Soal un bhs inggris 2014 smp dan pembahasan


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Soal UN BAHASA INGGRIS 2014 dan PEMBAHASAN The following text is for question 1.

WARNING Please don't touch the artefacts

1. The text above means you are___ the artefacts.

A. unable to reach B. permitted to reach C. not allowed to hold D. prohibited to take picture of


Please don't touch the artefacts = jangan sentuh barang peninggalan kuno ini. Peringatan di atas sering ditemukan di museum atau situs-situs budaya yang lain. Jawaban benar C.

The following text is for questions 2 and 3.

Dear Susi, Congratulations on your success in "The National English Storytelling Competition for Junior High School Student 2014." You have beaten other finalists from all over Indonesia. You are best of the best. I knew you would win. You are so talented. Your English is excellent. You can act, sing and dance, too. I'm so proud of you. I'm sure you'll be more successful in the future. Hug & kisses, Ria

2. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To show that Ria is very proud of herself. B. To inform other finalists of the competition result. C. To praise Susi on her success in winning the story telling competition. D. To encourage Susi to join the National English Story telling Competition.


Teks di atas adalah teks ucapan selamat di awali dengan sebuah kata”Congratulations...” Soal di atas menanyakan tujuan teks ucapan selamat; maka jawabannya adalah untuk memberi ucapan selamat “to praise ... /to congratulate. Jawaban benar C.

3. Which sentence in the text expresses a compliment?

A. You are so talented. B. I know you would win. C. You have beaten other finalists. D. You'll be more successful in the future.


Pertanyaan soal di atas adalah “kalimat yang mana yang mengungkapkan pujian (compliment), maka pilihlah” You are so talented”( = kamu sungguh berbakat). Jawaban benar A.


The following text is for questions 4 to 7.

TO: CC: SUBJECT: Greetings from Medan Dear Naya, My family and I arrived in Medan yesterday evening. We took the last flight from Jakarta. We stayed at a nice hotel located not far from Merdeka Walk, a popular culinary spot in Medan. As soon as we arrived, we directly walked there to have our dinner. It was really fun. The food was yummy and the place was warm and cosy. After breakfast, we went for a city tour by car. We visited the famous Maimun Palace. We went inside the palace and enjoyed the showcases of the monarch's collections. Our next destination was Masjid Raya where we did our prayer. It is a beautiful mosque, another icon of Medan. We enjoyed the architecture of the mosque and took some good pictures. After lunch, we went to visit some more museums and a zoo. But we didn't stay long. We had to get back early to the hotel because tomorrow we would go to Toba Lake by bus very early in the morning. Yay! I couldn't wait! Dad was right. Medan is a nice city with lots of delicious food. That's why he took us here. He said we would try all Medan delicacies before coming back to Jakarta. I'll write to you again soon. Cheers, Icha

4. What is the email about?

A. Icha and her family. B. Naya's story of Medan.

C. Icha's holiday in Medan. D. Maimun peilace and Masjid Raya.


Soal di atas menanyakan tentang gambaran umum isi wacana. Walaupun teks di atas berbentuk surat, tetapi kandungan isi wacana adalah menceritakan tentang perjalanan ke Medan, sehingga teks tersebut termasuk teks recount. Jawaban yang benar: C.

5. How did the writer and her family go to Medan?

A. By car. B. By bus.

C. On foot. D. By plane.


Bagaimana penulis dan keluarganya berangkat ke Medan? My family and I arrived in Medan yesterday evening. We took the last flight from Jakarta Kata flight = penerbangan; tentunya pakai pesawat terbang. Jawaban yang benar: D.

6. Why did Icha and her family decide to visit Medan?

A. It has museums and zoos. B. Icha loves monarch's collections.

C. Merdeka walk is a nice culinary spot. D. It has diverse culinary delights and tourist



Soal di atas menanyakan alasan mengapa mereka memilih Medan sebagai tujuan. “Dad was right. Medan is a nice city with lots of delicious food. That's why he took us here”. Jawaban yang benar: D.

7. The word "he" in the last paragraph refers to the writer's ...

A. father. B. friend.

C. brother. D. relative.

Pembahasan: Dad was right. Medan is a nice city with lots of delicious food. That's why he took us here He = Dad = Daddy = Father. Jawaban yang benar: A.


The following text is for questions 8 and 9.

To: Mr. Syaiful, M.Pd. Please tell all the teachers, school staff and students that there will be a cleaning activity on the following Friday. Students must bring cleaning equipment like pails, brushes and rags or napkins. Every one must take part in this activity. I am so sorry I couldn't join you all because of the meeting I have in the head office. I will be at school the day after tomorrow. Abdul Basith, M.Pd.

8. Who sent this massage?

A. Syaiful M.Pd. B. One of the teachers.

C. One of the students. D. Abdul Basith, M.Pd.


Who sent this massage? Siapa mengirim pesan? Liat nama orang di akhir pesan. Jawaban yang benar: D. 9. What is the purpose of this message?

A. To tell about his presence on Saturday morning. B. To request students to bring the cleaning equipment. C. To remind the staff about the meeting in the head office. D. To apologize for his absence from the cleaning activity.

Pembahasan: Teks di atas berbentuk memmo (pemberitahuan), pertanyaan soal menanyakan tujuan menulis memmo tersebut, maka

jawaban yang benar: B. The following text is for questions 10 and 11.

A BURST OF NATURE NatraBurstTM is a powerful food source consisting of a wide variety of premium ingredients, which work together to provide a variety of health benefits. Each serving contains the equivalent of more than 6 vegetables and fruits, with an ORAC value of 4.000+. Additionally, NatraBurstTM helps support lean muscle mass with its concentration of high quality protein.

Increase energy

Reduce appetite

Promote Fat Loss


Promote Healthy Skin


10. What's the benefit of consuming NatraBurst?

A. Promote healthy hair B. Increase appetite

C. Decrease energy D. Promote fat loss


Teks di atas adalah iklan, pertanyaan menanyakan keuntungan mengkonsumsi produk tersebut, maka jawaban yang benar: D.

11. The purpose of the text is ....

A. to persuade people to consume the product B. to warn the reader the danger of the product

C. to describe the composition of the product D. to tell the reader how to use the product

Pembahasan: Teks di atas adalah iklan, pertanyaan menanyakan tujuan teks iklan yaitu untuk membujuk (to persuade / to promote,

maka jawaban yang benar: D.


The following text is for questions 12 and 13.

Why do you Not have a BLOG yet? There is nothing difficult with us

Join half an hour training on making a blog with excellent trainers of your own mates. The training is held every day after school. Don't be the last blog maker in our school. This opportunity is only available this month.

For registration, please contact YEYEN, (OSIS Secretary).

12. The target of this training is to make students....

A. understand how to use "blog" B. participate in this training

C. be able to use internet D. have their own blog


Soal di atas menanyakan tujuan pelatihan yaitu untuk membuat peserta bisa memiliki blog sendiri , maka jawaban yang benar: D.

13. " ... with excellent trainers of your own mates"

The underlined word is similar in meaning to ... A. outstanding B. attractive

C. premium D. invaluable

Pembahasan: outstanding adjective very good; much better than others SAME MEANING excellent: Her work is outstanding. Oxford Essential Dictionary for learners of English© Oxford University Press, 2006.

jawaban yang benar: A. The following text is for questions 14 to 16.

ANNOUNCEMENT To : All students of SMP Bunga Matahari To celebrate the school anniversary on November 16, 2014 and as a chance for students to perform their talents and creativities, OSIS will hold some competitions. They are futsal match, basketball match, singing contest, speech contest, and classroom contest. The competition will be held on; Date : 5-9 November 2014 Time : 08.00-12.00 Venue : School hall and school yard The first day is futsal match. The second day is basketball match. The third day is singing contest, the fourth day is speech contest and the classroom contest will be on the last day. Every class should join them. The winners of the competitions will receive the prizes on the anniversary day. For further information, please contact Yeyen, the OSIS secretary. The head of OSIS Fuady

14. When will the singing contest be held?

A. November 5, 2014 B. November 6, 2014

C. November 7, 2014 D. November 8, 2014


The first day is futsal match. The second day is basketball match. The third day is singing contest maka jawaban yang benar: C.

15. The activities are meant as ... .

A. OSIS anniversary celebration B. students' and teachers' activities

C. students' talent and creativity performances D. entertainments for all teachers and students

Pembahasan: Soal di atas menanyakan tujuan aktifitas, yaitu untuk menampilkan bakat dan kreatifitas siswa. As a chance for students

to perform their talents and creativities, OSIS will hold some competitions. maka jawaban yang benar: C.


16. "Every class should join them". What does "them" here refer to? A. Prizes B. Students

C. Winners D. Competitions

Pembahasan: Every class should join them. The winners of the competitions will receive the prizes on the anniversary day.

Kata competitions sudah di dalam teks tersebut. Jawaban yang benar: D. The following text is for questions 17 to 19.



Saturday, 3rd May 2014 7 a.m 8 p.m

Leave for Denpasar, Bali

Arriving at Hotel

Lunch and pray at Situbondo

Take a bath, dinner and take a rest

Sunday. 4th May 2014 8 a.m 7 p.m

Kecak Dance, Bedugul and Kuta

Farewell Party at Hotel Hall

Lunch and sight seeing at Bedugul

Dinner at hotel

Monday, 5th May 2014 8 a.m 6 p.m

Garuda Wisnu Kencana

shopping and TanahLot Tour and shopping at Tanah Lot

Tuesday, 6th May 2014 4 a.m Arriving at Surabaya

17. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform students about the detailed tour activity. B. To show students about their accommodation.

C. To provide students with the fbod. D. To describe Bali tour.

Pembahasan: Teks di atas adalah jadwal (timetable/schedule) dengan tujuan memberi informasi (=to inform).

Jawaban yang benar: A.

18. What will the students do on Monday morning? They will.... A. enjoy Kecak dance B. take a rest in the hotel

C. have lunch at Bedugul D. visit Garuda Wisnu Kencana


Monday, 5th May 2014 8 a.m 6 p.m

Garuda Wisnu Kencana

shopping and TanahLot Tour and shopping at Tanah Lot

Apa yang akan mereka kerjakan? Jawaban yang benar: D. 19. "Leave for Denpasar"

The underlined word is closest in meaning to the words .... A. go to B. get to

C. go around D. go away from

Pembahasan: We are leaving for France tomorrow. (= going to). Jawaban benar A


The following text is for questions 20 to 23.

1) Make sure that the power cord is firmly connected to the back of the CPU and connected to electricity source. 2) Connect the monitor cable to the back of the CPU. 3) Connect the keyboard and mouse cords to the back panel of the CPU, too. 4) Press the power button located on the front panel of the CPU. The desktop will start a booting process in your

computer. 5) When you finish using the computer, click the "Start" button and choose the "Turn off computer" option. This will

display the options to "Stand by", "Restart" or 'Turn Off' the computer. 20. The text above tells you about... a computer.

A. building B. operating

C. turning off D. using keyboard on

Pembahasan: Teks di atas tentang bagaimana mengoperasikan komputer. Jawaban benar B.

21. What should you do before cormecting the mouse cord to the CPU?

A. Connect the monitor cable to the back of the CPU. B. Press the power button located on the front panel. C. Coimect the power cord to the electricity source. D. Click "Start" button or restart the computer.

Pembahasan: Before = sebelum

1) Connect the monitor cable to the back of the CPU. 2) Connect the keyboard and mouse cords to the back panel of the CPU, too.

Teks di atas tentang bagaimana mengoperasikan komputer. Jawaban benar A.

22. "... the power cord is firmly connected..." (step 1)

The underlined word has the same meaning as the word .... A. fairly B. tightly

C. steadily D. faithfully

Pembahasan: The same meaning = synonim; Firmly = strongly tightly. Jawaban benar B.

23. " This will display the options ... " (step 5)

The underlined word refers to .... A. clicking "Turn off" B. connecting a cable

C. pressing the power D. clicking "Start" button

Pembahasan: When you finish using the computer, click the "Start" button and choose the "Turn off computer" option. This will display the options to "Stand by", "Restart" or 'Turn Off' the computer. Jawaban benar D.

The following text is for questions 24 to 26.

At the end of every semester. Student Association of SMP Harapan Bangsa holds an Art Show. A few weeks before the event, they hold an audition to choose the best performers that would perform at the event. There are dancing, singing, bands, magician show and many more. They also hold bazaar. The student who buys a coupon of bazaar gets a chance to win door prizes such as bikes, television sets, fans and many others. Each coupon has a number that will be drawn to receive a door prize. The art show starts at 8. a.m and ends at 3 p.m. 24. When is the art show in SMP Harapan Bangsa held? At....

A. the beginning of the semester B. the end of the semester

C. 8 p.m. D. 3 a.m.


Pembahasan: When = kapan At the end of every semester. Student Association of SMP Harapan Bangsa holds an Art Show. Jawaban benar B.

25. What is the writer's purpose on writing the text?

A. To tell people about the agenda of the activity. B. To show how great SMP Harapan Bangsa.

C. To tell about the writer's performance. D. To describe the Art Show activity,

Pembahasan: Purpose / tujuan penulis adalah menyampaikan agenda kegiatan . Jawaban benar A.

26. How can people get a chance to win the door prize?

A. Win the competition. B. Show the best talent.

C. Buy a coupon of bazaar D. Choose one of the prizes.

Pembahasan: The student who buys a coupon of bazaar gets a chance to win door prizes such as bikes, television sets, fans and many others Jawaban benar C.

The following text is for questions 27 to 30.

I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Snowy. Snowy is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy and cute. It has thick white fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Snowy does not like bones. Everyday it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give her milk and bread. When I am at school Snowy plays with my cat. They get along well and never fight; maybe because Snowy does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never bites shoes.

We always spend time together at home. We do many activities: playing balls, hide and seek, or racing in the backyard. In the afternoon, I usually take her for a walk. People love to see Snowy. Snowy is really a sweet and friendly pet. 27. What is the topic of the story?

A. Spending time with a pet inside and outside the house. B. A friendship between a pet and its owner. C. A ffiendship between a cat and a dog. D. A friendly and sweet dog.

Pembahasan: I have a pet. (paragraf 1); We always spend time together at home. Topik bacaan tentang persahbatan antara I (penulis) dengan binatang kesayanannya. Jawaban benar B.

28. The main topic of paragraph two is ....

A. The writer's activities with his/her pet. B. Everybody loves to walk with Snowy.

C. Snowy is a cute and friendly dog. D. Snowy always plays with the cat.

Pembahasan: We always spend time together at home = kami selalu bersama-sama menghabiskan waktu di rumah. Topiknya adalah aktifitas penulis pengan binatang kesayangannya. Jawaban benar A.

29. Where does the writer usually spend the time with his pet?

A. In the neighbourhood. B. On the street.

C. At school. D. At home.

Pembahasan: We always spend time together at home = kami selalu bersama-sama menghabiskan waktu di rumah. Topiknya adalah aktifitas penulis pengan binatang kesayangannya. Jawaban benar D.


30. What activity does the writer do after school with his pet? A. Give it milk. B. Cuddle it softly.

C. Take it for a walk. D. Let it play with the cat.

Pembahasan: Paragraf 1: In the backyard, in the afternoon, take her for a walk = menunjukkan tempat dan kegiatan yang ada di sekitar rumah. Jawaban benar C.

The following text is for questions 31 to 34.

A long time ago, a very rich family lived in Bali. The father, Sidi Mantra, was very famous for his supernatural power. He lived happily with his wife and their only child, Manik Angkeran. Manik Angkeran liked gambling a lot. His parents became poor because of this. They told Manik Angkeran to stop gambling, but he never listened. Instead, he begging for more money to his parents. Finally Sidi Mantra decided to go to Mount Agung where a mighty dragon lived. It could provide jewellery to the people who say the mantra and ring the bell. Sidi Mantra had the bell and knew the mantra. In front of the dragon, he said, "My name is Sidi Mantra. I have a problem. My son likes gambling and made me poor." After he said the mantra and rang the bell, jewelleries came out from the dragon's body. He was very happy and brought the jewelleries home.

Manik Angkeran heard that his father got some jewels from a dragon that live in Mount Agung. So he stole his father's bell and went there. When he arrived at Mount Agung, Manik Angkeran rang the bell. The dragon knew him. It gave him some jewels. Suddenly he had a bad idea. He wanted to kill the dragon and stole all its jewelleries. The dragon knew his plan and it killed Manik Angkeran. Sidi Mantra was very sad. He asked the dragon to bring his son back to life. The dragon agreed, with one condition, they had to live in separated places. When, Manik Angkeran came alive, Sidi Mantra draw a line between them on the ground. From the line, water flowed out. Soon it became a river. Finally it became a strait and separated Java from Bali. Today people called it Bali Strait. 31. What is the text about?

A. The legend of Bali Strait. B. Sidi Mantra and A dragon

C. The legend of Manik Angkeran. D. Sidi Mantra and Manik Angkeran.


Pembahasan: Paragraf terakhir: Today people called it Bali Strait = kesimpulan seluruh cerita. Jawaban benar A.

32. What did Sidi Mantra do to find money for his son?

A. Sidi Mantra gave Manik Angkeran the bell to call the dragon. B. Sidi Mantra killed the dragon and stole the jewels. C. He prayed at mount and asked for money. D. He used his supernatural power.

Pembahasan: Paragraf 1: After he said the mantra and rang the bell, jewelleries came out from the dragon's body. the mantra = supernatural power Jawaban benar D.

33. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. Manik Angkeran wanted to kill the dragon and stole the jewelleries. B. Sidi Mantra wanted Manik Angkeran to stop gambling. C. Sidi Mantra gave Manik Angkeran all the jewels. D. Manik Angkeran became poor.

Pembahasan: Main idea Paragraph 2: Suddenly he had a bad idea. He wanted to kill the dragon and stole all its jewelleries. Jawaban benar A.

34. What can we leam from the story?

A. Always keep your promise. B. Gambling doesn't make you poor.

C. Be a good child and avoid gambling. D. Memorize the prayer and bring the bell.


Pembahasan: Pertanyaan nilai moral: pilih kalimat yang baik dan normatif, jangan pilih kalimat petikan yang diambil dari teks dalam cerita. Jawaban benar C.

The following text is for questions 35 to 39.

The Songkran festival is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year's Day. It is celebrated from 13 to 15 April. It coincides with the New Year of many calendars of South and Southeast Asian countries. It is believed to have been adapted from the Sankranti Hindu festival. It is now observed nationwide even in the far south.

However, the most famous Songkran celebrations are still in the northern city of Chiang Mai, where it lasts for six days and even longer. It has also become a party for foreigners and an additional reason for tourists to visit Thailand. The most obvious celebration of Songkran is the throwing of water to other people. Thais roam the streets with containers of water or water guns. In addition, many Thais will have small bowls of cheap beige coloured talc and mixed with water which is then smeared on the faces and bodies of random passersby as a blessing for the new year. City officials close off many sections of the street for the festival.

Besides the throwing of water, people celebrate Songkran by going to a wat (Buddhist monastery) to pray and give food to monks. They also cleanse Buddha images in the household shrines as well as Buddha images at monasteries by gently pouring water mixed with a Thai fragrance over them. It is believed that doing this will bring good luck and prosperity in the New Year. In many cities, such as Chiang Mai, the Buddha images from all of the city's important monasteries are paraded through the streets so that people can toss water at them, ritually 'bathing' the images as they pass. 35. The suitable title for the text above is ....

A. New year celebration B. The Songkran Festival

C. Sankranti Hindu festival D. Southeast Asia's water festival

Pembahasan: Title = judul. Memberi judul harus mewakili seluruh paragraf. Teks di atas paling banyak menyebut kata “songkran”, maka jawaban benar B.

36. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. The celebration is longer than a week. B. People come to Thailand for the festival. C. People sell special talc for Songkran festival. D. The most famous Songkran Celebration is in Chiang Mai.

Pembahasan: Baca paragraf ke 2 baris pertama; “However, the most famous Songkran celebrations are still in the northern city of Chiang Mai,..” Jawaban benar D.

37. Where do people celebrate Songkran?

A. In Southeast Asia. B. In Chiang Mai.

C. In South Asia. D. In Thailand.

Pembahasan: Di mana orang merayakan “Songkran”? The Songkran festival is celebrated in Thailand. Jawaban benar D.

38. Why do they pour fragrant water over the Buddha images?

A. Because it will bring them good luck. B. Because they are in the party mood.

C. Because the officials close the street. D. Because the images need some cleansing.

Pembahasan: Paragraph 3: ... pouring water mixed with a Thai fragrance over them. It is believed that doing this will bring good luck. Jawaban benar A.

39. The purpose of the text is ....

A. to retell about an experience in Thailand B. to inform readers about a celebration

C. to advertise a cultural event D. to entertain the readers


Pembahasan: Teks di atas adalah teks deskriptif tentang suatu perayaan (celebration). Jawaban benar B.

For questions 40 to 42, complete the passage with the correct answer.

We had a wonderful holiday in Bali. It was really a great place. The people were friendly, the food was great, and the weather was better compared to home. I spent my holiday at the beach. I (40) ... two or three times a day at the sea. However, my brother, Agus, just spent all his time lying on the beach with his (41)... closed.

The next day, I got on the bus and went across the east coast to see some of the old fishing villages. I learned Balinese culture (42)... - I couldn't say much, but it was fun to try.

40. A. ran

B. swam C. dived D. walked Pembahasan: I spent my holiday at the beach. I (40) ... two or three times a day at the sea; yang terkait kegiatan di pantai adalah berenang. Jawaban benar: B.

41. A. ears

B. nose C. eyes D. mouth Pembahasan: lying on the beach with his (41)... closed. = berbaring di pantai... tertutup > mata> eyes Jawaban benar: C.

42. A. carefully

B. harshly C. eagerly D. easily Pembahasan: I learned Balinese culture (42)... - I couldn't say much, but it was fun to try. Belajar dengan penuh keinginan/semangat (=eagerly) Jawaban benar: C.

For questions 43 to 45, complete the passage with the words provided.

My Bedroom My bedroom is (43) ... . It's about four meters long and three meters wide. There is a bed across the door. A desk

and a chair stand near the window. On the comer, stand three door wooden cupboards to (44)... all of my stuff and my clothes. On the centre of the ceiling, a twenty-watt spiral lamp gives enough light for the entire of the room and functions as a reading lamp as well. I really thanked to my father who designed the room because I have enough space and I stay (45) ... in it.

43. A. fabulous

B. spacious C. hazardous D. tremendous Pembahasan: My bedroom is (43) ... . It's about four meters long and three meters wide. Long = panjang; wide = lebar; menunjukkan luas (spacious). Jawaban benar: B.

44. A. keep

B. reach C. move D. share Pembahasan: cupboards(=almari) to (44)... all of my stuff (=barang-barang) and my clothes(=pakaian) Keep =menyimpan. Jawaban benar:A.


45. A. comfortably

B. awkwardly C. clumsily D. quietly Pembahasan: ... I have enough space and I stay (45) ... in it. (cukup ruang untuk tinggal dengan nyaman) Jawaban benar:A.

46. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.

since my father seriously ill has been- is and hospitalized yesterday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 1-2-4-7-6-3-5-8 B. 2-5-3-6-4-7-1-8 C. 4-3-2-5-6-7-8-1 D. 8-2-4-7-6-3-1-5


my father is seriously ill and has been- hospitalized since yesterday 2 5 3 6 4 7 1 8

Jawaban benar:B. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.

- the sunglasses - who - is - my father - is wearing - the man 1 2 3 4 5 6

A. 6-2-5-1-3-4 B. 6-5-1-3-4-2 C. 4-5-1-2-3-6 D. 2-5-4-3-1-6


The man who is wearing the sunglasses is my father 6 2 5 1 3 4

Jawaban benar: A 48. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence.

- my house - went out - was raining - when -it - very hard the electricity -in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 4-5-3-6-7-8-1-2 B. 1-2-6-8-7-4-5-3 C. 7-2-4-1-8-3-5-6 D. 5-6-8-2-3-1-7-4

When it was raining very hard the electricity in my house -went out 4 5 3 6 7 8 1 2


49. Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful passage. How to make Fanilla milk shake.

1) After that, cut it into chunks 2) Puree again, make sure all ingredients mixed thoroughly 3) Your delicious vanilla milk shake is ready 4) First, peel the bananas 5) Puree until ingredients mixed thoroughly 6) Add ice cream and vanilla extract according to your taste 7) Then place the bananas and some milk in the blender

A. 4-1-7-5-6-2-3 B. 7-1-4-6-5-2-3 C. 1-7-4-5-6-3-2 D. 7-4-1-6-5-3-2

Pembahasan: 4. First, peel the bananas 1. After that, cut it into chunks 7. Then place the bananas and some milk in the blender 5. Puree until ingredients mixed thoroughly 6. Add ice cream and vanilla extract according to your taste 2. Puree again, make sure all ingredients mixed thoroughly 3. Your delicious vanilla milk shake is ready Jawaban benar: A

Note: Puree (verb) : to crush (food) until it is a thick liquid : to make a puree of (food); He used a blender to puree

the soup

50. Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful passage. How to operate the microwaye

1) Your food is ready to serye 2) First, open the microwaye 3) Finally, remove the food carefully 4) After that close the door and set cook time 5) Check periodically to ensure the food is well cooked 6) Then place the food container inside the microwave 7) Restart the microwave if additional cooking time is required

A. 6-4-2-7-1-5-3 B. 6-4-2-1-7-5-3 C. 2-6-4-7-5-3-1 D. 2-6-4-5-7-3-1

Pembahasan: 2. First, open the microwaye 6. Then place the food container inside the microwave 4. After that close the door and set cook time 5. Check periodically to ensure the food is well cooked 7. Restart the microwave if additional cooking time is required 3. Finally, remove the food carefully 1. Your food is ready to serye Jawaban benar: D