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Wire Card AG


Interim Report as of June 30, 2006

Q2 2006 Q2 2005 H1 2006 H1 2005

Wirecard Group Pro forma

Total revenues TEUR 19,341 14,018 36,461 24,097

EBIT TEUR 4,386 2,331 8,198 3,156

Earnings per share (basic and diluted) EUR 0.06 0.03 0.11 k.A.

Shareholders� Equity TEUR 92,555 58,481 92,555 58,481

Total assets TEUR 152,620 89,154 152,620 89,154

Cash Flow from operating activties TEUR 4,934 * (8,792) 5,744 k.A.

Employees 366 405 366 405

of whom part-time employees 154 213 154 213

* Due to non-cash Capital Increase

Q2 2006 Q2 2005 H1 2006 H 1 2005

Segments Proforma

EPRM Total revenues TEUR 19,897 13,425 36,333 22,351

EBIT TEUR 4,631 2,770 8,637 3,551

CCS Total revenues TEUR 1,505 1,312 3,464 3,100

EBIT TEUR (255) (212) (424) (144)

Other Total revenues TEUR 0 0 0 0

EBIT TEUR 0 (24) 0 (29)

Consolidation Total revenues TEUR (2,061) (719) (3,336) (1,354)

EBIT TEUR 10 (203) (15) (222)

Total Total revenues TEUR 19,341 14,018 36,461 24,097

EBIT TEUR 4,386 2,331 8,198 3,156

Electronic Payment/Risk Management (EPRM) / CallCenter&CommunicationServices(CCS)

Key Data


Letter from the Chairman of the Management Board 04.

Consolidated Management Report 06.

Wirecard stock 15.

Consolidated Balance Sheet 18.

Consolidated Income Statement 20.

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 22.

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders Equity 23.

Notes 24.

Contact 34.

Imprint 35.

Financial calendar 35.



Q2 2006


Dear Shareholders:

The first half year of fiscal 2006 saw a continuation of the outstanding business

trend recorded in all divisions by Wirecard AG. Against this backdrop, the

Board of Management has substantially revised the growth targets upward for

the year as a whole.

For one thing, the improvement in earnings in the second quarter of 2006 is

attributable to the continual surge in the number of customer accounts of Wire-

card AG and, for another, to increasing sales revenues generated with portfolio

customers. In the past three months, the Group managed to acquire a number

of well known large-scale corporations as new customers, particularly among

airlines/travel operators and mail-order houses.

In addition, the general market growth for Internet payment systems and the

focus of Wirecard AG on industry-specific solutions for growth segments had a

positive impact on this trend.

The dynamic business trend experienced by Wire Card Bank AG also contrib-

uted to the growth of Wirecard AG as a whole. Following the completion of the

bank's integration in technical terms, business with banking services have been

profitable since March 2006, with sustained growth being recorded. A decisive

contribution to this trend was made by the successful issue of prepaid credit

cards. In future, �virtual credit cards� used primarily on the Internet and in mail-

order trading will generate decisive impetus for growth.

In the course of the fiscal year, Wirecard will benefit increasingly from new

products under development as well as from synergy effects between the Wire

Card Bank and other fields of activity in which the Group is engaged.

I also wish to mention a cooperative venture entered into several weeks ago by

Wire Card Bank AG with the Japanese credit card company JCB Co. Ltd. con-

cerning the issue and acceptance of credit cards. In JCB, we succeeded in

acquiring a strong partner to extend our international range of products and


Letter from the Chairman of the

Management Board


Q2 2006


Wirecard�s stock managed to outperform the TecDax reference index in the

second quarter. In the same period, the average trading volume per day dou-

bled year-on-year. Following the successful development of the Group as a

whole, Wirecard AG has upgraded its past forecast for the year. On account of

the positive business trend in the first half of the year, the Board of Manage-

ment now anticipates the EBIT growth rate for fiscal 2006 to exceed 60 per-


On behalf of the Board of Management and the workforce of Wirecard AG, I

wish to thank you for the trust you have placed in us.

Berlin/ Munich, August 2006

Dr. Markus Braun



Q2 2006


1. Economic fundamentals, market and industry trends

A. The market for electronic payment systems: EPRM

The first half year of 2006 has confirmed the forecasts of different surveys and

economics institutes for the online area. The E-commerce market is enjoying

particularly strong growth in Western Europe. A recently published survey of

trends by Forrester Research provides the newest forecasts for E-commerce

growth from 2006 to 2011 in Western Europe. According to the results, the

percentage of Western Europeans who shop online will rise from the current

100 million to 174 million. In 2011, this would mean 73 percent of the European

population. Last but not least, due to the European origin of the Wirecard, the

range of products and services of the Group is well-suited to the special com-

plexity of the European market. In this way, in the fast-growing European do-

mestic market, the strong position of the company has contributed significantly

to the fact that the Group has once again been able to exceed the global mar-

ket growth rate of 20%.

The increases in turnover and profits achieved in the Electronic Payment & Risk

Management (EPRM) segment, which is significant for the Group, can be tra-

ced back to both the positive development of new customer business and the

continually increasing external sales of long-standing customers. A transaction-

based business model makes it possible for the Wirecard AG to participate in

its customers� success.

While small and medium-sized companies mostly rely on standardised settle-

ments of payment and reasonably-priced procedures for fraud prevention, it is

primarily large and international companies that profit in the long term from an

integral outsourcing of their payment processes that is tailor-made for their

special needs.

Under the heading of Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM), Wirecard

consequently combines payment flows from the offline and online world from

all sales and sourcing channels on one central platform. This enables the con-

solidated settlement and control of Group-internal and external payment flows

and thus connected processes, such as fraud prevention, invoicing and cash


Wirecard supports companies in reducing their need of external bank relation-

ships for the settlement of their payment flows and international liquidity man-

agement. In cooperation with the Wire Card Bank AG, Wirecard offers a high

degree of process automation and integration with the aim of maximising the

size of individual transactions and the related minimisation of the incidental

currency risks and administration or processing fees.

The significant market segments of Wirecard EPRM solutions are the tourism

industry, as well as all offline and online trade areas such as mail order busi-

ness via TV or the Internet. In the �interactive entertainment� industry with onli-

ne games and media platforms � in short, the entire range of business models

that came into existence with the Internet � Wirecard is profiting increasingly

Consolidated Management


Wirecard customers profit, in

particular, from the variety of

local payment procedures on

offer, the risk management

systems and from

internationally oriented call

centre services.


Q2 2006


creasingly from the steadily rising number of users and the growing percentage

of Internet services that cost.

Thus, according to the (N)Onliner Atlas 2006 of the TNS Infratest, 37.8 million

Germans over the age of 14 are now online, an increase of 3 percentage points

to 58% in comparison with the previous year. In the EU15 countries, according

to the "Monitoring Information Economy, 9th Factual Report� of the TNS Infrat-

est, 82 percent of 16-24 year olds are online, in Germany this figure is almost

93 percent after the Netherlands, which is the leader with 97 percent. In the

age groups 25 to 50, the figure is between 52 and 72 percent.

The tourism industry is creating the highest growth rates according to the

above-mentioned Forrester trend survey. Around one third of all online expen-

ditures are due to travel bookings. In Western Europe, by the year 2011, turn-

over is expected to rise by 133 percent to 77 billion Euros.

Market growth in the area of prepaid card products will increase enormously,

according to a survey of the British consultancy Payment Systems Europe

(PSE Consulting). By the year 2010, European consumers are expected to

spend 75 billion Euros using re-chargeable prepaid cards. Compared to 150

million transactions in 2006, prepaid card transactions will increase to 2.3 bil-

lion yearly. Prepaid cards that, with the exception of the credit function, can be

used like normal credit cards, represent an alternative to travellers cheques or

foreign currencies.

The Wire Card Bank, which is allocated to the EPRM segment, issued one of

the first prepaid VISA cards in Germany.

B. Market trends for Call Center & Communication Services: CCS

The stationary call centre in Leipzig contributes significantly to the success of

the EPRM segment and the consequent internationalisation of the customer

portfolio through its multi-lingual customer support.

Since 2004, the multi-lingual end customer support system for the product

CLICK2PAY has been set up and has been continuously expanded with more

languages and added value services. In the second quarter of 2006, the end

customer support for the Wire Card Bank was launched, in order to provide a

service centre for the newly released card products. Further follow-up products

of the bank guarantee a qualitatively high-grade consulting service for our end


The virtual call centre services for professional end customer support via tele-

phone, fax, e-mail and online chat rooms are used mainly by software produc-

ers, manufacturers of PC and console games, and publishing houses. Our

long-standing customers are increasingly requesting end customer support for

further countries, from which several European languages are already active.


Q2 2006


2. Business performance

While activities in the first quarter of 2006 focused on the technical integration,

actual operations at Wire Card Bank AG commenced in March 2006. In the

quarter under review, the bank recorded positive business trends both in its

customer acquisition activities and in issuing card products.

Following the acquisition of Pro Card Kartensysteme GmbH, which sells termi-

nal devices in the field of stationary trading, the EPRM segment was extended

in the reporting quarter to include an interesting portfolio of SME customers.

On a half-year comparison with 2005 there is a need to point out once again

that Wirecard Technologies AG (including its subsidiaries) was consolidated as

part of the Group effective as of the date of the commercial register entry

(March 14, 2005). Accordingly, in addition the pro-forma figures for the first half

of 2005 have been included in order to facilitate a better comparison.

2.1 Revenues and earnings

In the second quarter of 2006, Wirecard AG generated TEUR 19,341 (previous

year: TEUR 14,018) in sales revenues. A half-year comparison year-on-year

shows that sales revenues came to TEUR 36,461 in 2006, in relation to TEUR

18,713 for the first half of 2005 (pro-forma : TEUR 24,097).

EBIT, totaling TEUR 4,386, was up considerably year-on-year (TEUR 2,331), by

88 percent. The EBIT margin stands at 23.27 percent.

EBIT in the first half of 2006 amounted to TEUR 8,198, compared with TEUR

2,771 in the same period a year earlier (pro-forma: TEUR 3,156).

2.2 Gross Profit

In the quarter under review, gross earnings came to TEUR 9,462 (previous year:

TEUR 6,550), and gross earnings for the first half of fiscal 2006 amounted to

TEUR 17,543 (previous year: TEUR 8,379).

Personnel expenses in the quarter under review totaled TEUR 3,078 (previous

year: TEUR 2,903).

Other operating expenses, including third-party services, cost of premises,

valuation adjustments of receivables, administrative and distribution costs as

well as travel expenses totaled TEUR 2,208 in the first quarter (previous

year: TEUR 1,412).

For the first time now,

Wirecard is in a position to

compare the figures for the

second quarter of 2006 with

the actual figures for the

same quarter a year earlier,

instead of having to resort to

an additional presentation of

pro-forma results.


Q2 2006


2.3 Asset and financial situation

Balance sheet and liquidity

Balance-sheet equity in the consolidated financial statements as at June 30,

2006 amounted to TEUR 92,556 (December 31, 2005: TEUR 85,607). The eq-

uity ratio amounts to 60.64 percent.

Net profit amounted to TEUR 3,705 (previous year: TEUR 1,442).

Short-term or current assets increased from TEUR 60,131 to TEUR 86,130 in

the first half of 2006. Liabilities to banks came to TEUR 2,467 (December 31,

2005: TEUR 6,188). A substantial share of trade receivables is accounted for by

receivables from banks (acquirers) integrated into the Wirecard Group�s net-

work for the processing of payments.

Considerable portions of trade liabilities are comprised of liabilities to our cus-

tomers who provide collateral reserves to Wirecard, as well as of liabilities

resulting from business processes as at certain balance sheet dates.

The ratio of current assets to current liabilities:

06/30/2006 Current assets TEUR 86,130

Current liabilities TEUR 56,365 = 1.53

12/31/2005 Current assets TEUR 60,131

Current liabilities TEUR 33,179 = 1.81

Net income and earnings per share

Group after-tax earnings amounted to 3.7 million euros in the second quarter

(previous year: 1.4 million euros). In the first half of 2006, consolidated earnings

came to 6.9 million euros (previous year: 1.7 million euros).

Basic and diluted earnings per share, respectively, amounted to EUR 0.06

(previous year: EUR 0.03) in the first quarter 200, and to EUR 0.11 in the first

half of 2006 (previous year: EUR 0.05).

3. Segment reporting

3.1 Development of EPRM (Electronic Payment & Risk Management)

Wire Card Bank AG has been consolidated in the Group since January 1, 2006.

Due to the bank�s business activities, its sales revenues and earnings are allo-

cated to the EPRM segment even though it operates completely independently

within the Group. Wire Card Bank AG commenced operations in March 2006.


Q2 2006


EPRM sales revenues amounted to TEUR 19,897 in the first quarter of 2006

(previous year: TEUR 13,425). In the first half of the year, TEUR 36,333 in sales

revenues were recorded, compared with pro-forma sales for the first half of

fiscal 2005 (TEUR 22,351).

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of this segment came to TEUR 4,631

in the quarter under review (previous year: TEUR 2,770) and to TEUR 8,637 in

the first half of 2006 (previous year: TEUR 3,201/ pro-forma: TEUR 3,551).

The EPRM division comprises all services in the field of payment processing,

particularly services performed by the Financial Supply Chain Management

(FSCM) software platform and by CLICK2PAY.

Services in the field of Electronic Payment and Risk Management are rendered

primarily by Wirecard Technologies AG, which develops and operates the plat-

form, and by Wire Card (Gibraltar) Ltd.. Other companies belonging to the

EPRM division are CLICK2PAY GmbH and its payment process by the same

name, and United Payment GmbH as well as Pro Card Kartensysteme GmbH,

whose activities are focused especially on the POS (Point of Sale) sector and

virtual terminals.

The objects of the enterprise of cardSystems FZ-LLC (which also belongs to

the EPRM division) are the distribution of what is known as affiliate products

and the performance of services directly associated with the sale of these


The remaining foreign branch offices are primarily responsible for the sale of

products of the Group as a whole and for the localization of payment solutions.


The second quarter was exceedingly positive both in terms of sales revenue

trends and the increasing number of new registrations.

Thanks to the exploitation of synergy effects as part of the Group, for instance

in issuing credit cards in cooperation with Wire Card Bank AG, meanwhile a

significant and rising proportion of sales is being generated in bilateral business

relations between Click2Pay GmbH and the holders of CLICK2PAY accounts.

This trend is indicative of a reinforced extension of consumer business within

the Group, associated with the acquisition of Wire Card bank AG.

The second half of fiscal 2006 will essentially be characterized by the use of

cross and up-selling potential with account and card products of the Wire Card

Bank. The objective in this regard, apart from intensifying customer relationship

management, is to boost the level of sales revenues per new customer ac-


Synergy with Wire Card Bank


Q2 2006


3.2 Development CCS (Call Center & Communication Services)

The stationary call center generated the bulk of its sales revenues while operat-

ing as part of the Group, chiefly in acting as a customer service center of

CLICK2PAY and the Wire Card Bank.

The CCS segment managed to record solid sales revenue growth year-on-year.

The virtual call center (VCC) was able to boost its minute volume by approx. 48

percent compared with the previous-year quarter, to 522 thousand minutes.

Total sales revenues of TEUR 1,505 (previous year: TEUR 1,312) were achieved

in the first quarter.

The negative operating result (EBIT) came to -TEUR 255 (previous year: -

TEUR 212). As in the past, this was due to restructuring measures.

4. Consolidation perimeter

The following wholly owned subsidiaries were consolidated as of the balance

sheet date in the second quarter 2006.

InfoGenie Ltd., Windsor, Berkshire (Großbritannien)

Wire Card (Gibraltar) Ltd., (Gibraltar)

Click2Pay GmbH, Grasbrunn (Deutschland)

Wire Card Beteiligungs GmbH, Grasbrunn (Deutschland)

Wirecard Technologies AG, Grasbrunn (Deutschland)

United Payment GmbH, Grasbrunn (Deutschland)

United Data GmbH, Grasbrunn (Deutschland)

cardSystems FZ-LLC., Dubai (Vereinte Arabische Emirate)

Wire Card Bank AG, Grasbrunn (Deutschland)

Pro Card Kartensysteme GmbH, Grasbrunn (Deutschland)

5. Employees

The size of our workforce in the Group as a whole again expanded slightly in

the second quarter of 2006. The Sales division was reinforced by 6 new em-

ployees. In total, the size of the workforce rose to reach 366, compared with

356 in the first quarter.

By resolution of the Board of Management of May 4/August 26, 2005 and of

the Supervisory Board of August 26, 2005, up to 502,000 convertible bonds

were issued for fiscal 2005. In 2005, a total of 490,500 convertible bonds were

subscribed. In the first half year of 2006 a total of 54,700 convertible bonds

were subscribed.

Starting with date on which the report of the first quarter was published, a

further 61,263 convertible bonds were subscribed over a period of

21 days which are not yet converted into shares. The convertible bonds have a

term to maturity of 10 years and are interest-free.


Q2 2006


In accordance with the resolutions of the annual general meeting, the subscrip-

tion price for a convertible bond is EUR 1.00. The subscription price was

granted by the Company to the respective entitled employee as an interest-free

loan with a term to maturity to match that of the convertible bonds or until such

time as the conversion right is exercised.

The detailed terms of subscription are set out in the notes to the consolidated

financial statements in the Annual Report for 2005.

6. Research & Development

Expenses in the field of R&D are included under personnel expenses of

programmers/developers with a view to continually adjusting the platform


7. Risk Report

The Board of Management has complied with the duty to establish a suitable

early risk detection system by ensuring that appropriate guidelines for suitable

control and monitoring instruments are in place for all strategic and operational

management functions.

These instruments serve to secure the Company�s ongoing business opera-

tions and show any dangerous developments at an early stage to enable ap-

propriate countermeasures to be taken to correct such trends. The Board of

Management monitors risk management activities and reports to the Supervi-

sory Board on a regular basis.

Please refer to the risk report in the Annual Report for 2005 for more details as

there have been no changes in the intervening period of time.

8. Report relating to dependencies

With regard to relations with associated companies in fiscal 2005, reference is

made to the detailed statement in the notes in addition, the Board of Manage-

ment has issued the followings statement:

�Our Company received adequate consideration in respect of all legal transac-

tions listed in the report on relations with associated companies in the circum-

stances known to us at the time the legal transactions took place. The Com-

pany was not adversely affected by any measures adopted or omitted.�


Q2 2006


9. Corporate governance and profit transfer agreement

On July 19, 2005, Wire Card AG entered into a profit transfer agreement with

Wire Card Technologies AG, with Wire Card AG as the controlling shareholder.

In terms of a resolution of August 30, 2005, the annual general meeting con-

sented to this strategy.

In addition, the individual financial statements of Wire Card AG extend to in-

clude the corporate governance and profit transfer agreement entered into in

2004 between Wire Card AG � as the controlling enterprise � and Click2Pay


10. Changes to the Board of Management and

Supervisory Board

Effective January 1, 2006, Burkhard Ley was appointed to the Board of Man-

agement as Chief Financial Officer.

The Board of Management comprises:

Dr. Markus Braun � Technology (Chairman)

Burkhard Ley - Finance

Rüdiger Trautmann � Sales & Marketing

There have been no changes to the Supervisory Board.

11. Events occurring after the balance sheet date

Mid-July 2006, Wirecard AG published a disclosure pursuant to §§25.1 of the

German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) to the effect that Fidelity International

Limited surpassed the 5% threshold on July 12, 2006 and held approx.

5.45 % of the shares in Wirecard AG at that point in time.

12. Outlook

We will continue our growth based primarily on the EPRM segment in the sec-

ond half of the fiscal year and have adhered to our strategy of diversification in

various regions and markets as well as core industries.

Existing alliances for CLICK2PAY will assist us in opening up additional poten-

tial for further sales revenues and earnings for this product as well.

The Wire Card Bank enables us to issue new card products for consumers and

corporate customers as well as to exploit the synergy effects of operating as

part of a Group.

Changes to the shareholder



Q2 2006


Against the backdrop of the extensive range of products and services of the

Wirecard Group, the fresh opportunities thanks to the finalized integration of

Wire Card Bank AG and the ongoing trend in favor of outsourcing entire proc-

ess chains in the field of payment processing, we believe our Company re-

mains exceptionally well positioned for the future.

Following the outstanding results achieved in the first half of fiscal 2006 and the

positive trend as regards new customer business, the Board of Management

has upgraded its forecast for EBIT growth for the year as a whole to more than

60 percent.

Berlin, August 2006

Wirecard AG

Dr. Markus Braun Burkhard Ley Rüdiger Trautmann


Q2 2006


At the end of the second quarter of 2006, the capital increase financed by

company resources adopted by resolution at the annual general meeting of 30

May 2006 from EUR 62,316,144.00 by EUR 15,579,036.00 to EUR

77,895,180.00 pursuant to the provisions of §§ 207 ff. of the German Stock

Corporations Act (AktG) was entered in the commercial register. The capital

increase was effected against the issue of 15,579,036 new no-par-value bearer

shares issued to the stockholders of Wirecard AG in a ratio of 4 : 1. The Frank-

furt Securities Exchange included the ex bonus shares in the listing of legacy

no-par-value shares admitted to the regulated market (Prime Standard) as of

June 26, 2006. Accordingly, the price of the no-par-value shares of Wirecard

AG �ex bonus shares� as of that date was 20 percent lower.

Share price trend in the quarter under review

In the second quarter, Wirecard stock outperformed the TecDax reference

index. While the TecDax shed approx. 10% from April through June 2006,

Wirecard stock remained at the level of its starting point at the end of the quar-

ter. In April 2006, Wirecard stock saw some sideways movements. Its price

averaged EUR 5.11. A clear signal was the lapse of the one-year lock-up period

on April 28, 2006 for 41,633,992 shares without this resulting in an adverse

impact on the share price. - Until May 10, 2006, the price of our stock rose to

reach an interim annual high of EUR 5.84. At the end of May, the share price

declined to EUR 4.10, the lowest point in the period under review. This was

attributable to the general market environment. By June 5, the share price rose

to EUR 5.11 and closed the quarter at a level of EUR 4.90.

The average trading volume of our share per day almost doubled year-on-year,

to reach just under 221,000 shares.

Wire Card AG Stock Value TecDAX (rebased)Wire Card AG Stock Value TecDAX (rebased)









JunJan Feb

Q2/2006 EUR

Mar Apr Mai

Wirecard stock

All stock price data



Q2 2006


Key figures on Wirecard stock in the period under review

Q2 2006 Q2 2005

Number of shares (30.06.) 77,895,180 55,408,228

Capital stock EUR 77,895,180.00 55,408,228.00

Market cap. (30.06.) Mio.EUR 382 122*

Stock market price (30.06.) EUR 4.90 2.20*

Stock market high EUR 5.84 2.28*

Stock market low EUR 4.10 1.80*

* stock prices adjusted according to capital increase financed by company resources

Investor Relations

In the period under review the Board of Management introduced Wirecard AG

to numerous institutional investors during roadshows and conferences.

Wirecard is covered by analysts from:

Berenberg Bank

Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux

Sal. Oppenheim

SES Research


The Board of Management and the Supervisory Board of Wire Card AG under-

take to comply with the principles of the German Corporate Governance Code

and endorse the principles of transparent and sustained corporate governance.

Special measures in this regard include the listing in the Prime Standard and

accounting in accordance with IAS/IFRS.

Private investors can obtain all the relevant information on the Internet at

www.wirecard.com in the "Investor Relations" section.

Annual Shareholders� Meeting

The Annual Shareholders� Meeting took place on May 30, 2006 in Munich.

Counter motions were not presented. A total of 33.14 percent of equity capital

entitled to vote was present.

All agenda items were approved by a large majority over 97 percent.

To point out some agenda items which are approved in addition to the capital

increase financed by company resources:


Q2 2006


The notation of the company changed into Wirecard AG.

A change of the articles in corporation, § 14 . 1 about the fixed and variable

remuneration of the Supervisory Board members was approved.

Company has the authorisation to purchase own shares in the amount of 10

percent of the Shareholders� equity.

The complete agenda items and votes are published on our website.

Basic information on Wirecard stock

Year established: 1999

Market segment: Prime Standard

Indices: CDAX, Prime All Share

Type of equity: Nennwertlose Inhaber-Stammaktien

Stock exchange ticker: Reuters IGPG.DE, Bloomberg IGP

WKN: 747206

ISIN: DE0007472060

Authorised capital No. of shares: 77,895,180

Group accounting principles: Befreiender Konzernabschluss


End of fiscal year: Dec., 31

Total common stock as at June 30,

2006: EUR 77,895,180.00

Beginning of stock market listing: October 25, 2000

Board of Management: Dr. Markus Braun


Rüdiger Trautmann


Burkhard Ley


Supervisory Board: Paul Bauer-Schlichtegroll

Alfons Henseler

Klaus Rehnig (Vorsitzender)

Shareholders� structure June 30,

2006: 9.62% ebs Holding GmbH

8.01% MB Beteiligungsgesellschaft


82.37% Freefloat (inkl. 7.83%

AVENUE Luxembourg S.A.R.L.

sowie 6.42% Oppenheimer Funds)


Q2 2006


06/30/2006 12/31/2005

Assets EUR EUR



a) Goodwill 57,213,861.78 49,975,116.26

b) Self-provided intangible assets 87,404.80 137,305.00

c) Other intangible assets 4,312,972.16 4,206,327.20

61,614,238.74 54,318,748.46


Property; plant and equipment 795,748.41 929,812.94

3. FINANCIAL ASSETS 4,070,710.93 5,759,164.49


Deferred taxes 9,754.64 467,483.98

TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 66,490,452.72 61,475,209.87


1. INVENTORIES 1,433,421.08 1,233,362.00


CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSETS 52,907,745.47 23,269,460.27


Tax refunds 235,979.08 41,746.54


5. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 31,552,580.46 35,586,820.16

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 86,129,726.09 60,131,388.97

Total assets 152,620,178.81 121,606,598.84

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Consolidated Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2006 (IAS/IFRS) Wirecard AG Berlin


Q2 2006


06/302006 12/31/2005



1. Subscribed capital 77,895,180.00 62,261,447.00

2. Capital reserve 1,511,574.30 17,080,368.50

3. Consolidated accumulated profits 13,122,100.22 6,238,605.21

4. Currency translation adjustment 26,725.25 26,685.12

TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 92,555,579.77 85,607,105.83



a) Tax provisions 1,475,546.00 584,546.00

b) Other current provisions 1,704,593.77 1,493,570.89

3,180,139.77 2,078,116.89


a) Non-current liabilities

a1) Deferred income taxes 165,295.68 184,216.17

a2) Other non-current liabilities 353,792.60 422,058.75

519,088.28 606,274.92

b) Current liabilities

b1) Trade payables 51,676,846.62 26,112,431.40

b2) Interest-bearing bank loans and

overdrafts 2,467,167.59 6,188,186.32

b3) Other current liabilities 2,221,356.78 878,405.72

56,365,370.99 33,179,023.44


Current tax liabilities 0.00 136,077.76

TOTAL LIABILITIES 60,064,599.04 35,999,493.01

Total shareholders' equity and liabilities 152,620,178.81 121,606,598.84


Q2 2006


1st. quarter 2006 1st. quarter 2005

04/01/2006 04/01/2005

06/30/2006 06/30/2005


I. Sales 19,340,876.46 14,018,371.91

II. Increase or decrease in inventories of finished

goods, work-in-process, other own work


1. Other own work capitalized 0.00 0.00

2. Increase or decrease in inventories or finished

goods and work-in-process 286,906.00 286,906.00 (86,375.00) (86,375.00)

III. Operating expenses

1. Cost of materials (10,059,998.59) (7,381,943.42)

2. Personnel expenses (3,078,079.68) (2,902,727.66)

3. Amortisation and depreciation (247,234.22) (13,385,312.49) (149,135.26) (10,433,806.34)

IV. Other operating income and expenses

1. Other operating income 351,441.33 244,946.55

2. Other operating expenses (2,207,998.69) (1,856,557.36) (1,411,720.41) (1,166,773.86)

Net operating income 4,385,912.61 2,331,416.71

V. Financial result

1. Financial cost (133,614.89) (90,083.44)

2. Other interest and similar income 167,290.80 33,675.91 31,947.41 (58,136.03)

VI. Profit before taxes 4,419,588.52 2,273,280.68

VII. Income tax (714,797.26) (831,233.50)

VIII. Profit after taxes 3,704,791.26 1,442,047.18

IX. Profit carry forward (p.Y.: Loss carry forward) 0.00 0.00

X. Profit capital decrease 3.00 0.00

XI. Consolidated accumulated profits (p.Y.: losses) 3,704,794.26 1,442,047.18

Earnings per share (basic) 0.06 0.03

Earnings per share (diluted) 0.06 0.03

Weight average shares oustanding (basic) 64,330,251 54,023,935

Weight average shares (diluted) 64,414,449 54,082,518

Consolidated Income Statement

Consolidated Income Statement (IAS/IFRS) Wirecard AG Berlin

for the period January 1 to June 30 2006


Q2 2006


1st. half year 2006 1st. half year 2005

01/01/2006- 01/01/2005-

06/30/2006 06/30/2005


36,460,839.36 18,712,985.89

106,516.00 0.00

140,917.00 247,433.00 171,921.00 171,921.00

(19,059,244.78) (10,505,968.76)

(5,785,132.43) (3,433,397.57)

(487,036.56) (25,331,413.77) (230,027.81) (14,169,394.14)

1,262,932.50 489,146.27

(4,441,825.47) (3,178,892.97) (2,434,002.92) (1,944,856.65)

8,197,965.62 2,770,656.10

(259,056.38) (124,488.00)

345,690.91 86,634.53 36,182.97 (88,305.03)

8,284,600.15 2,682,351.07

(1,401,108.14) (989,174.59)

6,883,492.01 1,693,176.48

6,238,605.21 (1,764,342.04)

3.00 0.00

13,122,100.22 (71,165.56)

0.11 0.05

0.11 0.05

63,301,564 36,589,378

63,385,762 36,647,961


Q2 2006


01/01-06/30/2006 01/01-06/30/2005


Profit after taxes 6,883,492.01 1,693,176.48 +/- Amortisation/depreciation of non-current assets less goodwill, deferred taxes,

changes in currency translation 487,036.56 165,408.88

+/- Impairment charge on goodwill 107,303.00 64,618.93

+/- Increase/decrease in provisions 1,102,022.88 3,613,731.33

+/- Other non-cash-related expenses/income 438,811.85 0.00

-/+ Increase/decrease in current liabilities (30,032,576.82) (16,119,336.79)

+/- Increase/ decrease of other liabilities and tax liabilities 26,757,722.37 14,481,724.04

+/- Non cash-related item due to initial consolidation 0.00 (1,544,337.55)

= Cash flow from operating activities 5,743,811.85 2,354,985.32 + Receipts from disposal of property, plant and equipment 28,113.75 50,432.00

- Payments for investments in property, plant and equipment (44,613.73) (33,755.09)

+ Receipts from disposal of intangible assets 0.00 2,079.00

- Payments for investments in intangible assets (390,636.25) (150,499.20)

- Payments for investments in goodwill (5,503,235.25) 0.00

+ Receipts from disposal of securities 0.00 0.00

- Payments for investments in securities (156,940.27) 0.00

= Cash flow from investing activities (6,067,311.75) (131,743.29) + Receipts from issuance of share capital 64,938.80 5,843,450.37

+/- Receipts/payments on changes in borrowings (54,700.00) 425,500.00

= Cash Flow from financing activities 10,238.80 6,268,950.37

Net change in cash and cash equivalents (313,261.10) 8,492,192.40

+/- Adjustments due to currency translation of consolidation items 40.13 11,698.30

+ Cash and cash equivalents as of beginning of period 29,398,633.84 236,924.36

= Cash and cash equivalents as of end of period 29,085,412.87 8,740,815.06

01/01-06/30/2006 01/01-06/30/2005)

Additional explanations for the consolidated cash flow statement EUR EUR

Non-cash related increase in equity 0.00 42,135,788.00

Hereof non-cash capital increase by assets 0.00 42,135,788.00

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement of Wirecard AG Berlin for the period

January 1 to June 30, 2006


Q2 2006


Common stock

Number of

shares issued Nominal value Capital reserve



profit and









Balance as of Dec. 30 2004 10,533,947 10,533,947.00 1.00 (1,764,342.04) 26,849.99 8,796,455.95

Profit after taxes 1,693,176.48 1,693,176.48

Capital increase by cash 2,738,493 2,738,493.00 2,984,957.37 5,723,450.37

Capital increase by assets 42,135,788 42,135,788.00 42,135,788.00

Contingent capital increase

(convertibles) 120,000.00 120,000.00

Changes due to currency

translation 11,698.30 11,698.30

Balance as of June 30 2005 55,408,228 55,408,228.00 3,104,958.37 (71,165.56) 38,548.29 58,480,569.10

Balance as of Dec. 31 2005 62,261,447 62,261,447.00 17,080,368.50 6,238,605.21 26,685.12 85,607,105.83

Profit after taxes 6,883,492.01 6,883,492.01

Capital increase by company

resources 15,579,036 15,579,036.00 (15,681,536.00) (102,500.00)

Capital decrease (3.00) (3.00) 3.00 0.00

Contingent capital increase

(convertibles) 54,700 54,700.00 112,741.80 167,441.80

Changes due to currency

translation 40.13 40.13

Balance as of June 30 2006 77,895,180 77,895,180.00 1,511,574.30 13,122,100.22 26,725.25 92,555,579.77

Consolidated Statement of Changes in

Shareholders Equity


Q2 2006


Principles and methods

The first half year and quarterly financial statements as at June 30, 2006 � like

the consolidated annual financial statements as at December 31, 2005 � were

prepared in accordance with IAS/IFRS. The notes to the consolidated annual

financial statements as at December 31, 2005 also apply accordingly to the

present quarterly financial statements. Any departures from the above are

explained below. In addition, IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" was applied.


The presentation of the balance sheet, income statement and capital flow

account is effected in accordance with the consolidated annual financial

statements as at December 31, 2005.


On account of the initial consolidation of Wire Card Technologies AG only

being required to reflect the date of the commercial register entry (March 14,

2005), the comparability of the income statement is restricted.

The same applies to the presentation of the Group's cash flow statement since,

in particular, such items as "changes long-lived assets" and "other liabilities

and tax liabilities" reflect substantial changes year-on-year following the non-

cash capital contribution.

Wire Card Bank AG, Grasbrunn, was consolidated for the first time as at Janu-

ary 1, 2006. In addition, Pro Card Kartensysteme GmbH, Munich, was initially

consolidated as part of the Wirecard AG Group effective as of April 1, 2006.

Also on account of the initial consolidations of Wire Card Bank AG and Pro

Card Kartensysteme GmbH, comparability of the income statement is limited

as regards the previous-year quarter and half-year, respectively.

In departure from the quarterly statements until 2005, in which the presentation

of the balance sheet, income statement and capital flow account was still af-

fected in line with the rules and regulations of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange,

from the quarterly statements for the first quarter of fiscal 2006 onwards, the

presentation of the financial elements of the statements has been made in

conformity with the consolidated annual financial statements as at December

31, 2005. In the interests of comparability the quarterly figures of the previous

year have therefore been adjusted accordingly.


Notes to the consolidated statement as at June 30, 2006, Wirecard AG Berlin


Q2 2006


Accounting and valuation methods

In the course of preparing the quarterly financial statements as at June 30,

2006 the same accounting and valuation methods were applied as for the last

consolidated annual financial statements (December 31, 2005) and in the pre-

vious period under review (January 1, 2005 through June 30, 2005).

Due to internal restructuring measures (mergers) within the Group, historic

goodwill values were redefined at the level of cash-generating units. Goodwill,

amounting to TEUR 57,214 as at June 30, 2006, relates to the following seg-


06/30/2006 12/31/2005


EPRM 54,854 47,508

CCS 288 458

Other 2,179 2,179

57,321 50,145

less: Impairment-depreciation 107 170

57,214 49,975

Wire Card Bank AG was initially consolidated as at January 1, 2006. The pur-

chase was accounted for using the acquisition method. At Wire Card AG, the

(initial) capital consolidation as at January 1, 2006 generated TEUR 6,631 in

goodwill for Wire Card Bank AG. This goodwill has been assigned to the EPRM

division. The operating results of Wire Card Bank AG will be included in the

Company�s Group earnings figures as of January 1, 2006.

The initial consolidation of Pro Card Kartensysteme GmbH was performed

effective as of April 1, 2006. Again, this purchase was accounted for in line with

the acquisition method. Within the scope of the initial consolidation, at Wire-

card AG TEUR 752 in goodwill was generated for Pro Card Kartensysteme

GmbH, which is likewise to be assigned to the EPRM division. The operating

results of Pro Card Kartensysteme GmbH will be taken into account in the

Group consolidated financial statements of Wirecard AG as of April 1, 2006.

In the quarterly financial statements as at June 30, 2006, the profit transfer

agreements between Click2Pay GmbH and Wirecard Technologies AG as

dependent companies and of Wirecard AG as the controlling company were

taken into account. The profit transfer agreements were registered as early as

fiscal 2004 (Click2Pay GmbH) and fiscal 2005 (Wirecard Technologies AG),


The Company utilizes the balance sheet oriented liability method of accounting

for deferred taxes in accordance with IAS No. 12. Under the liability method,

deferred taxes are determined according to the temporary differences between

the valuation rates of asset and liability items in the consolidated financial

statements and the tax balance sheets, as well as taking account of the tax

rates in effect at the time the aforesaid differences are reversed. Valuation


Q2 2006


allowances to deferred tax assets are made if the probability of a tax benefit

being realized is below 50% (IAS 12, Paragraph 24).

The consolidated income statement for the period from January 1, 2006

through June 30, 2006 includes income tax expenses amounting to TEUR

1,401. Essentially, these relate to TEUR 458 in utilizations of deferred tax as-

sets and the income tax burden of the Group member companies based on the

tax computations for the first and second quarters.

Trade receivables and other assets reported also extend to include receivables

derived from the consolidation perimeter relating to foreign subsidiaries. These

companies are not consolidated as they are of minor significance for the Group

as a whole. Assets and liabilities of companies within the subgroup of Wirecard

AG were consolidated. Likewise, cash and cash equivalents with Wire Card

Bank AG were consolidated along with the corresponding liabilities to the ex-

tent that these relate to credit balance of the other Group member companies.

Shareholders� Equity

As far as the development of shareholders� equity is concerned, please refer to

the consolidated statement of movements in equity capital.

The level of subscribed capital amounted to EUR 77,895,180.00 as at June 30,

2006 and is divided up into 77,895,180 no-par bearer shares with a value

based on a notional common stock of EUR 1.00 each. This increase in sub-

scribed capital compared with the previous quarter is attributable on the one

hand to the subscription of 54,700 new shares effected on June 7, 2006 from

the Company�s contingent capital due to the partial exercise of the right to

conversion relating to the convertible bonds. In addition, following the entry in

the commercial register of June 19, 2006 a simplified capital reduction of EUR

3,00 was effected in tandem with a capital increase from company funds

amounting to EUR 15,579,036.00 by making a withdrawal from the Company�s

capital reserves.

The change in the capital reserve from TEUR 17,080 to TEUR 1,512 is based

on the appropriation of company funds (TEUR 15,579) to finance the capital

increase, from the premium on account of new shares being subscribed to in

the wake of exercising the right to conversion relating to the convertible bonds

(TEUR 113) and from netting the costs of the capital increase with the capital

reserve (TEUR 102).

Reporting by segment

In accordance with IAS 14, the companies whose participation certificates are

traded publicly are required to publish information (segment revenues, segment

expenses, segment earnings, segment assets and segment liabilities) regarding

the operational business segments or geographical segments (in each case, cf.

IAS 14, paragraph 9) and notes concerning their products and services, loca-

tions, as well as main customers.


Q2 2006


As in the past, sales revenues are segmented in geographical terms by produc-

tion locations. In this regard, in addition to the company cardSystems FZ-LLC.,

the new company Wire Card (Gibraltar) Ltd. is also included under �Other�

foreign operations. Moreover, sales revenues are segmented by operational

areas as had already been done in the quarterly reports. Distinctions are drawn

here between the divisions "Electronic Payment & Risk Management", �Call

Center Services" and "Other". In the process, the new company Pro Card

Kartensysteme GmbH was assigned to the EPRM segment.

Electronic Payment & Risk Management (�EPRM�) represents the biggest and

most important segment by far for the Wirecard Group. In this division, all

products and services from the comprehensive portfolio of financial services

are listed. This segment also extends to include Wire Card Bank AG, which

substantially expands the services along the financial supply chain.

Call Center & Communication Services ("CCS") is the segment in which we

report the extraordinary value-added depth of our call center activities, with the

other products such as after-sales service of our customers and mailing activi-

ties also being included as sub-categories.

In the segment "Other", items are listed that cannot be assigned to the classifi-

cations of the other divisions indicated above.


Q2 2006


Q2 2006 Q2 2005 H1 2006 H1 2005


Regional revenue breakdown Germany 14,021 14,515 27,328 19,156

United Kingdom 115 157 249 324

Others 7,266 65 12,220 65

21,402 14,737 39,797 19,545 Consolidations (2,061) (719) (3,336) (832)

19,341 14,018 36,461 18,713

Breakdown of total revenues by operating divisons Call Center & Communication Services 1,505 1,312 3,464 2,492

Electronic Payment & Risk Management 19,897 13,425 36,333 17,053

Others 0 0 0 0

21,402 14,737 39,797 19,545 Consolidations (2,061) (719) (3,336) (832)

19,341 14,018 36,461 18,713

Q2 2006 Q2 2005 H1 2006 H1 2005


Operating result I by operating divisions* Call Center & Communication Services 885 1,625 2,013 2,146

Electronic Payment & Risk Management 9,098 4,994 15,561 6,085

Others 0 0 0 217

9,983 6,619 17,574 8,448 Consolidations (521) (69) (31) (69)

9,462 6,550 17,543 8,379

Q2 2006 Q2 2005 Halbjahr 2006 Halbjahr 2005


Operating result II by operating divisions Bereichen (EBIT)

Call Center & Communication Services (255) (212) (424) (148)

Electronic Payment & Risk Management 4,631 2,770 8,637 3,201

Others 0 (24) 0 (31)

4,376 2,534 8,213 3,022 Consolidations 10 (203) (15) (251)

4,386 2,331 8,198 2,771

* Revenues, inventory changes and other own work capitalized minus cost of material.


Q2 2006


06/30/2006 12/31/2005


Regional non-current assets Germany 72,174 57,304

United Kingdom 52 92

Others 3,683 3,776

75,909 61,172 Consolidations (9,428) (164)

66,481 61,008

Q2 2006 Q2 2005 H1 2006 H1 2005


Depreciation of intangible assets Germany* 104 66 199 91

United Kingdom 0 0 0 0

Others 100 0 199 0

204 66 398 91 Depreciation arising from consolidation 23 25 47 50

227 91 445 141 Depreciation of intangible assets

Germany 71 49 140 73

United Kingdom 3 9 9 16

Others 0 0 0 0

74 58 149 89 Depreciation arising from consolidation (1) 0 (1) 0

73 58 148 89 Depreciation of financial assets

Germany 1 0 1 0

United Kingdom 0 0 0 0

Others 0 0 0 0

1 0 1 0 Depreciation arising from consolidation 0 0 0 0

1 0 1 0

Total depreciation and amortisation 301 149 594 230

* incl. Goodwill amortisation, which is shown in the financial results (financial costs).


Q2 2006


Q2 2006 Q2 2005 H1 2006 H1 2005


Investments in intangible assets Germany 121 149 284 150

United Kingdom 0 0 0 0

Others 0 0 107 0

121 149 391 150 Investments from consolidation 755 0 * 7,386 0

876 149 * 7,777 150

Investments in tangible assets Germany 36 34 44 34

United Kingdom 0 0 0 0

Others 0 0 0 0

36 34 44 34 Investments from consolidation 0 0 0 0

36 34 44 34

Investments in financial assets Germany 491 0 943 0

United Kingdom 0 0 0 0

Others 0 0 0 0

491 0 943 0 Investments from consolidation (786) 0 (786) 0

(295) 0 157 0

Total Investments 617 ** 183 7,978 ** 184

* thereof: goodwill from the initial consolidation of Pro Card Kartensysteme GmbH (TEUR 751) and Wire Card Bank AG (TEUR 6,631),

of which TEUR 1,883 has no impact on cash flows since this sum was already taken into consideration in the cash flow account as

early as 2005, when the participation was acquired.

** Investments not effective in payment terms and which were based on the non-cash capital contribution as at March 14, 2005 were

not included in the segment calculation. These would have amounted to TEUR 1,077 in intangible assets (thereof TEUR 889 in

goodwill); TEUR 445 in tangible assets and TEUR 7,278 in financial assets, which were eliminated within the scope of the initial

consolidation of the non-cash capital contribution. All these investments would have been assignable to the region of Germany.


Q2 2006


06/30/2006 12/31/2005


Regional segment liabilities

Germany 1. Provisions 2,128 1,247

2. Other liabilities

a) Non-current liabilities 56 401

b) Current liabilities

b1) Trade payables 52,309 33,792

b2) Current financial activities 2,467 6,188

b3) Other current liabilities 34,366 15,033

3. Tax liabilities 0 136

91,326 56,797

United Kingdom 1. Provisions 11 5

2. Other liabilities

a) Non-current liabilities 0 0

b) Current liabilities

b1) Trade payables 59 85

b2) Current financial activities 0 0

b3) Other current liabilities 148 44

3. Tax liabilities 0 0

218 134

Others 1. Provisions 150 318

2. Other liabilities

a) Non-current liabilities 0 0

b) Current liabilities

b1) Trade payables 19 280

b2) Current financial activities 0 0

b3) Other current liabilities 4,093 3,875

3. Tax liabilities 0 0

4,262 4,473 95,806 61,404

Consolidations (35,741) (25,405)

Total regional segment liabilities 60,065 35,999


Q2 2006


06/30/2006 12/31/2005


Segment liabilities by operational divisions

Call Center & Communication Services 1. Provisions 778 300

2. Other liabilities

a) Non-current liabilities 56 401

b) Current liabilities

b1) Trade payables 691 8,460

b2) Current financial activities 0 0

b3) Other current liabilities 3,501 351

3. Tax liabilities 0 0

5,026 9,512

Electronic Payment & Risk Management 1. Provisions 1,511 1,270

2. Other liabilities

a) Non-current liabilities 0 0

b) Current liabilities

b1) Trade payables 51,696 25,697

b2) Current financial activities 2,467 6,188

b3) Other current liabilities 35,106 18,601

3. Tax liabilities 0 136

90,780 51,892

Others 1. Provisions 0 0

2. Other liabilities

a) Non-current liabilities 0 0

b) Current liabilities

b1) Trade payables 0 0

b2) Current financial activities 0 0

b3) Other current liabilities 0 0

3. Tax liabilities 0 0

0 0 95,806 61,404

Consolidations (35,741) (25,405)

Total segment liabilities by operational divisions 60,065 35,999


Q2 2006



As at June 30, 2006 the Group workforce including the Board of Management

comprised 212 employees. 154 of whom where employed part-time.

These where engaged in the following functions:


Board of Management 3

Distribution 56

Administration 44

Customer Service 211

Research and Development 52

Total * 366

* of whom 154 where part-time employees

Berlin, August 2006

Wirecard AG

Dr. Markus Braun Burkhard Ley Rüdiger Trautmann


Head Office

Wirecard AG Voigtstraße 31, 10247 Berlin, Deutschland

Tel.: +49 (0) 30 7261 02 - 0

Fax: +49 (0) 30 7261 02 - 199

Mail: kontakt@wirecard.de

Branch Office

Wirecard AG Bretonischer Ring 4, 85630 Grasbrunn, Deutschland

Tel.: +49 (0) 89 4424 - 0400

Fax: +49 (0) 89 4424 - 0500

Mail: contact@wirecard.com


Wire Card S.L. C/Protectora No 10, Local 3. Edificio Sa Clastra,

07012 Palma de Mallorca, Spanien

Tel.: +34 971 49 55 - 70

Fax: +34 971 49 56 - 11

Mail: contactar@wirecard.es


Wire Card (Gibraltar) Ltd. Suite 3a Icom House 1/5, Gibraltar

Registered Address: 57/63 Line Wall Road P.O. Box 199, Gibraltar

Tel.: +350 50 712

Fax: +350 49 778

Mail: contact@wirecard.gi


Published by

Wirecard AG Voigtstraße 31, 10247 Berlin, Deutschland

Tel.: +49 (0) 30 7261 02 - 0

Fax: +49 (0) 30 7261 02 - 199

Mail: kontakt@wirecard.de


Wirecard AG


The German wording of the Interim Report for the second quarter 2006 is the

final and binding version.

Financial calendar

Please visit our website -

Here you find all the news and events at the Investor Relations-section.

Wirecard AG Investor Relations Office Munich

Bretonischer Ring 4, 85630 Grasbrunn, Germany

Phone: +49 (89) 4424 0400

Fax +49 (89) 4424 0500

Mail: ir@wirecard.com

