C#.net, C Sharp.Net Online Training Course Content



SVR Technologies providing the course content of C Sharp.net. It was given by our expert Poornima to improve the knowledge of the readers. For more details about other IT courses please visit http://www.svrtechnologies.com SVR Technologies Contact: 91- 988 502 2027 info@svrtechnologies.com http://svrtechnologies.com

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• Course Name: C Sharp.NET• Trainer: Mrs. Poornima• Duration: 30 sessions

• Session: 1 hour

This module helps students to understand different concepts and terminology available in .Net.

Understand various terminologies used in .Net.Understand the importance of Base Class Libraries and

NamespacesUnderstand what is MSIL and PEUnderstand various components of CLR and their importance

Session 1: MS.Net FrameworkObjectives

The .NET Framework - an Overview Framework Components Framework Versions Types of Applications which can be developed using MS.NET MS.NET Base Class Library MS.NET Namespaces MSIL / Metadata and PE files. The Common Language Runtime (CLR) Managed Code MS.NET Memory Management / Garbage Collection Common Type System (CTS) Common Language Specification (CLS) Types of JIT Compilers Security Manager


This module covers Visual Studio interface and also teaches how to develop a Console application.

Understand the interface Visual Studio.Learn how to develop a console applicationLearn Namespaces, Command Line Arguments, Main Learn compiling and executing applications using Visual Studio

and Visual Studio Command Prompt.


Session 2: First Application using Visual Studio

Introduction to Project and Solution in StudioEntry point method - Main.Compiling and Building ProjectsUsing Command Line Arguments Importance of Exit code of an applicationDifferent valid forms of MainCompiling a C# program using command line utility CSC.EXE


This module covers the syntax of the language C#.We understand the basics of C# language and thus can start

writing small programs.We will learn how and why to use data types, variables, enum,

constants, operators, control statements, arrays and methods.We will also learn casting between various datatypes.


• Session 3: Language Syntax

Why Data types Global, Stack and Heap Memory Common Type System Reference Type and Value Type Datatypes & Variables Declaration Implicit and Explicit Casting Checked and Unchecked Blocks – Overflow Checks Casting between other data types Boxing and Unboxing Enum and Constant Operators Control Statements Working with Arrays Working with Methods Pass by value and by reference and out parameters


This module covers all the Object Oriented concepts like Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism.

What are Class, Object, Properties and Encapsulation?


Session 4: OOPs Concepts

Learning about Class, Object, Component, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism

& Object Creation and Instantiation. OOPs-Programming Encapsulation Understanding Encapsulation Concept through an example.


This module explains why and how to apply the concept of inheritance through practical examples.

Apply inheritance using methods, properties using static, dynamic and abstract classes.


• Session 5: OOPs Inheritance

Introduction to InheritanceConstructor & InheritanceType Casting of Reference TypesStatic and Dynamic Binding Abstract Class


This module explains why and how to apply the polymorphism through practical examples.

Apply polymorphism using methods, properties using interfaces


Session 6: OOPs – Interfaces and Polymorphism

Introduction to InheritanceConstructor & InheritanceType Casting of Reference TypesStatic and Dynamic Binding Abstract Class


This module explains different collection types like Array List, Hash Table, List and Dictionary

Use different collection types like Array List and Hash Table.Understanding the problems with Array List and Hash Table.Using different generic types like List and Dictionary.Using Generic type with user defined classes.


Session 7: Collections and Generics

Introducing Collections.Benefits of Collection Classes. Understanding and using commonly used collections. Generics Advantages of Generics. How Generics Work at Runtime.


This module explains how to create user defined dll files, use them in various applications and deploying the assembly into GAC, using internal access specifier.

Develop an assembly and using it in a application.Use of Internal access specifierGiving Strong name to assembly and deploy into GACUninstall deployed assembly from the GAC.


Session 8: Assemblies and GAC

What is a DLL and how is it different from EXETypes of DLLWhat is an AssemblyHow to build a Class LibraryHow to use a Class Library in another Application?What is Namespace?Internal Access SpecifierTypes of Assemblies Global Assembly Cache


This module explains how to catch exceptions occurring in the application. Also this module tells us how to handle various exceptions and throw user defined exceptions.

This module also helps us to understand finally and using statements and also explains how to define user defined exception class.

Understanding the use of try, catch, throw, finally and using statements and also defining user defined exception class.


Session 9: Exception Handling

Defining ExceptionUnderstanding try and catch keywordsUsing “finally” block “using” statement Throwing exceptionsCreating User defined/Custom Exception class.


This module explains the various streams available and explains how to read and write to various inputs and output streams.

Working with text filesInput and Output to ConsoleRead/Write from/to Files.Understanding Stream Reader and Stream Writer classWorking with Binary DataUsing Binary Reader and Binary Writer classSerializing and Deserializing data.


• Session 10: IO Streams

What is a stream?Types of StreamStandard I/O StreamsHandling text in filesDealing with Binary filesSerialization / Deserialization


This module explains how to load various operators and to implicit and explicit casting with various casts actually not supported by .Net Framework.

We also learn the concept of partial classes and its advantages. Retrieving metadata of the class using Reflection API.

Understanding use of app.config file.Can overload operatorsSuccessfully make various implicit and explicit castingUse partial classes and methodsRetrieve information about the class using Reflection APIUse app.config file.


Session 11: Miscellaneous

Operator OverloadingPartial Classes and MethodsReflectionConfiguration File


This module explains helps us in developing a windows application, explains various controls used in winforms including menus, notify icon and timer controls. We will also learn GDI (Graphic Drawings).

Can develop windows applications using various controlsUse Menu Controls like MenuStrip, Context Menu StripUse Dialogs (Modal and Modeless)Developing. Graphical InterfaceCan use special controls like Timer and Notify Icon


Session 12: WIN Forms

Basic ControlsPanel & LayoutsDrawing and GDI DevicesMenuStrip, Toolbar Strip and ContextMenuStripModel and Modeless Dialog boxesMultiple Document Interface (MDI)Form InheritanceBuilding Login FormWorking with Resource Files and SettingNotify Icon ControlsUsing Timer Component


This module explains helps us how to deal with database. How to frame SQL Queries, How to create connection to the database from application. How to insert, update, delete and select records in the database. How to use parameters and prepared statements, execute stored procedures in database from application. Working with transactions.

Create connection to the database from the application.Frame queries using SQL.Insert, Update, Delete and retrieve records from database.Use parameters and prepared statementsMaintain transactions


Session 13: ADO.Net

Prerequisite - Knowledge of SQL QueriesIntroduction and Evolution of ADO.NETUnderstanding the Role of Managed Provider and

ADO.NET ObjectsConnecting to Database and Connection PoolingPerforming Insert, Update and Delete OperationsFetching Data from database - Executing Select

StatementsHow to implement Login facility with database


Continued in next slide

Use of Multiple Active Result SetsParameterized Prepared StatementsInserting Image into Database tableExecuting Stored ProcedureUsing TransactionAsynchronous Execution of QueriesWriting Provider Independent CodeWriting Common Code for Execution of Stored Procedures

This module explains how to deal with data fetched from the database. We will learn how to fetch data using DataAdapter, handle concurrency issues, Use dataviews and datatables pr

Display data fetched from database in various controls like DataGridView, Using dataadapter to fetch data from database easily. Handle concurrency issues, Programatically create and use DataTable and DataViews.


Session 14: ADO.Net – Dataset

Introduction DataSet and its Object ModelFilling DataSet using DataAdaptogramatically.erBinding DataSet to DataGridViewUpdating changes to database using DataAdapterUsing SqlCommandBuilderManaging DataTable ProgrammaticallyDataAdapter eventsHandling concurrency issueWorking with DataViewsConstraints in DataTableUsing DataRelations objectCreating DataSet/DataTable dynamically


This module explains how to use XML Documents. It also explains how to read XML Document using DOM Parser, XPath, and XML Data Document.

It’s also helps us to construct a dataset using XML Document.Write and Read XML Documents using various techniques. We

will also be able to easily interoperate XML and Dataset.


Session 15: XML

IntroductionWell Formed and Valid XML DocumentStructure of XML DocumentXML DOM ParserXPath SpecificationXML and DataSetXMLDataDocument for reading from DataSetXMLTextWriter & XMLTextReader XPathDocument & XPathNavigator


This module explains how the use of Windows Service. It explains how to develop, deploy and launch windows service.

It also explains how to create a controller application to use Windows Service. Also explains us how to handle Custom Commands in Windows Services.

Develop, Launch and create Controller application to use Windows Service.


Session 16: Windows Services

Introduction to Windows ServiceWindows Service Project TemplateDeveloping Windows ServicesInstalling, Deploying and Launching Windows ServiceDeveloping a Service Controller ApplicationHandling Custom Commands in Windows Services.


This module explains the use of delegates. How to write and use a delegate, declaring and raising events is also a part of this module.

Develop and use Delegates and Events.


Session 17: Delegates and Events

Introduction to DelegatesEvents Declaration, Raising and Handling


This module explains the use of multithreaded applications. We will also learn scheduling its types and Thread its states.

This module also explains how we can synchronize threads when used at the same time.

Create multithreaded applications by managing various thread states. Synchronize threads using Monitor, Mutex and Semaphore concepts.

ObjectivesSession 18: Multithreading

Threading Overview Scheduling Thread States Programming Threads Methods of Thread Class Thread Pool Thread Synchronization

a) Monitor b) Mutexc) Semaphore

Events Parallel Programming using Task Parallel Library Asynchronous Programming using async and wait keywords


This module explains how to use various debugging windows to keep track of program execution.

Debug using different windows, able to use break point, hit count and condition.

ObjectivesSession 19 : Debugging

What is Debugging?Build Configuration(Debug and Release)List of Debugging Windows Break Point Hit Count and ConditionDebugging Exception


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