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THE USE OF MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVESTUDENTS COMPREHENSION ON NARRATIVE TEXT (A Classroom Action Research at Eight Grade Students ofMTs Ianatut Thalibin Pati in the Academic Year of 2008/2009)

A Final Project

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement For the degree of Bachelor of Islamic Educationin English Language Education






Dra. Siti Mariam, M.Pd. _____________________Advisor I

Drs. Mahfud Junaidi, M.Ag. ________________________Advisor 2



Date Signature

Ahmad Muthohar, M.Ag Chairman

Anis Sundusiyah, M.Pd. MASecretary

Siti Tarwiyah, M.HumExaminer I

Muhammad NafiAnnury, M.Pd.Examiner II


Choirun Nafiah (Student Number: 3104284). The Use of Mind Mapping Technique to Improve students Comprehension on Narrative Text (A Classroom Action Research at Eight Grade Students of MTs Ianatut Thalibin Pati in The Academic Year of 2008/2009). Thesis, Semarang: Bachelor program of English Language Education of Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies, 2009. Key Words: Mind Mapping, Technique, Reading Comprehension, Classroom Action Research. The background of the study in this research is based on the phenomena that students find some difficulties in comprehending reading English text, especially when they find a lot of unfamiliar words which they cannot comprehend and use correctly.The problems of this research can be stated as follows: How is the use of mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension to improve students comprehension on narrative text at the eight grade of students MTs Ianatut Thalibin Pati? How is students achievement in reading comprehension after taught by using mind mapping technique at the eight grade of students MTs Ianatut Thalibin Pati?

Its purposes are: To describe the use of mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension to improve students comprehension on narrative text at the eight grade of students.To describe students achievement in reading comprehension after taught by using mind mapping technique.

The implementation of Mind Mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension at MTs Ianatut Thalibin is Classroom Action Research which is aimed to improve students achievement in reading comprehension. This research was conducted in three cycles and was done in five activities including the pre cycle and the post cycle. The result of study shows that using Mind Mapping technique can improve students achievement in reading comprehension. This is proved by students comprehension test that improved in every cycle. In this research, the researcher took a test of their achievements in each cycle. In the first cycle, the average of the students achievement was 68,6. In the second cycle the students got 73,6 and in the third cycle the students got 78,4.

Result of the research shows that the students improve their reading comprehension effectively by using Mind mapping Technique.


I certify that this thesis is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the content of this thesis. Other writers opinions or findings included in the thesis are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

Semarang, June 12th 2009

The Writer

Choirun NafiahStudent Number: 3104284


Allah does not change a peoples lot unless they change what is in their hearts. Mahmud Y. Zayid, the Quran: An English Translation of The Meaning of The Quran, (Libanon: Dar Al-Choura, 1980), p. 177.

To learn anything fast and effectivelyYou have to see it, hear it, and feel it(Tony Stockwell) Adi W. Gunawan, Genius Learning Strategy, (Jakarta: Gramedia, 2003), p. 145


The thesis is dedicated to:My beloved father and mother who always support emotionally and materially with prayer, love, and patience. Without your support I do nothing.My beloved Brother and young Sister who always support and motivate the writer to finish this thesis. All members of B_ZONE (r14_zieey, Nikmah, Lina, Afied, Mb.jieya, Qo2m, Mb. Mucka) and my junior one Nimah, Pu2t and Ida. Thanks for your support and attention. My best friends Annie, Sophie, Alya, kak Dian, Ni2k and Niesa for their lovely friendship. I will always remember youThe big family of Mr. Mundziri Perum Depag who provided the researcher with the comfortable shelter during her study. May Allah bestow His blessing upon us. Amien

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to express gratitude to Allah SWT, the Almighty God for the blessing, kindness, and inspiration in lending me to accomplish this thesis entitled THE USE OF MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS COMPREHENSION ON NARRATIVE TEXT (A Classroom Action Research at Eight Grade Students of MTs Ianatut Thalibin Pati in the Academic Year of 2008/2009) Shalawat and salam for the Prophet Muhammad who brings us from darkness to the brightness. I realize that I cannot complete this final project without the help of others. Many people have helped me during the writing this final project and it would be impossible to mention of all them. In this chance, the writer would like to express deeper appreciation to:Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hadjar, M.Ed. as the Dean of faculty of Tarbiyah.Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum. as the Head of English Department.Dra. Siti Mariam, M.Pd as the first advisor and Drs. Mahfud Junaidi, M.Ag as the second advisor for their patience in providing careful guidance, helpful corrections, very good advice as well as suggestion and encouragement during the consultation.Lectures in English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty for valuable knowledge, guidance, and advices during the years of my study.Library officials who always give good service related with the references in this thesis so that the writer could do this thesis well.Achwan, S.PdI as the headmaster MTs. Ianatut Thalibin Pati who have given permission for the writer to conduct the study and the entire teachers, especially Mrs. Tri Wahyuni, S.Pd. for all time, the information about the teaching learning process of English and her guidance there, and the students of 8th grade class B, thanks for the cooperation, and also the school administration staff.My friends in English class group A and B year 2004 and My team in KKN posko 29 and PPL at SMPN 16 Semarang.Last but not least, those who cannot be mentioned one by one, who have supported the writer to finish this thesis.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore, the writer will happily accept constructive criticism in order to make it better. The writer hopes that this thesis would be beneficial to everyone. Amin

Semarang, 12th June 2009The writer

Choirun NafiahStudent Number: 3104284


PAGE OF TITLE iADVISOR APPROVAL iiRATIFICATION iiiABSTRACTiv THESIS STATEMENT vMOTTO viDEDICATIONviiACKNOWLEDGEMENTviiiTABLE OF CONTENTxLIST OF TABLESxiiLIST OF FIGURESxiiiLIST OF APPENDICES...xiv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the study 1Reason for choosing the topic4Question of the study 4Objectives of the study4 Significance of the study4 Limitation of the study5Definition of the terms 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Theoretical ReviewTeaching Reading Comprehension 8

Definition of Reading8The General of Reading9Reading Comprehension11Factor Affecting Achievement in Reading Comprehension14Teaching Reading Comprehension15

Narrative Text..18Mind Mapping19

Definition of Mind Mapping19The Concept of Mind Mapping20The Guidelines of Mind Mapping22

Previous Research23

CHAPTER III METHODS OF INVESTIGATION Setting of the Study 25Subject of the Study25Focus of the Study 25Method of the Study26

Research Design26Design of Study28

Procedure of the Study30Technique of Data Collection Method 35 Technique of Analyzing Data37

CHAPTER IV FINDINGSThe Implementation of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Reading Comprehension.38The Finding of Result49

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION Conclusion.62Recommendation63



Table 1 The results of pre-cycle 50Table 2 The results of first cycle 52Table 3 The results of second cycle 54Table 4 The results of third cycle 56Table 5 The results of post-cycle 58Table 6 The results of the test from the pre-cycle until post-cycle 59


Figure 1 Action Research Cycle 27Figure 2 Cyclical Process of Action Research 30Figure 3 Diagram Of The Whole Test 61


Appendix 1. Students ListAppendix 2. Research Journal in Classroom Action ResearchAppendix 3. Observation Scheme in 1st CycleAppendix 4. Observation Scheme in 2nd CycleAppendix 5. Observation Scheme in 3rd CycleAppendix 6. Evaluation Test Of Pre CycleAppendix 7. Evaluation Test Of 1st CycleAppendix 8. Evaluation Test of 2nd cycleAppendix 9. Evaluation Test Of 3rd CycleAppendix 10Evaluation Test Of Post CycleAppendix 11. Answer Key Evaluation of Pre CycleAppendix 12. Answer Key Evaluation of First CycleAppendix 13. Answer Key Evaluation of Second CycleAppendix 14. Answer Key Evaluation of Third CycleAppendix 15. Answer Key Evaluation of Post CycleAppendix 16. Lesson Plan For 1st CycleAppendix 17. Lesson Plan For 2nd CycleAppendix 18. Lesson Plan For 3rd CycleCertificatesCurriculum Vitae


Background of The StudyEnglish as an international language has a very important role as the language of science, technology and international communication. It is crucial to be mastered lately since any other languages in the world. English is not the language with the largest number of native or first language speakers. It has become a lingua franca, it can be defined as a language widely adopted for communication between two speakers whose native language different from each other and where one or both speakers are using it as a second language.Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Teaching, (Malaysia: Longman, 2002), 3rd ed, p.1 Thus based on it is crucial function in this new world era, the students have to study English as well as possible.

English teaching is aimed to develop spoken and written communication capability which is reflected in four skills. There are skills enable students to take part in information exchange, to establish interpersonal relationship and to obtain knowledge as to enjoy study language of English. English is the most popular foreign language in Indonesia, it is the first foreign language learnt by Indonesian students at school, especially because it is one of the compulsory subject. There are four skills in English, they are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Those skills are important to be mastered without ignoring each other. For many students, reading is the most important of the four skills in second language. As a skill, reading is clearly one of the most important language skill that where students have to read English material for their subject. The student often thought to be easier to obtain information from written text by reading.Jo Mc Donough and Christopher Shaw, Material and Methods in ELT: A Teacher Guide (UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2003), 2nd ed, p. 89. It means that, reading is one of the ways that students have to master to understand the English written text when they read English text, students must have not only grammatical knowledge and sufficient vocabulary but also effective and efficient reading skill.Adi Sutrisno, Langkah-Langkah Taktis Mempersiapkan TOEFL, (Yogyakarta: Adi Cita Karya Nusa, 2003), P. 126 In Indonesia, English becomes one of school subject. It has been introduced begun from playgroup, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and university. However, English is not our own language, everyone will feel that it is difficult. In junior high school, students learnt the four language skills. That is clearly stated in the goals of the curriculum 2004 as follows the objectives of English teaching in Junior high school is to enable the students to develop English skills but especially emphasis is given to reading.Depdiknas, Kurikulum Standar Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris SMP, (Jakarta: Diknas, 2004), p. 13In reading English text is not always easy for students, it seems that many students still find difficulties in understanding materials in their textbooks. It means that L2 reading ability, particularly with English as the L2, is already great demand as English continuous spread, not only as a global language but also the language of science, technology, and advanced research. But reading proficiency in L2 does not develop as completely or easily as it does in ones first language (L1). William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller, Teaching and Researching Reading (England: Pearson Education, 2002), p. 2. It is different from reading an Indonesian text because in reading English text students need to use their perception and cognitive abilities. The success of teaching and learning process depends on several factors, namely teacher, learner and the technique which are used in teaching learning process. The most important thing in teaching learning process is teaching technique. Concerning from the problem above the teacher should use some techniques to make the learners comprehend more about the material which the teacher explains and will make students enjoy and easy to read and understand a text.In Junior High School improving comprehension in reading is not easy. In fact, students of eight grade in MTs Ianatut Thalibin Pati the problem faced by the students is low comprehension and limited vocabulary. Their comprehension can be recognized through their way of reading. Their low comprehension is shown when they do not understand what they read. The students can not answer question based on the selection, this maybe caused by their limited vocabulary and bad memory . As soon as they read, they have to close the text, but they can not answer the questions because they can not retain what they have just read. In reading activity, students are forced to know the implied and stated text messages of the texts given. Some students face difficulties in reading English text. They must learn to navigate through unfamiliar vocabulary and grammar structure. Based on the problem above, in order to make comprehension easier in reading a text, the teacher should the best technique in teaching reading comprehension. So that, the students can enjoys and be stimulated in learning English as foreign language especially in reading comprehension. One of them is by using mind mapping technique. In reading classes, mind mapping will help the students focus on key ideas written down in their own words, understand and remember new information presented in the reading text.In Mind Mapping Technique, the students can recognize the most important ideas and information from a reading text and converting it into diagram with their own words to help them understand and remembered what they read. By using this technique will help students focus on key ideas written down in their own words understand and remember. Reflecting that fact, the researcher wants to implement or use Mind Mapping Technique in teaching of reading comprehension as a problem solving to improve students achievement in teaching reading and to describe students reading comprehension after taught using Mind Mapping Technique.

Reason For Choosing The Topic The reason of the researcher in choosing the topic can be formulated as follows:

Reading is one of important languages that have to be mastered by students in the junior high school. Teaching reading using mind mapping can help student to understand relationship the ideas in a text and remember what they read. Mind mapping is very interesting technique that can help students enjoy and be stimulated in reading text.

Question of studyThis research is aimed to find the answer to the following research questions.

How is the use of mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension to improve students comprehension on narrative text at the eight grades of students MTs Ianatut Thalibin Pati? How is students achievement in reading comprehension after taught by using mind mapping technique at the eight grade of students MTs Ianatut Thalibin Pati?

Objective of The Study The objectives of the study are as follows:

To describe the use of mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension to improve students comprehension on narrative text at the eight grades of students MTs Ianatut Thalibin PatiTo describe students achievement in reading comprehension after taught by using mind mapping technique.

Significance of studyThe researcher hopes that this research will be useful for:

1.The use of mind mapping can motivate the students to read a lot of English reading text as they find it, easy and enjoyable to get and keep the message comprehensively in their mind.2.The teachers can use mind mapping to enrich their teaching technique, and to be apply in offer coming reading comprehension teaching difficulties that arise in classroom.3.It will give contribution in English teaching learning process especially in teaching reading to improve students comprehension.

Limitation of studyResearch should be limited in it is scope, so that the problem being examined is not too wide and the research is effective. The limitation of this study they are:

1.The research subject of this research are the students of grade VIII B of MTs Ianatut Thalibin Pati in Academic year 2008 / 2009 2. The instrument of the study which is the instructional program and the achievement test will be developed by the researcher herself3.Because of many kinds of teaching technique, Mind Mapping Technique as chosen as the employed technique and text that is used in this research focuses on narrative text..4.The researcher using Mind Mapping Technique to narrative text with the vocabulary comprehension.

Definition of termTeaching

According to G. Hitchock and D. Hughes, teaching is process that which goes on between teachers and learners in classroom, but it also an activity which can take place in a variety of settings and with markedly different groups of learners. Hitchock, and David Hughes, Research and Teacher: A Qualitative Introduction To School Based Research (london ;Routledge , 1989 ) p.4 Teaching also involves the application of technical and profesional skills and knowledge to particular situations. Reading Comprehension

According to Smith (1982) reading is an anticipatory, selective, purposeful and comprehending process.J . Michael Omelly and Anna Uhl Chamot, Teaching Second Language Reading For Academic Purposes (new york ;cambridge university press, 1992 ) p.28 As stated by Mc Donough and Shaw, reading is one of the most important skills. Reading is the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this information appropriately. William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller, Op.Cit, p. 9Comprehension can be defined as linking new information to what we know. Thus, we understand texts by using our knowledge of the world, the content area, and the context involved, as well as our knowledge of semantics, syntax, morphology and orthographic. Richard R Day (ed), New Ways In Teaching Reading, (US ; Teachers of English to Speakers Of Other Language Inc. (TESOL) ), p. 46 According to Websters dictionary, comprehension is the act of or capacity for understanding. Noah Webster, Websters new 20th Century Dictionary Of The English Language, (US; William Collins publisher, 1980 ) p. 374Reading comprehension is a term used to identify those skills needed to understand and apply information contained in a written material. J. P. Olson and M. H. Diller, Learning To Teach Reading In Elementary School,(London : Macmillan Publishing Company, 1982) p. 42As stated by Grabe and Stoller reading comprehension is the ability to understand information in a text an interpreted it appropriately. William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller, Op.Cit, p. 17 Mind Mapping

Anderson (1978) assert that mapping is a process of recognizing and arranging or moving the most important ideas and information from a reading text or textbook and converting it into a diagram with the readers own words to help them understand and remember what they read. A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea.Tony Buzan, Mind Map, retrieved from: http//: www/ wiki/, December 12, 2008. Technique

In the teaching learning process, methods and technique take the biggest part of how teaching process take place. Because it gives link between the thought and action of teaching. As stated by Harmer technique is the rule of activity in the class which is used to describe the sets of procedure.Jeremy Harmer, Op.Cit, p. 78 According to Freeman and Larsen technique is a set of rules which is the formulation of the appropriate method in language teaching, thinking about appropriateness of the learning progress. Jack C. Richard and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching : description and analysis (US: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 2nd ed , p. 15 Narrative Text

Narrative text is a story like account of an event from the past. B. Jay, The Psychology Of Language, (New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2003), p. 98


Theoretical Review1. Teaching Reading Comprehension a. Definition of ReadingReading is one the linguistic skill that people should have in order to communicate in English fluently. According to Mc Donough and Shaw, reading is one of the most important skills. Reading is the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this information appropriately William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller, Teaching and Researching Reading (England: Pearson Education, 2002), p. 9..

As states in verse 1-5 of surah Al-Alaq that reading becomes something important because it was the first commandment all at once, the first divine revelation to prophet Muhammad SAW: Depag RI, Al-Quran dan Terjemahnya 30 Juz, (solo : PT Qomari Prima Publisher, 2007), p. 904 Read in the name of your lord who created, created man from clots of congealed blood. Read! Your lord is the most bountiful One, who taught by the pen, taught man what did not know. (QS. Al-Alaq 1-5) Mahmud Y, Zayid, The Qoran: An English Translation of The Meaning of The Quran, (Libanon: Dar al-Chaura, 1980), p. 457

The verses above explain about reading is very important part on the teaching knowledge it is means that reading is one of important skill for our life. In fact, nearly all children begin school with the expectation they will learn to read.According to Goodman he has described: reading is a receptive language process. It is a psycholinguistic process in that it starts with a linguistics surface representation encoded by a writer and ends with meaning which the readers construct. There is thus as essential interaction between language and thought reading. The writer encodes thought as language and the reader decodes language to thought Patricia L. Carell, Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990), p. 12

Rusydi Ahmad Thoimah defines reading as follow: Rusydi Ahmad Thoimah, Talimul Arabiyah Lighoiri Annathiqin Biha, ( Riyadh: Mansyurotu Al Munadhimatun Al Islamiyah Litarbiyah Wal Ulum Watsaqofah, 1989), p. 175

Reading is an activity that involves system of thought, evaluate, analyze, and solve the problem.

Reading also can be taught as a way to draw information from a text and to form an interpretation of that information. William Grabe and Frederica L. Stoller, Op. Cit p. 9The General of Reading Reading is useful for language acquisition, provided that students more or less understand what they read, the more they read the better they get at it. Reading also has a positive effect on students vocabulary knowledge, on their spelling and on their writing.Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (Malaysia: Longman, 2007), p. 99. For many students, reading is the most important of the four skills in a second language, particularly in English as a second or foreign language. Reading is the main reason why students learn the language.Patricia L. Carell, Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990), p. 1

According to Jo Mc Donough and Christopher Shaw the following of some of the reasons that students may need or want to read: To obtain information for some purposes or because we are curious about some topic. To obtain instructions on how to perform some tasks for our work or daily life. To keep in touch with friends by correspondence or to understand business letters. To know when or where something will take place or what is available.To know what is happening or has happened (as reported in newspaper, magazines, reports)For enjoyment or excitementJo Mc Donough and Christopher Shaw, Op.Cit., p. 90.

Basically, the purpose of learning to read in a language has been to have access to the literature written in that languageHeidi Byrnes, Teaching Reading, Retrieved from: http// essentials/ reading/ reindex. Htm, 20 October, 2008. It means that reading is an activity with a purpose. The readers may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, to critique a writers ideas or writing style, read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purposes for reading guide the readers selection of texts. As stated by Grabe and Stoller, there are many purposes for reading, they are: William Grabe and Fredericka L. Stoller, Teaching and Researching Reading,(United Kingdom: Licensing Agency Ltd. 2002) pp. 13-14Reading to search for simple information is a common reading ability through a text either to search for a specific piece of information or to get an initial impression of whether the text is suitable for a given purposes.Reading to skim quickly is combination of strategies for guessing where important information might be in the text, and then using basic reading comprehension skill on those segments of the text until a general idea is formed. Reading to learn from texts is usually occurs in academic and professional context in which a person needs to learn a considerable amount of information from a text.Reading to integrate information requires critical evaluation of the information being read so that the reader can decide what information to integrate and how to integrate it for readers goal.Reading for general comprehension is the process of understanding and constructing meaning from a piece of text connected text is any written material involving multiple words that forms coherent thoughts.

Reading ComprehensionReading for general comprehension is the ability to understand information in a text and interpret it appropriately. Ibid p. 17. Reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning from text. The goal of all reading instruction is ultimately targeted at helping a reader comprehend text. It is important to bear in mind that the comprehension process may be quite different when the comprehend is processing material in native language than when he or she is dealing with target language material. Stanley Galek (ed), The Role of Context in Comprehension and Learning, (USA: Heinle Publisher, 1986), p. 98.

Reading comprehension means the ability to understand the material given by the author. As stated by Jaromilek, reading with comprehension means that the reader is able to extract from this selection, understanding the essential fact and visualize details and sense the relatedness of the fact. J Jaromilek, Social Studies Elementary Education,(Pennsylvania: Macmilan Publishing company, 1985), p. 243 It means that reading comprehension is not only reading the selection but also trying to comprehend and understand the message in the selection.Jaromilek (1985) states that reading comprehension consisting of at least four components: Getting the literal meaning or a general understanding of what is being communicated. Understanding and remembering facts and details that support the idea.Recognizing and remembering the sequence of ideas or event presented.Following direction. Ibid, p. 245

Basically, all of four components above show that in reading comprehension the readers have to understand and remember the authors idea in the selection and try to find the supporting details that support the ideas.There are three models of reading process that influence the reading comprehension William Grabe and Fredericka L. Stoller, Op.Cit, p .31 :Bottom up models

In this process, the reader tries to decode each individual letter encountered by matching it to the minimal units of meaning to get meaning of the text. Top down models

The interaction process between the reader and the text involves the reader in activating knowledge of the world, past experience to get the meaning of the text. In other words, the top down process interacts with the bottom up process in order to aid comprehension. The readers prior experience or background knowledge plays a significant role in the process. Top down strategies that good readers employ, include the following: David Nunan, Introducing Discourse Analysis, ( England: Penguin Books Ltd, 1993 ), p. 21Using background knowledge to assist in comprehending a particular text.Scanning the text for headings, sub headings to acquire a broad understanding before more detailed reading.Skimming the text and thinking about the control, and then writing down a number of questions that you would like the text to answer for you.Identifying the genre of the text, the type of text that we read can facilitate reading comprehension.Discriminating between more and less important information for example, discriminating between key information and supporting detail.

Interactive models

One can take useful ideas from a bottom up and combine it with the idea from top down view. William Grabe and Fredericka L. Stoller, Op.Cit, p .33By knowing the level of comprehension, it is expected to be able to find the weakness of the readers, and it will help both the teacher and the student to minimize them. There are four levels of comprehension:Literal Comprehension

Literal comprehension is to understand the ideas and impression explicitly stated in the passage. At this level, reader is able to understand what the author has said. Interpretative Comprehension

Interpretative comprehension, which involves reading between the lines or making inferences. It is the process of deriving ideas that are implied rather than directly stated. At this level the reader is able to understand what the author meant. Critical Comprehension

Critical comprehension is evaluating written material, comparing the ideas discovered in the material, and drawing conclusion about the accuracy and appropriateness. Critical reading depends upon literal comprehension and interpretative comprehension and grasping ideas is especially important. Creative Comprehension

Creative comprehension involves going beyond the material presented by the author. It requires readers to think as they read, just as critical comprehension does, and it also requires them to use their imagination.From the definition above, it can be concluded that those four levels of comprehension are worth teaching and must be mastered by the students in order to be able to read effectively and to master the other language skills. Factors Affecting Achievement in Reading ComprehensionThere are several affective factors which are related to reading comprehension achievement are as follows:

Self concept as self confidence, liking one self, and a felling of appreciation

When a student feels that he is not competence because of other students or the teachers behavior, he may give up and becomes disruptive in the classroom. In such situation, reading achievement may stay at low level since the students cannot or will not concentrate on the task. Autonomy

The autonomy refers to independence in thought and action. It refers to the teachers guidance in helping students to make choices among meaningful alternatives in texts and tasks to attain the knowledge and learning goals.Environmental mastery

When a student has mastered his environmental, he is satisfied that he can affect what happens to him. He has some control over his own fate. A student who has a limited environmental mastery will probably read less well than a student who appropriately masters his environment. Perception of reality

A student perceives reality when he sees himself accurately as an individual and as a person who is relating to his setting. Poor readers appear to be less realistic than good readers in estimating themselves. Anxiety

The role of anxiety in learning to read remains inconclusive because students reaction vary so much and since different levels of anxiety produce different responses even in one student.Referring to all explanations above, it can be concluded that it is not only the students role to improve their reading comprehension achievement. The teacher must create the atmosphere of creative and effective teaching and learning process by using appropriate techniques of teaching reading comprehension. Teaching reading comprehensionReading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehension. In the process of trying to understand a written text, the reader has to perform a number of simultaneous tasks, decode the message by recognizing the written signs, interpret the message by assigning meaning to the string of words, and finally, understand what the authors intention was. Marianne Celce Murcia and Elite Olsthain, Discourse and Context In Language Teaching, (USA: Cambridge University Press, 2008). p. 119

Teaching reading is one of part of education activities. The teacher has obligation to teach students how to get meaning from printed or written material. To help students comprehend the written material in the text, the teacher should give them the knowledge and the ability to be able to read the material with easy and enjoyment.Reading comprehension is primarily a matter of developing appropriate, efficient comprehension strategies. Some strategies are related to bottom-up procedures and enhance the top-down process.H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles; an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, (New York: Longman, 2001), 2nd Ed, p. 306. According Douglas Brown the following strategies for teaching reading comprehension: Identify the purpose in reading.

Efficient reading consist of clearly identifying the purpose in reading something, whenever a teacher teaching reading technique makes sure students know their purpose in reading something.Use grapheme rules and patterns to aid in bottom-up decoding.

At the beginning levels of learning English, one of the difficulties students encounter in learning to read is making the correspondences between spoken and written English. The students have become acquainted with oral language and have some difficulty learning English spelling conventions. They may need hints and explanations about certain English orthographic rules and peculiarities. Use efficient silent reading technique for relatively rapid comprehension. Ibid, pp. 307-309

Teaching beginning level students this particular strategy will not apply because they are still struggling with the control of a limited vocabulary and grammatical patterns. At the intermediate to advance level students need not be speed readers, but the teacher can help them increase efficiency by teaching a few silent reading rules:Try to visually perceive more than one word at a time, preferably, phrases.Unless a word is absolutely crucial to global understanding, skip over it and try to infer its meaning from its context.

Skim the text for main ideas.

Skimming consists of quickly running ones eyes across a whole text for its gist. It gives readers the advantage of being able to predict the purpose of the passage, the main topic or message and possibly some of the developing or supporting ideas.Scan the text for specific information.

Scanning or quickly searching for some particular piece or pieces of information in a text. Scanning exercises may ask students to look for names of dates, to find a definition of a key. Concept or to list a certain number of supporting details. The purpose of scanning is to extract specific information without reading through the whole text. Use semantic mapping or clustering.

Readers can easily be over whelmed by a long string of ideas or events. The strategy of semantic mapping or grouping ideas into meaningful clusters helps the reader to provide some order to the chaos. Guess when you arent certain.

When you are reading, sometimes you find words that you do not understand. You cannot ignore all the words in a reading. If you decide that you must know the meaning before using a dictionary. John Erskin, Reading strategies retrieved from, http //: /reading/strategies php. May 6, 2003 Analyze vocabulary.

One way for learners to make guessing pay off when they dont immediately recognize a word is to analyze it in terms of what they know about it. Distinguish between literal and implied meanings.

This requires the application of sophisticated top down processing skills. Basically not all languages can be interpreted appropriately by attending to its literal, syntactic surface structure makes special demands on readers. Implied meaning usually has to be derived from processing pragmatic information. Capitalize on discourse markers to process relationships

Many discourse markers in English signal relationship among ideas as expressed through phrases, clauses, and sentences. A clear comprehension of such markers can greatly enhance learners reading efficiency. H . Douglas Brown, Op. cit. , p.310 In teaching reading comprehension, we need to design comprehension activities that correspond to all of these purposes and processes in reading. This means that for any given assignment, we should vary our reading activities according to the type of text with which students are working and the purpose for which they are reading it. The activities need to be designed that help students develop specific reading skills, according to Grellet some of which are listed below: Alice C, Omaggio, Teaching Language In Context(Proficiency Oriented Instruction), (USA: Heinle and Heinle Publishers inc,1986), p. 151Recognizing the script of a language Deducing the meaning and use of unfamiliar vocabulary Understanding information that is stated explicitlyUnderstanding implication not explicitly stated Understanding relationships within sentencesUnderstanding relationships between the parts of a text through cohesive devices, both grammatical and lexicalIdentifying the main points or the most important information Distinguishing the main idea from the supporting detailExtracting the main points in order to summarize Understanding the communicative value and function of the text

Narrative TextOne of reading text that suitable with Mind Mapping Technique and also include in junior high school curriculum one of them is narrative text. Narrative itself is a text that is a story like account of an event from the past. There are many types of narrative text: fairy tale stories, folktales, fables, myth etc. The purpose of a narrative text is to amuse or entertain the reader and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways and deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.

The generic structures

The generic structures of narrative text are:Orientation ( sets the scene and introduce the participants)Complication (this is part of the story when a crisis arises)Resolution ( the complication may be resolved for better or worse, this is a part of narrative where the complication is shorted out or the problem is solved)The lexicogrammatical features

The language feature of narrative text are:Focus on specific character and usually individualized participantsUse action verb and past tense ( V2, was/ were)Use temporal conjunction (once upon a time, then)Use saying verb ( said, told, answered )Use relational process and mental process.

Mind MappingDefinition of Mind MappingThis technique was promoted by Tony Buzan in 1970 Bobby D. Porter and Mike Heirnacki, Quantum Learning: Membiasakan Belajar Nyaman dan Menyenangkan, (Bandung: Kaifa, 2003), p. 152. A Mind Map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea.Tony Buzan, Mind Map, retrieved from: http//: www/ wiki/, December 12, 2008. According to Mc Whorter (2005) mapping is a process of drawing diagrams to describe how a topic and its related ideas are connected. It is a means of organizing and consolidating information by using a visual format. Maps facilitate learning because consolidate information, although mapping appeals to visual learners, verbal learners will also find it to be effective in organizing information.Kathleen T. Mc Whorter, Efficient and Flexible Reading (US: Pearson Longman, 2005), 7th ed. P. 275. Barry Mapp states that mind mapping is a powerful accelerated learning technique, available to both teacher and students. Once a student or teacher becomes competence in the use of the technique, it usually becomes their preferred way of organizing thoughts, planning, preparation and delivery of talks, making notes and communicating information to themselves and other.Barry Mapp, What is Mind Mapping, retrieved: http// www. Teaching articles / what- is- mind- mapping- 2026, November 10, 2008.

In reading comprehension classes, in which the meaning of the text must be understood. Mind mapping is promoted as a tool. It helps the students not only to find the relationship between the elements of the text but also to recall it systematically.The Concept Of Mind MappingThe concept of Mind Map involves writing down a central key idea and thinking up new and related ideas which radiate out from the center. By focusing on key ideas written down in a readers own words, and then looking for branches out and connection between the ideas. In essence Mind Mapping technique was developed in order to persuade people to realize their brains rapidly, especially when keywords, images, colors and direct association are involved in their learning process.

Mind Map is a diagram used to represents words, ideas or other items linked to and arranged radially around central key words ar idea. It is used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas, and as aid in study, organization, problem solving and decision making. Mind Mapping are closely connected with the function of the mind, and can be used in nearly every activity where thought, and recall planning and creativity are involved. Shameen Rafik-Galia, Teaching Literature Through Mind Map, retrieved from: http// 11 February 2009Before using Mind Mapping in teaching reading comprehension, we certainly need some preparation in order to make the teaching learning process successfully and more systematic. This following teaching learning process is:The teacher selects a text to match students need and interest, small group discussion is also applied to support this technique.The process of the teaching learning are as follow:

Students divided into groups of four.Teacher gives a text to each groupTeacher gives the overview of Mind Mapping technique and the guideline of creatingTeacher gives key word to make easy students understand what they have read.Students read the text with the partnerWith their own group the students discuss what they have readThe teacher helps students create Mind Map of the text read by the studentsClass discussion was held to answer some comprehension question and check the students understandingIndividually, the students create Mind Map and check their understanding by answering comprehension.

Mind mapping technique was designed to help readers understand the relationships among the ideas in a text by representing them visually. A mind map usually consists of key words and images connected each other to show the relationships between ideas. There are some advantages of using mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension: Mind Mapping provides the students with key words and images of their own creation which enable them to get the whole meaning of a text and recall the information obtained comprehensively after reading. The key word and images which are connected each other show the relationships between ideas and parts of a text.This technique does not take much time to comprehend a text, since the students can do it while they are reading or in a short time upon having done with reading.Mind mapping is always amusing and imaginative. Interesting teaching learning process helps students understand, remember and really information more effectively.

The Guidelines Of Mind MappingAnderson (1978) asserts that mapping is a process of recognizing and arranging or moving the most important ideas and information from reading text or textbook and converting it into a diagram with readers own words to help them understand and remember what they read. Buzan (1970), the originator of mind mapping technique gives alteration to the traditional note taking which takes so much time to create and review.

Mind maps allow readers to visualize complex networks of relationships among text elements. Most often, the maps involves images, words, and lines. They are linked to and arranged intuitively according to the importance of the concepts around a central key word or idea. A mind map, which is also known as web, is represented by a diagram. There are some steps to making a mind map, are as follow;Take blank piece of paper Use the paper in landscape orientation

Words and images have more space in the direction of writing and they do not bump into margins as quickly Start in the centre.

Basically, thoughts start in the center of the mental world. The mind map reflects it. Make a central image that represents the topic about what is being written or thought.

Remember that a picture is worth, a thousand words Make your branches curved rather than straight lined. It opens up associations, focuses the thoughts is fun, and result better recall.The main themes, connected to the central image on the main branches, allow their relative importance to be seen. These are the basic ordering ideas and focus the rest of the mind map.Start to add a second level of thought.

The initial words and images stimulate associations. The random movements of thought and connected lines create relationship and a structure which demonstrate the level of importance a form branch to a twig. Add a third or fourth level of data.The brain is like a thought-ball catcher. The mind map allows a reader to catch and keep whatever the thought-ball is thrown by the brain. Sometimes, enclose branches of mind map with outlines in colors. Tony Buzan, mind maps, retrieved from http: // /mind_maps. Htm February 14, 2009

Previous ResearchThe research will describe some works which are relevant to these thesis to make the thesis arrangement easier:

The thesis entitled Implementasi Metode Mind Mapping (peta pikiran) dalam Pembelajaran PAI di SD Al-Hikmah Surabaya by Siti Nurhayati (Tarbiyah Faculty, 2007) tried to investigate the implementation of mind mapping method to teach elementary student. This study was qualitative which describes how mind mapping method used by the teacher in that school and their implementation for teaching learning process in PAI subject. She stated that teaching for young learner is not easy especially in elementary school, the teacher should creative in choosing appropriate method. And the finding shown that the implementation of mind mapping method in the classroom of Islamic lesson is effective, the students achievement in PAI subject could increase by using this method.Sri Nurhayati (3103171), Implementasi Metode Mind Mapping (Peta Pikiran) dalam Pembelajaran PAI di SD Al-Hikmah Surabaya (Semarang: Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Walisongo, 2007), Unpublished Thesis. The thesis entitled The Application of Mind Mapping Method in Teaching Descriptive Writing by Heri Sutanto (Language and Art Faculty of State University of Semarang, 2008). This study was quantitative approach using experimental research; the application of mind mapping is suggested in teaching descriptive text. The students were able to explore their ideas through this method. The aim of this study is to find out whether there is contribution of the application to elicit the student responses in teaching descriptive writing. And the result of the research showed that mind mapping method can contribute greatly to students in writing especially descriptive text.Heri Susanto (2201402013), The Application Mind Mapping Method in Teaching Descriptive Writing, (Semarang: Language and Art Faculty State University of Semarang, 2008), Unpublished Thesis.

In other words, this research is different with previous one. The first thesis stated that the research was conducted in Islamic teaching context while this research will be in English teaching learning context. The second one was carried out in English language teaching context and the focus of study is the same with researchers. Both of them using mind mapping method in English teaching learning but the researcher focuses on teaching reading comprehension while the previous one concerns in teaching writing. The researcher hopes that this study will give contribution especially in English teaching learning process.

CHAPTER IIIMETHOD OF INVESTIGATION Setting of Study The researcher conducted the classroom action research at MTs Ianatut Thalibin Pati. This setting is located in Cebolek Margoyoso Pati. It is located at jalan Raya Tayu Juana. The researcher chooses this setting because it geographical location was not far from the researcher to reach. The students were come from different intelligence, social background, and characteristic of student setting and subject of the research.

Subject of StudyThe subject of this study was students of VIII B of MTs Ianatut Thalibin Cebolek Margoyoso Pati, where the total number 40 students. The whole subject in the research was female because since the students were subdivided into the class separately based on the gender. This research was done at 2nd semester in academic year 2008 / 2009.

Focus of StudyIn this Classroom Action Research, the research focuses on :


Students as subject of the study can be seen from students activity in teaching learning process: students understanding and comprehend about text which is indicated by students achievement, students activity during teaching learning process.Teacher

In this research, focuses on teachers way in constructing teaching learning condition using Mind Mapping Technique: Organizes conducive class when teaching learning process, presents the lesson, and gives question to students.Teaching learning process

The improvement of students comprehension and achievement in reading teaching learning process by using mind mapping technique.Method of StudyResearch DesignIn this research, the researcher used the form of action research as stated by Wallace that is a kind of research which is done systematically in collecting the data on the lesson and analyzing it in order to come to some decisions about what the future lesson should be. Michael J Wallace, Action Research For Language Teachers, ( New York : Cambridge University, Press, 1998 ), p. 17 It means that in action research, a researcher not only needs the theories which supports research but also needs to practice and to act with the subject of research. Action research is the name given a series of procedures teachers can engage in, either because they wish to improve aspects of their teaching, or because they wish to evaluate the success and or appropriacy of certain activities and procedures. Jeremy Harmer, The Practice Of English Language Teaching, ( New York :Longman, 2002 ), p. 344 Furthermore, classroom action research is a reflective study done by teacher in a classroom for getting solution about the problem until it can be solved. As stated by Grabe and Stoller :

Classroom Action Research is the type of structured teacher reflection in which teacher looks critically at their own classrooms for the purpose of improving their own teaching and enhancing the quality of learning that place there.William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller, Teaching and Researching Reading (England: Pearson Education, 2002), p. 156

The researcher intends to elaborate Classroom Action Research it is a kind of research to be used in her research and it could be done by a teacher in which involve a group of students to improve the teaching and learning process.There are four steps in Classroom Action Research, they are planning (identify the problems ), acting (collect the data), observing( analyze and interpret data), reflecting ( develop an action). All these aspects are made a cycle, as stated by Kemmis and Mc Taggart: Suharsimi Arikunto, et. al. , Penelitian Tindakan Kelas,(Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2008), 6th ed., p.16.:ObservingPlanningReflectingActing

Figure 1 Action Research CycleClassroom action research has several characteristics which will be elaborated as follows: On the job problem oriented

Problem which is being investigated appears from the authority of the researcher herself. The problem is the real problem faced by students everyday. Problem solving oriented

This research is oriented in the problem solving. This short of research puts the researcher as the agent of change. Improvement Oriented

This research gives emphasizes on the improvement of quality. This concept is according to the principle of critical research has to construct product oriented. Multiple Data Collection

In fulfilling the critical approaches principle, there are several ways of collecting data, such as observation, test and interview. Cyclic

The sequences of the classroom action research are identify of a problem (planning), collect data (acting), analyze and interpret data (observing), and develop an action (reflecting). Geoffrey E. Mills, Action Research; A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, 2000), p. 6. Classroom action research usually conducted cyclic in which seeks to unit. Its two central concerns, improvement in practice and increased knowledge and understanding is by linking them into an integrated cycle of activities in which each phase learns from the previous one and shapes the next. Participatory

Researcher makes such collaboration with an English teacher to do the classroom action research. Design of StudyThis research is Classroom Action research, the researcher that uses data was analyzed through some cycles in action. Generally, Classroom Action Research involves a cyclical approach there are identify the problem (planning), collect data (action), analyze and interpret data (observing), develop and action plan (reflecting) Hitchock, and David Hughes, Research and Teacher: A Qualitative Introduction To School Based Research (London ;Routledge , 1989 ) p.29. Before the researcher does the cycles in action, she will be done preliminary observation (pre cycle). Research design can be done with some steps as follows :

1. Preliminary ObservationIn this step, the researcher intended to find out:Collect data such as documentation includes the number of the students, students name list, and average scores students.The researcher interviewed an English teacher interrelated teaching learning process in English subject.Identify the problem

Based on the interview with an English teacher, can be identified the problem of teaching learning process at MTs. Ianatut Thalibin Pati especially in reading comprehension. The problems of this research were some students face difficulties in reading English text, less students motivation in learning activity because teaching learning process was not satisfied and less students understanding in comprehend a text.

2. Planning in ActionIn this research, the researcher planned to conduct three cycles of Classroom Action Research. There are four steps process in each cycle for doing Classroom Action Research:Planning

Planning an action by focusing on who, what, when, where, and how the action will be done. This research is a collaborative research which is the action is done by teacher and the researchers rule as observer. In making a plan, teacher and researcher work together to decide teaching material. Acting

In this step, the teaching technique will be applied in teaching learning process. That is using Mind Mapping Technique in teaching reading comprehension.Observing

In this phase, the researcher observes and takes notes during teaching learning process.Reflecting

Reflecting means to analyze the result based on the data that have been collected to determine the next action in the next cycle. In this phase, the researcher could observe whether the acting activity had resulted any progress, what progress happened, and also about the positives and negatives. Suharsimi Arikunto et. al. Op.Cit, pp.75-80. Result from observation then being reflected together by teacher and researcher, this includes analysis, and evaluation toward observation result. A cyclical process involving stages of action research is followed by action. It can be illustrated below: Ibid, p.16

Planning 1Action IThe Problem of Student

Reflection IObservation 1

The Problem of Student

Planning 2Action 2

The Problem of Student

Reflection 2Observation 2

Reflection 3Observation 3 Action 3Planning 3

The problem was solved

Figure 2 Cyclical Process Of Action ResearchProcedure of Study In this Classroom Action Research, the researcher planned to conduct three cycles. In this research, the teacher taught Reading Comprehension using Mind Mapping Technique. The activities that will be done in each cycle is as follows:

a. Pre cycleThe first step in making Classroom Action Research, the researcher began with an observation to know the condition of teaching learning in the classroom when the reading comprehension is implemented. Through the observation the researcher tried to get the information about students achievement and problems in reading comprehension. In this activity the teacher taught students with conventional method. After that, the teacher gave pre test to check the students reading ability in comprehending the story. After the researcher got the data from observation and pre test, the researcher decided to analyze the problems faced by the students. After recognizing the possible cause of problems faced by students, the next is designing a plan which is the reflection problem. The first cycle

No StepsResearchers Activity as colaboratorTeachers Activity 1Planning

Arranging a lesson plan based on the teaching material.preparing the teaching material.preparing the test instrument.Preparing the observation schemepreparing the teaching materialpreparing students attendance list.

2ActingThe researcher as observer during the teacher teaches reading comprehension using mind mapping technique.Researcher and teacher together enter the classroom.The teacher introduced the mind mapping techniqueTecher gave overview mind map and how to created this technique.The teacher taught reading comprehension using mind mapping technique.Teacher asked students about the problems on the previuos lesson. Teacher gave a test to evaluate students.

3ObservingThe researcher as observing the teaching learning process used observation scheme.Observe students respond toward mind mapping technique.The teacher applied this technique.

4ReflectingThe researcher and teacher discuss about teaching learning process that have been done to find weakness and how to improvement in the next cycle.The teacher and researcher evaluate the step in teaching learning process and discuss the result of observation for the students ability in reading. Teacher and researcher discussed the results of the observation for the improvement of students ability in reading class.

The second cycle

The second cycle is done based on the result of reflection from the first cycle. If the result from observation showed that the quality is still low, so it is needed another action in order the next cycle makes some improvement of the quality.No StepsResearchers Activity as observerTeachers Activity 1Planning

Arranging a lesson plan based on the teaching material.preparing the teaching material.preparing the test instrument.preparing the observation schemepreparing the teaching materialpreparing students attendance list.Teacher arranged improvement action to be developed become learning improvement point

2ActingThe researcher as observer during the teacher teaches reading comprehension used observation scheme.Researcher helped teacher to spread the reading text.Teacher asked students about their problems on the previous lesson.Teacher divided students into some group consist of four students.Teacher spread the reading text for students.Teacher helped the students to find the meaning of the difficult word. Teacher gave key word from each paragraph to help students more easy to understand the text.Teacher explained the problem.Teacher helped the students to find the meaning of the difficult words. Teacher gave the test to check their understanding after gave treatment.

3ObservingThe researcher as observing the teaching learning process used observation scheme.Observe students respond toward mind mapping technique.The teacher applied this techniqueObserving students participation.

4ReflectingThe researcher and teacher discuss about teaching learning process that have been done to find weakness and how to improvement in the next cycle.The teacher and researcher evaluate the step in teaching learning process and discuss the result of observation for the students ability in reading. Teacher and researcher discussed the result of the observation, for the improvement of students ability in reading.

The third cycle

The third cycle is done based on the result of reflection from the second cycle. The result from observation showed that the students got improvement score, but they still need difficulties in understanding English reading a text, so it was needed another action in order the next cycle better.No StepsResearchers Activity as observerTeachers Activity 1Planning

Arranging a lesson plan based on the teaching material.Preparing the teaching material.Preparing the test instrument.Preparing the observation schemePreparing the teaching materialPreparing students attendance list.Teacher arranged improvement action to be developed become learning improvement point

2ActingThe researcher as observer during the teacher taught reading comprehension using mind mapping technique.Researcher helped teacher to spread the text for each students.The teacher introduced the mind mapping techniqueThe teacher taught reading comprehension using mind mapping techniqueTeacher helped students to understand the text and gave a test to evaluate students.

3ObservingThe researcher as observer the teaching learning process used observation scheme.Observe students respond toward mind mapping technique.Observe students participation.The teacher applied this technique.Observing the teaching learning process.

4ReflectingThe researcher and teacher discuss about teaching learning process that have been done. The result of observation was analyzed, so it could be seen the improvement of students comprehension on narrative text. The teacher and researcher evaluate the step in teaching learning process and discuss the result of observation for the students ability in reading.The teacher and researcher reflect the activity that have been done. The result of this analysis could be used as review to use mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension.

Post cycle

The last activity in Classroom Action Research, the students will be evaluated by giving a post test. It was done to got students final score after taught using Mind Mapping Technique and check students achievement in reading comprehension. The researcher will analyze the result of post- test and compare the whole result test to know how far this technique works in improving students achievement in reading comprehension, then the researcher will make conclusion in conducting Classroom Action Research.Technique of Data CollectionSource of Data

The source of data was the subject where the data can be got in detailed, those data were the field data, they are:Data from the teacher especially the English teacher of eight grade involves teaching learning process and students name.Data from the students involves: students achievement that was obtained from students score in the end of every cycle, data observation from students during teaching learning process took place, data from the picture documentation during the research. Data Collection Method

The methods will be used by the researcher to get the data in this research is as follows:Test

Test is a set of questions and exercises used to measure the achievement or capability of the individual or group.Ibid, p. 158. In this research, will be held in four reading test the first,second,and third are three evaluation tests that will be given in the end of each treatment to know the result of the students after they are treated by using mind mapping technique in the action and the last one is Post- test. These tests used to measure the students progress in comprehend reading material. The researcher uses multiple choice tests. This type of test is chosen because technique of scoring is easy and it is more practical for students to answer. There will be 20 multiple choice questions in every test. Observation

Observation is the activity of giving total concern to research object of the sense. Suharsimi Arikunto, Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta : PT Rineka Cipta, 2006 ).p.149 The purpose of observations is to explain the situation in class activities, individuals involved in some activities and relation between situation, activity, and individual.Bambang Setiyadi, Metode Penelitian Untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Asing: Pendekatan Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif, (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2006), p. 239. In conducting the observation, the researcher will use the observation scheme to make it more systematic, containing list of activity or happening which might happen. Suharsimi Arikunto, op.cit., p. 157. In this research observation is used to know how the implementation of mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension. It used to know the condition of class and the obstacles appeared during teaching learning process and it also used to saw students difficulties, problems and understanding about material given. Interview

Is the process of getting explanation by asking questions face to face between researcher and respondent using interview guide. Moh Nazir, Metode Penelitian, (Jakarta :Ghalia Indonesia, 1999), p. 234In this research, interview is used to get the data from an English teacher and students. It can be used to investigate the students understanding about the lesson.Technique of Data Analysis Data analysis is an effort which is done by teacher and researcher to embrace the data accurately. IGAK Wardhani dan Kuswaya Wihardhit , Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta, Universitas Terbuka, 2001 ), p. 189After collecting the data, the researcher will analyzed the data .It can be defined as the process of analyzing data required from the result of the research. Qualitative data was gained from field notes, observation, interview, that is analyzed by data triangulation.

The score of students achievement can be calculated by using this following formula: Slameto, Evaluasi pendidikan, ( Jakarta, Bumi Aksara, 2001), p. 189

The mean score of the class can be searched by using this following formula: Suharsimi Arikunto, Op. Cit., p.264


The Implementation of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Reading Comprehension This is a classroom action research on the use of mind mapping technique to improve students comprehension on narrative text. Its aims are to describe the use of Mind Mapping Technique in teaching Reading Comprehension and to describe students achievement in Reading Comprehension after taught by using mind mapping technique. There were three cycles, and there was also pre- cycle to get students base score in reading comprehension and post-cycle to be compared with pre-cycle after taught by using mind mapping technique. Each activity will be explained as follows:

Pre CycleThis activity was done on Sunday April 19th, 2009. In this first stage, the teacher was used conventional way in teaching reading comprehension (conventional method) this is done to know students basic score of reading comprehension when taught using Non mind mapping technique.

In this activity, the teacher was doing teaching learning process as usual, the teacher learning process began with reading by teacher loudly. But not all the students paid attention to the teacher. There were only some students active to ask questions to teacher during the teaching learning process. After that the teacher gave pre-test to got students basic score using technique that usually applied by the teacher (teacher learning center). The students mark that contained 20 items of multiple choice. All of the questions were about the story of narrative text. It was followed by 40 students as the participants of the study. The teacher provided 40 minutes for them to do the test. The purpose of the test was to measure the skill of the students in comprehending English reading text and to know basic score of reading comprehension when taught using conventional method.Based on the observation in this activity, most of the students had difficulties to do it. It can be seen from their faced which appeared nervous and also from their activities. After doing the test, the teacher ask them to which one of the 20 items of the test was to difficult for them to do. The students said that almost of the questions were too difficult to be answered. This condition was not interesting for reading class. The teacher and researcher decided to use another technique to make students interested and enjoyed the reading class in order to improve students reading ability and comprehend the text, the technique is mind mapping technique.First CycleThis activity was done on Tuesday April 21st 2009. Knowing the students result from the first cycle not satisfied enough. The teacher and researcher decided to use mind mapping technique to solve the problem.

In this activity, the teacher taught reading comprehension using mind mapping technique, it made students paid attention. Before the teacher done the action, the teacher begun to explaining to the students about mind mapping technique, gave overview, and how to work with it. First time, the students faced difficulties about the teacher means, but not long after that, by brief explanation from the teacher students can understood and got the point of mind mapping technique. It maybe caused the teacher ever little explanation about mind mapping technique and gave example how to create in reading comprehension class.After the teacher gave explanation about the material, then the teacher divided the students into a group, each group consist of four students. This activity made the class noisy because they have to change the seat position in order to made good position to work in group. Then the teacher distributed the material (narrative text) to each group to demonstrate about technique that applied. Students still little bit confused and need much help for the teacher. Based on the class condition it was important by teacher must have ability to manage learning group. B. Suryosubroto, Proses Belajar Mengajar di Sekolah, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1997), p. 24 As we know that one of the teachers roles facilitated teaching learning process. So, the teaching learning process runs well. Further result explained as follows:Planning

The teacher arranged the learning instrument such as:Lesson plan based on the teaching materialReading material (narrative text)TestObservation schemeStudents attendance list

From planning above, the teacher used lesson plan as the form to implement of action will be done. In the first cycle, teacher used narrative text focus on story of folktale. Folktale are narrative that have do not have a singular, identifiable authors, expanded and shape by the tongues of tellers over time, and passed down from one generation to the next, folktales often reflect the values and customs of the culture from which they come. William Bascom, folktales, retrieved from http; // classroom/retelling/ finding tales. Htm 12 may 2009. In this phase, the teacher began from pre-activity, whilst activity, and post-activity.Pre activity is the activity where a teacher must prepared for teaching learning process. In this activity, the teacher greets the students, checked the students attendance in order to the teacher knew who the students absent today. In the whilst activity, the teacher explained the material (narrative text), grammatical features and generic structure of the text. Then teacher divided students into groups, each group consist of four students. Then, the last activity is post activity, in this phase, the students created mind map based on the story discussed with their group.Acting

In this activity, the teacher was introduced the mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension, gave overview mind map and how to created this technique. Before the teacher started the lesson. After that, the teacher gave then reading text (narrative text) by the title Mount Kinabalu then the teacher asked the students to read it , the teacher also gave keyword from the text in each paragraph to help student more easy to understood the text. But, there were some students who sit in the backside of the class did not pay attention with explanation the teachers instruction, and they tried to talk each other by her friend, look bored and feel sleepy. To solve the problem, the teacher gave more attention to the students and sometimes the teacher walk to behind of class.After those activities the teacher explained about narrative text including:What is narrative text?What is kind of narrative text?The characteristic of narrative text?

Social functions: to entertain/ to amuse the reader and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.Schematic structure: orientation, complication, and resolution.Language feature :

use specific characteruse action verb and past tense ( V2, was/ were)use temporal conjunction (once upon a time, then)use saying verb ( said, told, answered )

All of students paid attention during the lesson, sometimes the teacher gave some question in order to make students more active. After that the teacher divided students into groups, each group consist of four students. Then the teacher spread the narrative text to each group to created mind map, before the students created mind map the teacher asked students to read the text and gave keyword from the text. Then the teacher asked each group to discuss the reading text and got the main idea of the text. The teacher monitors this activity.Sometimes each group asked the teacher if they faced the problem. After those activities the teacher asked one of group to come forward in front of class to present the result of their discussion in group. Then the teacher asked them to compare their mind map with another group. After worked in group, students come back to their seat, the last activity the teacher gave individual test, each student do it individually and they can not open the book or another. There were some students who had difficulties to do it. It can be seen from the class was noisy and students who always made noise tried to cheat and discussed the answer with their friends.Observing Observation result in first cycle on 21th April 2009

Teacher still had low preparation in learning toolTeacher less motivate studentsSome students had not paid attention wellStudents less active in teaching learning process, although they still confused.


Teacher should prepare learning tool wellTeacher should improve students motivation in learning process especially for students that less attention.

The teacher divided students into groups, each group consist of four students. The teacher spread the narrative text to each group to created mind map, before the students created mid map, the teacher ask students to read the text and gave keyword from the text. Then they discussed the narrative text. When the students had finished together the teacher and the students discussed the material. After conducted teaching learning process, the teacher provided 45 minutes to students to do the test. Each student do it individually and they can not open the book or another.Second CycleThis activity was done on Sunday April 28th , 2009. Students did the activity same as the first cycle. The teacher taught teaching reading comprehension using mind mapping technique. In this cycle, the teacher explained more detailed about narrative text. Teacher prepared another narrative text that more interesting than before. The teacher asked to made group and gave them reading passage. Before the students created mind map, the teacher asked to find the main ideas of the text, difficult vocabulary, then converting it into diagram to made students understood what they read. After that, the teacher gave a test to measure the students ability in understanding reading text.

As the previous observation, some of the students said that they had difficulties in finding new vocabulary. So the teacher helps them to explain once more how to get the meaning from text. In this cycle, the teacher focuses more to the lowest students who get low score in the previous score. According to the observer it can motivated to the students because the teacher gave more attention. Observation result in second cycle on 28rd April 2009 This appropriate with the teaching skill that the teacher should have ability to monitor the students progress and make students develop and cooperative spirit in classroom. B. Suryosubroto, Op.Cit, p. 23 So the teaching learning process will be better.When they finished, the teacher and students discussed the result to assist them their difficulties. Then the teacher asks them to tell or translate the story. Almost of the students wants to come forward to read, tell and translate the story. It concluded that the students interested in reading class. After that, he gave a test to measure the students ability in understanding the text and the success of the goal of the process. Planning

The teacher arranged the learning instrument such as:Lesson plan based on the teaching materialReading material (narrative text)TestObservation schemeStudents attendance list

Same as the first activity the second plan began from pre activity. Whilst activity and post activity. In this activity, the teacher explained more detailed about narrative text, teacher prepared another narrative text that more interesting than before. In second cycle, students read the story of fables. Fables are about animals that can talk and act like people. L. A. Hill, Stories of fables, retrieved from http:// www. on May 12, 2009 In the pre activity, the teacher did the same activity with the first cycle. At the previous cycle, some of students had not paid attention well. So, teacher more gave the motivation of students who less attention. Teacher also asked students about the previous lesson, and gave reviewed about previous material. It was to be developed become learning improvement point in this cycle. The whilst activity, did same activity with the first cycle. The last activity the teacher gave a test to measure the students ability in understanding the text. Acting

The second cycle, the teacher taught reading comprehension using mind mapping technique. In this phase, the teacher explained more detailed about narrative text, teacher prepared another narrative text that more interesting than before. Before the teacher started the lesson, she asked students about their problems on the previous lesson, some of students said they had difficulties in finding new vocabulary. So, the teacher help them to explained one more how to get the meaning from text. In this cycle, the teacher focuses more to the lowest students who get low score in the previous score. According to the observer it can motivated to the students because the teacher gave more attention. This appropriate with the teaching skill that the teacher should have ability to monitor the students progress and make students develop and cooperative spirit in classroom. ibid, p. 23 So the teaching learning process will be better.After that the teacher gave them reading text (narrative text) by the title The Tristy Crow. Then the teacher asked them to tell or translate the story. Almost of students wants to come forward to read, tell and translate the story. It concluded that the students interested in reading class, as we know reading is passive skill, but with the interesting technique that implemented the students more challenging and active. It also stated by Suryo Subroto the teacher should make the teaching learning process can be effective and efficient. So, the teaching occurred. B. Suryosubroto, Op.Cit, p. 12 After those activities the teacher reviewed explained about narrative textWhat is narrative text?What is kind of narrative text?The characteristic of narrative text?

Social functions: to entertain/ to amuse the reader and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.Schematic structure: orientation, complication, and resolution.Language feature :

use specific characteruse action verb and past tense ( V2, was/ were)use temporal conjunction (once upon a time, then)use saying verb ( said, told, answered )

The teacher asked to made group, consist four students, and gave them reading passage. Before the students created mind map, the teacher asked to find the main ideas of the text, helped the students to find the meaning of the difficult word, and gave key word from each paragraph to help students more easy to understand. Then, converting it into diagram to made students understood what they read. When, they finished the teacher and students discussed the result to assist them their difficulties. Observing Observation result in second cycle on 28rd April 2009

Teacher prepared learning tool better than first cycleStudents paid attention wellStudents needed less help from the teacherStudents did the discussion better than before.


Teacher should motivate less active students in order to be brave to speak up their mind.Students activeness during teaching learning process must ne improved again.

Third CycleThis activity was done on Tuesday May 5th l, 2009. In this cycle, teacher and researcher prepared planning as well as previous one. The teacher reviewed previous lesson, improve learning tool to improve students comprehension in reading class. In this phase, the teaching learning process runs well. The students very interested in this technique.

. In this cycle, students were active, they tried to read and understood the story of narrative text and converting it into diagram mind map to help them understood the meaning what they read in the text. It can be proved by their motivation in reading the text. The students read and tried to understand the text enthusiastically. After that, the teacher gave a test to measure students achievement in reading comprehension.Planning

The teacher arranged the learning instrument such as:Lesson plan based on the teaching materialReading material (narrative text)TestObservation schemeStudents attendance list

In this cycle the teacher gave different kind of narrative text. Fairy tale is used in this cycle. In this phase, the teacher began from pre-activity, whilst activity, and post-activity. The activity is same with the previous cycle. The teacher divided students into groups, each group consist of four students. The teacher spread the narrative text to each group to created mind map, before the students created mid map, the teacher ask students to read the text and gave keyword from the text. Then they discussed the narrative text. When the students had finished together the teacher and the students discussed the material. After conducted teaching learning process, the teacher provided 45 minutes to students to do the test. Each student does it individually and they can not open the book or another.Acting

The third cycle, the teacher taught reading comprehension using mind mapping technique. In this phase, the teacher explained more detailed about narrative text, teacher prepared another narrative text that more interesting than before. In this cycle used folk tale in teaching reading comprehension with title Malin Kundang Then the teacher asked them to tell or translate the story. Almost of students wants to come forward to read, tell and translate the story. The teacher divided students into groups, each group consist of four students. The teacher spread the narrative text to each group to created mind map, before the students created mid map, the teacher ask students to read the text and gave keyword from the text. Then they discussed the narrative text. When the students had finished together the teacher and the students discussed the material. After conducted teaching learning process, the teacher provided 45 minutes to students to do the test. Each student does it individually and they can not open the book or another.Observing Observation result in second third on 28 rd April 2009

Teacher prepared learning wellStudents paid attention wellStudents understanding and comprehend the text wellStudents did the discussion well


Teacher should be interested in use technique in teaching reading comprehension to motivate less active students in order to be brave to speak up their mind.students should be more activeness in discussion

Post Cycle This activity was done on 10th May, 2009. In this post-cycle teacher used conventional way in teaching reading comprehension. Then the students gave reading comprehension questions that contained 20 items of multiple choices. This is done to know the final score of students after they were taught using mind mapping technique.

The Findings of Result After the researcher implement the use of mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension , the researcher got the data, it was analyzed of pre cycle, three cycle and post cycle, the researcher got the result of Classroom Action Research.

The Result of Pre CycleThe pre cycle was conducted on Sunday April 19th, 2009. In this activity, the teacher was doing teaching learning process as usual, the teacher learning process began with reading by teacher loudly. But not all the students paid attention to the teacher. There were only some students active to ask questions to teacher during the teaching learning process. in this teaching learning has passive communication, it means the teacher speaks and
