 (continued)

Understand anatomy and physiology related to stone therapy treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

l. Explain the structure and function of skin

m. Explain the skin characteristics and skin types of different ethnic client groups

n. Explain the structure and location of adipose tissue

o. Summarise the effects of hot and cold stone therapy on the individual systems of the body

p. Evaluate the psychological effects of hot and cold stone therapy treatment

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

256 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 9

Deall gwrthrybuddion a gwrthweithrediadau sy’n effeithio neu’n cyfyngu ar driniaethau therapi cerrig

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro’r gwrthrybuddion sy’n atal triniaeth a pham

b. Egluro’r gwrthrybuddion all gyfyngu ar y driniaeth neu lle dylid cymryd gofal mewn mannau penodol a pham

c. Egluro’r gwrthweithrediadau posibl all ddigwydd yn ystod y driniaeth ac wedi hynny, sut i ddelio â nhw, a phwysigrwydd delio â nhw

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 9

Understand contra-indications and contra-actions that affect or restrict stone therapy treatments

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the contra-indications that prevent treatment and why

b. Explain the contra-indications which may restrict treatment or where caution should be taken in specific areas and why

c. Explain possible contra-actions which may occur during and post-treatment, how to deal with them, and the importance of dealing with them

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

258 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 10

Deall sut i ddefnyddio offer therapi cerrig

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro’r mathau o gyfarpar cynhesu cerrig pwrpasol a diogel a sut i’w defnyddio a’u lleoli’n gywir

b. Egluro goblygiadau defnyddio cyfarpar cynhesu cerrig nad yw o safon broffesiynol ar yswiriant

c. Egluro dulliau oeri cerrig

d. Egluro’r mathau o gerrig, eu priodweddau a’u defnydd

e. Egluro sut i ddethol cerrig o’r maint a’r siâp cywir i nodweddion corfforol y cleient a’r man sy’n cael ei drin

f. Egluro sut i sychu a storio gwahanol fathau o gerrig mewn ffordd a fydd yn eu nerthu’n effeithiol

g. Egluro’r mathau o ddeunydd addas a ddefnyddir i warchod croen y cleient rhag tymereddau eithafol yn ystod triniaeth therapi cerrig

h. Egluro’r tymereddau gweithredu a argymhellir ar gyfer cerrig poeth ac oer

i. Egluro’r mathau o olew sy’n addas ar gyfer triniaeth therapi cerrig a’u pwrpas

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 10

Understand how to use stone therapy equipment

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the types of safe, purpose-built stone heating equipment and how to use and position them safely

b. Explain the insurance implications of using non-professional stone heating equipment

c. Explain methods of cooling stones

d. Explain the types of stone, their properties and uses

e. Explain how to select the correct size and shape of stone for the client’s physical characteristics and the area being treated

f. Explain how to dry and store different types of stone in a way that will effectively energise them

g. Explain the types of suitable material used to protect the client’s skin against extremes of temperature during stone therapy treatment

h. Explain the recommended operating temperatures for hot and cold stones

i. Explain the types of oil suitable for stone therapy treatment and their purpose

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

260 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 11

Deall yr egwyddorion wrth wraidd technegau therapi cerrig a sut i’w defnyddio

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Egluro cefndir hanesyddol a diwylliannol therapi cerrig

b. Egluro pum elfen therapi cerrig

c. Egluro egwyddorion a nodweddion sylfaenol y saith prif chakra a’u harwyddocâd i ymarfer triniaeth therapi cerrig

d. Egluro sut i osod cerrig ar y saith prif chakra i sicrhau bod y cleient yn gysurus ac i gael y budd mwyaf o’r driniaeth

e. Egluro sut i osod cerrig dan y corff i gael y budd mwyaf o’r driniaeth ac i sicrhau bod y cleient yn gyfforddus

f. Egluro sut i osod cerrig ar gorff y cleient yn ystod y driniaeth a phwysigrwydd gwneud hyn mewn modd gofalus, diogel ac ystyriol

g. Egluro pwysigrwydd rheoli tymheredd ac amser y cerrig yn ystod y driniaeth a sut i wneud hyn

h. Egluro sut i drin y cerrig yn ddiogel i osgoi gormod a sŵn ac aflonyddwch yn ystod y driniaeth

i. Egluro sut i adnabod cochni (erythema) a hyperaemia a’r hyn sy’n eu hachosi

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 11

Understand the principles behind stone therapy techniques and how to use them

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Explain the historical and cultural background to stone therapy

b. Explain the five elements of stone therapy

c. Explain the basic principles and characteristics of the seven major chakras and their significance for the practice of stone therapy treatment

d. Explain how to place stones on the seven major chakras to maximise client comfort and the benefits and purposes

e. Explain how to place stones underneath the body to maximise their benefits, purposes and client comfort

f. Explain how to place stones on the client’s body during treatment and the importance of doing this in a careful, safe and considerate way

g. Explain the importance of temperature and time management of the stones during treatment and how to carry this out

h. Explain how to handle the stones safely to avoid excessive noise and disturbance during the treatment

i. Explain how to recognise erythema and hyperaemia and their causes

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

262 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 11 (parhad)

Deall yr egwyddorion wrth wraidd technegau therapi cerrig a sut i’w defnyddio

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

j. Egluro pam ei bod yn bwysig cynnal ymddaliad cywir yn ystod triniaeth therapi cerrig

k. Egluro sut i ddefnyddio a rhoi technegau therapi cerrig yn gywir er mwyn cyflawni amrywiaeth o amcanion triniaeth

l. Egluro pwysigrwydd gwerthuso effeithiolrwydd triniaethau therapi cerrig

m. Egluro sut i ddefnyddio a rhoi technegau therapi cerrig yn gywir er mwyn cyflawni amrywiaeth o amcanion triniaeth

n. Crynhoi manteision ac effeithiau defnyddio cerrig poeth ac oer, naill ai’n unigol neu drwy gyfuno’r ddau dymheredd yn ystod triniaeth

o. Egluro sut i addasu a chyfuno technegau triniaeth therapi cerrig, y dyfnder a’r gwasgedd i weddu i nodweddion corfforol a rhannau corff gwahanol gleientiaid a’r hyn sydd orau gan y cleient

p. Egluro sut i addasu triniaeth therapi cerrig ar gyfer cleientiaid gwrywaidd a benywaidd

q. Egluro y rhannau o’r corff a nodweddion y corff sydd angen gofal arbennig wrth gynnal triniaethau therapi cerrig

r. Gwerthuso manteision triniaethau therapi cerrig

s. Egluro sut a pham y bydd cynhaliad ac amddiffyniad yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn ystod y driniaeth

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 11 (continued)

Understand the principles behind stone therapy techniques and how to use them

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

j. Explain why it is important to maintain correct posture during stone therapy treatment

k. Explain the correct use and application of stone therapy techniques to meet a variety of treatment objectives

l. Explain the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of stone therapy treatments

m. Explain the correct use and application of stone therapy techniques to meet a variety of treatment objectives

n. Summarise the benefits and effects of using hot and cold stones, either in isolation or combining the two temperatures during a treatment

o. Explain how to adapt and combine stone therapy treatment techniques, depth and pressure to suit different client physical characteristics, areas of the body and preferences

p. Explain how to adapt a stone therapy treatment for male and female clients

q. Explain the areas of the body and body characteristics needing particular care when undertaking stone therapy treatments

r. Evaluate the advantages of stone therapy treatments

s. Explain how and why support and cushioning would be used during the treatment

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

264 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 11 (parhad)

Deall yr egwyddorion wrth wraidd technegau therapi cerrig a sut i’w defnyddio

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

t. Egluro sut a phryd i ail-leoli’r cleient yn ddiogel yn ystod y driniaeth a’r math o gymorth y dylai’r therapydd ei roi

u. Egluro sut y gellid defnyddio therapi cerrig i wella triniaethau eraill (e.e. trin dwylo, trin traed, triniaeth i’r wyneb)

v. Egluro’r amserau adfer a argymhellir ar gyfer triniaethau therapi cerrig a pham bod hyn yn bwysig

w. Egluro’r amserau a argymhellir ar gyfer triniaethau therapi cerrig a sut dylid addasu’r rhain i gyflawni anghenion unigol a nodweddion corfforol y cleient

x. Egluro effeithiau corfforol triniaeth therapi cerrig poeth ac oer

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 11 (continued)

Understand the principles behind stone therapy techniques and how to use them

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

t. Explain how and when to reposition the client safely during treatment and the type of assistance which should be provided by the therapist

u. Explain how stone therapy may be used to enhance other treatments (e.g. manicure, pedicure, facial)

v. Explain the recommended recovery times for stone therapy treatments and why this is important

w. Explain recommended timings for stone therapy treatments and how these should be adapted to meet the client’s individual needs and physical characteristics

x. Explain the physical effects of hot and cold stone therapy treatment

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

266 UB30B28CUB30B28C

Canlyniad dysgu 12

Deall sut i ddarparu cyngor ôl-ofal

Rydych chi’n gallu:Cyfeirnod portffolio/

Blaenlythrennau’r aseswr*

a. Gwerthuso ffactorau ffordd o fyw a’r newidiadau all fod eu hangen i wella effeithiolrwydd y driniaeth (e.e. bwyta’n iawn, yfed hylifau ac ymarfer corff rheolaidd)

b. Egluro gweithgareddau y dylid eu hosgoi wedi’r driniaeth

c. Egluro cynhyrchion i’w defnyddio gartref a fydd o fudd i’r cleient ac yn ei warchod a’r rhai hynny i’w hosgoi, a pham

d. Argymell triniaethau pellach

* Dylid nodi blaenlythrennau’r aseswr os holwyd y cwestiynau ar lafar.

Asesir y gofynion sydd wedi’u hamlygu’n wyn yn y papur ysgrifenedig allanol.


Learning outcome 12

Understand how to provide aftercare advice

You can: Portfolio reference/Assessor initials*

a. Evaluate the lifestyle factors and changes that may be required to improve the effectiveness of the treatment (e.g. healthy eating, fluid intake and regular exercise)

b. Explain activities which should be avoided post-treatment

c. Explain products for home use that will benefit and protect the client and those to avoid and why

d. Recommend further treatments

* Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned. Requirements highlighted in white are assessed in the external paper.

268 UB30B28C

Notes Defnyddiwch y dudalen hon ar gyfer nodiadau a diagramau/

Use this area for notes and diagrams

