Web-based Facility Management System - HKAPCTracer ESTM Architecture Tracer ESTM 結構圖 Tracer...


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Web-based Facility Management System網絡設施管理系統

Property owners and property management companies may need to invest a lot of resources on maintaining the quality of their properties. This is particularly true for larger property owners and companies who have a portfolio to manage. Therefore, if we could cut down the operating cost of property management, increase the effi ciency of facility management, reduce energy consumption as well as daily repair and maintenance costs, it would increase the competitiveness of the company and benefi t the society for long-term growth as a whole.

With the increase in popularity of the Internet, Trane has developed the Tracer ESTM Web-based Facility Management System to help customers simplify complicated property management and increase their effi ciency. The concept behind the design is to treat property as source of information. By integrating the information gathered with other business information of the company, the system can help management make better business decisions.




Extensive Networking Tracer ESTM Facility Management System is operated via the Internet. Just installed inside a central server, it can easily control all the control systems within other buildings. The maximum number for networking is 10,000 buildings, and it allows up to 100 operators to use at the same time, perfect for large property management companies which have residential properties, commercial buildings such as shopping malls and hotels to manage in different locations. The system is highly compatible. Any system with BACnet standard can be connected to Tracer ESTM Facility Management System without any hassle.

User-friendlyThe system is easy to use too. Staff managing the property can have easy access to information about the building, so as to distribute resources accordingly or take immediate actions. For instance, when the building has a facility problem, Tracer ESTM Facility Management System will automatically signal alert and list the building name, room and the problem facility on the control screen, so that maintenance staff can take necessary measures immediately before the situation is worsening. The system can also provide 3-dimensional view of the building for clear and easy monitoring.

Creating Comfortable EnvironmentTracer ESTM Facility Management System can also help create a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. Through the system, users can control indoor temperature, humidity and level of carbon dioxide, as well as checking the changes in indoor air quality so as to improve the quality for a better living or working environment.

With Tracer ESTM Facility Management System, you can control the property easily via computer. It is a smart investment as it brings saving in cost and time while improving effi ciency and service quality to all customers.

Tracer ESTM ArchitectureTracer ESTM 結構圖

Tracer Summit Workstation Tracer ESRemote Customer PC

WAN/LANWired or Wireless Ethernet


Tracker V12


Existing Trane UCMs

Wireless Receiver

WirelessZone Sensor

BACnet System





• 2007



隨著互聯網的普及,特靈發展了一套名為“Tracer ESTM”的網絡設施管理系統,藉此幫助客戶簡化複雜的設施管理,提高效率。其設計理念是將物業視為資訊的來源,透過這個系統將收集所得的訊息和其他公司裡的商業資訊融合,以便管理層作出更佳的商業決定。

連接範圍廣泛Tracer ESTM 控制系統經由互聯網上操作,只須安裝在一台中央伺服器內,便可控制多幢大廈內所有控制系統。連接範圍可多達一萬幢建築物,同一時間更可讓一百名操作人員使用,最適合一些大型的物業管理公司管理多個在不同地區的住宅、商業包括商場及酒店等建築物。這個系統具廣大的兼容性,任何一個合符標準的BACnet系統,均可連接Tracer ESTM控制系統。

透過操作簡易的 Tracer ESTM ,負責物業管理的人員可輕易獲得有關大廈的資訊,以便調配資源及採取快捷的應變措施。舉例說,當大廈設施出現問題,Tracer ESTM便會自動在操控螢幕出示警號及列出大廈名稱、房間及出現問題的設施,以便維修人員能即時搶修及防止問題進一步惡化。系統並能提供樓層立體平面圖,使監控工作更輕易及清晰。

締造舒適環境Tracer ESTM 並能幫助用戶締造舒適和健康的室內環境。用戶可透過Tracer ESTM控制室內的溫度、濕氣和二氧化碳水平;查出大廈內設施空氣質量之變化,從而改善空氣質素和提供一個更舒適的居住或工作環境。

安裝特靈Tracer ESTM系統,你便可透過電腦,掌控你需要看顧的物業設施,不單節省金錢、時間,還能提供高效率及高質素的服務給所有客戶,實為一項明智的投資。






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What can we do for the Blue Sky?業界如何為藍天打氣?

As you know, the Government is actively promoting on the “Action Blue Sky” campaign. There are many reasons for not seeing the blue sky much in Hong Kong such as rainy or cloudy days, high-rise buildings, pollution, etc. Obviously, reducing pollution is what the campaign is trying to promote. The root causes of pollution in Hong Kong, however, include not only the increasing use of private cars but also the increasing use of cheap electric appliance and equipment. Because nearly all energy consumed in Hong Kong comes from fossil fuels which are the major sources of air pollutants and carbon dioxide (CO2). Ineffi cient use of energy is a key root cause of increasing emission CO2 and other pollutants from power plants. So what can our industry contribute to the campaign? In this issue, I would like to share with you from three different aspects.

First, our Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works Dr Sarah Liao is very enthusiastic about planting trees and recently she reported that 7.3 million trees have been planted in the past 3 years (i.e. 2.4 million trees per year).1 Indeed those Trane customers using R-123 centrifugal chillers are also proud of making huge environmental impact equivalent to planting nearly 1.4 million trees per year because of its superior energy effi ciency. If all centrifugal chillers sold in one year operated at the same effi ciency as Trane’s R-123 chiller, greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced by:

• over 770 million pounds of CO2

• over 1.1 million pounds of NOX • over 480,000 pounds of SO2

This is equivalent to planting 1.4 million trees or taking 2.8 million cars off the road. Perhaps our Chief Executive should rewrite his 2006-07 Policy Address to spend the $3.2 billion to provide the building owners as incentive for the early replacement by R-123 chillers, which might be

more effective than subsidizing the commercial vehicles owners!2

Second, the climatic data from the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) has revealed that during the “golden weeks” of Mainland China, the air pollution is much better and we can have “blue sky”. Why? Both of the environmentalists and the staff of HKO concurred that this is closely related to operation suspension of numerous factories located in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) area during the long holiday. According to the senior scientist of HKO, the air pollution becomes worse when Hong Kong has “inland” wind (i.e. west to northeast wind) but it will be better off when Hong Kong is blowing “sea” wind (i.e. east to southwest wind). In other words, golden weeks not only bring us good income but blue sky as well.

Believe or not, there are over 77,000 Hong Kong-owned factories at the PRD area. Many of their operations are lag far behind the environmental technology and highly polluting. As a result of cooperation between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) of China, the U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC) lined up

Philip C.H. Yu, PhD RPE CEng Director of Environmental & Applications Engineering, Trane Asia Pacifi cPhilip has over 15 years of professional experience in the HVAC fi eld in Asia Pacifi c. He is actively involved in non-business technical activities both in Hong Kong and Mainland China. His areas of interest include building energy, chiller technology, refrigerant piping design and applications of various air-conditioning systems.

余中海博士工程師 特靈公司亞太區 環保及應用技術總監Philip擁有超過15年在亞太地區暖通空調(HVAC)領域的專業經驗。除了繁忙的業務之外,他還很熱心參與香港及國內的技術活動。研究範疇包括建築節能、冷水機技術、冷媒管道設計及各種空調系統等。

Email 電郵 : yupc@trane.com



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various bodies for a “P2E2” (pollution prevention and energy effi ciency) environmental fi nancing program to encourage the HK-owned factories undergoing facility upgrade without investment upfront. P2E2 uses Asian Development Bank (ADB) loan guarantees to enable Hong Kong commercial banks to make working capital loans, equipment leases and trade fi nance available to Hong Kong-based Environment and Energy Service Companies (EESCO’s). These EESCO’s, in turn, carry out P2E2 technology and equipment upgrade work on factories, power plants and real estate developments in Mainland China under performance contracts signed with Hong Kong corporate parents of ineffi cient polluting Chinese facilities, or with Hong Kong subsidiaries of Mainland Chinese owners of ineffi cient polluting Chinese facilities. The P2E2 model may be used by an EESCO to do P2E2 work in other Asian developing country as well, provided that a Hong Kong legal, fi nancial and engineering platform is used.3

The third aspect is about energy-saving programs. Hong Kong has imposed emission caps on power plants and the permitted rate of return of the power companies will be linked to their achievement of the emission caps.4 But is that enough? From the successful experience of California Energy Commission, the cost of energy-saving programs

1 Liao, S. “Comprehensive Strategy to Protect Our Environment”. http://blog.epd.gov.hk/actionbluesky, 16 October 2006.2 Tsang, D. 2006-07 Policy Address, clause 59-60, 11 October 2006.3 U.S. Commercial Service Hong Kong. Pollution Prevention & Energy Effi ciency (P2E2), February 2006 Update.4 Tsang, D. 2006-07 Policy Address, clause 53, 11 October 2006.5 California Energy Commission. 2005 Integrated Energy Policy Report.

is signifi cantly lower that building additional power plant to meet the increasing demands, both from economic and environmental point of view. Fig. 1 shows if California electricity use kept growing at the U.S. national average rate, the consumption kWh/person would have been 50% higher. For instance, in 2004 the total electric bill is about US$32 billion and approximately US$16 billion per year had been successfully avoided. The net savings accounting for incremental cost of building energy conservation measures and programs is about US$12 billion or US$1,000 per family per year. The savings of another US$3 billion per year is a result of appliance standards enforcement. There are other policies also leading to electricity savings; for example, California standards allow electric water heating in homes only when it is cost effective. In fact, this is seldom the case and has resulted in only limited electricity use for the purpose in California. Per capita use is just 200 kWh in California for electric hot water heating while in Florida the use is about 1,200 kWh per person. Fig. 2 summaries the three essential elements of successful energy-saving programs implemented by the California Energy Commission since 1975.5 It will be a good reference for our government, especially in the area of building energy standards and appliance or equipment energy labeling scheme improvement.

Figure 1: Electricity Use in the U.S. per capita, 1960–2001圖 一:1960至2001年美國人均用電量































Oil Embargos

Californians have a net savings of $1,000/family











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· 超過七億七千萬磅二氧化碳(CO2)· 超過一百一十萬磅氧化氮(NOX)· 超過四十八萬磅二氧化硫(SO2)



信不信由你,港商在珠三角設廠超過77,000間,對環保意識及有關技術認識不足多的是,造成不少污染。透過美國環保署(USEPA)及中國國家環保總局(SEPA)的雙邊合作,美國商務部(USDOC)聯繫多個機構,組成一個防止污染及改善能源效益(pollution prevention and energy efficiency,簡稱P2E2)的融資計劃,鼓勵港資工廠毋須預先注資,進行改善設施。P2E2借助亞洲發展銀行(ADB)的貸款擔保,讓香港商營銀行對建基本港的改善環境及能源效益服務公司(Hong Kong-based Environment and Energy Service Companies,簡稱EESCO)發放營運資金借貸、機器租賃及貿易融資,而這些EESCO便可與香港在國內有污染排放的公司,或國內有污染排放的香港分公司簽定合約,對國內工廠、發電廠及房地產進行P2E2改善工


第三方面,是有關節能計劃。大家都知道香港政府對發電廠的污染排放設了上限,而兩電的回報率亦與其減少污染排放的表現掛勾4,但這又是否足夠呢?讓我們看看美國加州能源部(California Energy Commission)的成功經驗,從經濟及環保角度而言,節能計劃的成本遠比增加發電廠以滿足需求的成本為低。圖一顯示如果加州的用電量以美國平均率增長,人均用電量應該比目前多50%!譬如2004年, 總電費約為320億美元,其中包括成功避免約160億美元用電。扣除建築節能措施及計劃的開支,每年淨節省電費120億美元左右,或相當於每個家庭每年節省1,000美元。另外30億美元的節省是來自對電器產品標準實施。此外,其他能源效益政策亦帶來不少電費節省。例如加州法例只准能源效益高的家庭使用電熱水器。但事實上,這條法例會使加州居民甚少使用電熱水器,人均用量為200kWh,遠低於佛羅里達州的1,200 kWh人均用量。圖二總結了加州能源部自1975年以來成功節能計劃的三大因素5,相信對本港政府的建築節能標準、電器及設備的能源標籤等方面,會是一個很好的參考。














1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

Appliance Standards

15% of Annual Electricity Use in California in 2003

Utility Effi ciency Programs

Building Standards

Figure 2: GWh Impacts from Energy Conservation Programs, California 1975-2003圖二:1975至2003年加州節能計劃對用電量的影響

1 Liao, S. “Comprehensive Strategy to Protect Our Environment”. http://blog.epd.gov.hk/actionbluesky, 16 October 2006.2 Tsang, D. 2006-07 Policy Address, clause 59-60, 11 October 2006.3 U.S. Commercial Service Hong Kong. Pollution Prevention & Energy Effi ciency (P2E2), February 2006 Update.4 Tsang, D. 2006-07 Policy Address, clause 53, 11 October 2006.5 California Energy Commission. 2005 Integrated Energy Policy Report.



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Sauermann Condensate Removal Pump 索爾曼冷凝水去除泵

Wireless Zone Sensor無線區域感應器

Trane US has launched a newly designed wireless zone sensor recently for indoor temperature control. The sensor is stylish in design and easy to install, applicable to Trane’s Tracer Summit. It can operate for up to 5 years with only two batteries. Temperature control ranges from 11oC to 29oC and reception distance is up to 1,000 feet. The sensor complies with the wireless communication standards of UL, CUL, FCC Part 15, IEEE 802.15.4-2003 and IC (Industry Canada) RSS-210.

特靈美國廠最近推出新設計的無線區域感應器,用於控制空內溫度。感應器外型纖巧及易於安裝;適用於特靈集成舒適系統(Tracer Summit)。感應器只需兩枚電池便可操作長達五年,溫度調校由11oC至29oC;接收距離可達1,000呎,產品符合UL、CUL、FCC Part 15、IEEE 802.15.4-2003及IC(Industry Canada) RSS-210無線通訊標準。

Drain pump has been widely used in some split air-conditioning units, fan coils and air handling units for the problem of condensing water accumulation. Sauermann Condensate Removal Pump is being represented by Hong Kong Air-conditioning Parts Centre with stocks ready on hand.

Established in 1976 in France, Sauermann Company produces and sells condensate removal pumps with compact and sleek design. Its products have been widely used in air conditioning and freezing facilities, and successfully marketed in Europe, Australia and South East Asia. Besides pumping out excessive water from drain pan, condensate removal pump can be connected to alarm for safe operation.








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The Importance of Water Flow Switch水流掣的重要性

Flow Switch Installation & Operation檢查蒸發器及冷凝器水流掣之操作

Flow Switch Body水流掣

Pipe Diameter喉管直徑

Flow Paddle Switch水流掣槳片 Flow direction


Five Pipe Diameters(No Turns or Fittings)


Five Pipe Diameters(No Turns or Fittings)


There is a control unit at the top of condenser and evaporator inside a chiller called fl ow switch. Do you know any of its functionality?

Flow switch is a fl ow quantity control unit, usually installed at the pipe outlet of condenser and evaporator. Its major function is to ensure suffi cient water fl ow passing condenser and evaporator during the operation of compressor, with evaporator being more important. When compressor operates, if there is insuffi cient water in evaporator, there will be a risk of freezing of evaporator. When fl ow switch operates (see diagram), if there is suffi cient water fl ow, its metal paddle will be moved to activate the micro switch to control the on/off position of control circuit, so as to ensure enough chilled water and condensing water fl ow during the operation.

As the function of fl ow switch is crucial, its proper installation and operation is therefore very important (see diagram). Flow switch must be installed at the top of water pipe, make sure there is linear pipe with at least 5 times of the water pipe’s diameter at the back and front position of installation. For instance, if fl ow switch is installed at a water pipe of 200mm diameter, there should 1000mm of linear pipe as the upstream and downstream of fl ow

switch. The purpose of this is to reduce eddy produced by the bends of pipe which may cause unstable operation of fl ow switch. If there is instability of fl ow switch when chiller operates, that means air exists in the system. Air must be discharged at higher position of the system when pump stops operating.

Since the launch of its UCP-2 model, the control board of Trane units has already built in a 6-second time delay relay. This can delay the fl ow switch time delay on/off, therefore avoid the risk of halting the operation if water fl ow is unstable. To ensure the unit has enough and stable water fl ow, it is recommended to interlock control circuit of fl ow switch with auxiliary contact of pump motor starter. When pump stops operating, the unit will be stopped immediately without time delay.

To use fl ow switch properly, it must be adjusted to a volume lower than that of system fl ow for circuit stop; do not use fl ow switch for the purpose of unit’s automatic on/off control as it may cause compressor stop when in full load. Unit’s on/off control should be linked to the pre-determined connect points. Control circuit will automatically unload compressor and stop before unit stops normally.

Flow SwitchBody




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Singapore National Library新加坡國立圖書館

The 16-storey high Singapore National Library has received Platinum Award of Green Mark Scheme for the design of the building evolved around the theme of environmental protection and energy saving. Trane Singapore provided the Tracer Summit for this landmark building, including 5 water cooled chillers of 2,300 tons, 54 air handling units, over 100 fan coil units, Trane building management system and other air conditioning accessories. In 2006, Trane was awarded with the maintenance contract for the building automation system. With the Tracer Summit, lighting facilities, escalators and lifts of the building can be monitored with alarm signal sent by e-mail or SMS. Also, the irrigation for its rooftop garden can be controlled as well.

樓高16層的新加坡國立圖書館,憑著其環保及節能為主導的屋宇設計,於大廈落成後榮獲新加坡綠色標記(Green Mark Scheme)白金獎。特靈新加坡辦事處為大樓提供集成舒適系統,包括5台共2,300冷噸的水冷式製冷機組、54台空氣處理機組、逾100台風機盤管機組、特靈屋宇自控系統及其他空調配套設施。於2006年,特靈獲得該大廈屋宇自動系統的保養合約。透過集成舒適系統,可以監察大廈內的照明設備、扶手電梯、升降機、經電郵或手機短訊發出警報及可控制大廈屋頂花園的灌溉設施。



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On 22 November 2006 Trane’s Taicang Factory in China showcased the very first China-made localized rooftop – Voyager III. Trane’s Asia Pacific Management and distributors from Jiangsu, Shanghai, and Shenzhen also presented at the ceremony. Voyager III has a cooling capacity from 74 to 180kW, its major markets include areas with heavy international investments such as Shanghai, Tianjin and Guangdong. Compared to foreign import, the China-made units have the advantage of quick delivery.

特靈中國太倉市廠房於2006年11月22日,舉行了首台國產Voyager III屋頂式櫃機首次展示儀式。特靈空調亞太區管理層及來自江蘇、上海、深圳等地的經銷商出席慶典。Voyager III機組冷量由74至180kW,主要市場將集中上海、天津和廣東等外資雲集的區域。相比以前由外國進口,國產機組能加快交貨期。

China’s First Localized Rooftop首台國產屋頂式櫃機

Mr. K. Y. Yow (right), Vice President & Leader of Systems, Trane Commercial System, Asia, and Mr. Danny Chen, Trane Asia Product Planning Director attended the opening ceremony.亞太區系統副總裁游均裕先生(右)與產品規劃總監陳永和先生出席揭幕儀式。

National Academic Activity Contribution Award全國學術活動貢獻獎

Mr. Jack Jia, Market Development Manager, received the award on behalf of Trane.市場策劃與發展經理賈晶先生代表特靈接受獎項。

Organized by China Building Association’s HVAC Professional Committee and China Refrigeration Association’s AC and Heat Pump Committee, the 15th Biennial Meeting of China HVAC&R was held in Hefei from 1-4 November 2006. Trane was proud to be a sponsor of the event and being honoured with the “National Academic Activity Contribution Award” at the opening ceremony. On the second day of the event, Trane organized a technology exchange meeting on “HVAC Energy Efficient Technology’s Contribution to the Green Building”, attracting over 200 participants from the industry. Trane’s personnel presented the high efficiency air conditioning units from Trane, the application of energy saving systems, as well as on how advanced energy saving technologies could help customers receive LEED accreditation and the LEED Gold Award case in China. Also, three papers from Trane were selected to be published in the conference’s yearbook, namely “The application of three stage centrifugal chiller in ice-storage system”, “EarthWiseTM CenTraVacTM air-conditioning water system solution”, and “An overview of controls of chiller with heat recovery and the design of chilled water system”.







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Technical Presentation技術簡佈會Mr. Don Eppelheimer from Trane headquarters visited Hong Kong in November 2006, giving three technical presentations for contractors and engineering consultant companies. The presentation was mainly about variable primary fl ow, series counter fl ow concept and related energy saving proposal. Mr. Eppelheimer is an active member of the technical committee of ASHRAE, and was appointed as the president of La Crosse branch in the US from 1992-1993. His works were published in various ASHRAE publications and seminars, and he developed a software for the calculation of energy management system.

特靈美國總公司Mr. Don Eppelheimer於2006年11月初來港,為承建商及顧問工程公司主持三場技術簡佈會,內容主要講解一次泵變流量、串連逆流概念及有關節能提案。Mr. Eppelheimer積極參與美國供暖製冷及空調工程師學會(ASHRAE)技術委員會,曾出任1992-1993年度美國La Crosse分會會長,其著作曾發表於 ASHRAE 刊物及多個研討會;他並且開發了為計算能源管理系統之電腦軟件。

Strategic Workshop策略研討營In November 2006 Trane Hong Kong organized a strategic workshop in Dongguan for our sales staff regarding Key Account Management and sales strategies. Engineers from Hong Kong Air-conditioning Parts Centre also presented the latest product information there to help the sales team provide better customer services in future.

特靈香港於2006年11月初在東莞市舉辦了一個策略研討營,主要為銷售人員講解主要客戶管理(Key Account Management)及銷售策略,同時間香港冷氣配件中心的工程師亦為各人介紹最新產品資訊,希望在未來的時間為客戶提供更佳的服務。

Mr. Don Eppelheimer explained the chilled water systemMr. Don Eppelheimer講解冷水系統



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Customer Satisfaction Survey 20062006年顧客滿意調查For the past two years we have appointed PriMetrica Asia Pacifi c Ltd. conducting customer satisfaction survey on our services. This year the survey focused on the level of satisfaction based on what we have implemented according to the previous survey results. The survey consisted of three parts, namely brand image, business practices and personnel practices. The results showed that we scored excellently on all three aspects, and even better than other competitors in similar capacity. We would like to take this opportunity to thank for the support of our customers participating in this survey.

承接過去兩年,我們今年繼續委託獨立市場調查公司“PriMetrica Asia Pacific Ltd.”為我們進行顧客滿意調查服務,以檢視過去一年,我們因應過去的調查結果所作的改善工作是否有效。整個調查主要分三方面,當中包括品牌形象、商業經營手法及員工表現等。承蒙各位曾經參與是項調查的客戶幫忙,令整個調查得以順利完成。而調查結果顯示顧客在這三方面都非常滿意,而在相關的類別上亦比其他競爭對手優勝。結果令人鼓舞。

Interview with Dr. Sarah Liao與廖秀冬博士會面Mr. K. L. Chan, Operations Director, met with Dr. Sarah Liao, Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works on behalf of HKFEMC on 23 November 2006. The meeting was focused on how to make the “Action Blue Sky” campaign a success through energy saving by the industry and the public.


Price Increase Announcement 價格調整通知

From left: Mr. K. L. Chan (Operations Director, Dr. Sarah Liao and Mr. Eugene Fong, committee member of HKFEMC).


As a comparison between 2005 and 2006, the cost of raw materials has been rising steadily, e.g. copper and aluminum rose 51% and 21% respectively*. We expect the cost of raw materials will increase in 2007 as a trend, and we have increased our product prices mildly from 5-10% in January this year. We sincerely hope our customers would understand the situation and rationale behind, and keep supporting the products from Trane.


*Source: JARN, 25 November 2006, Serial No. 454, Volume 38, No.11






Brand Image品牌形象

Business Practices商業經營手法

Personnel Practices員工表現

Trane 特靈 Competitor 競爭對手







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HKAEE Symposium技術研討會On 8 December 2006 Hong Kong Association of Energy Engineers organized a symposium entitled “Solution, Breakthrough & Technical Approach for Wider Use of Water-cooled Air Conditioning System in Hong Kong”. Trane put up a display for the visitors regarding our air conditioning solution and building management system.


New Appointment for Sector/Subject Specialist行業及學科專家之委任Mr. Frankie Chan, Operations Director, was recently appointed by the Council for Academic Accreditation (HKCAA) as a Sector/Subject Specialist (Electrical and Mechanical Services) for a tenure of 3 years. The role of a Sector/Subject Specialist is mainly focused on providing advice to HKCAA regarding academic and training quality, education provision and qualifi cation matters. Also, Mr. Frankie Chan’s appointment as a member of the Contractors Registration Committee Panel and the Contractors Registration Committee has been renewed by EMSD from January 2007 for two more years.


Product demonstration by Trane engineers.特靈工程師為客戶介紹展示產品。



• 2007


Island Place Tower港運大廈

Island Place Tower is a 29-storey Grade A commercial building in North Point. Trane is appointed to carry out a renovation project for its air conditioning system, with 3 water cooled screw chillers of 400 tons and 3 cooling towers, using fresh water for the air cooled system. The entire project will be fi nished by this summer. As early as in 1997, Trane also provided 10 air cooled centrifugal chillers of 2,700 tons to the building. The water cooled system at its neighbouring Island Place Shopping Centre was also supplied by Trane in 2005.

北角區甲級寫字樓 ─ 港運大廈,樓高29層。特靈為該大廈的空調系統進行翻新工程,更換3台400冷噸的水冷螺杆式製冷機組及3台水塔,將風冷系統改為淡水散熱。整項工程預計於今年夏季竣工。早於1997年,特靈為當時新建成的港運大廈提供10台共2,700冷噸的風冷離心式製冷機組;而大廈鄰近的港運城購物中心,亦於2005年由特靈更換為水冷式空調系統。

2008 Olympic Equestrian2008年奧運馬術The countdown to Beijing Olympics has already begun and the construction of stadium for 2008 Olympic Equestrian at Shatin Sports Institute and the Racecourse is in full swing. Trane was chosen to provide 3 water cooled screw chillers with 500 tons for this memorable sports event. The new construction includes 216 stables, veterinary clinics and other related facilities. The project will be completed in May 2007.


MTR Stations Project地鐵站工程項目

The MTR Corporation has implemented a number of renovation projects for its stations, including the installation of 6 air cooled screw chillers from Trane with over 1,700 tons at Fortress Hill and Quarry Bay stations. The chillers were already shipped to the site for installation in January.

地鐵近年為多個車站進行翻新工程,其中炮台山及 魚涌地鐵站更換6台共超過1,700冷噸的特靈風冷螺杆式製冷機組。機組已於今年1月運往工地進行安裝。

The Link’s Shopping Centres領匯管理之購物商場Link Property Management Co. Ltd. recently purchased 8 air cooled chillers from Trane to replace the aging air conditioning systems in 6 of its shopping centers, including Sau Mau Ping, Tai Wo, Choi Wan, Butterfl y Estate, Wo Che and Un Chau Street. The projects are expected to be completed by May.






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For enquiry, please contact Ms. Cannisa Au of Marketing Department. Tel : 3128 4782 Email : cannisa.au@jec.com 12/F., Dragon Centre, 79 Wing Hong Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon

Staff Promotion | 員工晉升

Congratulations to the following staff on their promotions to Engineer! Wish them more success in their new appointments.


From left: Mr. Alex Cheng, Mr. C. W. Chau and Mr. Chris Leung.左起:鄭孟謙先生、周頌威先生及梁德璋先生。

Happy Wedding | 新婚愉快

Mr. Mike Cheng and Ms. Ada Tang tied their knot on 1 December 2006. The warmest wishes for their love to last forever!


New Face | 新晉面孔

Mr. Y. K. Au has joined the Trane family since November 2006 as Senior Engineer. Before joining us, Y.K. worked at several large engineering companies and has many years of experience within the E&M industry.

高級工程師歐潤江先生(Y. K. Au)已於2006年11月初加入特靈大家庭,在進入特靈工作以前,Y. K.曾服務於數間大型工程公司,在工程界有多年豐富經驗。

As the Year of Pig is coming,we wish you a very prosperous Lunar New Year.




• 2007