Presentación1 lesly miranda 201411006


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Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words. They can identify or quantify another person or thing in the sentence. Adjectives are usually positioned before the noun or the pronoun that they modify.


Are you looking for some fun and unusual ways to give your students practice with adjectives?Here are some easy ideas to keep on hand for practice or a quick review.Human Adjective BingoHave your students create their own Bingo boards for an adjective review game. Give students a blank bingo board and some old magazines. Students should cut pictures of people out of the magazine, one for each blank on the bingo board, and glue them in place however they see fit. Students should use a variety of different pictures and different people. Once the glue dries, its time to play human adjective bingo. To play, call out different adjectives that can describe people. If a picture on their board matches that description, they can cover the square. When someone calls bingo tell your class to keep their markers in place. The class will have to agree that the people and adjectives match to win the game.

LEARN ADJECTIVES THROUGH PICTURESPictures are very useful when teaching adjectives. Here are some examples:


If you dont make a display with the cards from the previous activity, use them to create a set of adjective dominoes.Have students cut each paint sample into two equal pieces so each adjective is on its own piece. Then, have students tape two pieces from different cards together domino style. Play a game of dominoes following the standard rules, but instead of matching numbers match each adjective to its more or less intense partner.