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Sweet flag grows on sandy soils that provide enough water for swamps. It is a strongly aromatic plant. Sweet flag is particularly known for its the beneficial effects on the stomach, especially heartburn. Dark rye bread of sweet and sour taste is made from it due to Lithuanian tradition, and it is baked on leaves of sweet flag, which gives it a special aroma that reminds the bread is baked by grandmothers.

Lemna minor is a plant that has got a lot of protein and minerals, so it is a valuable feedstuff for water birds and fish. It grows in lakes, ponds, lagoons, mainly in stagnant water.

Most of them float on the surface of the water. Water lilies are not only decorative, but also provide useful shade which helps reduce the growth of algae in ponds and lakes. Lily attracts insects with its large colorful flowers and tasteful nectar. Fish, ducks, and other animals eat them, too. Some people grow water lilies in garden ponds. These plants are also written in Lithuania’s red list.

It grows in swamps or roadside ditches. People used to cover their roofs with them. In old days, the reed roof was used to cover the outbuildings or barns. At present, more and more often we see a reed roof on vacation homes, villas, where it can compete even with a luxurious roof.


Lithuania's largest rodent is called „bebras“. In the country they were hunted for their meat (especially tails) and fur. All beavers need water to survive. They live in or around freshwater ponds, lakes, rivers. Beavers are known for building dams, canals, and lodges (homes). They are excellent swimmers and may remain submerged for up to 15 minutes.

Baltic grey seals are the largest mammals in the Baltic Sea, living here for ten thousands of years. For many years grey seals have been extremely rare visitors on Lithuanian coast and are strictly protected by national laws. However, in the past several years more and more individuals of this fascinating species can be observed by Lithuanian coastline.

They feed rapaciously on plankton. Carp-a large-scaled fish, that lives alone or in small groups in quiet, weedy, mud-bottomed ponds, lakes, and rivers.

Tench is an easily recognizable fish, with muscular body. It is covered with fine carved scales going deep into the skin and a thick layer of mucus. This fish is able to survive in most unfavorable living conditions.

It is one of rapacious mammals which is in Lithuania‘s red list. Usually they are timid. These mammals like torrential streams or grass-covered lakes. They are lovely and original coastal animals.• SOME INTERESTING FACTS:•Sea otters hold hands when they sleep, so they don’t drift away from each other. •They can dive as deep as 330 feet when searching for food.

Green Toad – belongs to the squad of tailless frogs, amphibians` family. They live in the gardens, kitchen gardens, parks and fields. In Lithuania they are found everywhere, but more common are in the south-western districts. Since 2007, the species are listed in the Red Book of Lithuania.

Our national birdOur national birdThese are large storks, typically 100 cm tall, with a 180 cm wingspan and a long thick bill. Members of this genus are more variable in plumage than other storks, but several species have black upper bodies and wings, and white belly and undertail. These storks feed on frogs, insects, young birds, lizards and rodents. They fly with the neck outstretched.