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1 @Uji Coba Ujian Nasional SMP Negeri Kota Banjarmasin Bahasa Inggris–Paket-A65Tahun 2013/ 2014


UJI COBA UJIAN NASIONALTahun Pelajaran 2013 / 2014


Selasa, ..… Januari 2014 (07.30 – 09.30)

Read the text to answer questions 1.

1. The text above tells us that….A. this wall is breakableB. it is dangerous to stay in that areaC. the view from this place is amazingD. the waves have already broken the wall

The following text is for question number 2 and 3.

2. The card is sent to....A. wish Santi a recovery from her sicknessB. congratulate Santi on her feeling betterC. greet Santi on her happy thoughts D. send Santi some thoughtful gifts

3. Aunt Irfa and family sent the card because they....A. feel better C. care about SantiB. were thoughtful D. will be better soon

Read the text to answer questions 4 to 5.

4. What makes Aprilia give emotional arguments?A. She is dissapointed. C. She is busy.B. She is happy. D. She is tired.

5. From the text we can conclude that...A. Aprilia felt sorry.B. Devina is emotional.C. Devina usually acts rudely.D. Aprilia did not want to be Devina’s friend.

Read the text to answer question 6 to 7.

6. Where can the students have lunch?A. In the reception.B. In the classroom.C. In the dining room.D. In the activity room.

7. How many rooms are there in the school?A. Two C. FourB. Three D. Five

Read the text to answer questions 8 to 10.

8. What is the text written for?A. To describe the danceB. To retell about the fundraisingC. To inform someone about the danceD. To invite somebody to a fundraising event

9. What should we do to make a confirmation?A. Contacting the United Dance Association.B. Coming to the event before Wednesday.C. Calling 661.333.1234.D. Paying USD 50.

10. How long does the dance event last?A. Six hours C. Eight hoursB. Seven hours D. Nine hours

Read the text and answer questions 11 to 14.

2 @Uji Coba Ujian Nasional SMP Negeri Kota Banjarmasin Bahasa Inggris–Paket-A65Tahun 2013/ 2014

Burned Treatment(1) Stop the burning process. Cool the minor burned area with cool

running water for several minutes.(2) Look for blistering, sloughing or charring (blackened) skin.(3) Minor burns with reddened and no blisters may be treated with

tropical burn ointment.(4) For the pain from a mild burn use over the counter pain

relievers.(5) For severe condition, go to the hospital immediately.


Dear Santi,Since we really care about you ...All of us ... send happy thought

And hopeful wishes ...That you’ll feel better soon

Aunt Irfa and Family

To: DevinaI’d like to express my deep regrets for emotional argument and apologize for my actions.Actually I don’t like this. I acted the way I did because of my fatigue.I hope we can continue to maintain our friendship.

Yours truly, Aprilia

11. What is the quickest and easiest treatment for burned skin?A. Go to the hospital immediately.B. Apply butter or oil to burned skin. C. Shower the burned skin with cold water.D. Directly use the pain relievers over the burn.

12. From the text it can be concluded that _____.A. for major burns we can apply tropical burn ointment.B. we can use warm water to stop the burning process.C. the victim must be taken to the hospital immediately.D. It’s forbidden to use oily liquid over the wound.

13. “For severe condition . . . .” (Step 5)The underlined word has similar meaning to _____.A. various C. seriousB. simple D. minor

14. “… DO NOT APPLY BUTTER OR OIL TO IT!”The word ‘it’ refers to _____ skin.A. blistered C. burnedB. sloughed D. charred

Read the text and answer questions 15 to 17.

15. The announcement is about______.A. English Club C. Pre testB. New Member D. Post Test

16. Based on the text which statement is NOT TRUE?A. The test is for the new member.B. The new member should come after 7 a.m. C. The new member will have a test in Languange Lab.D. The test will be held on Friday, December 20th 2013.

17. The test will be done ______.A. In the afternoon C. In the eveningB. In the morning D. At noon

Read the text and answer questions 18 to 20.

18. What is the text about?A. Pacific Sea C. Kind of fishB. Sea dragons D. Pacific Seahorses

19. The fifth paragraph tells us about ____ of Pacific Seahorses for certain reasons.A. the abuse C. the aquariumB. the medicine D. the environment

20. ‘They have snout and body armor.’ (Paragraph 3)What does the underlined word refer to?A. upright body C. dark markingsB. animal crowns D. Pacific Seahorses

21. Arrange these words into a good – you – please – message – call – after – have read – 1 2 3 4 5 6 7back – this

8 9A. 3 – 5 – 1 – 9 – 7 – 6 – 4 – 8 – 2 A. 3 – 5 – 1 – 8 – 4 – 7 – 2 – 9 – 6 B. 3 – 5 – 1 – 8 – 6 – 2 – 7 – 9 – 4 C. 3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 8 – 6 – 7 – 9

Read the text and answer questions 22 to 24.

22. What does the text tell you about?

3 @Uji Coba Ujian Nasional SMP Negeri Kota Banjarmasin Bahasa Inggris–Paket-A65Tahun 2013/ 2014

ANNOUNCEMENTTest for new member of English Club will be on Friday, December 20th 2013 at 7 a.m. in the Language Laboratory.

English Teacher Mrs. JaneThe Pacific Seahorse (Hippocampus ingens) is a

species of a fish, cousins to pipefish and sea dragons, from the family Syngnathidae. The Pacific seahorse is one of the largest of the 34 known species of seahorse in the world. It can reach up to 30 cm in length.

Like most fish, Pacific Seahorse have gills for breathing, a swim bladder for buoyuancy, two pectoral fins for balance, and dorsal fins that flutter as much as 35 times per second. They have teeth, a stomach, and caudal fin for speed.

As their name suggests they possess the head of a horse, perpendicular to their upright bodies, on the top of which they wear a crown or coronet. They have snout and body armor. They come in many shades and combinations of yellow, orange, grey, white, pink, and may have fine white light and dark markings running vertically down body.

The female uses her ovipositor to deposit her eggs in the male’s brood pouch where they fertilized and remain until hatched. After a period of time, varying from ten days to six weeks, depending on the species and water temperature, the male gives birth to hundreds of live, tiny seahorses, which are miniature replicas of the adults.

Pacific Seahorses are exploited for traditional medicines and aquarium fishes, and their habitats are among the most threatened marine environments. Pacific Seahorses, Hippocampus ingens, are listed as ‘vulnerable’

My Best FriendI have a special friend. She is my classmate and sits beside

me. Her name is Deswita. Deswita looks very simple. However, I really adore her. She is not only kind but also smart.

Deswita comes from a very simple family. Her mother is a servant in her neighbors. She helps wash the neighbors’ clothes. Her father has passed away. In order to help her mother, Deswita works to earn some money. She sells food during our class break.

One thing that I always admire about her that she can manage her time well and always looks cheerful. She also still has her time for studying

A. The writer’s family. C. Deswita and her friendB. The writer’s classmate D. Deswita and her mother

23. ‘However I really adore her.’ What does the underlined word mean?A. hate C. dislikeB. admire D. disagree

24. ‘She helps wash the neighbor’s clothes.’ What does the underlined word refer to?A. the writer’s friend C. the writerB. Deswita’s mother D. Deswita

Read the text and answer questions 25 to 28.

25. When did the party for Grandma be held?A. Friday evening C. Saturday eveningB. Friday morning D. Sunday night

26. “….. we were singing a “Happy Birthday” song for h er . (Paragraph 3, line 4). The word her refers to……………..A. the writer C. the writer’s sisterB. grandma D. the writer’s mother

27. “Blue is my grandma’s favorite color” (Paragraph 1 line 3). The underlined word has a similar meaning to______.A. rejected C. preferred.B. unwanted. D. refused.

28. How did the writer describe Grandma’s feeling about the party?A. She felt pleased. C. She felt unlucky.B. She felt unpleasant. D. She felt disappointed.

Read the text and answer questions 29 to 31.

29. What is the text about?A. The scorpion’s life C. The frog’s kindness B. The frog and his river D. The scorpion and the frog

30. “A deadening numbness began to creep into his limbs.”The following are belong to limbs, EXCEPT ______.A. body C. legsB. wings D. arms

31. What is the moral value of the story?A. Never ever help people near us.B. Our enemies are everywhere.C. Scorpion’s poison is deadly.D. Do not trust your enemy.

32. Arrange the following sentences into a good text!1. Then just before we went to the

airport we stopped at the Bugis street.2. On the last day we had lunch on the

Orhard road.3. On the second day we went to the

Merlion statue.4. Last year my friend and I went to

Singapore.5. On the first day we went to the

4 @Uji Coba Ujian Nasional SMP Negeri Kota Banjarmasin Bahasa Inggris–Paket-A65Tahun 2013/ 2014

One day, a scorpion had to across a river, but he could not do that. Fortunately, he saw a frog sitting in the bushes by the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream.

“Hello Mr. Frog!” called the scorpion across the water, “would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?”

“Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you won’t try to kill me?” asked the frog hesitantly.

“Because,” the scorpion replied, “If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for you see I cannot swim!”

Now this seemed to make sense to the frog. But he asked what about when I get close to the bank? You could still try to kill me and get back to the shore!”. “This is true,” agreed the scorpion, “But then I wouldn’t be able to get to the other side of the river!”

Alright then … how do I know you won’t just wait till we get to the other side and kill me?” said the frog.

“Ah…,”crooned the scorpion, “Because you see, once you’ve taken me to the other side of the river, I will be so grateful for your help, that it would hardly be fair to reward you with death, now would it?”

So the frog agreed to take the scorpion across the river. He swam over to the bank and settled himself near the mud to pick up his passenger. The scorpion crawled onto the frog’s back, his sharp claws prickling into the frog’s soft hide and the frog slid into the river. The muddy water swirled around them, but the frog stayed near the surface so the scorpion would not drown. He kicked strongly through the first half stream, his flippers paddling wildly against the current.

Halfway across the river, the frog suddenly felt a sharp sting in his back and, out of the corner of his eye, saw the scorpion remove his stinger from the frog’s back. A deadening numbness began to creep into his limbs.

“You fool!” croaked the frog. “Now we shall both die! Why on earth did you do that?” The scorpion shrugged and did a little jig on the drowning frog’s back.

“I could not help myself. It is my nature.” Then they both sank into the muddy waters of the swiftly flowing water.

It was Grandma’s most memorable moment last Sunday. On Friday, my sister and I went shopping at the mall. We bought a nice Kebaya. Then, we wrapped it in blue paper. Blue is my grandma’s favorite color.

On Saturday morning, my brother and I helped my sister making a birthday cake in the kitchen. It was a big and beautiful birthday cake I wrote “Happy birthday” on it. After that, we put some chocolate and a candle on the top of the cake.

On Sunday evening, my uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews came to my house. They brought several bottles of soft drinks, and flowers for grandma’s party. My mum and dad prepared for the Indonesian traditional food, such as Satays, Nasi goreng, Opor Ayam, Gudeg and many more.

Soon after all relatives have had arrived, we then sat together in the living room. Finally, grandma blew the candle and cut the cake while we were singing a “Happy Birthday” song for h er . After giving each of us a piece of cake, she opened the present. She told us that she liked the present, and she was smiling a lot to everyone.

We closed the party with saying a prayer for Grandma. The night, everybody enjoyed their favorite foods and had a real good time together.

Universal Studio.6. There we bought some gifts for

friend.7. We took a lot of pictures around the

famous statue.8. We enjoyed a lot of rides from the

famous movies.

A. 4 – 5 – 8 – 7 – 2 – 1 – 6 B. 4 – 5 – 3 – 7 – 2 – 1 – 6 C. 4 – 5 – 8 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 6 D. 4 – 5 – 3 – 7 – 2 – 6 – 1

Read the text and answer questions 33 to 35.

33. Which qualification must all teacher candidates have? A. Good behavior and performance B. Education certificate. C. ExperiencesD. TOEFL

34. What does the phrase “taking care of” mean? A. Looking at C. Looking over B. Looking for D. Looking after

35. When should the applicants submit the application letter?A. On April1st, 2013 C. After May 1st, 2013B. On April 30th, 2013 D. Before June 1st, 2013

Read the text below to answer number 36 to 40!

36. What does the text mainly talk about?A. Chameleons’ ancestorsB. Chameleons’ characteristicsC. Different types of chameleonsD. Reproduction of chameleons

37. What makes the eyes of chameleon special?A. They can change colourB. Each eye has different colourC. They are very bright and very bigD. Each eye can move in different directions

38. “… difficult to spot among foliage.” (Paragraph 3 last line). The synonym of the underlined word is ….

A. the enemies C. the mealsB. the leaves. D. the prey

39. What is the best prey for a chameleon?A. a fine meal C. a sticky tongueB. an insect D. an eye

40. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?A. The types of chameleonsB. The chameleons’ abilityC. The way chameleons eatD. The physical features of chameleons

Read the text and answer questions 41 to 43.

5 @Uji Coba Ujian Nasional SMP Negeri Kota Banjarmasin Bahasa Inggris–Paket-A65Tahun 2013/ 2014

REQUIREDA National Plus School is looking for teachers for the academic year 2013 / 2014 1. A Play Group Teacher 2. A Kindergarten Teacher 3. An Elementary Teacher 4. An Elementary Teacher (Assistant)5. An English Teacher 6. Sport Teacher (male & female)

Qualifications needed :1. Fluency in English (1-6)2. Min 3 years experience in a good reputation school (1-5)3. Good behavior and performance 4. Educational background min S1; Science (1-4) Social or Literacy

(1-2) 5. Taking care of childern (1-4)6. TOEFL (5) Please submit the application before May 1st, 2013 and put the application code to : HR. Departement . Jl. A. Yani Km. 17 No. 10 Banjar Baru 70244

Bantul, November 24th 2013

Dear Amanda,How’s life? Thanks for the letter telling about your holiday

activities.Last Lebaran holiday, my family and I went to the beach. We

wanted to release the baby sea turtles from the Goa Cemara shore. Goa Cemara is located in Patihan, Gadangsari, Bantul. The

walk to the beach was pretty far, but very shady. It felt like we're in the Twilight movie scene, a great for photo shoots! We only adopted 5 baby turtles, each turtle cost 10.000 rupiahs. The baby turtles were just hatched. I thought they were cute. I chose my turtle and named him Timothy. My sister Emma also chose one and named it Dora. Timothy and friends were very skittish in the box, and then right when we set them in the sand, they immediately got still.

We entered Timothy in the race. We were told by our guide, that before the race began, we should face the little babies south, so that when they came out to shore at night, they would remember which way to go. Cool, isn't it? And the race began. I could see how energetic they were. What I noticed was that when they hit the water and were pushed back by the waves, the turtles ran faster, as if knowing what’s ahead of them. They're just about to get swept away by the ocean. I really hated to watch them leaving. It was my unforgettable experience with the baby sea turtles.

Best wishes, Dina

ChameleonsThere are 80 different types of chameleons in the

world, most of which are to be found in Africa, South of the Sahara desert. The common chameleon ranges from the middle East, along the North African coast to Southern Spain.

The chameleon is a slow-moving lizard which hunts for insects among trees and undergrowth. One of its peculiar features is its eyes, which are set in two conical sockets and can move independently of one another. This enable the chameleon to look behind with one eye and in front with the other.

Chameleons are well-known for their ability to change colour. The skin and body markings change colour to match the surroundings. Among the plants, for example, the chameleon is very difficult to spot among foliage.

When the chameleon spots an insect which it thinks would make a fine meal, it shoot out a long, sticky tongue and draws its prey back into its mouth.

41. What is the text about?A. Releasing turtle from Goa Cemara beach.B. Buying baby turtle at Goa Cemara.C. The beautiful Twilight movie scene.D. The race on the beach.

42. What is the name of the writer’s turtle?A. Bella. C. Dora.B. Emma. D. Timothy.

43. Why should we face the baby turtles to the south?A. To make them know their way.B. Because they were very energetic.C. Because the race would begin soon.D. To make sure they were swept away by the ocean.

Read the text below to answer number 44 to 46!

44. A. seat C. parkingB. chairs D. building

45. A. offers C. buysB. sells D. gives

46. A. ID card C. uniformB. paper D. notes

Read the text below to answer number 47 to 50!

47. What does the text tell us about?A. A famous American engineer.B. Henry Ford and his company. C. The Ford Motor Company.D. Ford cheap motor cars.

48. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?A. Ford origin.B. Ford’s company became famous.C. Ford successfully invented a car.D. The first man to mass produce cars.

49. “Because this saved a lot of time and money , ...” The underlined word refers to_____.A. the entire motor carB. mass production lineC. his famous company D. the workers’ small job

50. “The thing that made his company famous was ....”The word ‘famous’ can be replaced by ....A. well-known C. namelessB. unfamiliar D. strange

6 @Uji Coba Ujian Nasional SMP Negeri Kota Banjarmasin Bahasa Inggris–Paket-A65Tahun 2013/ 2014

Henry Ford was a famous American engineer and car manufacturer. He was born on a farm in Dearborn in Michigan in 1863.

Ford was very interested in horseless carriages. He decided to build one himself. He began to experiment with engines until his first car was made in 1893. Night after night he would work on it like a mad man. At last in 1896 the vehicle was ready for a trial run. He then ran it round the block. It went well. Finally, in 1903, the Ford Motor Company was founded.

He was the first man to mass produce cars at a price which people could afford. Although at first he made automobiles that only rich people could afford, he wanted to build a car that was cheap enough for most families to own and in 1903 he succeeded.

The thing that made his company famous was his mass production line. Instead of having each person build the entire motor car, he had one person doing their own small job. Because this saved a lot of time and money, Ford could offer more cars to the American public at a lower price than anyone before him.


There is a new restaurant near my house at Jln. Banua Anyar No. 16. It is big and cozy. It has a large (44) _____lot for the customer cars and plenty of flowers. Dream Food restaurant (45) _____ Japanese and Indonesian cuisine. You should try its oxtail soup and dorayaki cake. They are very delicious. The restaurant also gives a discount for students, just show your students’ (46) ______ when you pay at the cashier.