Timeless Hemingway




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Timeless Hemingway: A dying hero who never get defeated

Focus on his lifetimeFrom 1950s ~ 1961


•  1.1 The Career and the Suicide   

•  1.2 Writing style: The Iceberg Principle and symbolism

瞎眼的猪• I am like a blind pig when I work in

the bush                          -- "A Moveable


• 我写作的時候,就像一头瞎眼的猪在灌木从里。                                                                                                      --《流动的饗宴》

Major works published after 1950s• Across the River and into the Trees,


• The Old Man and the Sea, 1952.

• A Moveable Feast, 1964.

• Islands in the Stream. 1970.

• The Dangerous Summer, 1985.

• The Garden of Eden,1986.

• True at First Light,1999.

• Under Kilimanjaro, 2005.

‘I wished I had died before I ever loved anyone but her’


• Altogether had 4 wives

• Abortions

第一任夫人 The wrenching love story between Hadley and Hemingway is one of the most poignant in American literary history. Aspects of Hemingway's perspective on it are told in his beautiful memoir, "A Moveable Feast," 《流動的饗宴 》

第二任夫人 「一个未婚女子忽然成了一个已婚妇女的临时手帕交,于是搬来和他们夫妇住在一起,这时候,她便在不知不觉中天真而无情地一步步设法赢得别人的丈夫。这丈夫是个作家,成天忙着,很少有时间陪伴太太,有个朋友陪她总是好的。丈夫工作结束以后,他就发现身边有两个迷人的女子,一个是新鲜而陌生的。如果他活该倒楣,他就会同时爱上这两个。」

「起初是刺激、好玩,而且维持一段日子。所有的邪恶都是从纯真中开始的就这样,你开始说谎,又恨说谎,这就毁了你 ...... 」 (摘自《流动的飨宴》 238 页)


 一九三六年岁末,海明威在西礁岛「邋遢乔酒吧」( Sloppy Joe Bar )邂逅玛莎‧葛尔宏( Martha Gellhorn 1908-1998 ),她是作家也是新闻记者,金发、漂亮,有成就。海明威立刻被她深深吸引。翌年初春时节,她陪同海明威前往西班牙,目的是为了采访内战。这段期间,两人的恋情发展至沸点。直到一九四○年底,海明威终于和第二任妻子宝琳离婚,两人结为夫妇。 然而,葛尔宏不是那种愿意全心为男人而活的女子,她有自己的想法,自己的事业。这两人的关系从一开始就有了破绽,吵吵闹闹的结果,拖到一九四五年,两人便各分东西。


 海明威与第三任妻子玛莎‧葛尔宏的婚姻,从一开始就变了调。二次大战爆发,海明威到欧洲作采访报导,当他遇到《时代杂志》驻英人员玛丽‧威尔许( Mary Welsh Hemingway 1908-1986 ),第三次婚姻便彻底毁了。 

Why did Hemingway choose tocommit suicide despite:

1.He is always a tough guy and he’s got almost everything

2.He said it’s a coward’s behavior to do so when his father killed himself in 1928

3.He believes in christianity in which suicide is thought to be a crime

4.He considered suicide a stupid choice after his painful struggle between two women in 1925

• 史铁生有一句名言:“人为什么要写作?” 最简要的回答就是:“为了不至于自杀。”

He is losing the ability to write.

• Popular novelist Elmore Leonard has said:

"I learned by imitating Hemingway.... until I realized that I didn't share his attitude about life. I didn't take myself or anything as seriously as he did."

How accident prone was Hemingway?

• concussion of the brain 脑震荡• ruptured liver 肝破裂• crushed vertebra 椎骨粉碎 • temporary hearing and vision loss 暂时性听力和视力减退 • first-degree burns from two planes crashes in 1954. 一级烧伤

• Hemingway suffered through an enormous amount of accidents and ailments in his lifetime.

Suffered from depression

• Sent to the Mayo Clinic in 1960

• received a series of electroshock treatments, which some felt did more harm than


Writing style: Iceberg Principle


海明威提出「冰山原则」 I always try to write on the principal of the iceberg.   There is seven-eights of it under water for every part  that shows. Anything you know you can eliminate and   it only strengthens your iceberg. It is the part that   doesn't show.                                           -- Ernest Hemingway, 1958 我总试着以冰山原则写作。水底的部分占整座冰山的八分之七。 凡是你所知道的東西,都能刪去;刪去的是水底看不見的部分,是足以強化你的冰山。 --海明威 , 1958

Symbolism• Hemingway disliked discussions regarding the s

ymbolism in his works.

• Fraser Drew once quoted him as saying: "No good writer ever prepared his symbols ahe

ad of time and wrote his book about them, but out of a good book which is true to life symbols may arise and be profitably explored if not over-emphasized."

Brief Summary• In his early age recognized as a spokesman

for“the lost generation.”• In the 1930's and 40’s published two war-rela

ted masterpieces , which set up his position in literary field.

• Toward the end of his life , he was honored with the Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize in literature. He inherited and developed Mark Twain’s style, on which eventually became his own literary style.

Gun Fortress was born in 1897 he was driving Hemingway's boat "Peiler number" when Hemingway lived in Cubahe cooked and made Ernest Hemingway's favorite cocktailestablish a deep friendship with hemingway


If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays  with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.

                                                            -- Hemingway, 1950

如果你夠幸运 在年轻时待过巴黎那么巴黎将永远跟著你 因为巴黎是一席流动的饗

--海明威 , 1950