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2008 美国点击率最高的绝美图片

J. 马斯奈 沉思 Andre Rieu 安德列瑞欧

Sunset at Point Reyes National Seashore just north of San Francisco.

The Light behind the Scripps Pier.

Foghorns at the Golden Gate.

夏威夷 Hanalei Kauai Bonfire

鸟瞰洛杉矶夜 Los Angeles view.

Sausalito Morning Morning comes to the San Francisco Bay.

旧金山湾区清晨 .

Golden Gate Bridge - The Passageway.

the concept of beauty!

美的概念 === 拍摄于南卡罗来纳州 Myrtel 沙滩 .

cirrus clouds above deadfall.

Coast Guard 47' Motor Lifeboat in Morro Bay.

sunrise 11-18-07 at Black Diamond Regional Park,Antioch,Calif.

Amazing Rays of Sunset!

神奇的落日光 拍摄于北卡罗来纳州 Havelock.

The Magic of Disney奇妙的迪斯尼 .

Times Square at Dusk 时代广场黄昏 .

Pigeon Point Sky Whale... 加州 Pigeon Point.


The Neo Monoliths of Chicago 芝加哥的微笑 .

Fourth on Lake Austin 7 月 4 号国庆日的德州奥斯汀湖 .

This is Hamilton Pool, one of the best kept secrets in Austin.

Fire in the Summer Sky

Curves Ahead... 曲线行进 拍摄于俄勒冈州 .

This is San Francisco.

Life on Death拍摄于弗吉尼亚州 .

Witness-to-time 犹他州纪念谷 Shot from a flight over Monument valley.

Whitetail in SnowWhitetail in Snow



New York Blue Hour New York Blue Hour 纽约蓝色时刻纽约蓝色时刻 ..

rattlesnake face off at round valley rattlesnake face off at round valley 加州响尾蛇加州响尾蛇 ..

sunrise at black diamond 日落黑宝石 .

Sea In my Fingers (thank friends)大海在我指间 .

Zoomer loves the rain!.

Heart of Satan - What it looks like when fireworks explode inside of a storm cloud over a river拍摄于达拉斯 .


Acrophobic mountain climber.拍摄于阿肯色州 .

华盛顿州 .

华盛顿州 .

Marin County, California.

the hills at sunrise.


The Skywalk of Grand Canyon 大峡谷空中走廊 .

Key West - Florida.

佛罗里达州 Jacksonville 日落 .

Moonrise over the Olympic.

Located in Grand Teton National Park.

Beautiful countryside and farm..

For Sale

丹佛的月亮 .


内布拉斯加暴雨云 .

I Wanna Grow Old with You.


科罗拉多 , 龙卷风 迈阿密 .


Who's Been In The Cookie Jar.

Food Fight!

Edge of the Earth

Running ahead of oneself

Each war is different, each war is the same.

