Wise sayings for happy living / 静思语使你开心生活 (In English & Chinese)#2/9



Wise saying for personality development and live happily. This presentation contains 10 wise sayings uttered by Venerable Zhengyan. The verses have good Dhamma points for reflection. The presentation and translation was done by ipohteh. 静思语培养个性使你开心生活

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静思语培养个性 #2

Live Happily

Wise Sayings For Personality Development #2

脾氣嘴巴不好, 心地再好也不能算好人 。A nice person who is bad-tempered and foul-mouthed is not considered as a good person

知識要用心體會, 才能變成自己的智慧。

Knowledge must be realized to become one’s wisdom.

愛不是要求對方, 而是要由自身的付出。

Love is not demanding but giving


Our greatest enemy is not any other person , perhaps it is our own self.

要比誰更愛誰,不要比誰更怕誰 。

See who loves the other one more, and not who fears the other one more.

The consumers of life while away their time

The creators of life are dynamic and are assets to others



Be patient, kind & loving Don’t worry & don’t fret


One who always looks for excuses can not progress


You dislike someone, it is because you lack cultivation

地上種了菜,就不易長草、心中有善, 就不易生惡 。 Weeds do not grow

easily on land grown with vegetables. Evil thoughts do not arise easily in a mind filled with kindness.
