4. oficina noticia2



Oficina de Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês. Itinerante 2011 - Núcleo Regional de Educação da Área Metropolitana Norte. Material adaptado por professora Geane Poteriko. Tema: Gênero Notícia.

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Língua Estrangeira Moderna

Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná

2º Semestre - 2011

Prof. Geane Poteriko

Cleci Carneiro MalucelliNilva Conceição Miranda


“Michael Jackson Dies”

Prof. Geane Poteriko

15. Read the news:

Michael Jackson Dies6/25/2009 6:20 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

We've just learned Michael Jackson has

died. He was 50.

Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier

this afternoon at his Holmby.

Prof. Geane Poteriko

Hills home and paramedics were

unable to revive him. We're told when

paramedics arrived Jackson had no

pulse and they never got a pulse back.http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/25/michael-jackson-dies-death-dead-


Prof. Geane Poteriko

( ) simple present to announce truths( ) present continuous do cause impact( ) future to announce future events( ) passive voice to omit the subject

a. Match the correct answer about the news headline.

Prof. Geane Poteriko

b. Underline in the lead, the

words that answer the five


Prof. Geane Poteriko


“Become a donor”

Prof. Geane Poteriko


Prof. Geane Poteriko

It takes 20 minutes and save lives, so

why don't more of us give blood?

EVERY day in the UK, 7,000 units of

blood are needed for life-giving

transfusions. But the recipients are

not only accident victims.

Prof. Geane Poteriko

Blood is used to treat cancer patients

and is given to people undergoing

surgery, women in childbirth and

newborn babies.

But there is a desperate shortage.

Although it takes just 20 minutes to

give blood, just four per cent of us

are donors.Prof. Geane Poteriko

To mark National Blood Week, four

people tell JENNA SLOAN and KATE

JACKSON how transfusions saved their

or their children's lives. Together with

our guest celebs, they ask Sun

readers to become donors. Go to


Prof. Geane Poteriko

Activity 1

1- What is the news about?

2- Who wrote the news?

3- Where is the news published?

4- When was the news published?

5- Why is this news published?

6- Who are the possible readers?

Prof. Geane Poteriko

1- What's the headline of the news?

2- How is this news organized? How many paragraphs does it have?

3- How many voices do you recognize in this news?

4- Identify the lead.

Activity 2

Prof. Geane Poteriko

No último parágrafo é mencionado NATIONAL BLOOD WEEK.


Você encontrará NOTÍCIA sobre esta semana que aconteceu na Inglaterra e

País de Gales, no Reino Unido.

Prof. Geane Poteriko

Become a donor


Prof. Geane Poteriko

Most people are able to give blood if they:

• are fit, healthy and not suffering from a cold, flu or other illness at the time of donation or in the previous 7 days.

• are aged between 16-70 years.

• weigh more than 45kg (16-17 year olds need to weigh more than 50kg).

Prof. Geane Poteriko

Most people are able to give blood if they:

• drink up in the 24 hours before donation, especially in warm weather, and have at least 3 to 4 good-sized glasses of water/juice in the 3 hours before donating (plasma and platelet donor need to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses).• eat something in the 3 hours before donating bring ID.

Prof. Geane Poteriko

Am I eligible to give blood?Are you the type to give blood?

1- Under 16? Yes No Back

2- Over 70? Yes No Back

3- Had a tattoo recently? Yes No Back

4- Pregnant or just given birth? Yes No Back

5- Have a serious heart condition? Yes No Back

Prof. Geane Poteriko

6- Low in IRON? Yes No Back

7- Lived in the UK for a total of 6 months or more between 1980 e 1996? Yes No Back

8- Engaged in “AT RISK” sexual activity in the past 12 months? Yes No Back

Am I eligible to give blood?

Prof. Geane Poteriko

Am I eligible to give blood?

9- Used intravenous recreational drugs? Yes No Back


Every donation can save three lives. Make an appointment. Start

over... Prof. Geane Poteriko


“Flood in Morretes”

Prof. Geane Poteriko

16. Look at this Morretes' picture. Suppose you are a reporter and have to elaborate a headline for this news. Be creative!

17. Now, it's your turn.

Produza uma notícia (headline, byline

e lead) sobre um fato ocorrido em sua

escola: um evento, um passeio, um

campeonato esportivo, etc. Use uma

linguagem simples, objetiva e clara.

Prof. Geane Poteriko

Use frases curtas.

Dê um título curto e sugestivo

Verifique se apresenta LEAD e

se ele menciona a maior parte

das informações essenciais.

Prof. Geane Poteriko


Oficina para Professores

Prof. Geane Poteriko

- Elaborar uma sequência didática

explorando uma das notícias abaixo.

- Criar um PTD explorando o conteúdo

gênero notícia.

Prof. Geane Poteriko

Powerful Quake and Tsunami Devastate Northern Japan


Kyodo News, via Reuters

Bin Laden is dead, says Obama

By Peter Baker, Helene Cooperand Mark MazzettiPublished in May 1, 2011


Brazilian soccer star Ronaldo to retire: report

Last Updated: Sunday, February 13, 2011 | 6:24 PM ETThe Associated Pres

http://www.cbc.ca/sports/soccer/story/2011/02/13/sp-ronaldo-retirement-report.html. Acesso em: 11 maio 2011

Professora Geane Poteriko


Colégio Estadual Jardim Esperança




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Documentos online:CBC RADIO CANADA. Disponível em: <http://www.cbc.ca/sports/soccer/story/2011/02/13/sp-ronaldo-retirement-report.html>. Acesso em: 19 maio 2011.

LAGE, N. Estruturas de Textos Midiáticos. Disponível em: <http://www.jornalismo. ufsc.br/bancodedados/lage-textomidia.html >. Acesso em 13 abr. 2008

Longmann Dictionary. Disponível em:<http://www.ldoceonline.com>. Acesso em: 19 maio 2011.

MAILONLINE NEWS. Disponível em:<



Acesso em 19 maio 2011.

PORTAL DO MEC. Disponível


aula=22646>. Acesso em: 20 junho 2011.

THE NEW YORK TIMES. Disponível em:<http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/02/world/asia/osama-bin-laden-is-killed.html>. Acesso em: 19 maio 2011.

THE NEW YORK TIMES. Disponível em:<http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/12/world/asia/12japan.html>. Acesso em: 19 m1io de 2011.

FORMATAÇÃO FINAL: Professora Geane Poteriko. gepoteriko@hotmail.com Site WIKI:

