Group 2


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Conditional Type 1

“Real situations in the present or future”

Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu yg mungkin terjadi pada waktu mendatang

ataupun sekarang jika syarat/kondisi tertentu dipenuhi

If + Subject + present simple,+ Subject + + V1(simple form)

Will Can May must

Ex: If you study, you will pass the final test

If + Subject + Simple Present... + Subject + Simple-Present

Ex: If he has enough time, Bill usually walks to School

If + Subject + Simple Present... + Command Form

Ex: If you go to the post office, please mail this letter for me!

Conditional Type 2

“Unreal situation in the present time”

Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan apa yang ada/terjadi


If + Subject + simple past + Subject + V1 (simple form) WouldCouldmight

Ex: 1. If I had a lot of money, I would buy a luxurious car.Reality : you don’t buy a luxurious car2. He would tell you about it, if he were here Reality : he isn’t here, he doesn’t tell you about it

were + Subject + adj/noun + Subject + V1 (simple form) WouldCouldmight

Ex : were I Jane, I would not forgive youReality : I’m not Jane, so I forgive you

Invertion form (without “IF”) for type 2:

“In type 2 and type 3, “IF” can be ommited”

Conditional Type 3

“unreal situation in the past”

Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan apa yang telah terjadi


If + Subject + past perfect... + Subject + + have V3WouldCouldmight

Ex : If he had known the news, he would have gone to JakartaReality : he didn’t know the news so he didn’t go to Jakarta

Invertion form (without “IF”) for type 3:

Had + Subject + V3... + Subject + + have V3WouldCouldmight

“In type 2 and type 3, “IF” can be ommited”

Ex: Had I done the test well, I could got good score = If I had done the test well, I would got good scoreReality : I didn’t do the test well so I didn’t get good score