Tpd 2015 tielve - myriam - third period - lesson plan 1


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Taller de Práctica Docente 2015

Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain

Co – Tutora: Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur

Lesson Plans – Practicum – Third Period

I.F.D.C. Lenguas Vivas

Taller de Práctica Docente

Alumna Practicante: Myriam Beatriz Tielve

Compañera consultada para corrección: Paula Schulze

Período de Práctica: Tercero – Nivel Secundario

Institución Educativa: Escuela de Educación Media Ayelén

Dirección: Bustamante 2245 – Villa Celina – Buenos Aires

Sala/Grado/Año: 2do A – Turno Mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 30

Nivel Lingüistico del curso: Elemental

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Vida saludable

Clase N°: 1

Fecha: 25/09/2015

Hora: 7.30 a 8.30 y 8.40 a 9.40

Duración de la clase: 120´

Fecha de la primera entrega: 21/09/2015

Teaching Points: Free time- activities. Present Simple – Questions.

Aims and goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to…

o Improve their listening skill by understanding a dialogue between two teenagers about their free time activities.

o Improve their reading and comprehension skill by understanding key information in a text written by teenagers.

o Ask for and give information about teenager´s free time activities based on a reading text.

o Develop their speaking skill by interacting with the teacher and their partners and expressing their own preferences on free time activities.

Language focus:



The ImperativeOpen!Sit!Go!

Action VerbsEat; watch; drink; study; cook; play; wash

NounsExam; restaurant; TV; football; computer.


Verbs of preference

ConjunctionsAnd; but

Greeting people.

Giving commands and instructions.

Identifying and naming verbs of action.

Identifying and naming nouns in description of certain activities.

Expressing preferences

Using conjunctions to add or contrast information.

Wh- Questions in the simple present-What´s the boy´s name?- How old is he?-What does he eat for breakfast?-Where is he/she from?

Affirmative and negative statements in the simple present tense.

-He watches TV in the morning.-They eat soup for breakfast.

I like...; I prefer…; I don´t like…+ action verbs.

Recognition and use of the sound

|ɪː| in eat in contrast with the sound |ɪ | in drink.

NEW GreetingsHow are you today?

Greeting people.

Wh- Questions in the simple present.

The ImperativeListen to!Look at!Work!Pay attention!

Action verbsMeet; read; talk; stay; surf; ride

NounsShopping; music; friends; comics; phone; internet; bike.

PrepositionsOn; up

Adverbs of timelate

Possessive AdjectivesMy; your; his; her.

Definite articleThe

Giving commands and instructions.

Identifying and naming verbs of action connected with free time activities.

Identifying and naming nouns related to certain free time activities.

Using certain prepositions of place and movement, possessive adjectives; definite and indefinite articles and adverbs of time.

Using conjunctions to add or contrast information.

-How are you today? I´m fine.-What do you do in your free time? I listen to music.What does your friend do in his/her free time? She rides her bike.

Questions with Yes/No answer in the simple presentDo you meet your friends in your free time?Yes, I do./No, I don´t.Does your friend watch TV in her/his free time?Yes, she/he does./No, she/he doesn´t.

Polite Requests-Let´s sit down/go to the break/look at the board/open your book on page…/work with you partner.

Expressing Preferences about free time activivities

In my free time I like+ verb with

Recognition and use of the sound

|ɪː| in meet and read.

|aɪ| in ride and bike


Teaching approach: The communicative approach, the students are expected to share information about free time activities with their partners and their teacher. The use of the PPP method will allow me to present new vocabulary in context and give the students the possibility to start interacting in L2.

Integrating skills: Matching and speaking by sharing information about free time activities. Listening, writing and speaking by completing information and talking about two teenagers´ free time activities after listening to a dialogue. Reading, writing and speaking while sharing information with the partners sitting near them based on a given text.

Materials and resources: The board, pieces of chalk, my laptop, my own speakers, photocopies of the different activities and the students´ course book. The course book is Phases 1; Student´s book; Emma Heyderman & Fiona Mauchine; Series Consultant: Alejandra Ottolina. Editorial Macmillan; 2012.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: Students will listen to a dialogue which I have already downloaded in my laptop. While they listen, they will complete a worksheet.

Seating arrangement: In this first lesson students will sit at their tables of two students. There are three rows facing to the board and the teacher´s desk in front of the room. However, they will have to interact in one of the activities with the partner sitting in front of or behind them so they will have to move their chairs.

Cooperative work: The students will work in a cooperative way while they ask and give information to the partner sitting next to them and while they do some peer correction.

Possible problems/difficulties and their solutions during the class: Students are used to interact with the teacher and their partners in L1 most of the time, even they are encouraged to translate in L1 while they are reading a text or listening to a dialogue to check understanding. Therefore, I think that in this first lesson they will find some difficulties in understanding instructions and performing activities in L2. I will use mimes, gestures and even drawings on the board, at the same time I will encourage them to use L2 by prompting some new words and repeating some chunks all the time. Another strategy I will use is yes/no questions to avoid using L1.

Potential problems students may have with the language: It is possible that the students have some difficulties with asking questions using the present simple tense structure . I

will guide them and write some examples of questions on the board so as to help them. However, my first aim in this lesson is helping students understand the importance of using L2 in interactions so I won´t make them feel ashamed in front of me and their partners. It´s possible that they will have some grammar mistakes but if they do not break down communication I will not stop students. In the following lessons I will do some remedial work.

Assessment: I will assess learner´s comprehension and understanding through their oral interactions and their participation and development during the activities. I will also take their homework home in order to check their performance and prepare some remedial work on their mistakes.

Routine: 10´- 15´

Purpose: to greet students and get them into a positive mood to start the lesson.

I will come into the classroom and greet the students “Hello!” EA: “Hello!. I will also ask them “How are you today? (with my thumbs up) Are you fine?” EA: “Fine”. “That´s great! I´m fine, too! Let´s see who is sharing this lesson with me today!” As this is my first lesson with them and I am expected to know who is missing before the caretaker comes to ask me about it, I have decided to take with me the following signs:

I will make them in different colours and they will have the students´ names on them. In this first class I will hand them in to each student in order to set eye contact with them and in the next lessons they will be displayed on my desk so that they can catch and place them on their tables while they come into the room. In this way not only won´t I lose time asking who is not at school on that day but also I have their names on display to interact with them during the activities.

As this is the first lesson of the day, some of the students usually arrive a little late. I will use these ten minutes to ask for their homework in the following way:

T: “In the previous lesson Miss Fabiana, the teacher, assigned you some homework for today. Do you remember?”

Ss: “Yes.”

T: “Ok. Please take it out and I´m going round the classroom so that you can hand it to me! You can also ask me about any doubt or if you want to comment on something about it! Write your names on your sheets, please!” This is the homework their teacher assigned them for this lesson:

Complete the sentences with true information

1- On Mondays, I get up…2. Then, I…3. And after that, I…4. On Saturdays and Sundays, I get up …5. In the afternoon, I…6. In the evening, I…7. My favourite special day is …8. It is my favourite day because…9. On this say, I…10. …(a friend´s name) special day is …11. It is… favourite day because…12. On this day, he/she…

Source: This activity was handed in to students by their teacher in the previous lesson so I don´t know where she took it from.

I won´t ask them to do some peer correction in this first lesson before handing in their homework as they are not used to doing this kind of activity with their own teacher so I think they will not know what to do.

Transition: We are ready to start learning now!

Warm up: 15’- 20´

Purpose: to activate previous knowledge related to free time activities.

I will hand in the following photocopies to the first students in each row and ask them to take one of it and then pass the others out to their partners:

Free time activities

1- Look at the pictures and tick the activities you do in your free time:





2- Match the following free time activities with the pictures above:

Example: 1-H

1- stay up late 2- listen to music 3- ride the bike 4- read comics 5- go shopping 6- talk on the phone 7-surf the internet 8- meet my friends


T: “Have you all got a copy?”

Ss: “Yes!”

T: “Great! In activity number 1 you have pictures of free time activities teenagers like doing in their free time. You have to tick in each circle the activities you usually do in you free time! Is it OK? Let´s do it!” I will mime the action while giving all the instructions as the students are used to speaking L1 and being encouraged to translate in L1 all the sentences they read in L2. Their teacher delivers her lessons and interacts with them in L1 most of the time.

Ss: “Yes!”

I will give them some minutes to tick the activities and I will go round the classroom to see that they are performing the activity in the right way. After some minutes I will call the students attention again and I will give them instructions for activity number 2:

T: “Well done, kids! Now you will do activity number two! You have to match the names of the free time activities with the pictures in activity number 1. For example, number 1 is “stay up late” and I have already matched it with picture H. Is it Ok? Let´s do it!

I will go round the classroom checking understanding and encouraging them to start speaking in L2 while they perform the activity. Some minutes later I will catch the students´ attention again and we will check their matching with the whole group:

T: “Let´s check your answers! Axel, please! Read activity number 2!”

Axel: “Listen to music!”

T: “Which picture shows us a girl listening to music?”

Axel: “B”

T: “Well done! The girl in picture B listens to music in her free time!”

I will continue with the same procedure with the other pictures asking other students to share their answers in turns.

Transition: Well done! Now let´s share with your partners which activities do you do in your free time!

T: “Daniela, please! Which activities do you tick in your photocopy? And Antonella, please pay attention to Daniela!

Daniela will answer the activities she has ticked in her photocopies!

T: “Great Daniela!” Antonella which activities does Daniela do in her free time?”

Antonella will answer my questions if she doesn´t remember all the activities I will ask the whole class to help her.

I will ask two more students at random to perform the same activity!

Transition: “Well done, kids!” Now let´s listen to two English teenagers talking about their favourite free time activities!

Presentation: 20´

Purpose: to foster comprehension of an authentic dialogue about teenagers´ free time activities.

This is the transcription of the dialogue we are going to work on:

Source: cc=ar&selLanguage=en

I have already downloaded the dialogue to my laptop in an mp3 file because I have not internet at school. I will also take some written copies with me just in case there is any technological problem.

T: “Now your will listen to two English students talking about which activities they like doing in their free time. While you listen, you will complete some information in the following chart:


-Yes/No- Which ones?

- Dance- Yes/ No

- Sing- Yes/ No

- Go the bowling Alley- Yes/No

- Go to the movie theatreYes/No

Source: My own design.

I will ask one of the students to read the required information in a loud voice and I will check understanding with the whole group. If the students do not understand what some of the activities relate to I will mime the action in front of them. I will encourage them not to translate in L1.

After playing the recording twice (if it is necessary I will allow them to listen to it three times), I will ask the students questions at random so as to check their answers:

T: “Luis, please! Does Zac practise sports?”

Luis: “Yes! Or Yes, he does!”

T: “Roer, please! What sport or sports does Zac practise?

Roer: “He plays basketball, he runs and he swims!”

T: “Do you have any other information about Zac in connection with sports?” Just in case some of the students have taken notes about the frequency or the days in which Zac practices sports.

I will continue with the same procedure with the other activities and then with Camila.

Transition: “Well done, kids! It´s time to go for a break!”

Activity of transition between the two hours: 7´to 10´

Purpose: to set to work students again after the break.

If there is some extra time before the break I will encourage the students to talk about their own free time activities in the following way:

I will draw these charts on the board:



Then I will ask them the following questions and ask them to come to the board and complete the charts with their answers:

T: “Raise your hands and in turns tell me what activities do you do in your free time?”

Surely students will come with some activities they do not know in English so I will prompt them in L2 and spell them using the English alphabet so that they do not misspell them on the board. If I have not time to develop this activity before the break I will use it as a warm- up activity in the second hour.

Transition: “Well done, kids! Let´s get some information about free time activities!”


Purpose: to foster autonomous learning experience.

First Activity: Reading and Speaking. 15´ to 20´

Purpose: to foster comprehension of new vocabulary in context and check it with a partner.

I will tell the students that I will hand in another photocopy to them, they will place it face down on their tables and they will not allowed the partner sitting next to them to look at it. These are the two photocopies I will hand in:

Student A

1- Read this text about Thomas but don´t share it with your partner

2 – Complete the following information about Thomas:

Hello! My name is Thomas. I am 13 years old and I live in London, England. I want to share with you what activities I like doing in my free time. On weekdays I usually go to school in the morning and in the afternoon. But in the evenings I sometimes listen to music in my bedroom, play computer games or chat with my friends on internet. At weekends I play sports in the local club. My favourite sport is football but I also practise handball and swimming. I usually meet my friends on Saturday evening and on Sundays I do some homework, watch films on TV or just

1- Age: ……………..

2- Lives in: ………………………

3- Free time activities on weekdays : ............

4- Free time activities at weekends: ………….

sleep on my bed.


Student B

1- Read this text about Margaret but don´t share it with your partner.

2- Complete the following information about Margaret:

Hello! My name is Margaret. I am 12 years old and I live in Mexico. I want to share with you what activities I like doing in my free time. On weekdays I usually go to school in the morning so I have the afternoon and evening free. I usually sleep for one hour after school and then I go to the local club to practise judo and aerobics. In the evening I sometimes do my homework but I always watch my favourite soap opera on TV. At weekends I visit my friends or I go to the bowling alley to meet with some partners from school. On Sunday mornings I usually sleep till late and then I have a traditional breakfast with my family.


1- Age: ………..

2- Lives in: ……………….

3- Free time activities on weekdays: …..

4- Free time activities at weekends: …………

Source: I have written the texts and designed the worksheets according to the age and interest of the students.

T: “In your photocopy you will find information about free time activities of two teenagers who live in different countries. You will read the information and complete activity number 2 in your copies. When you finish, you will check the information with the partner sitting in front of or behind you but you do not have to show it to the partner sitting next to you!” I will go round the room checking that the students are performing the activity in the right way and prompting some new vocabulary by miming the action or using gestures. I will encourage students to use L2 while they check information with their partner.

Transition: “Excellent! Now place your copies face down again while you listen to the instructions of the next activity!”

Second Activity: Let´s share our information! 15´

Purpose: to share information with a partner about two teenagers´ free time activities.

I will hand in a new photocopy to the students and will give the following instructions:

Student A: Ask information about Margaret to the partner sitting next to you and complete the following chart.


Lives in:

Goes to school:


Free time activities on weekdays:

Free time activities at weekends:

Other information:

Student B : Ask information about Thomas to the partner sitting next to you and complete the following chart.


Lives in:

Goes to school:


Free time activities on weekdays:

Free time activities at weekends:

Other information:

Source: My own design.

To the whole group:

T: “What is the first information do you need about Margaret or Thomas?”

Ss: “Age”

T: “How do you ask about someone´s age?”

Ss: “How old is he or she?”

T: “What is the second information you need about Margaret or Tomas?”

Ss:”Lives in”

T: “How do you ask about where a person is from?”

Ss: “Where is he/ she from?” I will write all the questions on the board.

T: “Great! Now if I want to ask about sports you usually ask: Does he or she play sport? And then how do you ask if you want to know which sport he/ she plays?

Ss: “What sport does he/she play?” If the students don´t come with the correct answer I will guide them with yes/no questions:

T: “Is it correct to use the interrogative What or Where in this question?”

“Do we use the auxiliary Do or Does to ask about Margaret or Thomas?”

“Do we have to add “s” to the infinitive of the verb play or not?”

T: “Let´s go on learning. How do you ask about people´s activities in their free time?”

Ss: “What does he /she do in their free time?” If the students don´t come with the correct answer I will guide them again with yes/no questions.

T: “Now it is time to work with the partner sitting next to you and share information with him or her. Use English all the time, please!”

During the activity I will go round the room checking that they are performing it in the right way and helping those students who do not know how to perform any of the questions or answers.

Transition: “Awesome! Let´s share your new information with the whole class!”

Third Activity: Talking about Margaret and Thomas 10´

Purpose: Peer correction.

T: “I want some of the Students´ A to share the information about Margaret with the whole group! Any volunteer?” During my observations I spotted some students who are eager to speak at all times during the lesson, I hope they will offer themselves in this activity. If there is no volunteer I will guide students A with questions so as to check their information. I will use the questions written on the board.

T: “Excellent! Does anyone have more information to add?” “Now any volunteer to share information about Thomas?” Same procedure as above.

Transition: “You have learnt a lot today! It´s time for recapping!”

Closure: 10´

Pusrpose: to recap all the activities done during the lesson and to assign the homework for the following lesson.

I will erase the board and then I will proceed in this way:

Recapping :

T: “What was the first activity we performed in our lesson today?

Ss: “Pictures about free time activities and we matched it with the actions!”

T: “That´s alright! And what about the second one?”

Ss: “We listened to two teenagers talking about their free time activities!” And so on…

I am sure that students will brainstorm ideas, I will not correct them in this first lesson and I will repeat them in the correct form while writing them on the board. As the lesson lasts 120 minutes it is a good option to do some recapping in order to help students to recall everything we have done during it. I will list the activities on the board.

Then I will hand them in the homework for the following lesson:

Homework: September 25 th

1. Look at page 34 in your book Phases 1 and answer to these questions:

a- Which of the activities shown in the pictures do you do in your free time?

b- Which of the activities shown in the pictures don´t you do in your free time?

2. Look at page 35 in your book Phases 1 and write complete questions in exercise 6. Bring them to the following to share them with your partner. Example: you/read comics/ in class? Do your read comics in class?


See you in our next lesson! Have a nice week!

Source : Phases 1; Student´s Book; Emma Heyderman & Fiona Mauchine. Series Consultant: Alejandra Ottolina: Editorial Macmillan. (2012; p: 34-35)

Exercise 6 (page 35)

2. what programmes/ you/ yout friend/ watch/ on /TV?

3. your family / stay up late/ weekends?

4. your best friend/ drink mineral water?

5. you/ play sports/ after school?

6. where/ you/ your friends/ go shopping?

7.your cousin/ watch TV/ afternoon?

I will ask a volunteer to read the homework in a loud voice and I will check by asking questions if they understand what they have to do. If any of the students do not understand I will model the activity on the board with my own answers.

If there is some time available before the lesson ends the teacher, Fabiana Soulier, asked me to encourage the students to do some reading. She has a list with numbers and then she chooses one student at random to read the first sentence of a text. After reading this assigned student chooses one number and the teacher tells the whole group who is the person who has to read the following sentence. She asks me to use this strategy at the end of each lesson. In this case I will use the texts about Thomas and Margaret.