Presentación Cervantes-Shakespeare (1)


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Getting to knowMiguel de Cervantes

and William Shakespeare.

(a 6th grade project)

CEIP Padre Claret

2016 is the year in which the world celebrates the

4oo anniversary of

Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare’s death.

Both have been considered the most prominent writers

in Spanish and English language respectively.

We have learnt about their lives and literary works.

We have enjoyed some of their masterpieces:

Don Quixote and Romeo and Juliet.

Are you ready to discover

a world of knights, lovers

and friendship….?

Here we go!

First, we learnt about their lives.Click on the image to see

our presentation about William Shakespeare.

We visited M. de Cervantes’ house in Valladolid

…and then, we decorated our 16th century house.

We worked hard to make the furniture…

On April 23rd…..We created our Tree of Words….

On April 24th….We celebrated William Shakespeare’s birthday.

We wrote poems…

We learnt quotes by both geniouses…

“The proof of the pudding is the eating.” M. DE CERVANTES

“The pen is the tongue of the mind.”M. DE CERVANTES 

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”.W. SHAKESPEARE 

A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!W. SHAKESPEARE 

We wrote a big book….

We were writers for a month,we wrote and illustrated our D. Quixote…

…and Romeo and Juliet.

and we were Don Quixotes for a day…

click here

We enjoyed and learnt….

click here

We are….

Andrea M, Sofía, Iker A, Celia, Vera, Pablo A, Javier, Marina, Paula A, Victor D, Ioel, Rodrigo, Sara F., Silvia, Lucía G, Pablo G, Luis Julio, Paula G, Lucía Glez, Tania, Paloma,Adrían G., Inés, Alejandro, Ángela, Jericó, Mario, Sergio L., Marcos L., Alfonso, Victor Piedra,

Darío, Lucía M, Aitana, Marcos M., Daniel, Enrique,Victor H., Bruno, Nehat, Marta, Gloria, Irene, Sara O.,Sergio P., Pablo P., Carolina, Belén, Victor Pascual, Adrián R,Lucía R., Lucía P., Iker R., Manuel,Iván, Gerardo, Adrián V……and our teachers, Raquel, Caro, Juanjo and Alicia.
