Iron Values TPC Chapter 9


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Trailer Park ChallengeChapter IX

Welcome back to the Rauta household. Last time two dogs were adopted, one of them being Benny here.

The other one is Buffy, completely unrelated to vampire slayers.

This is the last you’ll be seeing of their faces this chapter.

Uranium is being as hostile as always.

Bruce, are you smiling?

“My baby girl is growing up…”

We also have the Ottomas aspiration fodder called Ginger Newson trying to make her way into this family for some reason.

The elderly couple don’t roll a lot of wants for each other, but they still act all cutesy when I’m elsewhere.

Look, it’s Mrs Claus!

“Smile and wave, smile and wave…”

Barium, did you cook that? o.O

“Can’t hear you Voice, I’m trimming my moustache.”

“This isn’t fair! The teachers are discriminating against me!”

“Oh look, he’s doing his homework.”

Unlike a certain Knowledge sim who wishes to go to college.

I wasn’t kidding about Ginger. She spends way too much time on this lot.

Say it with me: Aaaaaw

The lack of nice points is strong in this one.

Actually Neptunium has none, but he’s not old enough to administer noogies.

Plus he spends most of his time doing this.

Sorry for the lack of attention, kiddo.

“Did you say something, Voice?”


Like I said, Uranium is a bad little egg.

She walked off the lot and retrieved the gnome while the thief was still here.

Let’s just say she took it during the fight.

“You’ve gone soft, sis!”

Wow, even Neo is getting pushed around by these kids.

Alcohol problem as strong as ever, Cal?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Voice. This is juice.”

Suuure it is

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s a stray dog playing with a bone that’s not meant for her! *shoo*

“*yawn* You guys woke me up.”

“And then the princess told her twin that she could scram if she didn’t like it in the castle, since the mysterious voice clearly favorised her over the other royals.”

“You know what? I’m out of here.”

“What’s her problem? Does she have a rocket up her butt or what?”

We all live in a yellow submarineYellow submarine, yellow submarineFull speed ahead, Mr. Parker, full speed ahead! ♫

“Just ignore her, Pras. You’ll be free soon.”

Praseodymium finally made it to Sim State U :D

She had the A+ grade, abducted by aliens, creativity and dance scholarships.

As per her wishes she’s majoring in Physics. Kind of appropriate for this naming theme, don’t you think?

She’ll be an adult by the same time as Ura, and won’t be doing any gradework unless it’s in her want panel :3

Back to the main house, Neo pretends like she doesn’t care and walks around with a glitched smile after being slapped.

Ginger, shouldn’t you be at school?

“Unless you haven’t noticed, Voice, I’m ignoring you. You moved me into a playable family for the sake of a dress and haven’t touched us since.”

I needed models, okay?

I led the revolution in my bedroom and I set all the zippers free.We said, "No more war, no more clothes!Give me peace.Oh kiss me! ♫


It’s winter, so no vegetables or fish.

Bye bye points *sniff*

“Thank you for your purchase.”

Stop smiling. I’m devastated.

Ginger’s a stealing…

…and the snow’s un-appealing.

It makes me want to smash something.

Sure, I could make their parents help them with homework, or even have Barium do it for them, but what’s the point?

“This town’s so small and in-bred. I just want to get on a train and get the hell out of here!”

Just a small town girl, livin’ in a lonely wor –

“Voice, stop singing already.

“That’s for making out with my sister!”

Seems like the dogs will get some facetime after all.

Ilo will soon be done with her auto-biography.

Wonder what she’s writing in it.

Stop. Stealing. The gnomes.

Don’t let them do this to you, Neo! You’re the heir, after all!

It’s not him you’re supposed to be mad at.

“Oh, I’m not growling at him. I’m just pissed over the fact that I have to stay in this trailer.”

…you’ll get to have babies?

ACR is lovely. Really.

“What do you mean you aren’t impressed? It’ll be the next 50 Shades of Purple!”

Apparently ‘My Name Is Ilo’ didn’t sell all that well.

43 slides into the chapter, the moment you’ve been waiting for!

Oh this won’t do. This won’t do at all.

That’s better!

“I’m going to barf.”

Quit the whining and start walking.

“I hate you.”

Alright, let’s compromise.

“No, no, no! This is even worse!”

Quit your whining. I may not have a fashion sense, but I am the one in charge.

There weren’t any males of interest back there, so we’re visiting “The Hub”, where Ilo and Bruce originally met.See, even Jill What’s-her-face is here!

“My name’s Trina Dalton, oh ethereal being.

“He’s hot.”

One bolt, but I’ll take it.

Neo, leave this instant.

“But I wanna talk to Brady!”

Yes, but the universe gave me a message that either indicates a conflict in the modificators or an impending asteroid.

Several real life days later, after I’ve removed a mod and used Mootilda’s Hood Checker to remove invalid relationships, I’m confident enough to play the game without fearing for a Big Fiery Ball Visible From Space.

Don’t mind Bar, he’s just practicing some romance.

I wasn’t able to get a good picture of it, but Teresa heart-farted Ilo just before doing this.

I know she’s hot, but she’s a bit too old for you.

This family really loves dancing. Just like me *pretends no one is watching*

Here’s a picture to prove that I actually take care of the dogs.

I’m sorry but non-pixelated ones are more fun.

Two mortal enemies. How you have the time for it, I don’t know.

“*mutter*Thinks she’s so much better than everyone else…”

“Can’t leave the trash on the ground, though…”

Every time she kicks it down, she cleans up the mess. Atta girl

He went back for each and every one that was stolen <3

“At your service, ma’am.”

“Why don’t you go and interact with Ginger, son? She seems like a nice girl.”


“You might even become the best of friends!”

“Dad, I told you to stop interfering with my love life.”

He may not be a matchmaker, but he does know how to repair the plumbing!

“Dad, get out! I need to use the bathroom!”

I don’t think yelling at someone who’s already in the other room will aid your needs.

Hard to say whether she’s busting moves or busting chops.

Probably a bit of both.

Having an angry sim with 7 neat points is actually quite amusing. Right after she’s thrown a tantrum…

…she goes and cleans something.

Meanwhile, the brothers are playing a friendly, innocent game of Rock-Paper-Scissors.

“2 out of 3, who gets to go out with Ginger!”

“I’m on it!”

You know what, I just had a great idea.

Welcome to – wait, what happened to the rest?

“They were too saggy so we left them behind.”

*mumbles at the two loading screens she has to sit trough*

Welcome to Oresha Family Dining!

I wanted to take a family out for dinner when I first got Double Deluxe, but children couldn’t go to community lots yet.


Yeah. I highly doubt that you brought that sponge with you, meaning that it’s been used to clean the place.


Host! Do you call this a family restaurant?!

Now she has to go around asking everyone to be in an outing.

It’s going to take forever -_-

Nothing to see here. Just a friendly family outing.

Cal has a 100/100 relationship towards his old man :3

And these two have a 100/almost 100 relationship.

“Hey, punk! You can slap me all you want back home, but don’t you dare screw this day up!”

I think you can guess how these two feel about each other.

Don’t you feel a bit lonely there, Miss Still-On-Vacation?

Trisha: “I escaped from Twikkii Island for a moment of peace.”

“You guys don’t actually like me because I’m an alien, right?”

“That’s silly, Nep. I love all of my children.”

“Thanks Mom, but I’m talking to these two.”

“Remind me why we’re doing this again?”

“Because both your mother and I have coupons.”

That I forgot to use *cough*

This is the other reason why we’re here.

Most sims reject the glorious thing that is grilled cheese, but since Neo specifically wanted to mention it to him I thought “why not?”.

I’d congratulate EAxis on doing something clever for once, but every sim that uses the bathroom gets the red x from others.

So no cookie.

I sent these two on a date as well just to see how well it’d go :)

Note to self: Once a sim has joined a game of kicky bag, it’s near impossible to get them out.

“Yeah, some bloody lovebirds showed up again, makes me want to hit them with a chair… I’m sorry, did you say table for two?”

I forgot I had “Community Skilling” by Pescado (I think).

It doesn’t really matter for this challenge, right?


“I think your siblings are fighting, dear.”

“Oh, I don’t know any of those people.”

I’m taking that as “Let’s go home”.

“Mom! You’ve got a phone call! Though I wonder what business Brady has with her…”

Oh look, Bruce is reading his teenage son to sleep.

Um, Ben? Aren’t you supposed to be Downtown in 5 minutes?

Oh right, he can’t hear me. Yet.


“Not to brag, but I used to be an A+ student.”

*cough*As a child*cough*

“I have to do interactions that others might benefit from?”

You know you want to. EMBRACE THE LIGHT SIDE

Speaking of The Light Side, look who showed up! :D

When you see it, RUN!

Aw, he likes you.

First kiss joy buzzering what I wish to be Cal’s first kiss.

Teresa was right, this town is small.

Though no one made a fuss about the photo booth shaking.

Seriously, are these townies blind or just uninterested?

“Seven stones that should not be…”

Wrong story.

The date was continued at home, as you can see.

Poor Buffy :(

These two are too busy entertaining each other to notice what’s going on in the backyard.


Welcome to the family, Benjamin. I’ll post his stats next chapter.

~~~~~~~~~Thought it was over, didn’t ya?

The matchmaker slide was a shout-out to jenny42895 at and her Sevenstone Legacy. She hasn’t been active for a while so here’s to hoping that she’ll

return soon.

The dress Ginger mentioned was a mesh edit of the goth dress that came with Teen Style. The edit was made by cloudlessnights at and I turned it into a

default replacement. I later noticed that someone had already defaulted it so I won’t be uploading it. I can link to it if anyone wants to get rid of the tie, like me.

Don’t hesitate to ask for any other custom content you’ve spotted in my pics :)

The song lyrics mentioned in this chapter were from: Yellow Submarine by The BeatlesHurricane by Panic! At The DiscoDon’t Stop Believin’ by Journey.

Happy simming, everybody!