Cognitive theory


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Cognitive Theory

Cognitive Theory Definition Is an approach to psychology that attempts to explain human behaviour

by understanding the thought processes. The assumptions in humans are that there are thoughts are primary determinants of emotions and behaviours.

Cognitive Theorist

Jean Piaget (1896- 1980): Cognitive – Development Theory Lev Vygotsky (1896- 1934): Sociocultural Theory Albert Bandura (1952 – current): Social- Cognitive Theory

Cognitive Theories

Piaget Theory 1. Stages Piaget’s 2. Memory Components Vygotsky Theory 1. SocioculturalBandura Theory 1. Social – Cognitive

Stages Piaget’s Cognitive – Development Stages

Piaget’s Cognitive Theory Memory Components- Research assumes that the human mind is

made up of multiple components. Ideas move through the components then goes into a organized way.

Sensory Memory

Information selected for processing

Short – term memory

Sensory Information

Information to be stored permanently Long – term


Techniques for processing new information

Information needed to comprehend new information

Vygotsky Sociocultural Theory

Asserts complex forms of thinking have their origins in social interaction rather than the child private explorations.

Believes that children learn new skills with the help of an adult.

The children benefits active exploration but make more greater discovery with an assisted help from an adult.

Bandura Social – Cognitive Theory Three factors that can affect the interactions with peers and


Behavioural (physical –motor

and verbal actions)

Personal (cognitive

abilities, physical characteristics,

beliefs, attitudes and expectations

Environmental (other people

and surroundings)

How this content relevant to me?

This content relevant to me because I have young cousins that are in the development stages, it allows me to view on how their cognitive stage is developing. Allows me to view cognitive stage and their memory components. As well their sociocultural and social – cognitive.

The content also allows me to understand on how the children developed cognitive and as well understanding that there are other factors that plays into the different stages.

As well allows me to plan and interact with the children at different ages with Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory and shows that children at different ages take in certain amount

How this content will be of use to you in your professional life?

This content will be used in my professional life is when planning the programs for the children. In the domains of social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional. As well how they develop cognitive and what stages each children go through until they adolescence.

Uses of Cognitive in Each Domain

Physical Domain- Goes into the theories of cognitive because there the interactions with all the other domain. The educator plans activities that allows the children to work together and come up ideas to better themselves physically.

Creative- Cognitive goes into the creative side even when your young, your still thinking of what you want to draw, what materials you want to use or how much.

Emotional – These interact with each other by allowing the child to express their emotions and at the same time knowledge the different motions they expresses.

Social- Social interactions is important with cognitive skills because it increases your vocabulary list as well allows the children to develop relationship among their peers and adults.

Intellectual – These two are the same because it deals with the concepts of thinking, information – processing, short and long term memory.


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Information Lifespan Development pg. 43 – 49
