Do you want to be a better teacher ppt - may 23 2015


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Do You Want To Be A Better Teacher?

Manpal Sahota

Are you a good teacher?

Are you a bad teacher?

What are some ways you can become a better teacher?

Reflective Practice

Why reflect on your teaching practices?

Clearly and objectively examine successes

and failures

How do you talk about teaching?

Why reflect on your teaching practices?

Clearly and objectively think successes and


Increase practical knowledge

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over

again and expecting

different results.”

Why reflect on your teaching practices?

Clearly and objectively think about

successes and failures

Increase practical knowledge Increase personal development

“Training is what others to do you… development is what you do to yourself.”

- Julian Edge

Why reflect on your teaching practices?

Clearly and objectively think about

successes and failures

Increase practical knowledge

Increase personal development Gain awareness

“If teachers are active reflectors of what is happening in their own classroom, they better position themselves to discover whether

there is any gap between what they teach and what their students learn.”

- Tom Farrell

Who should reflect on their teaching practices?

If you have been teaching for ten years… do you have ten years of experience… or

one year of experience repeated 10 times?

… or too old

How can you reflect on your teaching practices?


Make notes during/after class

Write a journal

Record your class

Feedback from students (verbal/written)

Action research

Teaching Portfolios

With A Partner

Critical friendships (talking, emailing,

calling, etc.)

Exchange journals

Peer observations

With Multiple People

Teacher development groups

“Communities of Practice”

Share ideas, share concerns, share

journals, support each other, interact


When do you talk about teaching?

Where do you talk about teaching?

Reflective Practice Groups

Group of reflective teachers

Reflect on your reflections (meta-


Regular meetings (weekly, monthly,

bi-monthly, etc.)

Reflective Practice Meetings

Reflective Task – Teacher Burnout

1. Have you ever experienced the feeling of being

burned out from teaching? Describe how you felt.

2. What do you think caused the burnout?

3. How did you overcome the feeling?

4. What advice would you give to help beginning

teachers avoid burnout?

Reflective Task - Routines

1. Are you aware of any routines in your teaching?

2. Do you start and end your classes the same way each day?

3. Do you keep the same materials year after year and continuously use them?

4. Do you think teachers should follow routines in their teaching and the use of materials?

John Dewey (1933)




Three characteristics or attitudes of people who are reflective:

Suggested Readings

Thomas Farrell

Jack C. Richards

Thomas Farrell

Let’s Start a Reflective Practice Group!
