Izan esandi


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Izan Esandi Casado

Question 1. How does Santa Claus travel?

A) sled

B) prívate jet


Question 2. What does Santa Claus give?

A)Failed exams

B) Stolen gifts

C) Gifts

Question 3. What color is the beard of Santa Claus?

A) black

B) white

C) red

Question 4. Where does Santa Claus live?

A) Las Vegas

B) on the moon

C) in the North Pole

Question 5. Who helps Santa Claus?

A) Chuck Norris

B) elves

C) escubidu

Question 6. when does Santa Claus work?

A) during the day

B) when he wants

C) at night

Question 7.

what animals does Santa Claus have ?

A) a dinosaur

B) a reindeer

C) a koala

Question 8. falling from the sky at Christmas

A) snow


C) chocolate

Question 9. What is the typical Christmas weather ?

A) cold

B) Sun

C) fog

Question 10. Which of these songs is not a Christmas


A)Jingle bell


C)let it snow
