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A collection of fairy tales

by 3rd grade students

of Penteli Junior High, Greece.

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The fairy tales in this collection were written as part of our E-twinning

project "There are two sides to every story".

Writing our stories we tried to follow the main principles of fairy tales

and incorporate as many of the following elements as we could:

Fairy tales…

� Open and end with special words - Once upon a time ... and they lived

happily ever after.

� Are usually set at an indefinite time, in the long past.

� Are usually set at an indefinite place - In a far away land.

� Feature clearly defined good characters and evil characters.

� Feature royalty and/or a castle.

� Include fantasy, supernatural or make-believe aspects.

� Involve magic elements, which may be magical people, animals, or

objects. Animals often talk and come to the rescue.

� May include objects, people, or events in threes.

� Feature a problem or conflict that needs to be solved.

� Love is in the air…

� Often have happy endings, based on the resolution of the conflict

or problem.

� Usually teach a lesson or demonstrate values important to the


We hope you enjoy reading them, as much as we did writing them.

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The coachman and the princess p. 5

The princess and the three-headed peacock p. 7

Real love's magic p. 9

Pirate island p. 11

Princess Violet and Dragon Tate p. 13

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Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a beautiful


One day, Lex , the coachman of the royal family, who was secretly

in love with the princess, drove her to the woods, where she

wanted to take a stroll and relax. While the princess was

wandering in the forest, she got lost. After some time Lex realized

that it was late and she had not returned. He got anxious, so he

decided to look for her.

The Coachman and the Princess.

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As he was searching, he suddenly saw a hovel in a remote place

in the woods. Curious as he was, he entered. No one was there,

but there was a trap door on the ground. Lex opened it and saw a

wizard doing some strange spells. The wizard, Gosu, saw Lex

and he got very upset as his spell was meant to be a secret. It was

a love-potion in order to make the princess fall in love with him.

Lex ran away and Gosu ran after him. Fortunately, Lex managed

to escape him.

Some time had passed and Gosu couldn’t find Lex anywhere in

the woods. Suddenly, he saw the princess. She was tired and

desperate. He came towards her and he threw the magic dust

which he had prepared from the love-potion. At that moment Lex

came up. The princess was unconscious because of the power of

the magic dust. Lex tried to kill Gosu , but he only managed to

destroy his wand. Then Gosu ran away because he had no powers

any more.

The magic dust would make the princess fall in love with the first

man she'd lay her eyes on when she woke up. Lex kissed the

princess and she woke up, only the first person she saw was not

the wizard, but Lex, the brave coachman, who had the heart of a

real prince. She immediately fell in love with him.

The princess and Lex lived happily ever after and had three

beautiful children, James, Lil and Julian. Nobody knows if Lex

ever told the princess anything about the magic dust that made

her love him.

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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Petounia

who lived at a castle. Her father, the king, was very strict with his

daughter and never let her out of the castle. She had a three-

headed peacock to protect her from evil and no man was allowed

to go near her.

However, she was so pretty that everyone had heard about her

and everyone wanted to marry her. One day, three men came at

the castle in order to find a way to marry the princess.

The Princess and the

three-headed Peacock.

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The first one was Pit the Pirate, the second one was a clown and

the third was an evzone (member of the elite Greek infantry

army). The king gave them shelter at his guesthouse but refused

to let them see his daughter.

One day, Pit the pirate went to her rooms in order to kidnap

princess Petounia. The king got mad and ordered the three-

headed peacock to eat the pirate. Pit started fighting with the

peacock and he managed to cut off one of the peacock’s heads.

But finally, the peacock ate him.

The next day, the clown appeared before the king asking him to

give him his daughter as a bride. The king decided to lock the

princess into a room with the two-headed peacock to protect her.

However, the clown managed to break the door down with an axe

and entered the room where Petounia was locked. Then, he

started fighting with the two-headed peacock, cut off one more of

its heads, but the peacock finally killed him.

So, only one man who wanted to marry the princess was still

alive, the evzone. Petounia was afraid that if he cut off the only

head of the peacock that was left, her loving pet would die. So,

Petounia decided to meet the evzone and convince him to go

away without a fight. She waited until everyone in the castle was

asleep and she visited the guesthouse where he was sleeping. As

soon as she saw him she realized that she was in love with him.

After all, this uniform he wore even while sleeping was really

something to remember. The two of them decided that they loved

each other so much that they didn’t need the king’s fortune to be

happy. So Petounia, the evzone and the one-headed peacock left

the castle in the middle of the night to find happiness far away.

And they lived happily ever after…

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Once upon a time, there was a king called Peter. He had a

daughter, Lilian, and he wanted to give her a husband. However,

she didn’t want to marry anyone that her father introduced to her.

One day, the king got very angry with her behaviour and,

wanting to give her a lesson, forced her to marry a prince that he

had presented to her as a poor musician, called Sebastian. When

she married him, the king had to send her away with her

husband, because she was not a noble anymore, so she wasn’t

allowed to live in the palace.

The couple left the palace and went to live in a small house in the

fields. They lived there for many months, being poor and selling

their precious belongings. Lilian sold her nice dresses and she

lived with rags. Nevertheless, they loved each other and faced all

the difficulties together.

Real Love's Magic.

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One day, Sebastian decided to tell her the truth, so he went to the

castle to discuss this with her father, the king. Meanwhile, Lilian

missed Sebastian, and she decided to go and find him in the city.

Lilian had a friend, a deer called Bambi, who could predict the

future and give her advice. Bambi told her that something bad

would happen and she would better stay in the fields. However,

she didn’t believe him and she started her journey.

Lilian was walking in a small street, when suddenly a bad wizard

grabbed her and took her away. His name was Antonio Skep and

he was very mean. Antonio gave her a poisonous drink and he cast

a spell. The spell said that she would be allowed to live only if

someone who loved her, found her and pulled her hair.

After a while Sebastian returned to their house determined to tell

her the truth. When he realized that she had disappeared he asked

Bambi where she was. The deer told him what had happened and

Sebastian, terribly worried about her, set out to save his love.

Bambi showed him the way to the wizard’s castle.

When Sebastian reached the castle, the wizard was sleeping. Lilian

was locked in a room, lying on the floor. Sebastian managed to

break down the door and ran next to her. Bambi had told him, that

she would wake up, if he pulled her hair. He followed Bambi’s

advice, pulled her hair and saved her. When the wizard woke up

and realized that Lilian wasn’t there, the couple had already fled.

In the end, Sebastian told her the truth, although he was afraid that

she would feel betrayed and leave him. However, she loved him so

much, that she forgave him. They went back to the palace together

and lived happily ever after.

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Once upon a time, at the Red Sea of the Blue-green Ocean,

something terrible happened. The three siblings of the Crouser

family came to be the only survivors on an isolated island.

The oldest brother, Jordan, woke up to the sound of the waves. It

took him no time to realize that he had shipwrecked at an

unknown island and the only thing he could remember was the

desperate screams of his sister Lily asking for help. He was

devastated, when he saw two human shadows on the horizon. He

approached them hoping that they would help him. When he

reached a point that he could see their faces clearly, he realized

that it was his brother Ryan and sister Lily. He ran towards them

with all his power, hugged them and they all breathed a sigh of


Pirate Island

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Suddenly, shots of guns echoed around. The three of them moved

fast to the woods to hide. However, Lily, curious as she was, came

out of their hiding place to see the shooter. It was a young pirate,

apparently hunting fowl. For Lily, it was love at first sight. She was

so excited about him that she didn’t stop talking about him all

night. However, her brothers, worried about their dire situation and

exhausted, didn’t pay attention to her.

In the dead of night, as if under a spell, Lily left their hiding place in

search of the pirate. She followed the smell of fire until she reached

the place where the pirate had camped. When he saw her, he was

amazed by her beauty and asked her to stay with him. The next

day, Lily woke up and wanted to see her brothers again, so she

decided to leave. But as soon as she took the first step, the pirate

grabbed her. He told her that he would never let her go.

Meanwhile, her brothers were searching for her but they couldn’t

find her anywhere.

When Lily realized that she would never see her brothers again, she

made a desperate attempt to escape. However, the pirate caught her

and took her back to his camp. He tied her so that she could not

move. Scared as she was she screamed out loud. Luckily, her

brothers happened to listen to her screams and they immediately

ran towards the sound. They found the tent and came in. Jordan

was armed with a big stick but Ryan had bare hands. They attacked

the pirate and they managed to hit him on his head. The pirate lost

consciousness and fell to the ground. Lily fell into her brothers’

arms knowing that now she was in good hands. While the pirate

was unconscious and unable to hurt them, they easily found his

boat and fled.

Lily could never explain what made her act so irresponsibly.

Fortunately, the three of them were saved by a passing ship and

taken to the nearest port. Soon they were back to their homeland,

where they lived happily ever after.

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Princess Violet and Dragon Tate.

Once upon a time, at a kingdom deep in the Magic Forest, there

was a queen and a king. A few years after their marriage they had

a daughter whom they named Violet. She grew up and became a

beautiful and smart young lady. Her parents had arranged for her

to marry a prince from the Flower Kingdom since she was a little


Violet loved to go on walks in the forest and explore. One day ,

when she was 15 , while exploring the Forest, she saw a blue light

flickering inside a cave. So as usual, she went inside. What she

saw scared her. A huge, blue dragon was resting there, looking at


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She tried to run but what happened next amazed her. The dragon

spoke ‘’Don’t be frightened , I’m not going to hurt you ‘’. He

sounded like a young boy. “ You have a beautiful colour “, Violet

said.” Will you be my friend, I’m so lonely” asked the dragon. “Of

course !!! What’s your name? I’m Violet”. “ You are the princess ?

I’m happy to meet you , my name is Tate” . And so, a beautiful

friendship started. Violet would visit Tate almost every day and

they would have so much fun. Eventually, they fell in love with

each other.

It was on Violets 17th birthday that her parents announced to her

their plans about her and prince Charlie’s marriage. The princess

protested saying she couldn't marry him because she was in love

with a dragon named Tate. Her parents got mad and tried to

convince her that she couldn't marry a dragon. But Violet was not

going to agree with them.

Her parents were desperate and they tried to find a solution. So,

they called prince Charlie to the castle and told him “We’re sure

you know our plans about yours and our daughters marriage”.

“Of course” Answered the prince. “Well, it seems that our

daughter, Violet, has fallen in love with this..How do we say this,

dragon! We’re sure though that’s she’s under some sort of spell.

Now, we need you to find that dragon and kill him so that Violet

appreciates you.” The Prince accepted the King’s and Queen’s

order and started his journey to find and kill the dragon.

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Meanwhile, Violet’s nanny, who had heard the conversation

between Violet’s parents and prince Charlie, rushed to Violet’s

room and told her everything about her parents' plans. Violet left

the castle in a hurry, trying to find Tate. When she finally arrived

to the cave her beloved dragon lived, she was exhausted but she

didn’t stop until she was inside. What she saw made her break

down. Inside the cave, the dragon was lying dead and the prince

on top of him looking proud. Violet started crying and rushed to

Tate, hugged and kissed him.

Suddenly, Tate, opened his eyes and a blinding light surrounded

him. When the light started fading, what Violet saw amazed her.

It wasn’t the dragon standing in front of her, but a young prince

with beautiful blond curls. “You broke the spell!” He said and

hugged Violet. Charlie was so frightened that he started running

and he got lost. Violet introduced Tate to her parents and they

were overwhelmed by how smart and charming he was. They got

married later on and they lived happily ever after.
