Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 tentang Hewan


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HOMETujuan PBM MateriLatihanEvaluasiANIMALS

Tujuan PBMMasing-masing siswa mengulang dengan suara lantang apa yang didengar dari kaset/CDSiswa dan guru membahas kosakata percakapan/ dialog sesuai materiSiswa mengidentifikasi informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana Siswa dapat melengkapi dan memperagakan dialogHOMETujuan PBM MateriLatihanEvaluasi


Hello everybody, our name is Lolo, Lee, Gili, and Cita.We have soft feathers. You could know the colours of our feathers, the one white, one orange, and two grays. We are so happy after meeting you.HOMETujuan PBM MateriLatihanEvaluasi


We are chimpanzee, my name is Dora and my sister is Molo, we live in the jungle-wild animals. We have fun together with many flowers around my little house everyday.

HOMETujuan PBM MateriLatihanEvaluasi


Hello friends..... I have two long horns on my head and I have four legs. I am a goat, my name is Dolly. The fresh grass is my favourite food. Please follow my voices... Hehehe...

HOMETujuan PBM MateriLatihanEvaluasi


It is me (a Chicken), my name is Cicok, I live in my boats with my children.

I have a soft feather

I have two legs for finding a food in that sands.

HOMETujuan PBM MateriLatihanEvaluasi


Latihan SoalComplete the blanks sentences!....... and Molo have fun together.I have two ..... for finding a food in that sands.Our .... Is Lolo, Lee, Gili, and Cita. You could know our feathers, the one white, one orange, and ..... grays.I am a goat, my favourite food is ...... Hello Kids, please express my voice in front of your friend in the classroom!Chimpanzeeg. Duck Cobrah. CatBurung Kakak Tuai. ChickenBeej. CowGoatk. Cricket (jangkrik)Lizard l. frog

HOMETujuan PBM MateriLatihanEvaluasi

Evaluasi NoNama SiswaSkala NilaiProdukJumlahSkorNilaiPengetahuanKetrampilamSikap1.

HOMETujuan PBM MateriLatihanEvaluasi