Login and private message


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Web Game Design


ElectroServer Design Concepts

Event Handlers ElectroServer currently allow event handlers to be created

for the following event types:



User Variable─User has updated the EsObject attached to the

user object.

Room Variable ─User has updated the EsObject attached to

the room.

Buddy List─User has updated his buddy list (add/edit/delete).

Private/Public Messaging─User has sent a message to another

entity (room/user).

The ElectroServer API The ElectroServer API is an ActionScript 3 API use by a

multiplayer application to connect to and communicate with ElectroServer.

There are three main types of message that can travel in either direction between the client and the server.

Requests ─ Objects created by the client and then sent to the server. (LoginRequest)

Responses ─ Objects created by the server as a result of a request and then sent to the client. (LoginResponse)

Events ─ Messages (sent from the server to client) that did not necessarily originate from a request.

Prepare an ElectroServer Instance The first thing you need to do before connecting to

ElectroServer is create a new instance of the ElectroServerclass.

The ElectroServer class is the gateway to the entire API.

var es:ElectroServer = new ElectroServer();

Then we add event listeners, so that we can capture the responses and events that come back from the server.


We should tell the API which protocol we want to use.


MessageType class This class stores static variables that act as a message

definition. All messages (requests, responses, events) have

a getMessageType() method. The value of it is one of the

static variables in this class.





連線與登入流程 Main.as: new ConnServer

ConnServer.as: 處理連線與登入

Connect: 讀檔取得ip及port,createConnection()

Create Login UI: 連線成功後, new LoginScreen(),聆聽是否按下LoginScreen之[login]按鈕

Login: 讀取輸入之帳號名稱並登入伺服器,登入成功後,移除LoginScreen畫面

Send Message: 傳送訊息給自己測試

Send Private Message

(附件:Connection and Login Tutorial.docx)

Connect We make the connection attempt to ElectroServer.

es.createConnecton(“”, 9898);

We add an event listener for the connection event.

es.addEventListener(MessageType.ConnectionEvent, “onConnecting”, this);

When the connection succeeds or fails, the onConnectingfunction is called:

public function onConnecting(e:ConnectionEvent):void


//e.getAccepted() 可判斷是否登入成功//e.getEsError().getDescription() 可取得錯誤訊息


Login To log in to ElectroServer, first a LoginRequest object is

creted, a username is populated onto that object.

var lr:LoginRequest = new LoginRequest();



Capture the login response that send from server.


“onLogin”, this);

Send a Private Message To send a private message with ElectroServer, you first create a

SendPrivateMessageRquest object.

var pmr:PrivateMessageRequest = new PrivateMessageRequest();


pmr.setMessage(“Hello World!”);


Capture the private message event is captured by:

public function onPrivateMessage(e:PrivateMessageEvent)


//e.getUserName() 取得送訊息者名字

//e.getMessage() 取得訊息內容

