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Erasmus + The exchange programme

This project connects 7 countries: Belgium Spain Poland Hungary Turkey Greece Lithuania

Are we green enough?

The aim of the project - to promote ecological consciousness and share best experience among the participating countries.

The aim of this project?The project will take place in the students 'and teachers' meetings, will project website, created a song and movies about the friendly environment, the exhibition is held on the green energy recovery, green manifesto be published, broadcast radio program about renewable energy sources, ecological consciousness day organized.

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In this project we are working with Bulgaria

Comenius Regio,,Opening the windows of citizenship”

Goals:1.To share best practices in the field of civic education among national, regional partners2. To strengthen the European dimension in school education3. Consolidate their sense of the value of in developing of their country, the people, the single European destiny

This project connects 6 countries: Italy Spain Turkey Croatia Lithuania Hungary

Read in Europe

Develop reading skills Learn more about other countries cultures Improve English speech To have friends not only around your country Have fun meeting each other!

The aim of this project?
