Lion Rock Tidy Up Report


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垃圾黑點報告“Tidy up, Bring it Back” Report and Blackspots areas

along Lion Rock Trail

誰讓郊野公園…Who makes our country park…

變成堆填區?Become a landfills?

獅子山「自己垃圾自己帶走」行動Lion Rock Tidy Up Bring it Back

• 次數 Times : 4• 日期 Date : 21/2/2015, 21/6/2015, 22/8/2015, 5/9/2015

垃圾分佈情況 (比例佔較多的垃圾類別)Litter Data

膠樽 plastic bottle35315%

樽蓋 Bottle cap572%

膠袋 plastic bag582%

膠盒 plastic box311%

飲管 Drinking Straw141%

包裝袋 food package48921%

包裝袋 角 food package fragment341%

糖紙 Candy package502%

紙巾袋 tissue bag1235%

鋁罐 Can1316%


紙包飲品 Wrap Drink261%

紙巾 Tissue41818%

濕紙巾 Wet tissue562%

藥丸包裝 pill's package221%

建築廢料 Constrution waste141%電芯 Battery


煙蒂 Cigarette butts1758%

煙包 Cigarette package141%

玻璃樽 Glass bottle  673%

果皮 Fruit Peel372%

Total: 2615 pieces

膠樽垃圾數量及其品牌Numbers of Plastic bottle and brand



屈臣氏 Watsons27


維他 Vita124%

清涼 varecool145%

寶礦力 Pocari186%鴻褔堂 Hung Fook Tong

62% 道地 Tao Ti

52%雀巢 Nestlé


可口可樂 Coca Cola9

3%七喜 7- up


怡寶 Yi Po5


康師傅 Tingyi 4


健康工坊 Healthworks2


益力多 Yakult186%

水動樂 Aquarius 4







果汁先生 Mr. Juicy2


葡萄適 Lucozade3




不知名 unknown67


Bonaqua 屈臣氏 Watsons 維他 Vita 清涼 varecool 寶礦力 Pocari鴻褔堂 Hung Fook Tong 道地 Tao Ti 雀巢 Nestlé 可口可樂 Coca Cola 七喜 7- up百事 Pepsi 怡寶 Yi Po 康師傅 Tingyi 健康工坊 Healthworks 益力多 Yakultwian 水動樂 Aquarius 甘泉 雪碧 Sprite 新奇士 SunkistJoy tea 津路 Gatorade cool mr juicyglacean 動力 geyser Ocean Spay 果汁先生 Mr. JuicyNatricia 山泉 Meko 清泉 美孚伊藤園 Ito En ok 果汁 Welchade 龍泉 城巿葡萄適 Lucozade no frils yeo's 佛寶 朝香豆品淳茶舍 tea from Coca Cola eaship 統一 玉泉 果粒橙

Total: 280 pieces

垃圾黑點位置Blackspot Locations

A. 獅子山入口標誌旁斜坡A. (獅子亭附近)

A. Slope near the Lion Rock sign next to Lion Pavilion• 在八月的行動中,我們發現有不少膠


清潔該處。• We found out many plastic bottles on

the August tidy up action was throwed or rushed out near the drains. There are a lot of ants on the litters, so our volunteers are not able to clean up this area.

B. 標誌牌 M102 附近的斜坡B. Cliffs near M102

• 該處有幾塊石頭作椅,而且景觀很好,是作休息的好地方。因此我們在箭咀標示的斜坡找到不少食物包裝、果皮和膠樽。人們應該是在該處休息的時候,順手扔垃圾到斜坡。泛非龍早前幫我們游繩到斜坡執拾垃圾,垃圾分佈估計約佔13 米 X 8 米。

• There are some stone seats adjacent to the cliff. We found out a lot of food packages, fruit peel and plastic bottles at the cliff. We suspect that the people take rest there and throw away their litters to the cliff in front of them. A dragon boat team has helped us to estimate the area which covered with litter under cliff. It was around 13m X 8m large.

The fruit peel under the cliff.

B. 標誌牌 M102 附近的斜坡B. Cliffs near M102

• 部份垃圾應是被風吹落附近密林的山坡。因為坡度太高和林木的阻礙,我們的義工在清理時感到非常困難。另外,該處有不少家居垃圾。我們懷疑垃圾是由附近的住宅吹至或有人在該處露營。

• The litters also be moved by wind to the slope near the cliff which is covered with densely woodland. Our volunteers felt very difficult to clean up this area as the gradient is too high. In the slope, there was a lot of household trash. We suspect someone may stay there or the trashes are coming from the adjacent estate.

泛非龍單從斜坡執到的垃圾The litters collected on the cliffs.

B. 標誌牌 M102 附近的斜坡B. Cliffs near M102

斜坡準確位置Accurate position of the slope

斜坡情況Slope Situation

C. 標誌牌 M104 和標示石 9 沿路斜坡C. Slope near M104 and marker stone 9

• 在 6 月的行動中,我們見到該範圍沿路斜坡有大量膠樽,而且多被密林覆蓋。在 9 月的行動,因大雨膠樽被泥土遮蓋。

• We saw many plastic bottles in this area on the June Tidy up action. The slope was quit deep and covered with dense woodland. In the September Tidy action, this site was covered by clay because of the rainfall.

6 月情況 Tidy up action on June

9 月情況 Tidy up action on September


• 經過 4 次調查,我們發現因獅子山沿路以斜坡為主。夏季,在雨後膠樽因雨水沖刷而浮上地面。但在大雨後,又會被泥土覆蓋。我們找到不少應為 10 至 20 年前的膠樽,應埋在泥下甚久。

• 獅子山是香港人重要的集體回憶,每年都有不少人行獅子山。的確需要大家「自己垃圾自己帶走」才能保持獅子山的清潔。

• In general, we found out that some old litters in slope sites would be exposed after rainfall, but they would be covered by clay if there is a landslip after strong rainfall.

• Lion Rock is our collective memory. Many visitors and locals hike at Lion Rock. We have to tidy up and bring back our own litters in order to keep our Lion Rock trail clean.

誰讓郊野公園…Who makes our country park….

變成堆填區?Become a landfills?

變成堆填區?Become a landfills?

是你!You !

Tidy Up, Bring it back! 自己垃圾自己帶走!

• 保衛郊野公園和其他機構會繼續舉行行山執垃圾行動,請留意「保衛郊野公園」 或「自己垃圾自己帶走」 Facebook 。

• Save Our Country Parks and other organizations will continues the Tidy up action soon, please visit “Save Our Country Park” or “Tidy Up Bring it Back” Facebook for more details.

• Save Our Country Park Website 保衛郊野公園網頁:

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• “Tidy up Bring it Back” Facebook: