Words for Production 17. vague [ veG ] adj. not clearly understood, felt, seen or described...


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Words for Production

17. vague [] adj.not clearly understood, felt, seen or described 模糊的,不確定的

Though she is going to graduate, she is still very vague about her plans for the future.

Words for Production

18. turmoil [] n. [U](a state of) disorder, confusion and excitement 騷動,混亂

The crowd around the theater was thrown into turmoil when the movie star showed up.

* show up = appear 出現

Words for Production

19. accompany [] vt.to make supporting music for (somebody); to go with as a companion or helper 伴奏;伴隨

Meg sang and Jim accompanied her on the guitar.Children who want to see this movie must be accompanied by their parents.

Words for Production

20. convey [] vt.to make (ideas or feelings) known 傳達

No word could convey how happy I was when I won first prize.

* first prize = championship 冠軍 ; 第一名

Words for Production

21. anxiously [] adv.worriedly 憂慮地,擔心地

She waited anxiously by the phone for more information about her son.

詞類變化* anxiously = worriedly

anxious [] adj. 憂慮的,擔心的

All the students are anxious about

the results of the exam.

anxiety [] n. [C][U]憂慮,擔心

People in the West feel a growing anxiety about a terrorist attack.

Words for Production

22. imitation [] n. [C]the act of copying the behavior, appearance, speech, etc. typical (of a person) 模仿

She loves pop music and does a great imitation of her favorite singer.

詞類變化* pop music = popular music 熱門音樂

imitate [] vt.模仿

Try to be yourself; don’t imitate others all the time.

* all the time 一直

Words for Production

23. march [] n. [C]a piece of music written for marching to 進行曲

The band began to play the wedding march as the bride and the groom entered.

詞類變化* a piece of music 一首音樂* wedding march 結婚進行曲* the bride and (the) groom 一對新郎新娘

march [] vi..行進;大步走

Hearing her classmates laugh at her hairstyle, Sabrina felt very angry and marched out of the room.

* 感官動詞 + 受詞 +原型動詞現在分詞過去分詞

( 主動 )

( 被動 )

Words for Production

24. innocence [] n. [U]the state of having no experience or knowledge of more complex or unpleasant aspects of life 天真無邪,純真

In their innocence children believe everything other people tell them.


innocent [] adj.天真無邪的,單純的

The girl was so innocent that she believed what the ad said.

* …so Adj /Adv that S V. 如此地…以致於…* ad = advertisement 廣告

Words for Production

25. impact [] n. [C]an effect or impression 衝擊,影響

Warnings about the danger of smoking seem to have little impact on young people.

詞類變化* have an impact / influence / effect on 對…有影響

impact [] vt.予以嚴重的打擊、衝擊

The collapse of the World Trade Center impacted not only Americans but also people everywhere in the world.

Words for Production

26. cheer [] n. [C]a shout of joy, praise, support or encouragement 歡呼,喝采

A deafening cheer rose from the crowd as the singer walked onto the stage.


cheer [] vi.; vt.歡呼,喝采;鼓舞,使振奮

The crowd cheered as the baseball teams entered the stadium.

The trapped people were cheered when they heard the rescue party had arrived.

Words for Production

27. presence [] n. [U](the fact or state of ) being in a place 出席,在場

She was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.


present [] adj.出席的,在場的

Do you know how many reporters will be present at the meeting?

Words for Production

28. evoke [] vt.to produce or call up (a memory, a feeling, or its expression) 引起,喚起 ( 回憶、感情或其表現 )

That old film evoked memories of my childhood.

Words for Production

29. tremendous [] adj.very great in size, amount, or degree 極大的,巨大的It makes a tremendous difference to me whether you’re going to help me or not.

* make a difference 有差別 make no difference 一樣* whether … or not 是否

Words for Production

30. applause [] n. [U]loud praise for a performance or performer, especially by striking the hands together 熱烈鼓掌,喝采

The audience greeted the famous violinist with thunderous applause.


applaud [] vt.向…鼓掌喝采;讚許

The villagers all applauded the plan to build a new hospital in their area.

5. Irish[] adj. of Ireland, its culture, language or people 愛爾蘭的

Words for Recognition

4. make fun ofto laugh rather unkindly at 嘲笑,嘲弄

It is not nice to make fun of others because you may hurt their feelings.

Idioms and Phrases

* make fun of = laugh at

5. in one’s placeinstead of (someone) 代替 ( 某人 )

Jane was ill, so I went to the meeting in her place.

Idioms and Phrases

6. a shower ofa large number of things falling or appearing together 大量的

The victims of the heavy storm received a shower of letters containing money.

Idioms and Phrases

7. walk off withto take (one’s things) away without permission 拿走 ( 別人的東西 )

My father was mad with me because I walked off with his pen yesterday.

Idioms and Phrases

8. be at hometo feel at ease, especially because one has the right skills or experience 自在,輕鬆

Some students find it difficult to feel at home when speaking English.

Idioms and Phrases

* be / feel at home = be / feel at ease

9. in all innocence having no intention of doing harm 全然不知,毫無惡意

In all innocence I told him that his girlfriend and I were once lovers.

Idioms and Phrases
