Presentacion en ingles, teoria disursiva


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In this presentation , mi group want show the differents type of paragraph, also we want explain and learn the type of paragraph.

Also in this presentation we want explain the other form and learn a different that type of paragraph this in one document.


Párrafo cronológico. Párrafo de enumeración. Párrafo descriptivo. Párrafo explicativo. Párrafo expositivo. Párrafo argumentativo. Párrafo narrativo. Párrafo comparativo. Párrafo causa y efecto.


In this is expressed the order in which series of events happened.For example:Carlos: to get to my apartment , you must leave , from your house,croos AV. Go Down to the subway , and take the tren that goes in the direction of the shool of music; you must get off at the hippodrome station, and walk along avenue towards the north.When you get to viveros Street , you enter it and walk to the maoba building ,you pass by and you tell the attendant that you come from me, the identification and the sayiings that happen to the party organized in state 115; he’ll tell you and i’ll see you on the intercom, and there i’ll tell you what do.greetings.In this example we want show the Chronological paragraph in one note.The link:

Chronological paragraph

This compound for one series of characteristic that to refer a one same incident,object and subject.

For example: From major to minor: chief,manager, administrators, employees

and intendants.

From low to high: students , teacher , principals , education, secretary.

The link of page:

Enumeración of paragraph

This paragraph himself descriptive , following a logical critieron a person object or event.

For example:“Don Quijote y Sancho salen al camino para revivir la época de la caballería, combatir el mal y deshacer entuertos. Posteriormente viene la mítica batalla con los molinos de viento que al principio Don Quijote confunde con gigantes. Pero después de un duro golpe y enfrentarse con la realidad, le achaca el fracaso en la contienda a las maquinaciones de su enemigo, el oscuro Encantador, con quien un día se encontrará en mortal combate”.

The link page:

Descriptive paragraph

This paragraph sample with largest clarity the that this in the text.

For example: the Moon is the only natural satellite on Earth. With a diameter of 3476 km is the fifth largest satellite of the Solar System, while in proportion proportional to its planet is the largest satellite: a quarter of the Earth's diameter and 1/81 of its mass. After Io, it is also the second most dense satellite. It is in synchronous relation with the Earth, always showing the same face towards the planet.

The link of page :

Explain paragraph

The principal intention is inform about of theme. For example: Explanatory paragraph on football. Football or soccer, also known as

football, is a team sport played between two sets of eleven players each and some referees who are concerned that the standards are met correctly. It is widely considered the most popular sport in the world, as it is practiced by about 270 million people.   The pitch is rectangular of natural or artificial grass, with a goal or bow on each side of the field. It is played by a ball that must be moved through the field with which Any part of the body other than the arms or hands, and mostly with the feet (hence its name)

The link of page :

Expositive paragraph

Attempt convince by with incident positive a negative.

For example:Routine, synthesis of all renunciations, is the habit of giving up thinking. In routines everything is less effort; The acidia rashes his intelligence. Every habit is a risk, because familiarity lends itself to detestable things and unworthy people. The acts that at first provoked modesty, seem natural; The eye perceives the violent tones as simple nuances, the ear hears the lies with equal respect that the truths, the heart learns not to be shaken by awkward actions.

 Ejemplo de párrafo argumentativo N° 1: Ensayo de José Ingenieros The link:


Argumentative paragraph

Narrate how one ocurrs in given time. Characteristics: manejarse con signos ortográficos: Comas Punto y seguido Punto y coma Punto final

URL del artículo: completa: Párrafo narrativo

For example:When that woman married my son began my misfortunes, my hair fell off, I started to get fat, I had no teeth, I'm sure it's Santera or Wiccan.

Narrative paragraph

Present similarity and diference between 2 o but object. For example: The difference between diesel and petrol vehicles

does not only apply to the type of fuel, it also applies to structural differences of the engines, their performance, power and traction capacity, which is usually higher in diesel engines and have quite a fuel consumption More reduced. While the gasoline engine has a greater revolution and therefore a faster response, another aspect that clearly differentiates the two engines is its robustness and loudness, as the gasoline engine can be lighter and is always less loud than the Diesel engine, although in last technologies the sonority of the diesel engines for compact and familiar vehicles has diminished enough.

Comparative paragraph

Present the consequence who can arrive. For example:Adolescent pregnancy is the period of human

gestation, occurring in women between 10 and 19 years, being the main cause of psychological, physical and social problems, so it must be prevented at all costs, since he himself as a phenomenon is a symptom Of other social problems and risks. Consequently, girls and adolescents who are affected by adolescent pregnancy are generally belonging to vulnerable populations, so adolescent pregnancy, rather than a cause is as such a direct consequence of a social problem of great impact.

paragraph of cause and effect



nTo conclude with this presentation we want to show all types of paragraphs and learn more about each one, we can also learn at what time we can apply each of these types of paragraphs and how to know where they are in a text or reading.