Golang online course


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About Golang

Designing principles

Environment setup

Program Structure


Data types



Decision making 

Loop statements


Scope Rules






Type casting

Go is an open source programming language which was

originally developed by Google in the year 2007 and Go

programming language was designed by Robert Griesemer,

Ken Thompson, and Rob Pike.

The syntax of this language is similar to C programming

language. Go provides type safety, garbage collection,

dynamic typing capacity and some other advanced built-in

types such as key-value maps and variable length arrays. 


DESIGNING PRINCIPLESThis programming language support interfaces and type embedding. Go is simple, concise and safety. Most of the programmers prefer this GO programming language because the compilation time is very fast. Some of thebuilt-in concurrency supports are the lightweight process, channels, select statement, and simplicity.

Environment setupThe Go programming environment is already setup in online. The programmers can compile and execute your code through online configuration environment. The important software is text editor and the Go compiler. The text editor is used to write your code. Some of the commonly using text editors are notepad, brief, OS edit command, etc. The Go compiler is used to change the source code into machine language only then the CPU can understand and execute the program, as per the instructions were given.

Program structure 

A complete Go language must have the following sections such as functions, variables, import packages, package declaration, comments, and statements & expressions.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() { /* This is my first sample program. */ fmt.Println("Hello, World!") }



Go programming language has various


A token may be a keyword, constant, symbol,

string literal, identifier.

Data types 

Boolean types: it has two predefined constants such as

true and false.

String types: string is nothing but the set of characters

usually declared within “ ”.

Numeric types: Numeric data type means the

arithmetic types of values are stored in variables.

Derived data types: there are many derived data types

available in Go programming language.


Constant is nothing but the fixed value.

Once the programmer set a value as constant, then it

will be changed during the time of execution.

The fixed values are often referred as literals.

The literals may be the data types such as integer

constant, the character constant, floating constant,

and the string constant.


There are various operators in Go programming

language which are used to perform mathematical and

logical operations using operands

Types of operator:arithmetic operator, bitwise

operator, assignment operator, misc operator, logical

operator, and relational operator.

Decision making

Decision making structures are used by the

programmer when they want to test one or more


If the given condition is true, some set of statements is

executed sequentially.

Suppose if the condition is false, some other

statements are executed. This is done to attain a

particular task.

Loop Statement

The loop statements are used to perform the same task

for multiple times.

There are various types of loop statements available in

Go programming language are for loop and nested


The loop control statements such as continue

statement, break statement, and goto statement.


A function is nothing but the collection of statements

working together to attain a particular task.

A perfect function includes some parts such as return

type, function name, parameters, and function body.

The function is also called as the method, sub routine,

and procedure.

While declaring the function, the developer has to

start with func keyword.

ScopeThe variables are declared in three places in a


If the variables are declared within the function, then

it is called as local variables, and those variables are

accessed only by the statements inside the function.

If the variables are declared outside the function, then

it is referred as global variables.

Those variables are usually declared at the top of the



The array is the data structure provided by the Go

programming language, and the array is nothing but

the collection of similar data types.

In Array, memory allocation is in a contiguous


The lowest address is the first element, and the higher

order address is the last element in the array.


The structure is also a user defined data type and structure is the collection of various data types. Structure concept is frequently used to present a record. The lowest address is the first element, and the higher order address is the last element in the array.

Format of structure

type struct_variable_type struct { member definition; member definition; ... member definition; }


The pointer is a variable which is used to store the address value of another variable. Some of the complex tasks are easily performed using pointer concept.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() { var a int = 10

fmt.Printf("Address of a variable: %x\n", &a )}


The range keyword is used in for loop to iterate the

items of slice, channel, array and map.

For array and slices, it returns the index value as the


For the map, it returns the key of following key value



Go language supports the recursion function which

means the function call by itself.

While using the recursive function, the programmers

should be careful to define the exit condition.

func recursion() { recursion() /* function calls itself */ }

func main() { recursion() }

Type casting

Using cast operator, the developer can convert a variable from one data type to another data type.Example:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() { var sum int = 17 var count int = 5 var mean float32 mean = float32(sum)/float32(count) fmt.Printf("Value of mean : %f\n",mean) }


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