[Slideshare] tafsir-ayat-mushtabihat-hereafter-jannah-naar


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Slides presented in clarifying questions posed by Asst. Prof. Dr. Samara Cahill (Phd.) School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Div. of EnglishFrom Nanyang Technological University (NTU)Singapore - 19 October 2016 @Wisma Indah.

All Rights Reserved © Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2016))


“He (Allah) it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: in it

are AAYAT MUHKAMAT - verses basic or fundamental (of

established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book:

others are AAYAT MUTASHAABIHAT – verses not of well-

established meaning (allegorical). But those in whose hearts

is perversity follow the part thereof that is not of well-

established meaning (AAYAT MUTASHAABIHAT ), seeking

discord, and searching for its interpretation….”

(Qur’an: Aali ‘Imran: 3: 7)

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All Rights Reserved © Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2016))

.Those who insist upon literal understanding of these AAYAT MUTASHAA-BI-HAAT usually chose to ignore or perhaps they are unaware of the guideline given by the author of the Qur’an, thus would inevitably insist on interpretation which deviate from the intended meaning. In fact here in this verse, the author of the Qur’an warns us that due to this refusal to be consistent with clear verses, misinterpretation can occur… let’s analyse the full message



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“He (Allah) it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: in it

are AAYAT MUHKAMAT - verses basic or fundamental (of

established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book:

others are AAYAT MUTASHAABIHAT – verses not of well-

established meaning (allegorical).

(Qur’an: Aali ‘Imran: 3: 7)


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“… But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part

thereof that is not of well-established meaning (AAYAT

MUTASHAABIHAT ), seeking discord, and searching for its


(Qur’an: Aali ‘Imran: 3: 7)


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All Rights Reserved © Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2016))

“ “ ... but no one knows its true meanings except Allah ... but no one knows its true meanings except Allah **, and , and

those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in

it; the whole of it is from our Lord"; and none will grasp the it; the whole of it is from our Lord"; and none will grasp the

Message except men of understanding.”Message except men of understanding.”

((Qur’an: Aali ‘Imran: 3: 7Qur’an: Aali ‘Imran: 3: 7))

Some Islamic scholars opine that this phrase ends here Some Islamic scholars opine that this phrase ends here ** – –

therefore they contend that nobody else knows the interpretation therefore they contend that nobody else knows the interpretation

((TA’WILTA’WIL) of the ) of the MUTASHABIHATMUTASHABIHAT verses except Allah alone. verses except Allah alone.


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“ “ ... but no one knows its true meanings except Allah ... but no one knows its true meanings except Allah **, and , and

those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in

it; the whole of it is from our Lord"; and none will grasp the it; the whole of it is from our Lord"; and none will grasp the

Message except men of understanding.”Message except men of understanding.”

((Qur’an: Aali ‘Imran: 3: 7Qur’an: Aali ‘Imran: 3: 7))

While many others differ from this view and contend that While many others differ from this view and contend that

knowledge of knowledge of TA’WILTA’WIL is also known by “ is also known by “those firmly grounded in those firmly grounded in

knowledge knowledge “ - e.g. Companion Ibnu Abbas r.a. whom the Prophet “ - e.g. Companion Ibnu Abbas r.a. whom the Prophet

approved of and make Du’a for it to be given to him by Allah approved of and make Du’a for it to be given to him by Allah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصملسو هيلع هللا ىلص



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“And give good tidings to those who believe and do

righteous deeds that they will have gardens [in Paradise]

beneath which rivers flow. Whenever they are provided

with a provision of fruit therefrom, they will say, "This is

what we were provided with before." And it is given to

them in likeness (WA -UTUU-BIHIM- MU-TA-SHAA-

BIHAAT) . And they will have therein purified spouses (AZ-

WAAJ), and they will abide therein eternally.”

(Qur’an: Baqarah: 2: 25)

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The Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصملسو هيلع هللا ىلص , said, "Allah هلالج لج said, 'I have prepared

for My pious worshipers such things as no eye has ever seen, no

ear has ever heard of, and nobody has ever thought of *. All that

is reserved, besides which, all that you have seen, is nothing.“ …

(Hadith reported by Bukhary *)

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* KHA-TWA-RA- ‘ALA – QAL-BI – “no heart (mind has) ever conceived”

… Then Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصملسو هيلع هللا ىلص quoted a verse in the Qur’an:

“And no soul knows what has been hidden for them of

comfort for eyes as reward for what they used to do.”

(Qur’an: Sajdah: 32: 17)

(Hadith reported by Bukhary *)

* Imam Muslim, At-Tirmidzi and Ibn Majah also report similar Ahadith

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‘Straw man’ Argument

It is when someone presenting the other person’s view dishonestly

(in an argument) through distortion by adding untruth and lie,

suggesting it to be so in a subtle way that it resembles the view, and

then go on to demolished that implied ‘weakness’ in the other

person’s view (which he in fact had added thereby distort). What he

is attacking is in fact a “straw man” which he himself had created,

not the other person’s view.

A type of Fallacious arguments


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. .


as glad tidings of reward as warning of dire consequence

. In the context of Islamic belief in the Hereafter




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“Such (AM-TSAL) similitudes coin We for mankind that

haply they may reflect (TAFAK-KA-RUU-N).”

(Qur’an: Hashr: 21)


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“And verily We have displayed for mankind in this Qur'an all manner of similitudes (MIN KUL-LI-MA-TSAL), but man is more than anything contentious.”

(Qur’an: Kahfi: 18: 54)


“We are close unto you in the life of this world and [will be so]

in the life to come; and in that [life to come] you shall have all

that your souls (ANFUSUKUM) may desire, and in it you shall

have all that you ever prayed for, as a ready welcome from

Him who is much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace!”

(Qur’an: Fussilat: 41: 31-32)All Rights Reserved © Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2016))

. as glad tidings of reward as motivation


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. as glad tidings of reward as motivation



“Beautified for mankind is love of the joys

(that come) from women and offspring; and

stored-up heaps of gold and silver, and horses

branded (with their mark), and cattle and

land. That is comfort of the life of the world.

Allah! With Him is a more excellent abode.”

(Qur’an: Aali ‘Imran: 3: 14)

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. as glad tidings of reward as motivation



“And [with them will be their] companions pure

(HUU-RUN) most beautiful of eye ( ‘AYN), like

unto pearls [still] hidden in their shells. [And this

will be] a reward for what they did [in life].”

(Qur’an: Al-Waqi’ah: 22: 24)

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. as glad tidings of reward as motivation


“And immortal youths (WILDAA-NUN) will wait

upon them: when thou seest them, thou wouldst

deem them to be scattered pearls;”

(Qur’an: Al-Insaan: 76: 19)

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. as glad tidings of reward as motivation


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“Are there any who want to strive hard to receive the

endowments of Paradise? Paradise has no equal *. I

swear by the Lord of the Ka^bah, it contains shining

lights, pleasing fragrant plants, big castles, flowing

rivers, ripe fruits, beautiful wives and many special

clothes. [The residents of Paradise] will have beautiful

faces. They will be immersed in endless bliss, living in

high, sound, beautiful houses.]”

(Hadith reported by Ibn Hibban.)

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*LAA - KHA-TWA-RA- LA-HAA – “no conception (imagining of mind) for it”

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.as warning of dire consequence


" Soon will I cast him into Hell-Fire!

And what will explain to thee what Hell-Fire is?

Naught doth it permit to endure, and naught doth it

leave alone!- Darkening (scorching) and changing

the colour of man! Over it are Nineteen (angels as

keepers of Hell).”

(Qur’an: Al-Muddaththir: 74: 25-30)

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.as warning of dire consequence


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.as warning of dire consequence


“ O you who have believed, protect yourselves and

your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and

stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and

severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He

commands them but do what they are commanded.”

(Qur’an: Tahrim: 66: 6)

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.as warning of dire consequence


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“When thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to

create a mortal (BASHAR) out of mire,

And when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of

My Spirit (RUH), then fall down before him prostrate,”

(Qur’an: Sad: 38: 71-72)

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“O mankind! (AN-NAAS) Be careful of your duty to your Lord

Who created you from a single soul (NAFSUN WAAHID)

and from it created its mate (ZAW-JAHA) and from them

twain hath spread abroad a multitude of men (RIJAAL) and

women (NISAA-A). Be careful of your duty toward Allah in

Whom ye claim (your rights) of one another, and toward the

wombs (that bare you). Lo! Allah hath been a watcher over


(Qur’an: An-Nisa’: 4: 1)

AN-NAAS – the generic term for all mankind





Self (soul aware of its existence); at this level without gender until it is given a role as the test on earth.

mates (husband-wife); a generic term applicable to both male and female; and its relevant roles, rights and responsibilities in the test on earth – although all equally created from one entity.

man (gender); a specific term to indicating the person’s gender

Spirit : essential soul created by Allah which was breathe into a physical human body (BASHAR) bringing it to life as mortal.

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woman (gender); a specific term to indicating the person’s gender

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“O mankind! Lo! We have created you male (DZA-KARIN)

and female (UN-THA), and have made you nations and

tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of

you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct (TAQWA).

Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware.”

(Qur’an: Hujurat: 49: 13)


UN-THA female (gender); usually ascribing to the biological make up

male (gender); usually ascribing to the biological make up

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“Every soul (NAFS) will taste of death. And ye

will be paid on the Day of Resurrection only

that which ye have fairly earned. Whoso is

removed from the Fire and is made to enter

paradise, he indeed is triumphant. The life of

this world is but comfort of illusion.”

(Qur’an: Aali ‘Imran: 3: 185)

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“ O my people! Lo! this life of the world is but a

passing comfort, and lo! the Hereafter, that is the

enduring home.

Whoso doeth an ill-deed, he will be repaid the like

thereof, while whoso doeth right, whether male or

female, and is a believer, (all) such will enter the

Garden, where they will be nourished without stint.”

(Qur’an: Ghafir: 40: 39-40)