1990’s 59




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1990’s - 59Music video analysis

The music video opens with a wide shot of the band which immediately suggests their image is important, it then continues to show closer shots of band members – Goodwin’s theory is present here as demands of record label will include the need of close ups of the band.

A close up shot of a hand tapping on a guitar is shown, this fits in with Goodwin’s theory as there is a relationship between the music and visuals . And then a continuous use of close ups follow. I really like the use of a toy bus because it really relates to an idea in my music video, whereby we will be using a toy car in a stop motion effect, the shot also contributes to Goodwin’s theory as there is a relationship between the lyrics and visuals “We were sitting on the 59”.

Stop motion is used as paper unrolls into women characters, this links to our music video idea of using stop motion with play dough characters.And again Goodwin’s theory involving a relationship between the music and the visuals is reinforced by the motion and sound of clapping. And through continuous close ups of band members playing instruments.

A visual effect is present which involves a woman multiplying, this represents an experimentation element to the music video which is conventional of the indie genre as they are unique and different.The bands image also follows the conventions of the indie genre as they are all dressed in casual, everyday clothes.

I really like the use of stop motion and a paper cut out effect throughout the music video and feel it presents the indie genre to be creative and experimental; I feel our music video will relate to this one as it will also involve stop motion and unrealistic visuals.

Overall the music video contains many of Goodwin’s theory including a relationship between the lyrics and visuals, a relationship between music and visuals, many wide shots of the band and close ups of them as individuals. I really like the creativity of this music video and feel it will influence me when creating ours.
