Ch 17 Sec 3 & 4


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World After WWI

Rise of the Dictators:


• There were two parties in Russia:1. Bolsheviks – supported violence2. Mensheviks – sought change through

peaceful methods

• Czar Nicholas II was abducted and executed.

• Vladimir Lenin led the Bolsheviks and became the virtual dictator of Russia

• Lenin believed that atheism was vital• Instructed his forces to execute large numbers

of religious leaders

• When Lenin died, Joseph Stalin struggled for control of the communist party and became the 2nd dictator of the Soviet Union.

Joseph Stalin


• Adolf Hitler led the Nazi party– National Socialist German Workers’ Party

• Once in power, Hitler declared himself dictator of Germany

• He rebuilt Germany for future military conquest

Adolf Hitler


• Italy helped the Allies during WWI, but gained no land after the war was over.

• Benito Mussolini was head of the Fascist Party• He led a march on Rome and was appointed

leader of Italy

Benito Mussolini

Lateran Treaties

• Signed between Mussolini and the Catholic Church

• Gave the Catholics Vatican City in return for their end of opposition to the unification of Italy

League of Nations

• Formation led by Woodrow Wilson of the US• Hoped to prevent future wars • It turned out to be too weak

3 pacts to prevent future war:

1. Washington Naval Conference– Agreed to limit the number of war ships each

nation could build

2. Locarno Pact

• Between Germany, France and Belgium• Agreed on present borders

3. Kellogg-Briand Pact

• Agreed to settle disputes by negotiation rather than force